Faculty Members Publication
Journal Publication
- Jan, Mohammad Hasan (2013). Room Nineteen: A Room of Susan’s Own. The Eastern University Journal, 05(01), ISSN 1998-7889, 1-5.
- Jan, Mohammad Hasan (2012). The Potential Resurrection in Fire on the Mountain. Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, 27(2011-12), ISSN 1729-8326, 25-41.
Conference Presentation
- Mohammad Hasan Jan. “Hearing the Ecosubaltern Voices from Bangladesh: An Ecocritical Reading of Garo and Chakma Poetry” EmergencE/Y. Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE) 2021 Virtual Conference. 26 July, 2021 to 06 August 2021.
- Mohammad Hasan Jan. “Can the Subaltern Teach?” International Conference on Ecocriticism and Environmental Studies. Birkbeck College, University of London, London, United Kingdom. 20 October, 2018.
- Mohammad Hasan Jan. “Can the Refugees Teach?” International Conference on Refugees in the Public Imagination: Discourse of (Dis)location and (Dis)placement. University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh. 22-23 December, 2017.
- Mohammad Hasan Jan. “Room Nineteen: A Room of Susan’s Own” International Conference on Thinking Other-Wise With/In English Studies. Jahangirnagar University. 13-14 May 2011
Workshop Participation
1. Participated in a two days workshop on Public Writing and Civic Engagement organized by the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE):
Handley, George. Public Writing and Civic Engagement Workshop (Session 1). Association for the Study of Literature and Environment. 29 January, 2021.
Lioi, Anthony. Public Writing and Civic Engagement Workshop (Session 2). Association for the Study of Literature and Environment. 26 February, 2021.
2. Participated in a workshop titled “Postcolonized” conducted by Dr. Sharmila Sen, Editor-at-Large, Harvard University Press, held at the Department of English, Jahangirnagar University on 14 and 15 May, 2011.
3. Attended a workshop on Translation Skills conducted by Dr. William Radice, Senior Faculty of Language and Culture, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London; held at the Department of English, Jahangirnagar University on March 20, 2008.
Webinar Attendance
1. León, Ana María and Andrew Herscher. The Petro-Biennial Complex: Petro-Colonialism, Petro-Philanthropy, and Petro-Culture. Penn Program in Environmental Humanities (PPEH). University of Pennsylvania. 17 March 2021.
2. Winters, Joseph. Recovering the Irrecoverable: Blackness, Melancholy, and the Duplicities that Bind. English Department. Duke University. 22 January 2021.
3. Wiggin, Bethany. A Conversation with Dr. Bethany Wiggin. Environmental Humanities Network. University of Toronto. 4 December 2020.
4. Lester, Neal, et al. Environmental Justice: Indigenous Communities. Project Humanities. Arizona State University. 18 November 2020.
5. McClintock, Anne. Monster: A Fugue in Fire and Ice. High Meadows Environmental Institute. Princeton University. 3 November, 2020.
Shanta, S.A. (2017). The Trend of Using English in Bangladeshi Social and Electronic Media Conversation: Reasons ‘Within’ & ‘Beyond’ the Circle. International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR), 3(4), 34-39. .
Shanta, S.A. (2014). Challenges in Dealing with Mixed Level Students in Bangladeshi EFL Classrooms at Tertiary Level, ASA University, 8 (2), p.217-226.
Azad, A.K. & Shanta, S.A. (2012).Teaching Grammar to the Undergraduate Bangladeshi EFL Learners: A Rethinking. ASA University Review, 6(11), 117-128.
Teaching Grammar to the Undergraduate Bangladeshi EFL Learners
Shanta, S.A. (2018). Culturally Inclusive Material for Non-native Speaking Countries: A Case Study in the Context if Bangladesh. THT Journal, 6 (1), 57-18.
Shanta, S.A. (2016, October). “Empowering ELT Teachers of Bangladesh through Digital Platform” presented paper in BELTA national conference at DSHE, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Shanta, S. A. (2021). Student performance evaluation between offline and online pedagogy: A critical analysis with possible suggestions. Journal of Management Info, 8(4), 231-252.
This study develops a literature revievv and thereby critically analyses the student performance under online and offline teaching platforms. Online education has much popularity as the leading education instruction mostly during the outburst of COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, as of novv clifferent institutes in different countries provide education to the students through online pedagogy. For comparative review analysis, the researcher critically analyzed the current and related published papers in top indexed journals of ISIVVOS 8. SCOPUS. Overall, the review analysis suggests combining online based teaching vvith current teaching trend and thereby employ the privileges of digital learning to explore teaching tactics for the stated learning effectiveness. In particular, the existing relevant literature guides us that the student performance of online pedagogy is significantly better than that of face-to-face platform.
Shanta, Jahan & Mahmud. (2024) Prospects of Incorporating Documentaries and Film Clips in the English Curriculum
Shanta, S.A. (2016, June). “Study of Linguistics can Act as Catalyst for Language Awareness: an observation in the context of Bangladesh” presented paper in the 25th MELTA International Conference, held in Perak, Malaysia.
Mahmud, S.S., & Shanta,S.A. (2017, February)."A Comparative Study on Flipped Classroom as Performance Enhancer". Presented at the 22nd International Conference of NELTA, Lalitpur,Nepal.
Shanta,S.A., & Begum, T. (2017, February)."Effectiveness of Home-grown Material in Non-native Speaking Countries". Presented at the 22nd International Conference of NELTA, Lalitpur,Nepal.
Shanta,S.A., & Haque, S. (2017, January). 'What in News in Forming/Deforming Identity" presented at the East West National Conference 2017
Journal Publications
- Shrestha, S., Haque, S., Dawadi, S., & Giri, R. A.(2021). Preparations for and practices of online education during the Covid-19 pandemic: A study of Bangladesh and Nepal. Educ Inf Technol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-021-10659-0
- Haque, S. (2014). Expectation of Tertiary Students of Bangladesh from ELT Classrooms. Journal of NELTA, 19(1-2), 56-64.
- Haque,S. (2013).Using Cartoons for English Language Teaching in Bangladesh: Progress, Problems and Possibilities. Journal of the Institute of Modern Languages,24,85-94.
- Haque, S. (2013-14).Composition Courses in Private Universities of Bangladesh: Expectation and Reality.Stamford Journal of English, 8, 81-93.
Conferences & Seminars
- Haque, S. & Shanta, S.S. (2024). Multimodal feedback on students’ writing composition: Students’ perception. Paper presented at Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts (LMLEDC), BRAC Institute of Languages (BIL), BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2024). Teaching English in Low-resource Contexts: A Blended Learning Approach. Paper presented at the 2nd TESOL Society of Bangladesh International Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2021). Preparing students through webinar presentations during emergency situations. Paper presented at the Meisei University International Studies Center Professional Development Forum, Japan.
- Haque, S. (2020). Stories from Bangladesh and Nepal: Transition to online education during pandemic. Paper presented at the STAR Conference, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Haque, S. (2017). To blend or not to blend. Paper presented at the National conference of BELTA, Daffodil International University, Dhaka.
- Haque, S. (2017). Factors influencing English language teacher motivation. Paper presented at the 51st IATEFL Conference, Glasgow, UK.
- Haque, S. (2016). Teaching English in difficult circumstances: A Bangladeshi scenario. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference of NELTA, Lalitpur, Nepal.
- Haque, S. & Shanta, S. (2016). Empowering ELT Teachers of Bangladesh through Digital Platform. Paper presented at the national conferencetitled Empowering the English Language Teacher, BELTA, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2016). Shakespeare in ELT: What Do the Students Say? Paper presented at the national conference on Shakespeare titled Shakespeare: Larger than Life, Hamdard University Bangladesh, Narayanganj, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2016). Learner Autonomy in ELT: The Case of Bangladesh. Paper presented at the international conference titled The River:Flows of Innovation and Exchange in the Global(i)zed English World, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2016). Blended Learning in ELT: A Bangladeshi Scenario. Paper presented at the 4th international conference titled English Studies and the Marketplace, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2015). Storytelling in the ELT Classroom for Oral Proficiency. Paper presented at the International Conference titled Diasporas and Diversities: Teaching English in a Changing World, Independent University, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2015). Attitudes and Motivation of Bangladeshi Tertiary Students towards Learning English. Paper presented at the International Conference on Language, Literature and Community, ULAB, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2015). Expectations of Tertiary Students from ELT Classrooms. Paper presented at the 7th BELTA International Conference, NAEM, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2014). Using World War Literature as ELT Material in Tertiary Language Classroom. Paper presented at the International Conference on The Great War and English Studies, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2014). Use of Technology by the Tertiary Teachers for ELT in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the 2nd International ELT Conference, ULAB, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2014). Continuous Professional Development of the ELT Teachers of Bangladesh. Paper presented at the National ELT Conference of Institute of Education and Research, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Haque, S. (2014). Have You Ever Thought What We Want? Paper presented at the 19th International Conference of NELTA, Lalitpur, Nepal.
- Haque, S. (2014). Formative Assessment in Large Classrooms. Paper presented at the 19th International Conference of NELTA, Lalitpur, Nepal.
- Haque, S. (2017). Factors influencing English language teacher motivation. In the 50th IATEFL Conference selections. Kent: UK.
- Haque, S. (2016). Teaching English in difficult circumstances: A Bangladeshi scenario. In the NELTA Conference Proceedings 2016. Kathmandu: Nepal.
- Haque, S. (2014). Formative assessment in large classes. In the NELTA Conference Proceedings 2014. Kathmandu: Nepal.
- Haque, S. (2014). Have you ever thought what we want? In the NELTA Conference Proceedings 2014. Kathmandu: Nepal.
- Impact of Blended Learning on Learner Motivation and Self-Efficacy in EFL Writing Classrooms at Bangladeshi Universities, United International University, Bangladesh, 2024-2025
- Hornby Trust Alumni Project Award, 2020-2021- https://successstoryforum.wordpress.com/
Edited Book
- Giri, R. A., Dawadi, S., Shrestha, S., & Haque, S. (2022). Enhancement approach: Success stories of EFL teachers from Bangladesh and Nepal. Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association and Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association.
Administrative Experience
- Moderator, Undergraduate ELT Question Moderation Committee, Department of English
- Coordinator, Teaching Assistants, Department of English
Journal Articles and Conference Presentation
[Arranged by the Years of Publication, from the Latest to the Earliest]
Rahman, Syed Mahmudur. “Frankissstein: Jeanette Winterson’s Chaotic Take on Human/Transhuman/Posthuman Gender Crises.” Harvest: Jahangirnagar
University Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. 39, 2024, pp. 67-73.
---. "‘The Kraken’: A Time-Surviving Blueprint." Critical-Affective Pedagogy for Bangladesh: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies, and
Communication in English Studies, Jahangirnagar University, 24 May 2024, Jahangirnagar
University Campus, Dhaka.
---. “Hyper Elitism in Writing Literary Criticisms: Theories and References.” Advances in Language and Literary Studies, Vol. 6, no. 6, Dec. 2018, pp. 153-57.
---. “Salman Rushdie’s Dealing with the Children of Midnight.” Wizcraft Journal of Language and Literature, Vol. II, no. IV, Dec. 2013, pp. 85-88.
---. “Film Adaptation from Tagore’s “Shasti”: A Critical Comparative Study.” International Journal of English and Education, Vol. 2, no. 4, Oct. 2013, pp. 128-34.
---. “Humayun Ahmed’s Road to Popularity with Himu and Misir Ali.” Labyrinth: An International Refereed Journal of Postmodern Studies, vol. 4, no. 2, Apr. 2013,
pp. 27-37.
---. “Interplay of Loss and Gain in the Realm of African Poetry.” Dialogue, vol. III, no. II, Dec 2012, pp. 6-13.
---. “Essence of Conflict in African Poetry.” Labyrinth: An International Refereed Journal of Postmodern Studies, vol. 4, no. 1, Jan. 2012, pp. 5-13.
Journal Publications
Islam, N.N. (2024). Mediation Through Dynamic Assessment: Facilitating EFL Learners' Self-efficacy in Speaking Skills. Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 6 (4), 274-283.
Mahmud, S.S. & Islam, N.N. (2022). Project Based Learning for Developing Learner Autonomy: University Level English Language Courses. Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 7 (2), 149-166.
Islam, N.N. (2020). Implementation of Postmethod Pedagogy as an Alternative to Communicative Language Teaching at the Tertiary Level Education. Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 5 (3), 135-154.
Islam, N.N. & Ahmed, I. (2018). Thinking Unconventional: Alternative Assessment at Tertiary Level Education in Bangladesh. International Journal of New Technology and Research (IJNTR), 4 (1), 18-23.
Islam, N.N. (2017). A Study of the Pragmatic Language Impairments of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Language in India, 17 (5), 133-212.
Ahmed, S. & Islam, N. N. (2016). Role of Word Association in a Bangladeshi Child’s First Language Acquisition. Spectrum, 12, 165-181.
Conference Presentations
6th International ELT and Applied Linguistics Conference: Presented a paper titled “Mediation Through Dynamic Assessment: Facilitating EFL Learners’ Metacognition in Speaking Skills” at the International Conference organized by Tribhuvan University (April 2024, Kathmandu, Nepal)
Rethinking Disciplinary Diversity: Challenges of Teaching English in the 21st Century: Presented a paper titled “Method or Postmethod: Implementing Postmethod Pedagogy as an Alternative to Communicative Language Teaching at Tertiary Level Education” at the International Conference organized by the Department of English and Humanities, BRAC University (November 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
15th Asia TEFL International Conference-64th TEFLIN International Conference: Presented a paper titled “Digitalizing Bangladesh: Changing ESL Teachers’ Roles at Tertiary Level Education” (July 2017, Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
22nd International Conference of NELTA: Presented a paper titled “Alternative Assessment in Bangladesh: Thinking beyond the Traditional Examination Hall” with a Lecturer in English of the Department of English, American International University-Bangladesh (February 2017, Kathmandu, Nepal)
National Conference on New Media and Identity: Presented a paper titled “How Educators Can Best Utilize the Resources of New Media for Professional Developments: An Exploratory Study” with an Assistant Professor in English of the Department of English, East West University at the National Conference organized by the Department of English, East West University (January 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
International Conference on Language Assessment, Impairments, and Intervention: Presented a paper titled “Linguistic Impairments of Children with Classic Autism” at the international conference arranged by the Department of English and Humanities, BRAC University (March 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh
International Conference on Language, Literature and Community: Presented a paper titled “Role of Word Association in a Bangladeshi Child’s First Language Acquisition” with a Senior Lecturer in English of the Department of English and Humanities, BRAC University at the international conference organized by the Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (July 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
Selected Workshops and Training
Workshop on Redesigning Course Outlines: Participated in this workshop to redesign course outlines for fall 2023 (August 2023)
Workshop on Capacity Building in Outcome-Based Education (OBE) Teaching Methods: Participated in a workshop and gave a presentation on a course to improve different aspects of the course curriculum, teaching methods, and assessment tools for the faculty members of the Department of English (February 2022)
Training Workshop on Online Platform: Participated in a training workshop on the use of online tools to facilitate online teaching organized by East West University Center for Research and Training (June 2020)
Learning Workshop of Building Capacity to Prevent Violence Against Women: Participated in a workshop titled “Building Capacity to Prevent Violence Against Women” as one of the representatives from East West University (2018)
Workshop on Cooperative Learning and Classroom Management: Participated in a workshop titled “Cooperative Learning and Classroom Management” organized by the IQAC of East West University (2017)
English Language Teaching Professional Development: Participated in “English Language Teacher Development Programme” organized by BELTA in collaboration with the English Department of Southeast University and sponsored by the American Center, US Embassy (December 2016)
Use of Technology in the ESL Classroom: Participated in “English Language Teacher Development Programme” organized by BELTA in collaboration with the English Department of Southeast University and sponsored by the American Center, US Embassy (May 2016)
Assessment for Learning: Participated in this workshop organized by the British Council (February 2016)
How to Get Published: Participated in a workshop conducted by Professor Joya Chattreji and organized by the Department of Economics and Social Science, BRAC University (2015)
Academic Achievements
Highest Distinction: Achieved the Highest Distinction in both undergraduate and postgraduate programs for obtaining CGPA 3.91 and 3.98 respectively
Vice Chancellor’s Gold Medal: Awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Gold Medal for obtaining the highest CGPA of 3.91 out of 4.0 among students who received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in English (9th convocation batch, 2014)
Vice Chancellor’s Certificate: Awarded six Vice Chancellor’s certificates (those who achieved the GPA of 3.9 and above) for academic excellence in 2010, 2011, 2012
Dean’s Certificate: Awarded two Dean’s certificates (those who achieved the GPA of 3.7 to 3.89) for academic excellence in 2011 and 2012
Scholarship: Awarded Performance-Based Scholarship during undergraduate and postgraduate programs (those who achieved the CGPA of 3.7 and above)
1. Title: Variation in Process Writing Practice: A Comparative Study on the Portfolios of Bangladeshi tertiary Level Writing Courses
Journal: Southeast university Journal of English Department, Volume 2, Issue 1, December 2017
2. Title: Learning English as a Second Language: Bangladeshi English-major learners within intra-cultural power relationship
Journal: East West Journal of Humanities, Volume 6 &7, 2016-2017
3. Title: Blended Supervision of Thesis: Lessons and Future Directions from COVID-19 and Post-Pandemic Situation’,
Journal: Crossings, 15(1), 2024
- 11th BELTA Conference. BELTA-NSU International Conference (December 6-7, 2024); Topic: Being a Teacher in Bangladesh 2.0: The Post-traumatic Teaching and Assessment Strategies in Tertiary Classroom
- 11th BELTA Conference. BELTA-NSU International Conference (December 6-7, 2024); Topic: Students' Perspectives in Using E-Portfolio for Tertiary-level Academic Writing
- Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts (LMLEDC), BRAC Institute of Languages (November 28-30, 2024); Topic: Integration of Technology in Teaching Tertiary level Writing Skills
- Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts (LMLEDC), BRAC Institute of Languages (November 28-30, 2024); Topic: Non-Native Speech Production: Location and Size of Constriction in Tense and Lax Vowels,
- 2nd TESOLBD International Conference themed TESOL in Transition: 4th International Revolution and Beyond (February 9-10, 2024); Topic: Metacognition towards AI Tools to Scaffold Tertiary-level English Writing Skills
- International Conference on Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity ATLEB-EWU (July 28-29, 2023); Topic: Students’ Psychology in Applying Composition Writing Skills in Tertiary Level Literature Courses in Bangladesh
- 10th BELTA International Conference (November 18-19, 2022); Topic: Transition in Teaching Writing Skills: A Shift to Online Platform
- BELTA National Conference (October 20-21, 2017) ;Topic: Teaching Speaking through Google Classroom in EFL Context
- BELTA International Conference (January 12-14, 2018); Topic: Comparing Process Writing through Portfolios in Tertiary Essay Writing Courses
- ENH Conference, 2018 at BRAC University (November 16, 2018); Topic: Fossilized L1 Skills among Bangladeshi English Medium Students and Its Consequences
- 5th International Conference on Transgressing/Transcending Borders through Translation at East West University; Topic: A Comparative Study on Bengali to English Poetry Translation through Machine Translators
Funded Project
Primary Investigator (October 2023- December 2024)
Project Title: Assessment through E-portfolio in Bangladeshi Tertiary Level English Writing Course
Funded by: East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT)
Journal Publications
1.Biswas, M. (2024) ‘Matching Auditory Description with Visual Objects in an Interactive Setting’, English Teaching Forum: A Quarterly Journal for English Teachers, 62 (4). https://americanenglish.state.gov/resources/english-teaching-forum-2024-volume-62-number-4
2. Biswas, M (2022). "English as a Status Marker on Facebook: The Case of Bangladeshi University Students." Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, vol.13 (1), pp.23-35. https://deh.ulab.
3. Biswas, M. (2021). Board Examinations in Bangladesh: Some Social Stereotypes and Their Negative Effects on Students. IDEAS: A Journal of Literature Arts and Culture, 6 (1), pp.123-138. https://www.academia.edu/44840357/Ideas_Journal_Vol_
4. Biswas, M. (2020). Written Feedback on Midterm Scripts: Students’ Expectations, Problems and Preferences. BELTA Journal, 4 (1), pp. 20-31. Doi: https://doi.org/10.36832/beltaj.2020.0401.02
Conference Presentations
- Biswas, M. (2024, November 28-30). Translanguaging: A Tool for Equity and Social Justice in Tertiary-level EFL Classes in Decolonial Bangladesh. Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Bangladesh, BIL, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Biswas, M. (2024, November 15-17). Translanguaging as a Tool for Equity for Tertiary-level EFL Classes in Bangladesh. 22nd AsiaTEFL International Conference 2024 on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Chiang Rai, Thailand.
- Biswas, M. (2024, September 16-18). Memory, Security and Sustainability of Environment in Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology) and Earth Song. Memory, Security and Sustainability, Indian Network for Memory Studies (INMS) International Conference 2024, Center for Memory Studies (CMS), IIT Madras, Chennai, India.
- Biswas¸ M. (2024¸ February 16-17). An Ecofeminist Criticism of Haldaa: Diving Deep into the Domination of Nature and Women in Riverine Bangladesh. 3rd International Conference, ICEHG, 2024¸ Department of English¸ SUST
- Biswas¸ M. (2024¸February 9-10). Examining Flipped Classrooms in Bangladesh: Are Our Students Ready? TESOL in Transition: 4th Industrial Revolution and Beyond. TESOL Bangladesh
- Biswas, M. (2023, December 8). Examining University Student's Disconnection between Acquisition and Application of Academic Writing Skills in Bangladesh. National Symposium: English Connects, Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts (ULAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Biswas, M. (2023, November 25). Listening: An Unheard Skill in Bangladeshi EFL Classrooms. BELTA National Conference 2023 in partnership with Jashore University of Science and Technology, Jashore, Bangladesh.
- Biswas, M. & Fatema, K. (2023, July 28-29). Students' Psychology in Applying Composition Writing Skills in Tertiary Level Literature Courses in Bangladesh. Teaching Literature and Interdisciplinarity, Department of English, EWU and Association of Teachers of Literatures in English, Bangladesh (ATLEB).
- Biswas, M. (2023, May 4-5). Indirectness as a Politeness Strategy: A Comparative Study of Male and Female University Students of Bangladesh. Mapping Gendered Spaces in Language, Literature and Culture, Department of English, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Biswas, M. (2021, September 2-4). English as a Status Marker on Facebook: The Case of Bangladeshi University students. Entangled Englishes in Translocal Spaces, Department of English, University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh.
- Biswas, M. (2020, January 27-29). Board examinations in Bangladesh: Some Social Stereotypes and Their Negative Effects on Students. First Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences (ICSL), East West University, Bangladesh.
Other publications
- Biswas, M.(2017, April 30). A Golden Age: A War Novel. The Asian Age, p.6. https://dailyasianage.com/news/58979/a-golden-age-a-war-novel
1. S.H.K. Abir, "Using Literary Texts in ELT Classrooms: The Pinnacle of Promoting Learner Autonomy?" Research Journal of English (RJOE), Vol - 5(2), (2020), P. 101. Doi- : http://doi.org/10.36993/RJOE.2020.101118
2. T.S. Mahboob & S.H.K. Abir, "From Classroom Discourse to a Business Product: The Commercialization of English in Bangladesh" English Studies and the Marketplace, (2018), P. 83.
3. S.H.K. Abir, " European Painting and World War I: Evolution of Modern Era and Beyond" East West Journal of Humanities, Vols. 6 & 7, (2016-2017), p. 152.
Abir, M. S. U. H. K. (2021). ’Controlled by’ and ’Controlling with’ Sex: Comparing Portrayal of ’Nooran’ and ’Haseena Begum’ - Two Female Characters of Khushwant Singh’s Modern Classic: Train to Pakistan. International Journal of Literature Studies, 1(1),
Abir, M.S.U.K,(2022). “Integrative” or “Instrumental”?: Motivation that works closely during the adolescence days of Female English Language Learners of Different Universities of Bangladesh. THE JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING, LITERATURE, AND
Abir. (2022). “Integrative” or “Instrumental”?: Motivation that works closely during the adolescence days of Female English Language Learners of Different Universities of Bangladesh. THE JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING, LITERATURE, AND APPLIED LINGUISTICS (JELA), 4(2), 89–97. https://jela.stkippasundan.ac.id/index.php/jela/article/view/84
Journal Publications
- Biswas, A., & Kabir, T.S. (2020). Assessing the Mentoring Service in Department of English: A Case from Bangladeshi Public University. BELTA Journal, 4(1), 32–43. https://doi.org/10.36832/beltaj.2020.0401.03
- Kabir, T.S. (2020) “Teachers’ and Students’ Perception of Using Translation (L1) for Developing Reading Skill.” Shanlax International Journal of English, 8(4), 1-11.
Conference Presentation
- Kabir, T. S. (2020). Developing Language Skills Outside the Classroom: Students' Perspective. Paper accepted for presentation at 10th BELTA International Conference 2020.
- Kabir, T. S. (2020). Exploring Common Errors in English Composition of Undergrad Level Students’. Paper presented in 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences Gender, Health, Information and the Environment, East West University, 27-29 February 2020.
- Kabir, T.S. (2019). Assessing Student Awareness on Global Education: A Comparative Study on Attitudes of Undergraduate Students of University of Dhaka and East West University. Presented paper in 2nd Assembly on Futures of Higher Education, organized by Center for Genocide Studies, University of Dhaka and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), University of Dhaka, 29-30 March 2019.
- Kabir, T. S. (2019). A case study of using translation as a tool for teaching English as a L2 for 1st year students of University of Asia Pacific. Paper presented in Transgressing/Transcending Borders through Translation, 5th International Conference, Department of English, East West University, 25-26 January 2019.
- Kabir, T. S. (2018). A Case Study of the Condition and Factors Influencing the Professional Development in Training of English Language Teachers. Paper presented in "Rethinking Disciplinary Diversity: Challenges of Teaching English in the 21st Century" International Conference on English Language and Literature hosted by Department of English and Humanities, BRAC University on 15-16 November 2018.
- Kabir, T. S. (2018). Teaching in a Digital Age: Facilitating Language Learning through Technology. Paper presented in 8th BELTA International Conference hosted by Independent University, Bangladesh on 12-14th January 2018.
- Kabir, T. S. (2017). The Effects of Social Networking Sites on the Academic Language Usage of the Tertiary Level Students of Bangladesh. Paper presented in National Conference New Media and Identity Formation organized by East West University, Dhaka. 21 January 2017.
Journal publications
- Biswas, A., & Kabir, T. S. 2020. Assessing the Mentoring Service in Department of English: A Case from Bangladeshi Public University. BELTA Journal, 1(4), 32- 43. https://doi.org/10.36832/beltaj.2020.0401.03
- Hasan, M.U., & Biswas, A. 2018. Mobile Apps in Self- Directed Language Learning: Attitudes of Bangladeshi Undergraduate Students. Green University Review of Social Sciences, 4(1), 83- 99.
- Biswas, A. 2018. Self-Access Learning Centers in developing learner autonomy: attitudes of students from the Department of English, University of Dhaka. The Warwick ELT, 1(2), 65- 76.
- Biswas, A. 2018. Self-Access Learning Centers in developing learner autonomy: attitudes of students from the Department of English, University of Dhaka. The Warwick ELT, 13. URL: https://thewarwickeltezine.wordpress.com/2018/05/30/715/
Conference papers
- Biswas, A. (2020, February). Cultural Fluency: An Assessment of Tertiary Level Learners’ Usage of English in Speaking. IML Regional Conference on Foreign Language Education for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Institute of Modern Languages (IML), University of Dhaka.
- Kabir, T, S. & Biswas, A. (2019, March). Assessing Student Awareness on Global Education: A Comparative Study on Attitudes of Undergraduate Students of University of Dhaka and East West University. 2nd Assembly on Futures of Higher Education, jointly organized by the Centre for Genocide Studies, University of Dhaka and Friedrich- Ebert- Stiftung (FES).
- Hasan, M.U. & Biswas, A. (2017, November). Mobile Apps in Self-directed Language Learning: Attitudes of Bangladeshi Undergraduate Students. 1st IML Conference 2017, Institute of Modern Languages, University of Dhaka.
Other publication
- Biswas, A. 2020. Asthma. Ten Square Hundred- Word Stories From Bangladesh. Skylark Printers, Dhaka.
International Publication
Shanta, S. A., Jahan, I., & Mahmud, S. S. (2024). PROSPECTS OF INCORPORATING DOCUMENTARIES AND FILM CLIPS IN THE ENGLISH CURRICULUM. Journal of Legal Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 27(5).
Mahmud, S. S., & Islam, N. N. (2022). Project Based Learning for Developing Learner Autonomy: University Level English Language Courses. IJOTL-TL: Indonesian Journal of Language Teaching and Linguistics, 7(2), 149-166.
Mahmud, S.S. (2017) “Using Songs as a Prompt for Writing an Academic Response Paper: A Comparative Analysis with the Traditional Reading Based Prompt”. Language In India, 17 (4). P. 190-202.
Faruk, G.F. & Mahmud, S.S. (2014) “Comprehending a Culturally Unfamiliar Text: The Role of Pre-Reading Activities”. International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS), 1(3), P.146-154
International Conference
22nd International Conference of NELTA: Presented a paper titled “A Comparative Analysis of Flipped Classroom as Performance Enhancer” in 22nd International Conference (24th-26th February, 2017) of NELTA.
Journal Publication
Kaminy, Khadijatul. "Gender and Environment in Amitav Ghosh's Nonfiction: Encountering Climate Change and Nuclear Threat." Women's Link vol.31, no.2, July 2024, pp.90-98.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. "Reconstructing Feminist Ecocriticism: A Critical Study of Amitav Ghosh's Selected Novels." Women's Link vol. 30, no. 01, January 2023. pp 41-47.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Decoding the Sundarbans: ‘Other’ Space in The Hungry Tide.” Dialogics, vol. 1, January 2021, pp.137-146.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Translating Humayun Ahmed: Exploring the Strategies.” Exposure: The Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, vol. 7, no.1, June 2021, pp.68-76.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Gun Island: An Experiment with Fictional Time.” Spectrum vol.14 and 15, January 2018-2019, pp.126-133.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Julius Caesar: The Essence and Illusion of Democracy.” Erothanatos, vol.3, no.1, 2018, https://www.erothanatos.com/vol3issue1. Accessed 23 December 2022.
Conference Presentation
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Transcending Otherness: Queer Ecofeminism and Questions of Identity in The Ministry of Utmost Happiness,” International Conference on The Trans-Phenomenon in Language, Literature, and Culture, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), 15-16 November 2024, Dhaka. IN. Conference Presentation.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “‘She would not need to apologize for how she had spent her time on this earth’: Women and Work in Amitav Ghosh’s Fiction.” Women in World Literature, University of Warwick, 22-23 June 2022, Coventry, England, IN. Conference Presentation.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Engaging with the Environment: Non-western Food Practices.” Non-western Approaches in Environmental Humanities. University of Warsaw, 11-13 July 2022, Warsaw, Poland, IN. Conference Presentation.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Translating Humayun Ahmed: Exploring the Strategies.” Transgressing/Transcending Borders through Translation, East West University, 25-26 January, 2019, Dhaka. IN. Conference Presentation.
Other Publication
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “গন্তব্য.” My City My Home, Birmingham, 2021, pp. 430-433.
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Where Reality Meets Fiction.” The Daily Star, 21 April 2018, p.11.
Conference Proceeding
Kaminy, Khadijatul. “Engaging with the Environment: Non-western Food Practices.” IN: Non-western Approaches in Environmental Humanities. 11-13 July 2022, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
1. Co- presented a paper in International Conference on The Trans-Phenomenon in Language, Literature, and Culture organized by the Department of English, ULAB (University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh)
(15th and 16th November,2024)
Title of the paper: Tawaifs as Victims of Societal ‘Trans’formation in Pre-independent India: A Retrospect on Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Heeramandi.
2. Presented a paper in International Conference on Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity, co-organized by the Department of English, East West University and ALTEB (Association of Teachers of Literatures in Bangladesh)
(28th and 29th July,2023)
Title of the paper: Causes behind the Closets: Representation and the Politics of Homophobia in Sanjoy Nag’s Memories in March and Jhumpa Lahiri’s Lowland.
3. Presented a paper in the two-day International Conference on Borders, Diasporas, and Multilingualism in English Studies organized by the Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. (7th and 8th January,2022.)
Title of the Paper: The Complexities of Diasporic Existence – Redefining Identities and Questioning the stability of Relationships in Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies and Unaccustomed Earth.
4. Presented a paper in the two-day International Conference on In Retrospect: 50 Years of Bangladesh in Literature and Culture organized by ATLEB’s (Association of Teachers of Literatures in English, Bangladesh). (14th and 5th January,2022)
Title of the Paper “Redefining Women’s Identity and the Representation of the New Age Women in Nasiruddin Yousuff’s Guerrilla.”
5. Presented a paper in The Salerno Conference on Bangladeshi English Novels: From Emergence to Efflorescence. (24th and 25th June,2021)
Title of the Paper: “The Complexities of Transnational Identity and Nazneen’s Concept of Agency in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane.”
6. Abstract for the ULAB Afghan Colloquium: “From Kabuliwala to the Fall of Kabul: Afghanistan in Popular Imagination” had been accepted. (30th and 31st October,2021.)
Title of the Paper: “Enkindling Feminism: A Complex Feminist Approach in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns.”
7. Presented a paper in International Conference on Magic and Literature, 27-28 May 2016: , organized by Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB):
Title of the Paper:-"Wingardium Laviosa: Levitation of Witchcraft from Macbeth To Harry Potter."
Journal Publication
1.Afreen, Sadia. "The Complexities of Diasporic Existence: Redefining Identities in Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘Mrs. Sen’s’ from Interpreter of Maladies." Erothanatos, vol. 6, no. 2, May 2022, pp. 38–48.
2. 2. Afreen, Sadia. "The Diasporic Dilemma in Jhumpa Lahiri’s ‘Hell-Heaven’ from Unaccustomed Earth." The Changing World Order and the Postmodernism Theory and Practice, Notion Press, 2 Sept. 2022, pp. 21–27.
3. Afreen, Sadia. "The Complexities of Transnational Identity and Nazneen’s Concept of Agency in Monica Ali’s Brick Lane." New Literaria: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, vol. 5, no. 2, Aug.-Sept. 2024, pp. 10-18.
1. Attended a workshop on “Teaching Literature through Theory”, Organized by ATLEB, facilitated by Dr. Fayeza Hasanat, Professor, University of Central Florida.
Date- 18th December 2022.
2. Attended a workshop on “Writing and Publishing in Literary Studies” Organized by ATLEB, Conducted by Professor Fakrul Alam, Professor, University of Dhaka.
Date: 29th July 2022.
3. Attended a workshop on “Creative Writing-Tips and Tricks on writing story plots”, Organized by TESOL Society of Bangladesh, facilitated by Professor Shamsad Mortuza, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean, School of Arts and Humanities, ULAB
Date: 18th November, 2021
4. Attended a workshop on “Sustainable Teaching: Engagement Beyond Classroom” Organized by Department Of English, East West University, facilitated by Dr. Wendy Ashby, Faculty Support Center, Cochise College, Arizona, USA.
Date : 17th November,2022
Presented Conference Papers
- Jahan, I, Ameer, S and Tahsin, S 2024, ‘A critical study of Rajkahini: Affective pedagogy to teach human dimension of history’, paper presented at Critical Affective Pedagogy for Bangladesh: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and Communication in English Studies and Communication in English Studies, Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, 24-25 May
- Ameer, S 2024, ‘Sentimental analysis: Bridging Romantic Poetry, Ecocriticism, and Machine Learning in Digital Humanities’ paper presented at 3rd International Conference on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues: (Re)imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South, Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, 16-17 February.
- Ameer, S 2023, ‘Women’s Resistance Through Time: A Feministic Interpretation of Outlander’ paper presented at Mapping Gendered Spaces in Language, Literature and Culture, Department of English, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, 5 May
- Ameer, S 2023, ‘Hybridity, Unhomeliness and Resistance: A Postcolonial Interpretation of The White Tiger’ paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Refugee, Resistance, and Recognition: Global Literary Representations in [Post]post-colonial Perspectives, Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, 24-25 February.
- Ameer, S 2021, 'Triple Marginalization of Afghan Women in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns', paper presented at From Kabuliwala to the Fall of Kabul: Afghanistan in Popular Imagination, ULAB, Dhaka, 30-31 October
- Ameer, S 2017, Pride and Prejudice and Fifty Shades of Grey: Wealthy Heroes and Smitten Heroines, paper presented at 200th Jane Austen’s Commemoration, ULAB, Dhaka, 20-21 April
International Publications
- Ameer, Shahnaz 2022, ‘Manifestation of Remix Culture in Bollywood Songs: A Postmodern Analysis’, Erothanatos, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 69-82.
- Ameer, Shahnaz 2018, 'Pride and Prejudice and Fifty Shades of Grey: Wealthy Heroes and Smitten Heroines'. Erothanatos, vol. 2, no. 4, 2018, pp. 88-97.
Training and Workshops
- Professional Development Workshop, BELTA, East West University, 2022
- Qualitative Research (and NVivo), CRT, East West University, 2024
National Publications
- Ameer, Shahnaz 2022, ‘The Redeemed Mariner: A Post-Pastoral Reading of ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner’’, Harvest, vol. 37, pp. 7-16.
Columns and Articles
- Ameer, Shahnaz 2023, '10 Best Books That Transport You to South Asia'. Pratik: A Magazine of Contemporary Writing, vol. xviii, no. 1-2, pp. 217-239.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSKRGP4F?ref=myi_title_dp - Ameer, Shahnaz 2022, '10 Best Novels by South Asian Authors Since the 2020 Pandemic'. The Business Standard, 30 December, pp. 13.
https://www.tbsnews.net/features/book-review/10-best- novels-south-asian-authors- 2020-pandemic-560242
Journal Publication
Tabassum, Mehnaz. “Signing in the Global Classroom: The Millennials’ March towards Post-Culture and Institution, and a World that is Same (?).” International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL) by Center for Pedagogy at Independent University, Dhaka, April 22-23, 2016, Alam, Mahbub; Asaduzzaman, A.S.M.; Al Marjuk, Obydullah, Center for Pedagogy, IUB, September 1, 2016.
Conference & Seminars
- August 16-18, 2016: 9th Malaysia International Conference on Languages, Literatures and Cultures, organized by Universiti Putra Malaysia at Penang, Malaysia
Paper Title: Life in a cocoon: A study of over-Surveillance and over-documentation in a panoptical world
- May 27-28, 2016: International Conference on Magic and Literature, School of Arts and Humanities (SAH), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh
Paper Title: The death of magic and drought (or overfeeding?) of imagination: A study of a world at its wits end and the future of literature
- April 22-23, 2016: International Conference on Teaching and Learning – Education in the Current World: Pedagogy, Research and Social Change, Center for Pedagogy, Independent University, Bangladesh
Paper Title: Signing in the Global Classroom: The Millennials’ March towards Post-Culture and Institution, and a World that is Same (?)
- March 3-4, 2016: International Conference – The River: Flows of Innovation and Exchange in the Global(i)zed English World, Department of English and Modern Languages, North South University, Bangladesh
Paper Title: Written on the Walls: A Study of Literary Expressions of the Mass across Cults to Creeds, Benches to Streets and Timelines to Tweets
- February 19-20, 2016: 4th International Conference on “English Studies and the Marketplace”, Department of English, East West University, Bangladesh
Paper Title: Literature in the pieces: Keeping calm in a world of quote cards, quick facts and one-liners
- September 16, 2016: “The last train home“, From Daily Observer Weekend Editorial
- September 5, 2016: “Is blaming your game?“, From personal column “Thinking out loud” in Daily Observer Editorial Page
- August 29, 2016: “19 to 24: The invisible years“, From personal column “Thinking out loud” in Daily Observer Editorial Page
- August 11, 2016: “Songs of the soul”, From personal column “Thinking out loud” in Daily Observer Editorial Page
- June 19, 2016: “The craftsman and his unfinished art”, Father’s Day special OP-ED in Daily Observer
- May 8, 2016: “Mother’s Day: Tohura’s Story”, Daily Observer Editorial on Mother’s Day
- March 6, 2016: “Of humans and mothers”, Daily Observer OP-ED on Women’s Day
- October 11, 2015: “The heirloom”, Final part of Short Story series in Daily Observer
- October 4, 2015: “The precious praying mat”, Second part of Short Story series in Daily Observer
- September 20, 2015: “The Wardrobe”, First part of Short Story series in Daily Observer
- May 12, 2014: “Mothers, daughters and dreams”, Book Review in The Daily Star
- May 10, 2014: “The perfect ending?”, Short fiction in The Daily Star
- March 8, 2014: “The unsung questions”, Short story in The Daily Star