Faculty Members Publication
Book Chapter
Sayeed Hossain Sarwar and Psymhe Wadud ‘Salinity, Standard of Living and Rights’ in Dr. Mizanur Rahman, Tapas Kanti Baul, Bayazid Hossain and Muhammad Rezaur Rahman (eds), Economic Development versus Human Rights Abuse: Shrimp Culture in the South (Community Law Reform, ELCOP & UNDP 2019)
Journal Articles
Arpeeta S. Mizan, Sayeed Hossain Sarwar, MR Rahman, "Challenges of Taking Human Rights Fact Finding Lessons Out of Classrooms: Lessons from Bangladesh" (2019) Vol. 10, Journal of Indian Law and Society <https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/jindlas10&div=4&id=&page=>
Journal Articles
PhD Dissertation
- Roknuzzaman, M. (2009). When Existing and Emerging Disciplines Meet: Library and Information Science vs Knowledge Management. [Unpublished PhD Thesis], School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan.
Referred Journal Papers (Peer Reviewed)
Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2017). An interdisciplinary encounter between two knowledge domains: Library and information science vs knowledge management, Information and Knowledge Management, 7(10), 19-26. (USA).
Roknuzzaman, M. (2013/2016, publication year 2017). A review of select online academic and research databases. The Arts Faculty Journal, 7(9, 10 &11), 37-55. (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh).
Roknuzzaman, M. and Rashid, M.O. (2016). e-Resource management: Challenges for information professionals in changing environments. The Eastern Librarian, 24(1), 6-22. (Bangladesh)
Roknuzzaman, M. (2013, published in June 2015). Access to and use of Internet by women in Dhaka city. The Dhaka University Studies, 70(1), 205-222. (Bangladesh).
Tabassum, M., Roknuzzaman, M. and Islam, M. Maidul (2015). Usage of a digital library system at a private university library in Bangladesh. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 62(2), 94-103. (India).
Roknuzzaman, M. (2012/2013, published in April 2015). The changing context of libraries: How to increase the usage of academic libraries of Bangladesh. The Arts Faculty Journal, 6(8), 169-194. (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh).
Roknuzzaman, M. (2012, published in July 2014). Knowledge sharing patterns among the users of Dhaka University Library. The Dhaka University Studies, 69(1), 39-56. (Bangladesh).
Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2013). Exploring LIS academics’ responses to knowledge management. Library Review, 62(4/5), 293-311. (UK).
Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2013). Incorporating KM education into LIS curriculum: Perspectives from LIS academics. VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 43(1), 111-124. (UK).
Akanda, A.K.M.E.A. and Roknuzzaman, M. (2013). Rural information provision in Bangladesh: A study on Development Research Network. Information and Knowledge Management, 3(10), 64-73. (USA).
Roknuzzaman, M. (2010, published in Dec 2012). Knowledge management: An emerging interdisciplinary field of research, education and professional practice. The Dhaka University Studies, 67(2), 145-166. (Bangladesh).
Roknuzzaman, M. (2012). Changing paradigms in library education: From library science to information science to knowledge science. Eastern Librarian, 23(1), 1-23. (Bangladesh).
Akanda, A.K.M.E.A. and Roknuzzaman, M. (2012). Agricultural information literacy of farmers in the northern region of Bangladesh. Information and Knowledge Management, 2(6), 1-11. (USA).
Roknuzzaman, M., Hasan, M.N. and Akanda, A.K.M.E.A. (2011). A framework for knowledge management education in digital library learning. World Digital Libraries, 4(2), 125-135. (India).
Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2010). KM education at LIS schools: An analysis of KM master’s programs. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 51(4), 267-280. (USA).
Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2009). How library practitioners view knowledge management in libraries: A qualitative study. Library Management, 30(8/9), 643-656. (UK).
Roknuzzaman, M., Kanai, H. and Umemoto, K. (2009). Integration of knowledge management process into digital library system: A theoretical perspective. Library Review, 58(5), 372-386. (UK).
Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2008). Knowledge management’s relevance to library and information science: An interdisciplinary approach. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 7(4), 279-290. (USA).
Roknuzzaman, M. and Munshi, M. N. (2007). Library and information support services for socio-economic development of Bangladesh. Library Herald, 45(4), 307-324. (India).
Roknuzzaman, M. (2007). Status of human resource management in public university libraries in Bangladesh. International Information and Library Review, 39(1), 52-61. (USA).
Roknuzzaman, M. (2006). A survey of Internet access in a large public university in Bangladesh. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 2(3), 86-105. (West Indies).
Roknuzzaman, M. (2005). Knowledge management in libraries: A conceptual framework. Social Science Journal, 11(July), 191-204. (Rajshahi University, Bangladesh).
Roknuzzaman, M. (2003). Trends in digital libraries: A theoretical exercise. Social Science Journal, 8(July), 217-234. (Rajshahi University, Bangladesh).
Roknuzzaman, M. and Munshi, M. N. (2003). Automation in some special libraries of Dhaka: A survey. Journal of The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), 8(1), 189-206. (Bangladesh).
Nasiruddin, M. and Roknuzzaman, M. (2002). Technological influences on library environment: Contemporary challenges for the professionals of Bangladesh. Rajshahi University Studies, Part C, 10, 23-39. (Bangladesh).
Conference Proceedings
Roknuzzaman, M. and Rashid, M. O. (2016). e-Resource management: Challenges for information professionals in changing environments. A key note paper presented at International Seminar organized by Library Association of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 18-19 February, 2016.
Roknuzzaman, M. (2014). Changing landscape of libraries: How to increase the usage of academic libraries? A key note paper presented at the Seminar on How to Increase Library Usage, Organized by University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) and Library Association of Bangladesh (LAB), September 13, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Roknuzzaman, M. and Munshi, M. N. (2012). Skills for digital librarianship in the context of knowledge management. In: Proceedings of International Seminar on ‘Digital Libraries for Digital Nation’ (pp. 32-45), October 17-18, Library Association of Bangladesh (LAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Roknuzzaman, M. (2011). Procurement of books and libraries in higher education and learning. In: A.B.M. Hussain and M.F. Haque (ed.), Seminar/Workshop on The Strategy of Teaching-Learning Quality Development in Islamic History and Culture (pp. 19-22), December 12-13, Department of Islamic History and Culture, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.
Roknuzzaman, M., Hasan, M. N. and Akanda, E.A. (2010). A framework for knowledge management education in digital library learning. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL 2010) (pp.685-696), February 23-26, New Delhi, India.
Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2009). Knowledge management education in library and information science schools: An exploratory study. In: Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2009) (pp. 27-37), March 6-8, Graduate School of Library, Information & Media Studies, University of Tsukuba, Japan.
Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2007). Interdisciplinary perspectives of knowledge management: Exploration of its relevancy to library and information science. In: B. Martin and D. Remenyi (ed.), Proceedings of ECKM 2007: 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management (pp.820-828), Vol. 2, September 6-7, Barcelona, Spain.
- Bini, N. A. (2021, January). “A synergistic relationship between University of Dhaka and contemporary Dhaka city: A socio-economic overview”, Paper presented at the international e- Conference on Celebrating the 100 years of the University of Dhaka: Reflections from the Alumni-International as well National, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Journal Article
Parvin, R. (2021) The Role of Education in Women Empowerment among Santal Community: A Study in Joypurhat District, Bangladesh, Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka. Vol. 12, Issue 1, January-June 2021, Dhaka. P93-110.
Parvin, R., Uddin, J., Akhter, S. (2020) Consumption Pattern and Nutritional Status of Residential Students of University of Dhaka before Covid-19 Pandemic: A Sociological Study, Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka. Vol. 11, Issue 2, July-December 2020, Dhaka. P131-155.
Translation Work: English to Bangla
Khondker, R., et al. (2021-Present). Global Dialogue (In Bengali). International Sociological Association (ISA), Vol. 11.1. 11.2, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3
Conferences and Seminars
Paper Presenter, "Child Marriage during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspective Bangladesh", In: the 2nd International conference on “Innovation and Transformation for Development ITD-2022, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (29th October 2022)
Paper Presenter, “Elderly Situation and Measures in Bangladesh: A Study on Women in Old Age home in Dhaka City”, In: the 5th International conference on “Co-building a New Eco Social World: Leave no one Behind” (Achieving Community Resilience & SDGs), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (25th April 2022)
Paper Presenter, ““Social and Emotional Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Elderly in Bangladesh: A Sociological Study”, In: the International Virtual Conference on Protection of Rights & Dignity of Elderly Organized by Hindustan College of Arts and Science-Chennai, India & College of Arts & Sciences, Western Philippines University, (28-29th October 2021)
Paper Presenter, ““Occupational Health and Safety of RMG Workers in Bangladesh during Covid-19 Pandemic: A study in Dhaka city”, In: the Virtual International conference on “Innovation and Transformation for Development ITD-2021, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (24th October 2021)
Paper Presenter, ““Cyberbullying and its Influence on Social and Academic Development of University Students during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Sociological Study” In: the Virtual International conference on “Innovation and Transformation for Development ITD-2021, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (23rd October 2021)
Paper Presenter, ““The Shadow Pandemic in Bangladesh: New-normal condition of women in Rajshahi Division”, In: the Virtual 4thinternational conference on “social Solidarity, community resilience and global connectedness, Community Social Work Practice and Development Foundation (CSWPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (6th April 2021)
Research Skill Training & Workshop
- SPSS Software & Statistical Data Analysis for Social Sciences, East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (28th November - 18th December 2023)
- Advanced Research Methodology in Arts and Social Sciences, Center for Advanced Research in Arts and Social Sciences (CARASS), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (28th March-6th April 2017)
6. M. M. Hasan, J. F. Díaz-Morales, & M. H. A. Khan, “Evidence for environment hypothesis: Cross-cultural measurement invariance of the composite scale of morningness across Bangladesh and Spain”. Chronobiology International, 40:8, 1123-1132, (2023). (Details)
5. M. T. Hasan, M. M. Hasan, A. Perveen, & Khan, M. H. A. “Validation and psychometric properties of the Bangla version of Positive Mental Health (PMH) scale”. Heliyon, (2023). (Details)
4. M. M. Hasan, & M. H. A. Khan, “Bangla Version of the Brunel Mood Scale (BRUMS): Validity, Measurement Invariance and Normative Data in Non-Clinical Sample”. Heliyon, 8(6), (2022), P.1-6. (Details)
3. M. M. Hasan, K. S. Jankowski, & M. H. A. Khan, “Morningness-Eveningness Preference and Shift in Chronotype During COVID-19 As Predictors of Mood and Well-Being in University Students”. Personality and Individual Differences, 191, (2022), P.1-5. (Details)
2. M. M. Hasan, J. F. Díaz-Morales, & M. H. A. Khan, “Sex Differences in The Relationship Between Morningness-Eveningness Components, Mood and Well-Being Among Bangladeshi University Students”. Chronobiology International, 39(5), (2022a), P.725–734. (Details)
1. M. M. Hasan, J. F. Díaz-Morales, & M. H. A. Khan, “Bangla Version of the Composite Scale of Morningness: Factor Invariance and Validity with Sleep Habits, Mood and Mental Health”. Biological Rhythm Research, 53(9), (2022b), P.1439–1453. (Details)
Dynamics of internal migration in Bangladesh: Trends, patterns, determinants, and causes
Introduction: Internal migration is essential to understand the population dynamics and the multifaceted relationship between population and development of a nation. In Bangladesh, the study of international migration is more frequent due to its socioeconomic importance and data availability. However, the study of internal migration is less frequent as there lie complexities in measuring internal migration, and data are less available. Thus, this paper aimed to explore the dynamics of internal in Bangladesh.
Data and methods: We utilized data from the Bangladesh Population and Housing Census 1991–2011. The number of internal migrants was estimated using the United Nations Manual on Methods of Measuring Internal Migration- Manual VI. District-wise lifetime and net internal migration rate were the dependent variables where several socioeconomic variables were used as independent variables. The correlation and the stepwise multiple linear regression analysis were employed.
Results: Dhaka, Gazipur, Narayanganj, and all the Divisional cities have the highest in-migration rate, whereas the northern and southern districts of Bangladesh have the highest out-migration rate. The regression model showed that activity rate appeared to be the strongest predictor (β = 0.419, P<0.001) of net migration for 2011, followed by city corporation (β = 0.275, P<0.01) and poverty rate (β = -0.246, P<0.01). However, the lifetime internal migration rate was 9.8% in 2011. The pooled model (1991–2011) for lifetime internal migration showed that activity rate (β = 0.408, P<0.001), population density (β = 0.386, P<0.001), literacy rate (β = 0.341, P<0.001), and city corporation (β = 0.139, P<0.01) were the significant factors of internal migration. Marriage, looking for a job, employment/business, education, and natural calamities were the reasons for internal migration.
Discussion and conclusion: The destinations of migrants are few developed and urbanized cities which needs particular attention in policy planning. If the current migration trends continue, few cities will have an excessive population, which will increase density and pollution, thereby decreasing living standards. Thus, along with comprehensive urban planning, decentralization of government and private institutions must be ensured. Since the rural to urban migration rate is high, the findings recommend more development and concentration in the rural area. Finally, education, training, and work opportunities for migrants should be safeguarded in the area of origin.
COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the adult population in Bangladesh: A nationwide cross-sectional survey
Introduction: Studies related to the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy are scanty in Bangladesh, despite the
growing necessity of understanding the population behavior related to vaccination. Thus,
the present study was conducted to assess the prevalence of the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
and its associated factors in Bangladesh to fill the knowledge gap.
Methods and materials: This study adopted a cross-sectional design to collect data from 1497 respondents using
online (Google forms) and face-to-face interviews from eight administrative divisions of Bangladesh
between 1–7 February 2021. We employed descriptive statistics and multiple logistic
regression analysis.
Results: The prevalence of vaccine hesitancy was 46.2%. The Muslims (aOR = 1.80, p ≤ 0.01) and
the respondents living in the city corporation areas (aOR = 2.14, p ≤0.001) had more hesitancy.
There was significant variation in vaccine hesitancy by administrative divisions (geographic
regions). Compared to the Sylhet division, the participants from Khulna (aOR =
1.31, p ≤0.001) had higher hesitancy. The vaccine hesitancy tended to decrease with
increasing knowledge about the vaccine (aOR = 0.88, p ≤0.001) and the vaccination process
(aOR = 0.91, p ≤ 0.01). On the other hand, hesitancy increased with the increased
negative attitudes towards the vaccine (aOR = 1.17, p ≤0.001) and conspiracy beliefs
towards the COVID-19 vaccine (aOR = 1.04, p ≤0.01). The perceived benefits of COVID-19
vaccination (aOR = 0.85, p≤0.001) were negatively associated with hesitancy, while
perceived barriers (aOR = 1.16, p ≤0.001) were positively associated. The participants
were more hesitant to accept the vaccine from a specific country of origin (India, USA,
Conclusions: Our findings warrant that a vigorous behavior change communication campaign should be
designed and implemented to demystify negative public attitudes and conspiracy beliefs
regarding the COVID-19 Vaccine in Bangladesh. The policymakers should also think about
revisiting the policy of the online registration process to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, as
online registration is a key structural barrier for many due to the persistent digital divide in
the country. Finally, the government should consider the population’s preference regarding
vaccines’ country of manufacture to reduce the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.
Health Belief Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, or Psychological Antecedents: What Predicts COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Better Among the Bangladeshi Adults?
This study aimed to determine the prevalence and investigate the constellations of psychological determinants of the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the Bangladeshi adult population utilizing the health belief model-HBM (perceived susceptibility to and severity of COVID-19, perceived benefits of and barriers to COVID-19 vaccination, and cues to action), the theory of planned behavior-TPB (attitude toward COVID-19 vaccine, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and anticipated regret), and the 5C psychological antecedents (confidence, constraints, complacency, calculation, and collective responsibility). We compared the predictability of these theoretical frameworks to see which framework explains the highest variance in COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. This study adopted a cross-sectional research design. We collected data from a nationally representative sample of 1,497 respondents through both online and face-to-face interviews. We employed multiple linear regression analysis to assess the predictability of each model of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy. We found a 41.1% prevalence of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among our study respondents. After controlling the effects of socio-economic, demographic, and other COVID-19 related covariates, we found that the TPB has the highest predictive power (adjusted R2 = 0.43), followed by the 5C psychological antecedents of vaccination (adjusted R2 = 0.32) and the HBM (adjusted R2 = 0.31) in terms of explaining total variance in the COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among the adults of Bangladesh. This study provides evidence that theoretical frameworks like the HBM, the TPB, and the 5C psychological antecedents can be used to explore the psychological determinants of vaccine hesitancy, where the TPB has the highest predictability. Our findings can be used to design targeted interventions to reduce vaccine hesitancy and increase vaccine uptake to prevent COVID-19.
COVID-19 public stigma in the context of government-based structural stigma: A cross-sectional online survey of adults in Bangladesh.
The state in Bangladesh has instituted a series of policies and practices during the COVID-19 pandemic that reflects structural stigma. Stigma is now considered a complex phenomenon rather than just one set of beliefs. Thus, the level and correlates of stigma toward individuals and households that have become positive with the Coronavirus are of critical interest and importance. This article describes the nature of the Bangladesh government’s unusual labeling practices as a structural stigma and examines the stigma levels among Bangladeshi adults. A web-based cross-sectional study was conducted among 1,056 adult respondents. We used 10 Likert items (α = 0.630) to measure the level of stigmatized attitudes related to COVID-19. The data were analyzed using t-tests, ANOVA, and correlation coefficients to identify the factors associated with the dependent variable at the bivariate level. The multiple linear regression model was also fitted. The findings of the study show that 90.8% of the respondents had at least one stigmatized attitude. The regression analysis result shows that marital status, educational attainment, place of residence, risk perception, and attitudes toward COVID-19 were the most significant factors of stigmatized attitudes among the population in Bangladesh. This study suggests that state-sponsored labeling of COVID-19 positive people should be stopped immediately, and the privacy and confidentiality of the COVID-19 positive people should be appropriately maintained. Health education programs should also be adopted for all age groups to decrease negative attitudes toward this disease by increasing their knowledge and awareness for preventing COVID-19.
Population-Level Preparedness About Preventive Practices Against Coronavirus Disease 2019: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Adults in Bangladesh
This study assessed the preparedness regarding the preventive practices toward the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among the adult population in Bangladesh. Data were collected through an online survey with a sample size of 1,056. We constructed four variables (individual, household, economic, and community and social distancing) related to preparedness based on the principal component analysis of eight items. We employed descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the accuracy rate of the overall preparedness scale was 68.9%. The preparedness level related to economic, individual, household, and community and social distancing was 64.9, 77.1, 50.4, and 83.2%, respectively. However, the economic preparedness significantly varied by sex, education, occupation, attitude, and worries related to COVID-19. Individual preparedness was significantly associated with education, residence, and attitudes. The household preparedness significantly varied by education, residence, and worries, while the respondent's community and social distancing-related preparedness significantly varied by sex, region, residence, and attitude. This study implies the necessity of the coverage of financial schemes for the vulnerable group. Increased coverage of health education regarding personal hygiene targeting the less educated and rural population should be ensured.
Do knowledge and attitudes matter for preventive behavioral practices toward the COVID-19? A cross-sectional online survey among the adult population in Bangladesh
The Government of Bangladesh has adopted several non-therapeutic measures to tackle the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2. However, the curve of COVID-19 positive cases has not significantly flattened yet, as the adoption of preventive measures by the general population is predominantly a behavioral phenomenon that is often influenced by people's knowledge and attitudes. This study aimed to assess the levels of knowledge, attitudes, and preventive behavioral practices toward COVID-19 and their interrelationships among the population of Bangladesh aged 18 years and above. This study adopted a web-based cross-sectional survey design and collected data from 1056 respondents using the online platform Google Form. We employed the independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation, and Spearman rank-order correlation to produce the bivariate level statistics. We also run multiple linear and logistic regression models to identify the factors affecting knowledge, attitudes, and preventive behavioral practices toward COVID-19. The respondents had an average knowledge score of 17.29 (Standard Deviation (SD) = 3.30). The average score for attitude scale toward COVID-19 was 13.6 (SD = 3.7). The respondents had excellent preventive behavioral practices toward COVID-19 (mean 7.7, SD = 0.72). However, this study found that knowledge and attitudes did not matter for preventive behavioral practices toward COVID-19. Instead, education appeared as a sole predictor for preventive behavioral practices toward COVID-19; that means preventive behavioral practices toward COVID-19 was lower among the less educated respondents. This study suggests increasing education as a long-term strategy and taking immediate action to increase knowledge and decrease negative attitudes toward COVID-19 through targeted health education initiatives as a short-term strategy.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
- Jobair Alam and Ali Mashraf, 'Fifty Years of Human Rights Enforcement in Legal and Political Systems in Bangladesh: Past Controversies and Future Challenges' (2023) 24(1) Human Rights Review (by Springer Nature) 121–142.
- Ali Mashraf and Jalal Uddin Ahmed, ‘Operation of Virtual Courts: Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Access to Justice in Bangladesh’ (2021) 1(1) University of Asia Pacific Law Review 1–17.
- Farhana Helal Mehtab and Ali Mashraf, ‘Decoding Children’s Charity Bangladesh (CCB) Foundation v Government of Bangladesh: The First Ever Public Law Compensation Case in Bangladesh and the Way Forward’ (2019) 4(2) Bangladesh Institute of Legal Development Law Journal 9–31.
- Farhana Helal Mehtab and Ali Mashraf, ‘Prevention of Human Trafficking for Protection of Human Rights: Bangladesh Perspective’ [2017] RAB Forces’ 13th Foundation Anniversary Special Journal 81–87.
Book Chapters and Book Sections
- Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Ali Mashraf, ‘Public Interest Environmental Litigation (PIEL) to Tackle Climate Change in Bangladesh: Growth, Challenges, and Future’ in Mahatab Uddin (ed), International Law, Climate Change and Bangladesh (Springer Nature 2024) 351–373 (invited contribution).
- Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Ali Mashraf, ‘Bangladesh’ in Richard Albert and others (eds), The 2023 Global Review of Constitutional Law (The University of Texas at Austin 2024) 33–37.
- Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Ali Mashraf, ‘Bangladesh’ in Luís Roberto Barroso and Richard Albert (eds), The 2023 International Review of Constitutional Reform (The University of Texas at Austin 2024) 41–45.
- Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Ali Mashraf, ‘Bangladesh’ in Richard Albert and others (eds), The 2022 Global Review of Constitutional Law (EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste 2023) 44–48.
- Muhammad Ekramul Haque and Ali Mashraf, ‘Bangladesh’ in Luís Roberto Barroso and Richard Albert (eds), The 2022 International Review of Constitutional Reform (The University of Texas at Austin 2023) 41–44.
- Ali Mashraf and Tahseen Lubaba, 'Public Interest Litigation and the Constitution of Bangladesh: Past, Present and Future' in M Rafiqul Islam and Muhammad Ekramul Haque (eds), The Constitutional Law of Bangladesh: Progression and Transformation at Its 50th Anniversary (Springer Nature, Singapore 2023) 401–420 (invited contribution).
- Farhana Helal Mehtab and Ali Mashraf, ‘Declaration of Rivers as Legal Persons: A Comparative Study between Bangladesh and Other Countries’ in R N Sharma (ed), Environmental Sustainability and Development (Recent Trends and Issues) (1st edn, School of Law, IMS Unison University 2020) 124–147.
- Ali Mashraf and Salwaa Ara Khan, ‘বিতর্কে ট্যাবুলেশন সফটওয়্যারের ব্যবহার’ (Use of Tabulation Software in Debating)’ in F H Yasin Shafi and Shafee Abdullah (eds), আজকের বিতর্কঃ প্রতিযোগিতামূলক বিতর্কের আদ্যোপান্ত (Introduction to Competitive Debating) (1st edn, The University Press Limited (UPL) 2019) (invited contribution).
Conference Presentations and Special Lectures
Conference Paper Presentations (National and International)
- Ali Mashraf, ‘10-Year Review of The Torture and Custodial Death (Prevention) Act, 2013: Identifying Existing Shortcomings and Recommending Amendments’ (NSU Law Conference: Law in the Contemporary World, Department of Law, North South University, Bangladesh, February 2024) [invited].
- Sayeed Hossain Sarwar and Ali Mashraf, ‘From Textbook Law to Law in Action: A Blueprint of Credited Law Clinic at East West University’ (3rd Regional Conclave on Justice Education in Asia: Building Network for Social Justice, Global Alliance for Justice Education and Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) New Law College, Pune, India, January 2024).
- Ali Mashraf and Sadman Rizwan Apurbo, ‘Judicial Activism by Supreme Court of Bangladesh under Writ Jurisdiction: Analyzing 21st Century Practices and Mapping Future Trajectories’ (1st National Law Conference 2023: Law in a Changing World, Faculty of Law, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, September 2023).
- Ali Mashraf, ‘Compensation During and After Rape Trials in Bangladesh: Identifying the Loopholes in the Existing Practices and Outlining the Future Trajectories’ (2nd International Conference on Gender, Social Justice and Sustainable Development: The Asian Perspective, Bangamata Sheikh Fazilatun Nessa Centre for Gender and Development Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, August 2023).
- Farhana Helal Mehtab and Ali Mashraf, ‘Curbing Air Pollution to Ensure Clean Air in Bangladesh: Critically Evaluating the Proposed Legislations’ (1st National Conference on Environmental Law and Policy, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, July 2022).
- Arpeeta Shams Mizan, Sayeed Hossain Sarwar and Ali Mashraf, ‘Clinical legal education in Bangladesh during COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons from iProbono’s virtual street law program’ (International Conference on “Law & Legal Education During & Post-Pandemic”, Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs- BILIA, Dhaka, January 2022).
- Ali Mashraf and Jalal Uddin Ahmed, 'Operation of Virtual Courts: Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Access to Justice in Bangladesh' (UMSAILS-UAP International Virtual Conference 2021 on the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic in the Legal Field, Dhaka, June 2021).
- Farhana Helal Mehtab and Ali Mashraf, ‘Declaration of Rivers as Legal Persons: A Comparative Study between Bangladesh and Other Countries’ (National Seminar on Environmental Protection: Socio-legal Issues & Challenges, IMS Unison University, Dehradun, India, March 2019).
Paper Presentations in Workshops, Seminars and Symposiums (International)
- Farhana Helal Mehtab and Ali Mashraf, ‘Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Mechanisms in Bangladeshi Law: Current Scheme, Challenges & Future Prospects’ (International Faculty Development Programme 2024, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India, July 2024) [invited].
- Farhana Helal Mehtab and Ali Mashraf, ‘Prevention of Human Trafficking for Protection of Human Rights: Analyzing Relevant Domestic and International Legislation Applicable to Bangladesh’ (International Faculty Development Programme 2024, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India, July 2024) [invited].
- Farhana Helal Mehtab and Ali Mashraf, ‘Human rights with special reference to violence against women and children: Comparative analysis of compensation for rape victims in India and Bangladesh’ (International Faculty Development Programme 2023, Chandigarh University, Punjab, India, July 2023) [invited].
Presentations and Special Lectures in Workshops, Seminars and Symposiums (National)
- Conducted a session titled 'Oral Advocacy and the Art of Presentation' at the 8th Workshop on “Mooting and Advocacy Skills” organized by Department of Law, East West University on 30 November 2024;
- Conducted an online learning session titled ‘Unlocking the Art of Legal Writing’ for the members of Dhaka Law Review, the student-run law review of the Department of Law, University of Dhaka, on 24 April 2024;
- Conducted a session titled ‘Social Media and Regulating Discourses of Mass People’ at the 1st edition of the “Debate Study Circle” organised by Canadian University of Bangladesh Debating Club on 17 May 2023;
- Conducted a learning session titled 'Legal Writing: Searching for the "Golden Topic"' for the editorial board members of Dhaka Law Review, the student-run law review of the Department of Law, University of Dhaka, on 26 January 2023;
- Conducted a session on ‘Argumentation in Constitutional Law Moot’ at the 4th Workshop on "Mooting and Advocacy" organized by the Department of Law, East West University on 23 April 2022;
- Conducted a learning session titled 'Learning Session on Oxford University Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA)' for the members of Dhaka Law Review, the student-run law review of the Department of Law, University of Dhaka, on 24 February 2022;
- Conducted the session titled 'How to Approach a Moot Court Competition – Insights for Oralists and Researchers’ for the mooters of Dhaka University Moot Court Society, on 02 October 2021;
- Conducted a learning session titled 'Legal Writing: How to Search a Topic' for the editorial board members of Dhaka Law Review, the student-run law review of the Department of Law, University of Dhaka, on 16 January 2021;
- Conducted the first online workshop on ‘Managing Debate Tabulation Software’ at the Bangladesh Debating Council (BDC) Digital Academy Episode 17 on 29 July 2020;
- Conducted a reading session on 'Public Interest Environmental Litigation in Bangladesh: Growth, challenges and Future' organized by the Network for International Law Students: Bangladesh Chapter on 21 May 2020;
- Conducted a session titled 'Basics of Mooting' organized by Sonargaon University Moot Court Society on 6 May 2019;
- Conducted a session titled 'Basics of Mooting: How to Approach an International Human Rights Law Moot' at the NILS Mooting School (4th Edition) organized by the Network for International Law Students: Bangladesh Chapter on 25 February 2019;
- Conducted the first in-person workshop in Bangladesh on 'Handling Debate Tabulation Software in a Debate Tournament' jointly organized by the Bangladesh Debating Council and East West University Debating Club on 9 November 2018
Notable Publications in Newspapers, Law Magazines, Periodicals and Websites
Magazine publications
- Farhana Helal Mehtab and Ali Mashraf, 'Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Landscape in Bangladesh: Updates from July 2021 to June 2022' (BIAC 11th Anniversary Publication 2022- Seminar on “The Arbitration Act 2001: Dire need for immediate reform”, Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre 2022) 49–50 <https://www.biac.org.bd/wp-
content/uploads/2022/07/ > accessed 25 August 2022.Magazine_11th-Anniversary.pdf
- Farhana Helal Mehtab and Ali Mashraf, 'Reviewing the impact of COVID-19 on judicial settlement of disputes in Bangladesh' (BIAC Bulletin 3 & 4 July-December 2021, Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre 2021) 21–22 <https://www.biac.org.bd/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/BIAC-Bulletin-3-4_July-December_2021.pdf> accessed 25 August 2022.
- Ali Mashraf, 'The Application of Different Theories of Human Rights to the Right to Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion and its Limitations' (BiLD Law Magazine Vol 4 Issue 1, Bangladesh Institute of Legal Development 2021) 15–17 <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OC5TttMhs4qIn_N4FKj3KAnpMCqiMZNY/view?usp=sharing> accessed 25 August 2022.
Website photo story articles
- Ali Mashraf, 'Combating Trafficking In Persons in Bangladesh' (iProbono, May 2022) <https://i-probono.com/case-study/combating-trafficking-in-persons-in-bangladesh> accessed 20 July 2023.
- Ali Mashraf, 'A woman’s place is in the courtroom' (iProbono, September 2020) <https://i-probono.com/articles/a-womans-place-is-in-the-courtroom/> accessed 20 July 2023.
- Ali Mashraf, 'Look back at the 3rd International Forum on the Belt & Road, China: My experiences' (FutureLaw, June 2016) <https://futrlaw.org/look-back-3rd-international-forum-belt-road-forum-china-experiences/> accessed 20 July 2023.
Notable newspaper articles
A list of my selected writings published in the Law and Our Rights page of the Daily Star are available from the following link: https://www.thedailystar.net/author/ali-mashraf
Notable law blog/website articles
A list of my selected writings published in the FutureLaw website are available from the following search link: https://futrlaw.org/?s=ali+mashraf
Law Review Articles
Court Corridor 2020
Dhaka Law Review curated and published my case notes on the landmark decisions from the Supreme Court of Bangladesh from January to December of 2020 under the 'Court Corridor' series I initiated. Read all 12 entries of 2020 from the following link: https://www.dhakalawreview.org/topics/court-corridor/2020
Journal Publications (International and Local)
1. Hasan, S. N. (2017). Comics and Graphic Novels: Counter Narratives to Cultural Products. Crossings, 8, 68-77.
2. Hasan, S. N. (2016). Woody Allen’s Auteurism: Adaptation as Production in Blue Jasmine. Harvest, 31, 45-56.
3. Hasan, S. N. (2017). Elisa Allen: Steinbeck’s Unconventional Portrayal of the Female Character in “The Chrysanthemums”. International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies, 4(1), 55-59.
4. Hasan, S. N. (2014). Teaching Vocabulary through Collaboration: Students as Independent Readers. Journal of Education and Practice, 5(13), 60-68.
Conference Presentations (International)
1. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “Secular, Liberal Humanism and the Conundrum of Citizenship,”
July 29. 7 th Annual Texas Graduate Liberal Studies Symposium. Dallas, Texas, USA, July
29, 2023.
2. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “Artificial friends and the collapse of Humanity,” November 11.
PAMLA 119th Annual Conference. Los Angeles, California, USA, November 10-13, 2022.
3. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. ““Of the Sorrow Songs”: Du Bois and Black Folk Songs,”” October 22.
Sigma Tau Delta Southern Regional Conference. North Georgia, USA, October 22, 2022.
Virtual Presentation.
4. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “Happiness and an Enchanted Living,” April 15.
14th Annual Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies Graduate Student Conference:
Where are we going? Human, cultural, environmental, and technological effects of human
displacement in the Anthropocene Epoch. Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, April 15-16,
2022. Virtual Presentation.
5. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “Exit West and the Magic Doors: A Home Away from Home,”
February 12. The 13th Annual Research, Art & Writing Graduate Student Conference,
February 12, 2022: "Reality, Reflection, and Retrospection." Dallas, Texas, USA, February
12, 2022. Virtual Presentation.
6. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “G. M. Hopkins and Bridging of the ‘Enchantment’ and
‘Disenchantment,’” October 8. South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) 78th
Annual Conference. Houston, Texas, USA, October 7-9, 2021. Virtual Presentation.
7. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “Pauline Hopkins and the Spectacle of Meroe,” October 3. The
Transatlantic History Conference: Spectacle and Power in the Transatlantic World, THSO
2021. Arlington, Texas, USA, October 1-3, 2021.
8. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “Teaching Vocabulary through Collaboration: Students as Independent
Readers,” November 17. International Conference on Language (ICL), Phuket, Thailand, 16-
17 November 2013.
PhD Dissertation
"The Enchantment of Embodied Living: Aesthetic Engagement and Modernity in Contemporary British Fiction"
The University of Texas at Dallas
Conference Presentations (Local)
1. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “Lost in Translation,”5 th International Conference on Transgressing/
Transcending Borders through Translation. Bangladesh, January 25-26, 2019.
2. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “The Ballad of a New York Belle,” International Conference on
Language, Literature, and Community. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 10-11 July, 2015.
3. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “Food and Popular Culture: Toward a More Tolerant Society,”
Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies in the 21st Century: Translocating/Transgressing
Boundaries. Dhaka, Bangladesh, 25-26 May, 2012.
4. Hasan, Syeda Nadia. “Hollywood and Cat on a Hot Tin Roof ,” September 25. Tennessee
Williams in his Centenary Years. Dhaka, Bangladesh, September 25, 2011.
Hossain MJ, Rahman QM, Siddique MAB, Wahiduzzaman M, Kundu LR, Boitchi AB, et al. (2024) Examining the e-cigarette scenario based on distribution, availability, marketing, and banning: A GIS-Based qualitative study in Bangladesh. PLoS ONE 19(11): e03128
Khan, A. H., Rahman, Q. M, & Hossain, M. I. (2024). Factors associated with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms among Bangladeshi university students after one year of COVID-19 pandemic. JADR, 15, 100685.
Rahman, Q. M., Sikder, M. T., Talha, M. T. U. S., Banik, R., & Pranta, M. U. R. (2022). Perception regarding health and barriers to seeking healthcare services among rural rickshaw pullers in Bangladesh: A qualitative exploration. Heliyon, e11152.
Ripon RK, Al Zubayer A, Rahman QM, Khan AH, Rahaman A, Hasan MT, et al. (2022). Factors associated with Facebook addiction among university students amid the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from an online cross-sectional survey. PLoS ONE 17(8): e0272905
Rahman, Q. M., Khan, A. H., Al Zubayer, A., Ahmed, M., Hasan, M. T., Rahaman, A. ... & Haque, M. A. (2022). Factors associated with suicidal behavior among university students in Bangladesh after one year of COVID-19 pandemic. Heliyon, 8(1), e08782.
Banik, R., Islam, M., Pranta, Rahman, Q. M., ... & Sikder, M. (2021). Understanding the determinants of COVID-19 vaccination intention and willingness to pay: findings from a population-based survey in Bangladesh. BMC Infectious Diseases, 21(1), 1-15.
Pervez, S., Naher, S., Pranta, M. U. R., Banik, R., & Rahman, Q. M. (2021). Perception and experiences regarding COVID-19 pandemic among urban young adults in Bangladesh: a mixed-method study. Journal of Public Health, 1-11.
Banik, R., Rahman, M., Sikder, M., Rahman, Q. M., & Pranta, M. U. R. (2021). Knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to the COVID-19 pandemic among Bangladeshi youth: a web-based cross-sectional analysis. Journal of Public Health, 1-11.
Rahman, Q. M., Rahman, M. E.,... & Hosain, L. (2020). Perceptions and barriers regarding telemedicine services among Bangladeshi young adults in the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative exploration. Asian Journal of Health Sciences, 6(2), ID-18.
Moonajilin, M. S., Rahman, M. E., Rahman, Q. M., & Khan, A. H. (2020). Anemia and its risk determinants among young adults: A university-based study of Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Health Sciences, 6(1), 14-14.
Conference Papers
1. Siddique, Farzana Rifat and Islam, Md. Hasibul, ‘A critical analysis on the Right to Fair Trial and application of the Principles of Natural Justice in Bangladesh’, Conference on Article 35 of the Constitution: Towards better Protection of Rights of the Accused, organized by Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA), Bangladesh on 29 June, 2019.
2. Siddique, Farzana Rifat, ‘Poverty alleviation through the rule of law and the implementation of human rights in Bangladesh: A myth or reality?’, National Conference on Rule of Law & Good Governance, organized by the Department of Law & Justice, Metropolitan University, Bangladesh on 2 March, 2019.
Newspaper Op-eds & Blogs
1. Siddique, Farzana Rifat, 'Empowering victims: Addressing right to compensation in trafficking cases', The Daily Star, 20 September 2024, available at: https://www.thedailystar.net/law-our-rights/news/empowering-victims-addressing-right-compensation-trafficking-cases-3707596
2. Siddique, Farzana Rifat, 'Women’s inheritance rights under Hindu Law’, The Daily Star, 16 February 2024, available at: https://www.thedailystar.net/law-our-rights/news/womens-inheritance-rights-under-hindu-law-3544971
3. Siddique, Farzana Rifat, 'Children’s right to environmental protection', The Daily Star, 9 June 2020, available at: https://www.thedailystar.net/law-our-rights/news/childrens-right-environmental-protection-1911397
4. Siddique, Farzana Rifat, ‘Comparative analysis on the Trial of Genocide in Bangladesh and Cambodia: Through a legal lens’, NILS Bangladesh Law Blog, 30 October 2019, available at: https://nilsbangladesh.org/comparative-analysis-on-the-trial-of-genocide-in-bangladesh-and-cambodia-through-a-legal-lens-by-farzana-rifat-siddique/
Academic Research
1. MA Dissertation
Title of the Thesis: “Representation of Religion in African Postcolonial Literature”.
Supervisor: Mashrur Shahid Hossain, Professor and former Chair, Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka- 1342.
2. Undergraduate Research Paper
Title of the Research Paper: “The Concept of Self in Walt Whitman’s Song of Myself and in Select Baul Songs”
Supervisor: Mashrur Shahid Hossain, Professor and former Chair, Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka- 1342.
1. Title of the Paper: "Decolonizing the Biocolonial Mind: Rebooting Resistance against Ecopolitics and Biocoloniality in Select Indigenous Female Poets’ Poetry in Bangladesh". Proceedings of the second annual AEGS conference (p. 46-75) on Struggle and/as Transformation held at Marquette University, the USA, on April 18-20, 2023. https://epublications.marquette.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=aegs2023
2. Title of the Paper: "Baul Gaan o Er Shangketik Bhasha" ("Baul Songs and Its Coded Language"). Name of the Journal: Tottotalash (Vol. I, Issue V, July 2022, pp. 147-177). https://www.rokomari.com/book/263647/totto-talash-5
3. Title of the Paper: “Wo/man(~hood/~liness) in Baul Tradition: Wo/men ≠ What We Mean?” Name of the Journal: Critical Space (Vol. VI, Issue II, February 2018, pp. 25-33). http://www.criticalspacejournal.in/pdf/critical_space_feb_2018.pdf
International Conferences
1. Name of the Conference: New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture (10th International Conference)
Title of the paper: “Rereading the English Translations of the Enigmatic Words of Selected Baul Songs: A Critical Observation”
Date: June 10-16, 2024
Place: Department of Philology, the Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian Academy in Płock, Poland.
2. Name of the Conference: New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture (10th International Conference)
Title of the paper: “A Sociolinguistic Reading of Selected Bangladeshi Baul Songs and a Modest Proposal for Comparative Sociolinguistics”
Date: June 10-16, 2024
Place: Department of Philology, the Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian Academy in Płock, Poland.
3. Name of the Conference: Critical-Affective Pedagogy for Bangladesh: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and Communication in English
Title of the paper: “Benefits of Distraction in Classroom: Critical-Affective Pedagogy in Focus”
Date: May 24-25, 2024
Place: Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh
4. Name of the Conference: From Stabat Mater to Mater Movens: Analysing Discourses on Motherhood
Title of the paper: "‘Stepmonsters’ and the Good Mother Myths in Bengali Folktales: Thakumar Jhuli (1907) in Focus"
Date: July 8-9, 2023
Place: Birkbeck, University of London
5. Name of the Conference: New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture (9th International Conference)
Title of the paper: "A Critical Analysis of the Two Translated Versions of the Quran in Bangladesh: Can the Translators Speak?"
Date: May 29- June 04, 2023
Place: Department of Philology, Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian Academy in Płock, Poland.
6. Name of the Conference: 2023 AEGS Social Justice Conference: Struggle and/as Transformation
Title of the paper: “Decolonizing the Biocolonial Mind: Rebooting Resistance against Ecopolitics and Biocoloniality in Select Indigenous Female Poets’
Poetry in Bangladesh”
Date: April 18-19, 2023
Place: Marquette University, USA.
7. Name of the Conference: Ruptures and Resilience: English Studies in the Now
Title of the paper: “Affective Ecofeminism in Indigenous Female Poets’ Poetry in Bangladesh”
Date: November 4-5, 2022.
Place: North South University.
8. Name of the Conference: ICSL 2020: Gender, Health, Information and Environment
Title of the paper: “An ‘Oblique’ Ecocriticism in Baul Songs”
Date: February 27-29, 2020.
Place: East West University.
9. Name of the Conference: Transgressing/Transcending Borders through Translation
Title of the paper: “Translating ‘mysteriums’ of Baul Songs: Discourses and Debates on Skopos and Freedom in Translation Studies”
Date: January 25-26, 2019.
Place: East West University.
10. Name of the Conference: Language, Literature, Culture and Politics: Celebrating Karl Marx’s Bicentenary
Title of the paper: “Green Politics in Mountain Literature in Bangladesh”
Date: November 30-December 1, 2018.
Place: University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB).
11. Name of the Conference: Refugees in the Public Imagination: Discourse of (Dis)location and (Dis)placement
Title of the paper: “Migration, Public Imagination and the Stories of the ‘godogs’”
Date: December 22-23, 2017.
Place: University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB).
12. Name of the Conference: Redrawing Gender Boundaries in Literary Terrains
Title of the Paper: “The Mystic People’s Woman(hood): Women ≠ What ‘We’ Mean?”
Date: 18-19 May, 2017.
Place: BRAC University, Dhaka
13. Name of the Conference: The River: Flows of Innovation and Exchange in the Global(i)zed English World
Title of the paper: “Of the Bauls, Baul Songs and Baul Tatwa: Knowing the Self”
Date: March 3-4, 2016.
Place: North South University.
1. Title of the Paper: “The Treatment of Women in Baul Tradition”
Date: August 22, 2017.
Place: East West University.
2. Title of the Paper: “Rereading Edward Said’s Representations of the Intellectual in the Context of Bangladesh: De-fining the Intellectuals and Their Intellectuality”.
Date: April 08, 2015.
Place: East West University.
1. Title of the Paper: “Of Baul Philosophy and Baul Tradition: The Bauls, Baul Songs and Baul Tatwa”
Date: November 02, 2015
Place: East West University
2. Title of the Paper: “Introducing Postcolonial Literatures: African Literatures in Focus”
Date: July 01, 2015
Place: East West University
Sinha, T.S.(2014). Acquisition of the Non-generic Uses of English Definite Article by Adult ESL Learners. Language in India,14(2), 224-245.
Sinha, T.S. (2018). Focus on form in second language teaching. BELTA Journal, 2(1), 78-91.
Journal Publications
Sharif, Chowdhury O. (2021). Epiphany of Woolf: Close Reading of the Last Four Paragraphs of A Room of One‘s Own. Cross Current Int J Peer Reviewed J Human Soc Sci, 7(1), 41-44. Print.
Sharif, Chowdhury O. (2017). “SEXISM AND VARIATIONS IN THE USE OF LANGUAGE”. International Journal of Advanced Research (ISSN 2320-5407), Vol. 5, Issue 12, December, p. 1136-1144. Web.
Sharif, Chowdhury O. (2017). “USE OF LANGUAGE OF THE THIRD GENDER IN BANGLADESH: A SOCIOLINGUISTIC STUDY”. International Journal of Advanced Research and Review (ISSN 2455-7277), Vol. 2, Issue 8, August, p. 31-35. Web.
Sharif, Chowdhury O. (2016). "The HeleNeo". International Journal of English: Literature, Language and Skills (ISSN 2278-0742), Vol. 5, Special Issue 1, p. 23. Web.
Sharif, Chowdhury O. (2015). “Diasporic Comparison: The Namesake and Brick Lane”.Critical Essays on Indian Diaspora (ISBN 978-81-7273-966-9), New Delhi: Authorspress. p. 103-117. Print.
Sharif, Chowdhury O. (2015). “The Urge (A Sonnet)”. The Expression: An International Multi-Disciplinary e-Journal (ISSN 2395-4132), Vol. 1, Issue 3, June, p. 101. Web.
Sharif, Chowdhury O. (2015). “Gradual Shift in Treatment of the Character of ‘Ravan’ of the Ramayana”. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature (ISSN 2347-3126), Vol. 3, Issue 5, May. p. 32-40. Print.
Sharif, Chowdhury O., and Tanusri Dutta (2013). “Mother or monster: A postcolonial study of two pathological women in postcolonial literature”. International Journal of English and Literature (ISSN 2141-2626), Vol. 04, Num. 05, July. p. 210-216. Web.
Sharif, Chowdhury O. (2013). “Browning’s Logue: Mono or “Despo””. RABINDRA JOURNAL (ISSN 2477-1714), Vol. 08, Issue 01, Feb. p. 211-217. Print.
Sharif, Chowdhury O. (2013). “Indo-Anglian Poetry: An Image House”. Interactions: An International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (ISSN 2277-3940), Vol. 02, Issue 01, Jan. p. 66-73. Print.
Nur- A Ariya Alam, A Critical Analysis of the Influence of Comparative Constitutional Law on the Constitutional Cases in Bangladesh (2024) International Journal of Law and Policy Review, Volume 13 Issue 1
Nur-A Ariya Alam. Public Figures’ Privacy in the Contemporary Era: An Analysis From the Perspective of Right to Privacy and Freedom of Expression in Bangladesh (2023) International Journal of Advanced Legal Research, Volume IV Issue I
Book Chapter
Rabbi, M.T.A., & Kabir, M.M.N. (2014). Literature review in Applied Linguistics: A conceptual framework. In T. Karunakaran (Ed.), English language teaching in the twenty first century: Issues and challenges (pp. 138-158). Colombo: Kumaran Book House.
Conference Presentation
Rabbi, M.T.A. (2023, May). Classroom Code-switching in an EFL Context: Teachers' Perceptions. Paper presented at the 1st Istanbul Medipol Language School Conference on Social-Emotional Learning and Cultural Competence, Istanbul, Turkey.
Rabbi, M.T.A. (2021, March). Teachers’ perceptions to the higher secondary English textbook in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo, Virtual.
Rabbi, M.T.A. (2018, April). The use of CALL resources for EFL vocabulary development. Paper presented at the Ohio University CALL Conference, Athens, OH, USA.
Rabbi, M.T.A. (2018, March). Shift to multidimensional syllabus: EFL context. Paper presented at the West Virginia TESOL Conference, Shepherdstown, WV, USA.
Rabbi, M.T.A. (2015, July). Krashen’s Monitor Model theory: A critical perspective. Paper presented at the 3rd European Conference on Language Learning, Brighton, UK.
Rabbi, M.T.A. (2015, January). Teaching vocabulary: Putting theory into practice. Paper presented at the Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Rabbi, M.T.A. (2014, August). An apology for multidimensional syllabus at the HSC level in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on ELT, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Journal Article
Rabbi, M.T.A., & Jwa, S. (2021). Examining the current English textbook in Bangladesh: Critical scrutiny from a teacher's perspective. Foreign Languages Education, 28(3), 103-131.
Book Review
Rabbi, M.T.A. (2022). Understanding, Evaluating and Conducting Second Language Writing Research. BELTA Journal, 6(1), 1-3.