Faculty Members Publication
International Research Publications
2023 Masum Billah, Rutherford, S., Akhter, S., & Tanjeela, M. Exploring mental health challenges and coping strategies in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1152366. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1152366
2022 Hossin, M.Z., Islam A., Masum Billah, Haque, M., & Uddin, J. Is there a gradient in the association between internet addiction and health? PLOS ONE 17(3): e0264716. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0264716
2022 Tanjeela, M & Masum Billah. Climate Migration and Challenges of Urban Poor in Bangladesh. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, Vol. 15, Issue 1. pp 15-31. https://www.proquest.com/openview/cc54647eb50c686699c34f065aea3d49/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=5528230
2022 Khan, A. R., Uddin, H. Shimul, S. M. A. K. & Masum Billah. Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and Suicide in Bangladesh: Some Explanations through Durkheim’s Sociology of Suicide. Journal of Community Positive Practices, XXII (3), pp 3-17 [Scopus Journal]
2021 Huda, M.N., Masum Billah, Sharmin, S., Amanullah, A.S.M., & Hossin, M.Z. Associations between family social circumstances and psychological distress among the university students of Bangladesh: To what extent do the lifestyle factors mediate? BMC Psychology 9, 80. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40359-021-00587-6
2021 Masum Billah & Trisha, N.J. COVID-19 and Mental Health Impacts in Bangladesh: A Review of Empirical Evidence, Journal of Social Health, Vol. 4, Issue 2. pp 30-42. http://socialhealthjournal.org/2021/08/12/covid-19-and-mental-health-impacts-in-bangladesh-a-review-of-empirical-evidence/
2021 Arendse, N., Khan, A.R., Masum Billah, Ratele, K., & Islam, M.Z. Seasonality of Suicide in Jhenaidah District, Bangladesh, 2011-2018, Journal of Social Health, Vol. 4, Issue 1. pp 64-75. http://socialhealthjournal.org/2021/02/23/seasonality-of-suicide-in-jhenaidah-district-bangladesh-2011-2018/
2020 Masum Billah, Sultana, S.E., & Kabir, M.H.M.I. Exploring Challenges of Maternal Healthcare Utilization in Bangladesh: A Cross-sectional Survey in Saturia, Manikganj District, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Vol 11, No 4. pp 185-190. https://doi.org/10.37506/ijphrd.v11i4
2019 Masum Billah, Gonzalez, P.A., & Delgado, R.C. Patterns of mortality caused by natural disasters and human development level: A South Asian Analysis, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp- 312-316. http://dx.doi.org/10.5958/0976-5506.2019.00307.3
2019 Masum Billah & Amanullah, ASM. Returnee Migrants and HIV Infection in Bangladesh, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 8, pp- 56-61. https://iarjset.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/IARJSET.2019.6810.pdf
2018 Masum Billah, Gonzalez, P.A., & Delgado, R.C. Analyzing disaster risk factors of cyclone survivors in Bangladesh, Journal of Indian Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp- 52-58. http://publichealthdisasters.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/JIR-2018-DISASTER-52-58.pdf
2018 Masum Billah & Hossain, M.A. Media and Consumption Behavior of Urban Youth in Dhaka City, Journal of Indian Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp- 57-69. http://mujournal.mewaruniversity.in/JIR6/jan-march2018.pdf#page=63
2015 Masum Billah Healthcare seeking practices of People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) in Bangladesh, HIV/AIDS Review, Elsevier, Vol.14, pp-114-118. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hivar.2015.05.001
International Conference
2024, Health promotion interventions for refugees in high-income countries: A systematic review and narrative synthesis, Research Paper Presented at the PRAXIS 2024: SCPA's 11th Annual Postgraduate Research and Practice Conference, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, on June 27-28.
2024, Tobacco smoking of refugees and health promotion in high-income countries: A systematic review and narrative synthesis, Research Paper Presented at the 2024 SRNT-Oceania Conference and Tobacco Endgame CRE Annual Symposium at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia on May 30-31.
2023, Exploring Mental Health Challenges and Coping Strategies in University Students during COVID-19: A Case Study in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Research Paper Presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Melbourne, Australia, on June 25 - July 1.
2023, In Conversation with Senior Sociologists: Making Connections, Bridging Generations, Moderated in a Roundtable Session as a Discussant at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Melbourne, Australia, on June 25 - July 1.
2023, How Students Developed Coping Strategies during COVID-19? A Sociological Study in University Level Students in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Research Paper Presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Melbourne, Australia, on June 25 - July 1.
2023, Investigating Health Professionals' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices about Refugees’ Health Risk Behaviours and Healthcare Utilization in Australia, Research Paper Presented at the PRAXIS 2023: SCPA's 10th Annual Postgraduate Research and Practice Conference, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, on June 22-23.
2021, Family Resilience and Connection Protect Child Flourishing and School Engagement against Adverse Childhood Experiences. Virtual presentation, American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, USA, on August 6-10.
2019, Migration and Health Challenges: A Qualitative Study among Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Malaysia, WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia, on May 7-10.
2019, Analyzing During or Post-disaster Risk Factors related to Cyclone Survivors in Bangladesh, WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia, on May 7-10.
2016, Returnee Migrants and HIV Infection in Bangladesh, 12th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and The Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh, on March 12-14.
2015, Social Business Model, Health and Environment: An Impact Analysis on the Functions of BASF Grameen and Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh.7th Global Social Business Summit 2105, Tempelhof Airport, Berlin, Germany, on November 4-6.
International Training/Seminars/Workshops
Research Integrity Course, Southern Cross University, New South Wales, Australia, 2022
Needs Assessment Course, KI and ACAPS, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016
Ud Duha, M. S., Richardson, J. C., Ahmed, Z., & Yeasmin, F. (2022). The use of Community of Inquiry framework-informed Facebook discussion activities on student speaking performances in a blended EFL class. Online Learning, 26(4). https://doi.org/10.24059/olj.v26i4.3490
Ahmed, Z. (2022) Effects of online group discussions on first year EFL undergraduate learners' academic oral presentations. In R. A. Giri, S. Dawadi, S. Shrestha, S. Haque (Eds.), Enhancement Approach: Success Stories of EFL Teachers from Bangladesh and Nepal. (pp. 138-144). NELTA. https://nelta.org.np/uploads///upload/LiVNpo.pdf
Karim, A., Kabilan, M. K., Ahmed, Z., & Reshmin, L. (2021). The Medium of Instruction in Bangladeshi Higher Education Institutions: Bangla , English , or Both ? Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 00(00), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1080/15348458.2020.1871353
Ahmed, Z., Sultana, S., & Manjet, K. (2020). Inconsistencies and Biases in English Language Testing in Bangladesh Civil Service Preliminary Examination. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 28 (S2), 247-262.
Karim, A., Ahmed, Z., Shahed, F. H., Rahman, M. M., & Mohamed, A. R. (2019). Challenges Affecting the Implementation of £50 Million In-Service Training Program for English Teachers in Bangladesh. The Qualitative Report, 24(10), 2457-2485.
Ahmed, Z (2018, November). Effects of Writing in a Class Blog on EFL Students’ Attitude towards Writing, In Proceeding of the 11th International Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (RAIS) Conference (pp 339-345), Beltsville, Maryland, 20705, USA. ISSN 2578-8574, ISBN 978-1-945298-16-5.
Ahmed, Z. (2018). Rhetoric and realities of ICT applications in teaching English literature. In Angadi, D. T., Patil, S.D.G., & Kedaranath (Eds.), Indian Indigenous Insights into Language, Literature & Culture. 13-20. ISBN 978-81-931871-8-0.
Alam, F., Haque, M. S. and Ahmed, Z. (2018) (Eds.). English Studies and the Marketplace. Dhaka: East West University. https://www.ewubd.edu/storage/app/media/English%20Dept/2018-english-studies-and-the-marketplace.pdf
Uddin, J., & Ahmed, Z. (2015). Impact of the use of rubrics on the performance of students. Chaos, 3(1), 46-62. ISSN 2304-3792.
Ahmed, Z. (2014). Writing in a class blog: Why, when and how. In Karunakaran, T. (Ed.) English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and challenges. 38-54. ISBN 978-955-659-437-9.
Ahmed, Z. & Karunakaran, T. (2013). Teaching writing: an analysis of the writing tasks used at East West University in Bangladesh. Languages in India, 13 (3), 103-117. ISSN 1930-2940.
Karunakaran, T. & Ahmed, Z. (2013). Teaching writing. International Journal of English Language and Literature, 55-61. ISSN 2347-2642.
Ahmed, Z. (2012). [Review of the book Teacher training essentials by C. Thaine]. ELTAI Journal, 8, 100-102. ISSN 2250-317X.
Workshops and Training
Attended a three-day-long technical training conducted by British Council, Dhaka on 24 – 27 June 2024.
Attended a three-day-long training conducted by British Council, Dhaka on writing teaching materials for teaching English to displaced Rohingya children in March 2019.
Conducted a day-long Training of Trainers (ToT) session for a project by British Council, Dhaka with English language teachers of displaced Rohingya children in Kutupalong Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox’s Bazaar on 26th February, 2019 .
Attended a two-day-long workshop on Training of Trainers (ToT) organized by British Council, Dhaka on 11-12 March, 2019.
Conducted a workshop on teaching Academic Writing at the Secondary School level in University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh in September 2018.
Completed a thirteen-day training program on Language Documentation in East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in December 2012.
Conducted a workshop on teaching Writing Skills in East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in November 2012.
Participated in a five-day workshop on Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation conducted by British Council, Hyderabad, India in March 2012.
Conducted a one-day workshop on Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation for research scholars in English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India in March 2012.
Conducted a two-day-long workshop for teachers of spoken English in SpeakWell, Mumbai, India in February 2012.
Attended a five-day workshop on Capacity Building for Research Methodology conducted by Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India in March 2011.
Conferences and Seminars
The following papers have been presented in conferences and seminars:
- ‘Comparative Evaluation of Interactive Assessment Platforms: A Critical Analysis of Gamification in EFL Education’ at the national conference on Critical-Affective Pedagogy for Bangladesh: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and Communication in English Studies held at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh on May 24-25, 2024.
- Invited Speaker for International Conference (online) on ELT in India: Tradition vs Innovation organized by BVRIT, Hyderabad, India on July 6 -7, 2023. Presented a paper titled ‘Artificial Intelligence in ELT: The Convergence of Tradition and Innovation’.
- ‘Effects of online group discussions on first year EFL undergraduate learners' academic oral presentations’ at Binational Success Story Forum on Enhancement Approach: Success Stories of EFL Teachers from Bangladesh and Nepal organized by on April 10, 2021.
‘How EFL Undergraduate Learners Prepare for Oral Presentations: Voices from Bangladesh’ at the ELT SUMMIT 2020 organized by International Society for Educational Leadership (ISEL) held online on June 27-28, 2020.
‘Effects of Writing in a Class Blog on EFL Students’ Attitude towards Writing’ at the 11th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences held at Johns Hopkins University, USA on November 19-20, 2018.
‘Rhetoric and Realities of ICT Applications in Teaching English Literature’ at the 1st International Conference on Language, Literature, Society & Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspective organized by SSKB College, Karnataka, India in February 26-27, 2018.
‘Mobile Dictionary Use among the Undergraduate Students of English: An exploratory study’ in Independent University, Bangladesh at the 8th BELTA International Conference in January 12-14, 2018.
‘Examining Interactive Multimedia Digital Content for Primary Level English Language Education in Bangladesh’ at the IML International Conference in November, 2017.
‘Impacts of teaching speaking skills in a flipped classroom: A study of ESL instructors at tertiary level in Malaysia’ at the East West University national conference on New Media and Identity Formation in January 2017.
‘Teaching and learning to use technology in ELT: An action research’ at the International Conference on Learning, Teaching, and Student Success (ICLTSS) organized by Montana State University, USA on 3-5 November, 2016.
‘Inconsistencies and biases in English language testing in Bangladesh Civil Service preliminary examination’ as an invited plenary speaker at the international conference on "Pluralism and Multiculturalism in Teaching and Research of English Language and Literatures" organized by Department of English, Vellore Institute of Technology, India on 15-16 April, 2016.
‘Effects of teacher-on-student’ bullying on students’ attitude towards learning’ at the Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) national conference in September 2015.
‘On arriving at a list of most useful sub-technical vocabulary for academic engineering reading and writing: a corpus-based study’ at the 31st All-India Conference of Linguistics, held at University of Hyderabad in December 2009.
‘Teaching academic writing at East West University: anomalies in text selections and task design’ at the 1st International ESL EFL Conference and 6th Annual Conference of Rajasthan Association for Studies in English, held at Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth in November 2009.
‘Eng 101: Linguistic Description and Pedagogic Prescriptions’ at the department seminar held at the Department of English, East West University, Bangladesh in May 2007.
Journal Articles, Reports/Working Papers, & Newspaper Columns (National & International)
Articles Published in International Journals
Brill - Nijhoff (Netherlands) - SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar (2024). International Criminal Justice Data in Bangladesh: A Scoping Review. International Criminal Law Review, Special Issue, 1-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1163/15718123-bja10184
Taylor & Francis/Routledge (UK) - CHATHAM HOUSE |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar (2024). The Implications of the Arabic Case for Bangla Content Moderation on Facebook: Future Considerations for Combating “Bangla” Hate Speech. Journal of Cyber Policy, 1-24. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/23738871.2024.2337129
Eleven Int’l Publishing (Netherlands) - SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2014). Covid-19 Pandemic and the Challenges in Providing Restorative Justice Services in Scotland: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Restorative Justice, 7(2), 1-25. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5553/TIJRJ.000213
Cambridge University Press (UK) - SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2024). Transitional Justice to Address Genocide Denial: A Case Study of the Rohingya in Myanmar. International Annals of Criminology, 62(2), 1-23. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/cri.2024.17
5 |
Taylor & Francis/Routledge (UK) - SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2023-24). Assessing the International Criminal Court’s Response to Genocide: A Reference to the Case of Al-Bashir. International Journal of Human Rights, 28(4), 1-19. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2023.2294284 |
6 |
Cambridge University Press (UK) - SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2023). Criminology of Atrocity Crimes: Analyzing Aetiology of the Rohingya Persecution in Myanmar. International Annals of Criminology, 61(1), 43-65. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1017/cri.2023.12
7 |
Taylor & Francis/Routledge (UK) - SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2023). The Rohingya Refugee Crisis: Analyzing the International Law Implications of Its Environmental Impacts on Bangladesh. International Journal of Human Rights, 27(2), 238-57. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2022.2081159
8 |
Thomson Reuters (Canada) |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2022). Repatriation of the Rohingya Refugees: Geo-politics and the Potential Role of International Court of Justice. Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, 16(1), 183-207.https://lawlibrary.ca/2022/04/28/journals-update-9/ |
9 |
Edinburgh School of Law (UK) |
Nishat, Nusrat Jahan & Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2022). 1971 Killing of the ‘Bengali’ Intellectuals: An Analysis from the Perspective of the 1948 Genocide Convention. Contemporary Challenges: The Global Crime, Justice, and Security Journal, 3(1), 4-27.http://journals.ed.ac.uk/Contemporary-Challenges/article/view/7075
10 |
Oxford University Press (US) - SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2021). Stages of Rohingya Genocide: A Theoretical and Empirical Study. Holocaust and Genocide Studies, 35(2), 211-34. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1093/hgs/dcab033 |
11 |
Edward Elgar Publishing (Australia) - SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2021). Bangladesh-India Water Sharing Cooperation: An Analysis from the Perspective of the International Environmental Law Principles. Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law, 24(2), 182-200. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/apjel.2021.02.02
12 |
ElectronicPublications (UK) -SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2021). Justice Delayed is Justice Denied: Post-conflict Experiences of the Bangladesh War of Independence. Manchester Journal of Transnational Law & Practice, 17(1), 245-263. https://www.electronicpublications.org/catalogue/253
13 |
FIMT (India)
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2021). COVID-19 and the Right to Education of the Rohingya Refugee Children: A Human Rights Perspective. Fairfield Institute of Management & Technology Law Journal, 4(1), 1-12. http://fimtlawjournal.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Md.-Pizuar-Hossain.pdf
Taylor & Francis/Routledge (UK) - SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar & Siddiki, Esrat Jahan. (2020). Amnesties and Developments in International Law: Re-evaluating the Legitimacy of Amnesty Granted by Bangladesh to the Pakistani War Criminals. Commonwealth Law Bulletin, 47(2), 320-62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/03050718.2020.1835505
Melbourne Law School (Australia) - SCOPUS |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar, & Afroz, Dr. Tureen (2019). Plea-Bargaining: Socio-Legal Impacts on the Criminal Justice System of Bangladesh. Australian Journal of Asian Law, 19(2), 1-19. https://law.app.unimelb.edu.au/bibliography/ajaldetail.php?id=33020
ALSA (Thailand)
Hossain, Md. Pizuar. (2018). Party Autonomy in the International Commercial Arbitration: A Critical Evaluation of Its Ambits and Limits. Asian Journal of Legal Studies, 7(1), 60-76. https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/alsacdmj5&div=13&id=&page=
ALSA (Thailand)
Hossain, Md. Pizuar. Media Trial vs. Right to a Fair Trial: An Endeavour to Learn about Existing Judicial Safeguards and Thinkable Solutions. ALSA Academic Journal, 5(1), 25-63. https://heinonline.org/HOL/LandingPage?handle=hein.journals/alsacdmj3&div=11&id=&page=
Papers Featured in National Journals/Institutions
1 |
Faculty of Law,
University of Dhaka
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2014). Green Criminology and Environmental Harm: The Case for the (Potential) Crime of Ecocide under International Law. Dhaka University Law Journal. (under consideration)
2 |
Digitally Right
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2023). Addressing Bangla Hate Speech on Facebook: Lessons from the Arabic Context for Bangla Content Moderation. In Karim, M. E. (ed.), Access, Awareness and Governance. Dhaka: Digitally Right, 2023, pp. 44-57. https://digitallyright.org/research-papers-from-the-tech-policy-fellowship-2022/
3 |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2017). Rape as War Weapon and Genocidal Tool Covered as War Tactics: The Bangladesh Experience. Bangladesh Journal of Minorities, 3(1), 1-23.
Published Reports/Working Papers
(National and International Projects)
East West University Centre for Research and Training (Bangladesh) |
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2024). Human Rights Abuses against the Rohingya in Myanmar: Exploring the Role of Transitional Justice. East West University Centre for Research and Training (EWUCRT), Working Paper.
Digitally Right (Bangladesh)
Chowdhury, Miraj Ahmed, Mohammad Pizuar Hossain (eds.) (2024). Misinformation on YouTube: High Profits, Low Moderation. Digitally Right, Report (ISBN: 978-984-37-0077-3), pp. 1-20. https://digitallyright.org/dismislabs-new-study-reveals-youtube-running-ads-on-misinformation-videos/ |
Asia Justice and Rights
Wandita, Galuh and Mohammad Pizuar Hossain (2024). Yearning for Our Rights and Longing for Our Homeland: Rohingya Youth Respond to Atrocities (Vol.2, Popular Version). Asia Justice and Rights, pp. 1-15.
Digitally Right (Bangladesh)
Chowdhury, Miraj Ahmed, Mohammad Pizuar Hossain, and Partho Protim Das. (2023). Hits and Misses: An Examination of Meta's Political Ad Policy Enforcement in Bangladesh. Digitally Right, Report (ISBN: 978-984-35-9047-3), pp. 1-37. https://digitallyright.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Hits-And-Misses.pdf.
Asia Justice and Rights
Wandita, Galuh, Mohammad Pizuar Hossain, Tati Krisnawaty and Angelina Lizar. (2024). Yearning for Our Rights and Longing for Our Homeland: Rohingya Youth Respond to Atrocities. Asia Justice and Rights, and Liberation War Museum, pp. 1-17. https://asia-ajar.org/resources/books-research/yearning-for-our-rights-and-our-homeland/
Cooperation in Science
and Technology (COST),
European Union
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar. (2023). States and International Criminal Justice: COST CA18228 Scoping Survey (version 1): Bangladesh. University of Edinburgh,
Asia Justice and Rights
Krisnawaty, Tati et al. (2023). Rohingya: A Place to Belong, A Longing for Home. Edited by Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar, Birks, Teresa, Wandita, Galuh, and Conradsen, Pia. Asia Justice and Rights and Liberation War Museum, pp. 1-46. https://asia-ajar.org/resources/books-research/a-place-to-be-a-longing-for-home-twelve-stories-rohingya/?fbclid=IwAR1TTxTr3gQxSBeJb9gkhvnIRsNcJLNRWbjvZtO8NEiJHhwxSwEHpjrc4_M
Asia Justice and Rights
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar, et. al. (2021). Quilting for Justice: An Illustrated Guide to Understanding the International Justice Mechanisms. Asia Justice and Rights and Liberation War Museum, pp. 1-61. https://asia-ajar.org/resources/books-research/quilting-for-justice/
East West University Centre for Research and Training (Bangladesh) |
Hossain, Md. Pizuar. (2020). Rohingya Persecution in Myanmar: Ethnic Cleansing or Genocide?' (A Theoretical and Empirical Assessment). East West University Centre for Research and Training (EWUCRT), Working Paper No. 19, pp. 1-119. https://www.ewubd.edu/storage/app/uploads/public/60f/fc4/168/60ffc416805fe626967002.pdf
Op-ed/Columns/Blogs Featured in Newspapers/Websites
Asia Blogs
Hossain, Mohammad Pizuar, 'Bangladesh: a rethinking about the right to health through lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic', Asia Blogs, published on 8 February 2022.https://asia-blogs.org/2022/02/08/bangladesh-a-rethinking-about-the-right-to-health-through-lessons-learnt-from-the-covid-19-pandemic/?fbclid=IwAR3frw69YRQ8sKijFidAKBjcEdztVOm_Al5-M-_10zPFRWwIk4XBu4lreMM.
The Daily Star
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, '1971: Another Chapter in World History When Intellectuals were Targeted', The Daily Star (Supplement on Martyred Intellectuals Day), published on 14 December 2018. https://www.thedailystar.net/supplements/martyred-intellectuals-day-2017/news/1971-another-chapter-world-history-when-intellectuals-were-targeted-1672981.
The Daily Sun
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Genocidal Tactic to Make Nation Talentless', The Daily Sun, published on 16 December 2017. https://www.daily-sun.com/printversion/details/275558/Genocidal-Tactic-to-Make-Nation-Talentless-.
The Daily Sun
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'UN Security Council Veto Power: A Boon or Bane?', The Daily Sun, published on 20 November 2017. https://www.daily-sun.com/printversion/details/269905/UN-Security-Council-Veto-Power:-A-Boon-or-Bane.
The Daily Sun
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Myanmar Genocide and Trial of Perpetrators', The Daily Sun, published on 23 September 2017. https://www.daily-sun.com/printversion/details/256577/Myanmar-Genocide-and-Trial-of-Perpetrators-?fbclid=IwAR0I8Hug1oxlNt5sDBIbZ6rNYLEZ3XQBcVcx4me59qQy7q13Mwi6Hte9WRo.
The Daily Sun
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'India-Bangladesh Ganges Water Sharing Issue', The Daily Sun, published on 10 September 2017. https://www.daily-sun.com/arcprint/details/253450/IndiaBangladesh-Ganges-Water-Sharing-Issue/2017-09-10?fbclid=IwAR1XkT0Srj7zAGk_X8fmGqLfB8H6PcqCm2VLZ-IjIizbNNVu9Zu8FWZXOVM.
The Daily Sun
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Women’s Involvement with Terrorism in Bangladesh', The Daily Sun, published on 7 July 2017. https://www.daily-sun.com/printversion/details/238630/Women%E2%80%99s-Involvement-with-Terrorism-in-Bangladesh?fbclid=IwAR2eLYs2vmbP_pu3CCKdHNQ39ICh4AiF-2DjSzZZWlsyG5wbR0kMvciRjbo.
The Daily Sun
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'May Day and The Bangladesh Labour Code 2006', The Daily Sun, published on 1 May 2017. https://www.daily-sun.com/post/223372/May-Day-andBangladesh-Labour-Code-2006?fbclid=IwAR1VcFI20Q-dgulxRhaZLld_wrar46NnlUarJPcYQ50QcUugJAStDZlYVhk.
The Daily Sun
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Looking Back at March 25 Genocide,' The Daily Sun, published on 25 March 2017. https://www.daily-sun.com/printversion/details/214601/Looking-Back-at-March-25-Genocide.
The Daily Sun
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Pakistan’s Heinous Policy of Killing the Intellectuals,' The Daily Sun, published on 30 December 2016. https://www.daily-sun.com/arcprint/details/194827/Pakistan%E2%80%99s-Heinous-Policy-of-Killing-Intellectuals/2016-12-30.
The Bdnews24
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'War Baby Should Be Called Victory Baby,' TheBdnews24.Com, published on 1 November 2016. https://opinion.bdnews24.com/2016/11/01/war-baby-should-be-called-victory-baby/.
The Daily Star
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Enact Law to Regulate Public Trust,' The Daily Star, published on 10 May 2016. https://www.thedailystar.net/law-our-rights/enact-law-regulate-public-trust-1221145.
The Daily Star
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Protecting Trademark Rights,' The Daily Star, published on 20 September 2016. https://www.thedailystar.net/law-our-rights/protecting-trademark-rights-1286491.
Conference Papers & Special Lectures (National & International)
International Conference/Seminar/Webinar Presentations
(In person)
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'International Criminal Justice Data in Bangladesh: A Scoping Review', European Cooperation of Science and Technology (COST) Final Conference at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Law on 19-20 February 2024 at Oslo, Norway.
United States
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Evaluating the International Criminal Court's Response to Genocide: A Focus on the Al-Bashir Case', A Webinar on the Legacy of the Genocide Convention, to be hosted by the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Genocide Convention on 19 December 2023.
3 |
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'A Scoping Survey on International Criminal Justice: A Case Study of Bangladesh', 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology: The Renaissance of European Criminology, jointly organised by the European Society of Criminology and University of Florence on 6 September 2023 in Florence, Italy.
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(In person)
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Transitional Justice and Criminology: A Study on Myanmar’s Rohingya as a Case of Atrocity Crimes and Human Rights Abuses', 16th Biennial Meeting of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS): Authoritarianism & Genocide - Narratives of Exclusion, hosted by the University of Barcelona on 10-14 July 2023 in Barcelona, Spain.
5 |
Costa Rica
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Bangla Hate Speech on Facebook: Learning Possible Policy Responses through the Case of Arabic Content Moderation', RightsCon, hosted by Access Now on 5-8 June 2023 in San José, Costa Rica.
6 |
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Digitizing Responses to the Rohingya Refugee Crisis in the Post-Pandemic Era', 15th Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS), hosted by the University of Barcelona, Spain on 19-23 July 2021.
7 |
United Kingdom
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'COVID-19 and the Right to Education of the Rohingya Refugee Children: A Human Rights Perspective', Education South Asia Conference, hosted by the Education South Asia initiative at South Asian Studies Programme, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies - OSGA (University of Oxford) on 23-24 July 2021.
8 |
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Trademark Protection in Bangladesh: A Critical Assessment through the Lens of Treaty Obligations and Progression of Artificial Intelligence', Third IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference 2021, organized by IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Network on 24 - 27 March 2021.
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(In person)
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2019), ‘Impunity Experiment: An Ecumenical Approach to Rohingya Persecution’, 14th Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS), organized by the IAGS on 14-18 July at Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
10 |
Sri Lanka
(In person)
Amy Fagin, Joann Digeorgio-Lutz, Johann Peiris, & Md. Pizuar Hossain, (2019), ‘Post Conflict Strategies in Collective Memory and Reconciliation: Case Study of Sri Lanka’, Genocide Scholar’s Travel Seminar of 2019, organized by the Beyond Genocide Centre for Prevention on 01-13 January at Colombo, Kandy, Batticaloa and Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
11 |
(In person)
Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2015), ‘Legal Aspects of Cyberspace and Electronic Transaction in Today’s Changing Asian Landscape’, 5th Biennial Conference, organized by the Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL) on 26-27 November at Bangkok, Thailand.
National Conference/Seminar/Webinar Presentations
1. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Toward an International Crime of Ecocide: A Study of the Role of Green Criminology', NSU Law Conference: Law in the Contemporary World on 28 February 2024 at North South University, Department of Law, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'A Critique of the Legal Implications of Combating Violent Extremism in the Context of Bangladesh', A Roundtable Discussion on Combatting Violent Extremism, organised by ANTAR, Bangladesh in collaboration with the Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), Indonesia, and the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on 26 September 2023 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
3. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Voices of Rohingya Youth in Cox's Bazar Camp: Atrocity Response and Prevention', A Workshop on Participatory Action Research in the Rohingya Refugee Camp, organised by the Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) – Indonesia on 6 June 2023 in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
4. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'Transitional Justice to Address the Rohingya Persecution in Myanmar'. A Workshop on Participatory Action Research in the Rohingya Refugee Camp, organised by the Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR) – Indonesia on 20 January 2023 in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh.
5. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, 'An Analytical Discussion on Atrocity Crimes Against the Rohingya People in Myanmar. Stellar Scholars’ Talk, hosted by the Centre for Peace and Justice - BRAC University on 19 March 2023 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
6. Mandujan, Martha Galvan; Hossain, Md. Pizuar; and DiGeorgio-Lutz, JoAnn (2021), 'Memory Words and Genocide Museums: The Efficacy of ‘Never Again’, LWM Global Virtual Conference on Commemorating Past Genocides and Learning to Prevent Atrocity Crimes 2021, organized by the Liberation War Museum on 12-13 March 2021 online, Bangladesh.
7. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2020), 'Transboundary Water Cooperation between India and Bangladesh: Analyzing the Crux of Compliance with the International Environmental Law Principles', 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences (ICSL) 2020 on Gender, Health, Information and Environment on 27-29 February at East West University, Aftabnagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
8. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2019), ‘Justice for Genocide: Perspectives of Bangladesh Genocide and Myanmar’s Rohingya Genocide’, 6th International Conference on Bangladesh Genocide, organized by the Liberation War Museum on 14-16 November at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
9. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2018), ‘Persecutions against the Rohingyas: Mirroring Ethnic Cleansing or Genocide?’, 2nd International Conference on the Rohingya: Politics, Ethnic Cleansing and Uncertainty, organized by the Department of Criminology, University of Dhaka on 01-02 September at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
10. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2017), ‘Legal Responses to the Critics of the ICT-BD Trials: Due Process Standard and Sentencing Consideration’, 5th International Conference on Bangladesh Genocide, organized by the Liberation War Museum on 19-21 May at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
11. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2016), ‘Oral History and Testimonies: The ICT-BD Cases on Killing the Intellectuals’, International Conference on Genocide and Mass Violence: Theories, Traumas, Trials, and Testimonies, organized by the Center for the Study of Genocide (CGS), the University of Dhaka on 23-25 March at Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Special Lectures in Courses/Workshops (National & International)
1. Hossain, Md. Pizuar (2022), 'Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE): Existing Laws and Responses in Bangladesh', Workshop on Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE): Approaches on Gender Mainstreaming - organized by ANTAR, Bangladesh in cooperation with Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN), Indonesia, and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government , BRAC Centre Inn, Dhaka.
2. Hossain, Md. Pizuar (2022), 'Where can refugees get justice?', Short Course on Refugee Studies - Center for Peace and Justice, BRAC University (online).
3. Hossain, Md. Pizuar (2022), ‘Mooting and Oral Advocacy’, Workshop on Mooting, Legal Research and Memorial Writing - organized by the Jagannath University Moot Court Society (online).
4. Hossain, Md. Pizuar (2021), ‘How to Develop Networking Skills’, NILS Training for Developing Professional and Leadership Skills 2021 held on online Zoom.
5. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2020), 'Testimonies of Intellectual Killing in ICT-BD Cases: A Reflection of Truth towards Justice', 6th Winter School on Dealing with Past, Confronting Genocide through Peace Education and Justice, organised by the Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh.
6. Hossain, Md. Pizuar (2020), ‘Online Mooting and Art of Persuasion’, NILS Mooting School 2020 (6th Edition) held on online Zoom.
7. Hossain, Md. Pizuar (2020), ‘The effectiveness of the death penalty in the present milieu. Is it the way forward or not?’, International Legal League Penal Discussion held on online Google Meet and streamed on Youtube Live.
8. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2019) 'Killing Intellectuals and Rape of Women in 1971: Assessing the Tactics of the Perpetrators under International Criminal Law', 5th Winter School on Genocide, Justice and the Issue of Impunity, organised by the Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh.
9. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2019) 'How to Do Legal Research and Prepare a Moot Memorial?', 4th NILS Mooting School, organised by the NILS Bangladesh jointly with the Department of Law, Eastern University.
10. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2018), 'Socio-Legal Significance of ICT-BD Trials in the Process of Justice', 1-Month Long 4th Certificate Course, organised by the Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh.
11. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2018), 'Comparative Study of the Crime of Genocide', 1-Month Long 5th Certificate Course, organised by the Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh.
12. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2018), 'Justice for the Genocidal Crime: An Appraisal of the International Crimes Tribunal of Bangladesh', Training Program of the Assistant Judges of the Judicial Administrative Training Institute, organised by the Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh.
13. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2018), 'Legal Research and Methodology', Workshop on Legal Research and Writing, organised by the NILS Mooting School jointly with the Faculty of Law, University of Chittagong.
14. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2018), 'Truth-Seeking, Memory and Liberation: Lessons for the Future', in the Workshop on Foundations for Peace and Reconciliation: Exchanging Lessons from Asia-Pacific, organised by Asia Justice and Rights (AJAR), Bali, Indonesia jointly with the Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh.
15. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2017), 'Rohingya Persecution: Ethnic Cleansing or Genocide', 4th Winter School on Genocide, Justice and the Issue of Impunity, organised by the Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh.
16. Hossain, Md. Pizuar, (2016), ‘Socio-Legal Significance of ICT-BD Trials in the Process of Justice’, 3rd Winter School on Genocide, Justice and the Issue of Impunity, organised by the Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh.
Journal Article
Peer-Review Journal Articles
1. Hasan, M. K., Uddin, H., Younos, T. B., & Mukta, N. A. H. (2024). Prevalence and associated factors of loneliness among in-school adolescents in three South Asian countries. Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Nov (2024) [Scopus Indexed & Q1 Taylor & Francis Journal]
2. Uddin, H., Islam, A., Lata, L. N., Nahar, S., Hossin, M. Z., & Uddin, J. (2024). Associations of threat and deprivation-related childhood exposures with children’s mental health and flourishing: The moderating role of family resilience. Children and Youth Services Review, 166: 107912. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107912
3. Uddin, H., M. K. Hasan, T. Cuartas-Alvarez, and R. Castro-Delgado. 2024. “Effects of Mass Casualty Incidents on Anxiety, Depression, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Doctors and Nurses: A Systematic Review.” Public Health 234:132–42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2024.06.001
4. Gan, R. K., Uddin, H., Gan, A. Z., Yew, Y. Y., & González, P. A. (2023). ChatGPT's performance before and after teaching in mass casualty incident triage. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 20350. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-46986-0
5. Uddin, H., Hasan, M. K., & Castro-Delgado, R. (2023). Effects of mass casualty incidents on anxiety, depression and PTSD among doctors and nurses: a systematic review protocol. BMJ open, 13(9), e075478. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2023-075478
6. Uddin, J., Uddin, H., Rahman, M., Saha, P., Hossin, M. Z., Hajizadeh, M., & Kirkland, S. (2023). Socioeconomic disparities in diabetes-concordant comorbidity: national health interview survey, 1997–2018. Public Health, 222, 160-165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2023.06.041
7. Hasan, M. K., Uddin, H., Younos, T. B., Mukta, N. A. H., & Zahid, D. (2023). Prevalence of truancy among school-going adolescents in three South Asian countries: association with potential risk and protective factors. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 28(1), 2242480. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673843.2023.2242480
8. Uddin, H., & Hasan, M. K. (2023). Family resilience and neighborhood factors affect the association between digital media use and mental health among children: does sleep mediate the association?. European Journal of Pediatrics, 182(6):2521-2534. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00431-023-04898-1
9. Hasan, M. K., Uddin, H., & Younos, T. B. (2022). Bangladeshi nursing students' perceived preparedness and readiness for disaster management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 81(2022):103303. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103303
10. Khan, A. R., Uddin, H., Shimul, A. K., & Billah, M. (2022). Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and suicide in Bangladesh: Some explanations through Durkheim’s Sociology of Suicide. Journal of Community Positive Practices, XXII (3):3-17. https://jppc.ro/index.php/jppc/article/view/561/398
11. Huda, M. N., Uddin, H., Hasan, M. K., Malo, J. S., Duong, M., & Rahman, M. A. (2021). Examining Bangladesh’s responses to COVID-19 in light of Vietnam: Lessons learned. Global Biosecurity, 3 (1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.31646/gbio.123
12. Rahman, M., Uddin, H., Lata, L. N., & Uddin, J. (2022). Associations of forms of intimate partner violence with low birth weight in India: findings from a population-based Survey. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 35(25), 7972-7979. https://doi.org/10.1080/14767058.2021.1940129
13. Khan, A. R., Shimul, S. A. K., & Uddin, H. (2021). Demographic risk factors and motives of male suicide in Bangladesh: A retrospective content analysis. Acta counseling and humanities, 1(2), 66-80. https://ach.iicet.org/index.php/ach/article/view/7
14. Uddin, J., Ahmmad, Z., Uddin, H., & Tatch, A. (2021). Family resilience and protective factors promote flourishing and school engagement among US children amid developmental disorder and adverse psychosocial exposure. Sociological Spectrum, 41(2), 177-195. https://doi.org/10.1080/02732173.2021.1875089
15. Uddin, J., Alharbi, N., Uddin, H., Hossain, M. B., Hatipoğlu, S. S., Long, D. L., & Carson, A. P. (2020). Parenting stress and family resilience affect the association of adverse childhood experiences with children's mental health and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 272, 104-109. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2020.03.132
16. Uddin, J., Uddin, H., & Rahman, M. (2021). Association of women’s occupation with actual and ideal number of children in Bangladesh: a case of role incompatibility. Demography and Social Economy, 46(4):139-154. https://doi.org/10.15407/dse2020.02.139
Conference Paper
Rana, J., Islam, R., Uddin, H., Siraj, Z., Sultana, T., & Nazif Munoz, J. I. (2024, August). Associations between long-term exposure to air pollution and blood pressure and glucose levels in Bangladeshi adults: a nationally representative study. In ISEE Conference Abstracts (Vol. 2024, No. 1). https://doi.org/10.1289/isee.2024.1636
Manuscript Under Review
Castro-Delgado, R., Mukta, N. A. H., Vinuales, E. M., Parvin, R., Hasan, M. K., & Uddin, H. 2024. Emergency medical services response to wildfires from a public health perspective: a systematic review, Burn
Cuartas-Alvarez, T., Santano, D. G., Martinex, P. F., Garcia, V .C., Uddin, H., & Castro-Delgado, R. 2024. Self-injury patients treated by the advanced life support units of an emergency medical service in the period 2012/2021. Prehospital and Disaster medicine
Working Paper
Uddin, H., Ahmmad, Z., Nicholson, N. H., & Uddin, J. The association between cumulative social risk and adolescent obesity: differences by race/ethnicity and income.
Uddin, J., Uddin, H., Lata, L. N., Malla, G., Baker, E., Long, D. L., Comeau, J., Andrew, M. K., & Kirkland, S. Adverse childhood experience and children’s mental health: cumulative, separate, and simultaneous risk approaches.
Castro-Delgado, R., & Uddin, H. 50 years of chemical incidents in the Global Terrorism Database: a time for reflection
Public Sociology
Public Sociology
... (2022, March 9). Digital proximity tools for contact tracing and quarantine. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp.15. Digital proximity tools for contact tracing and quarantine - Op-Ed - observerbd.com
..... (2019, February 1). Socioeconomic determinants and elderly mental health in Bangladesh. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 7 https://www.observerbd.com/details.php?id=181010
…… (2018, October 11). State of young mental health in Bangladesh. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 7. https://www.observerbd.com/details.php?id=162597
…… (2018, October 7). World teacher’s day and thinking of teaching. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 6. https://www.observerbd.com/details.php?id=161945
…… (2018, September 6). Endangered Reserved Forest and Our Liability. The Daily Observer, Dhaka Bangladesh, pp. 6. https://www.observerbd.com/details.php?id=156870
……. (2017, March 21). The principle of Sustainable Development: Ensured Natural Purified Source of Water. (In Bengali), AbashanNews24.Com. Retrieved from http://www.abashannews24.com/post_details.php?id=5045
Book Review
Book Review
..... (2019, April 27). Buddhist Nationalism Rohingya Crisis and Contemporary Politics, (edi) Asif Bin Ali and Sabbir Ahmed. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 14. https://www.observerbd.com/details.php?id=195002
Translation Work: English to Bangla
Translation Work: English to Bangla
Khondker, H., et al. (2016-Present). Global Dialogue (In Bengali). International Sociological Association (ISA), Vol. 6.3, 6.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 11.1. 11.2, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3
Conferences and Seminars
Facilitators in the Workshop
Instructor, Workshop on Developing Research Projects & Crafting Scientific Publications: Secondary Datasets in Social Sciences & Public Health, arranged by South Asian Institute for Social Transformation (SAIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 22 & 29 November 2024
Conferences / Seminars
Panelist, Session: Gender Equality and Women Empowerment of Bangladesh at National Women’s Health and Gender Equality Conference 2024 arranged by Bangladesh Community Health Foundation held at Brac Center In, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 8 June 2024
Paper Presenter, “Associations of Adverse Childhood Experiences with Developmental and Psychological Well-being among Children and Adolescents: Differential Role of Positive Childhood Experiences.” In: Annual Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Conference 2023, Toronto, May 29-June 2, 2023
Paper Presenter, "Risk Assessment of South Asian Floods (2000-2020) using the INFORM and Yew Disaster Severity Index", In: 22nd World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) Congress 2023, Killarney, Ireland, 9-12 May, 2023
Paper Presenter, “Racial-ethnic Disparities in Adolescent Obesity in the United States: The Effect of Cumulative Social Risk Varies by Race-ethnicity”, In: 2021 American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting (Virtual), (6-10 August 2021)
Paper Presenter, “Family resilience and connection protects child flourishing and school engagement against adverse childhood experiences”, In: 2021 American Sociological Association (ASA) Annaul Meeting (Virtual), (6-10 August 2021)
Paper Presenter, “Adverse Childhood Experience and Children’s Mental Health: Separate versus Cumulative Risk Models and Potential Mediating Mechanisms”, In: 2021 American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting (Virtual), (6-10 August 2021)
Paper Presenter “Association of women’s occupation with actual and ideal number of children in Bangladesh: a case of role incompatibility”, In: ASA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. (8 July, 2020)
Paper Presenter, “Parenting stress and family resilience affect the association of adverse childhood experiences with children’s mental health and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder”, In: First Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences (ICSL 2020), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (27-29th February, 2020)
Paper Presenter, “Demographic Risk Factors and Motives of Male Suicide in Bangladesh, 2018-2019”, In: 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (5-6th February 2020)
Paper Presenter, “Coastal Tourism, a Blue Economy for Alternative Livelihoods: Problems and Challenges in Bangladesh”, In: 6th International Conference on Poverty and Sustainable Development 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka, (5-6th December, 2019)
Poster Presenter, “Investment in Workers’ Health and Sustainable Growth of Garments Industry: A Study on Garments Industry in Dhaka City, Bangladesh”, In: 2nd Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights at Workplace 2019, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, (17th September, 2019)
Paper Presenter, “Deforestation and Degradation of Sangu Reserved Forest in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh”, In: 8th Annual Conference of the Sociology of Development, at The University of Notre Dame, USA, (17-19th October, 2019)
Paper Presenter, “China’s Position on Rohingya Crisis from Neo-realism Perspective”, In: International Conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Comparative Perspective, at University College London (UCL), UK, (4-5th July, 2019)
Paper Presenter, “Pre-lacteal Feeding Practice among the mothers having children below 5 years of age at selected slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh”, In: 6th International Conference on Natural Science and Technology (ICNST' 19), at Asian University for Women (AUW), Chittagong, Bangladesh, (29-30th March 2019)
Paper Presenter, "Socioeconomic Determinants and Mental Health: A Cross-sectional Study among Urban Elderly Women in Bangladesh", In: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development, at United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (19-20th February 2019)
Paper Presenter, “Assessing Choice in Buying T-shirt among the Students of Dhaka University”, In: International Conference on Envisioning Our Common Future (ICEOCF 2016), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (22-23rd December 2016)
Research Skill Training & Workshop
Research Skill Training
- International Summer School on Global Health 2024, the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGLOBAL), & Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish State Research Agency (Virtual). (16–20 September 2024)
- Qualitative Research for Data Analysis Using NVivo Software, Center for Research and Training (CRT), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (18 April – 16 May 2024)
- Basic HAZMAT CBRNE Safety Awareness & Response of the EMPHID Disaster Metrics module, University of Oviedo, Spain. (19th - 20th December 2022)
- SPSS & Statistical Data Analysis for Social Sciences, Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (24th October - 8th November 2017)
- Research Paradigms and Advanced Methodology in Arts and Social Sciences, Center for Advanced Research in Arts and Social Sciences (CARASS), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (28th March-6th April 2017)
- Stata and Applied Statistics, Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (1st- 30th March 2017)
- Workshop Series: Multi-Omics Data Integration in Human Exposome Studies, Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish State Research Agency (Virtual). (4 September–20 November 2024)
- Mastering Statistical Modeling in R/Stata for Scientific Publications in the Age of ChatGPT: Uses, Abuses, and Real-World Applications, South Asian Institute for Social Transformation (SAIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (24 May 2024)
- Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, South Asian Institute for Social Transformation (SAIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (31 March 2018)
- Techniques of Quantitative Data Analysis, Youth Club of Bangladesh (YCB) and South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (10 March 2017)
- Technique of Qualitative Data Analysis, Youth Club of Bangladesh (YCB) and South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (3 March 2017)
- Writing Research Proposal, South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (18 February 2017)
- Research Methodology, Development Studies Department and South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID) at Muzaffar Ahmed Chowdhury Auditorium, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (26 August 2016)
- Social Scientific Writing, South Asian Journal of Social Sciences (SAJSS) & South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID) at University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (2 January 2016)
Journal Publication
- Shanta S.A., Jahan I., Mahmud S.S., (2024). Prospects of Incorporating Documentaries and Film Clips in the English Curriculum. Journal of Legal Ethical and Regulatory Issues 27(5) 1-16.
- Jahan, I. (2018). "Comparative Studies on Films: Scopes of Digital Humanities”. Asian Journal of English Studies (AJES), 7. (1). 175-183.
- Jahan, I. (2017). “Novel: Death or Resurrection of Storytelling”. South Asian Review, 38. (2). 89-101.
- Jahan, I. (2016). “Documentation of History through Storytelling”. International Journal on English Language, Literature and Translation Studies (IJELR), Vol.3. Issue.4 (Oct-Dec.), P. 500-508. ISSN: 2395-2628 Print, 2345-9451(online).
- Jahan, I. (2012).“Nationalism, Syncretism, and the Enforcers of History”. Asian Conference on Literature, P. 884-894. ISSN: 2186-229X, http://www.iafor.org/acah_proceedings.html.
- Jahan, I. (2012). “The Art of Existence and the Care of the Self in Family Ties”. Language, Literature and Linguistics, P 288-293. ISSN: 2251-3566.
- Jahan, I. (2010). “Real and Symbolic Unable to Bridge the Gap between the World and Richard Wright”. Harvest: Jahangirnagar Study of Language and Literature, Vol-25, P. 99-109, ISSN 17298326.
- Jahan, I. (2015). An Existential Reading of Family Ties. East West Journal of Humanities. Vol.5, P 24-32. ISSN 2074-6628.
Conference & Seminars
- Israt Jahan. “Untying the Ties in Family Ties”. International Conference on Locating Latin American Literature, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, 24-25 May 2009.
- Israt Jahan. “Reading Fanon and Wright Today: Violence, master-Slave Dichotomy, and the Negro Question”. 3rd International Conference on Pedagogy and Activism Now. East West University, Dhaka, 11-12 December 2009.
- Israt Jahan. “Latin American Way of life”. International Postgraduate Conference 2012 on Language, Literature, and Cultural Studies in the 21st Century, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, 25-26 May 2012.
- Israt Jahan. ‘The Art of Existence and the Care of the Self in Family Ties”. 1st Annual International Conference on Language, Literature and Linguistics (L3 2012), Fort Canning, Singapore, 9-10 July 2012.
- Israt Jahan. “Nationalism, Syncretism, and the Enforcers of History”. 2nd Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities, Virtual presentation, Osaka, Japan, 2012.
- Israt Jahan. “Novel: Death/ Resurrection of Storytelling?” International Conference on Diasporas and Diversities: Teaching English in a Changing World, IUB, Dhaka, 5-7 November, 2015.
- Israt Jahan. “Encoding and Decoding Myth”. 4th International Conference on English Studies and the Marketplace. East West University, Dhaka, 19-20 February 2016.
- Israt Jahan. “Comparative Studies on Films: Scopes of Digital Humanities”. 6th International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture, Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Anudh, Pune, India, 15-17 December 2017.
- Israt Jahan. "‘Trans-creation by Adaptation: An observation on Shatranj ki Khiladi’. 5th International Conference on Transgressing/Transcending Borders through Translation. East West University, Dhaka, 25-26 January 2019.
- Israt Jahan. "A Silver-screen Screening of Partition of 1947”. A Two-Day International Conference on Borders, Diasporas, and Multilingualism in English Studies. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. 7-8 January 2022.
- Israt Jahan. “Alternative Archive to Teach History and Trauma through Literature”. International Conference on Sustainable Development: Opportunities and Challenges. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, American International University, Bangladesh. 12-13 January 2022.
- Israt Jahan. “Prospects of the Study of Documentaries and Film Clips in the Curriculum of ELT in Bangladesh”. 20th ASIATEFL - 68th TEFLIN - 5th INELTAL 2022 Indonesia. 5-7 August 2022.
- Israt Jahan. "‘Appropriating the Past’: A Critical Reading of “The Chess Player” and The Chess Player". 6th International Conference on Linguistics, Literature and Culture (ICLLIC), English Language Studies, School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia. 1st and 2nd December 2022.
- Israt Jahan. "Space and Human Psyche: The Partition of 1947 in the Reels of Tanvir Mokammel." Three-Day International Young Researchers' Conference organised by the Department of English Literature, School of Literary Studies, EFL University, Hyderabad from 26-28 April 2023.
- Israt Jahan. "Looking Glass Border in Bishorjon and Bijoya. International Memory Studies Conference Memory, Ecology, Sustainability held on 20-22 September 2023 at Chennai, India.
- Israt Jahan. "Understanding Past through the Lens of Present: Memory and Flashback in Ganguli's Bishorjon and Bijoya". Seminar Series Rhizome, Department of English East West University, 26 October 2023.
- Israt Jahan. “The Looking Glass Border in Bishorjon and Bijoya”. International Conference on Film Studies (ICFS—24), Research Fora, Sydney, Australia. 22-23 February, 2024.
- Israt Jahan. “A Critical Study of Rajkahini: Affective Pedagogy to Teach Human Dimension of History”. Critical-Affective Pedagogy for Bangladesh: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and Communication in English Studies. Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, 24 and 25 May 2024.
Book Chapters
1. Jahan, Israt. “Short Story vs Film: A Critical Reading of “The Game of Chess” and The Chess Player”. English Literature: Texts, Contexts and Media. Edited by Dr. Suruchi Sharma and Dr. Kusum Kanger. Rudra Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2023, pp 70-79, ISBN: 978-93-92108-53-2.
Book Chapters
- ‘Laws Relating to Dispute Resolution Concerning Foreign Entities’, ‘Bangladesh’, in the edited book “Essential of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka”, published by Zhejiang University Press in December 2017, ISBN 978-7-308-17226-4.
- ‘Environmental Law’, ‘Bangladesh’, in the edited book “Essential of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka”, published by Zhejiang University Press in December 2017, ISBN 978-7-308-17226-4.
- ‘Laws Relating to Labour Management and Treatment’, ‘Bangladesh’, in the edited book “Essential of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka”, published by Zhejiang University Press in December 2017, ISBN 978-7-308-17226-4.
- ‘Laws Relating to Construction of Infrastructure’, ‘Bangladesh’, in the edited book “Essential of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka”, published by Zhejiang University Press in December 2017, ISBN 978-7-308-17226-4.
- ‘Monetary and Banking System and Law’, ‘Bangladesh’, in the edited book “Essential of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka”, published by Zhejiang University Press in December 2017, ISBN 978-7-308-17226-4.
- ‘Foreign Direct Investment System in Bangladesh’, ‘Bangladesh’, in the edited book “Essential of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka”, published by Zhejiang University Press in December 2017, ISBN 978-7-308-17226-4.
- ‘Foreign Trade System in Bangladesh’, ‘Bangladesh’, in the edited book “Essential of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka”, published by Zhejiang University Press inDecember 2017, ISBN 978-7-308-17226-4.
- ‘Custom System and Laws of Bangladesh’, ‘Bangladesh’, in the edited book “Essential of the Laws of the Belt and Road Countries: Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka”, published by Zhejiang University Press in December 2017, ISBN 978-7-308-17226-4.
- “History of the Tea Gardens and Tea Workers of Bangladesh”, in the book “Story of the Tea Workers: Subsistence against Hegemony”, published by ELCOP in January 2015, Dhaka. ISBN: 978-984-33-8210-8.
- “Marginalization of the Marginals: A Systemic Refusal of Labour Rights”, in the book “Story of the Tea Workers: Subsistence against Hegemony”, published by ELCOP in January 2015, Dhaka. ISBN: 978-984-33-8210-8.
Journal Articles
- Mahmud Riad and Saleh Ayesha, “Energy Laws of Bangladesh: Calling for Collaboration to Treat in Amenability with the Standard of Acceptance and Application”, Journal of Governance and Innovation, Vol. V, No. 2, (2019), ISSN- 2312-5551.
- Mahmud Riad, ‘The Legal Regime of Public Private Partnership in Bangladesh: An Overview and Analysis’, BiLD Law Journal, Vol I, No I, (2016), ISSN-L 2518-6523.
Conference Paper
- Mahmud Riad and Hasan Ismail, ‘The legitimacy of a State’s Wilful Inaction to Prevent Illicit Transboundary Drug Trafficking: Bangladesh and Myanmar Perspective’ (Socio-Legal StudiesAssociation Virtual Conference 2021, Cardiff University, 30 March-1 April)
"The Possibility of Jute as GI Product", Law and Our Rights, The Daily Star, September 4, 2018.
Conference & Seminars
- Siddiqui M R (2024) Migrants in urban water: A synthesis of Dhaka presented in the International Workshop on Urbanization and Sustainable Water Management Strategies in the Global South on November 4–5, 2024, at Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, Munich, Germany.
Siddiqui M R (2023) Climate-related Mobility in Coastal Islands of the Bay of Bengal: An investigation into the interconnections and disparities among governance initiatives. Paper presentation at the 2nd Organizing Migration and Integration in Contemporary Societies Conference (OMICS). 22-24 November 2023. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Siddiqui M R (2023) Examining participation in climate decision-making: myth and reality. Paper presentation at the WCRP Open Science Conference. 22- 28 October 2023. Kigali, Rwanda.
Hossain M A, Sultana S, and Siddiqui M R (2022) Effects of the Nature of Urban Development on Land Surface Temperature (LST) at the Neighbourhood Scale in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Environment and Urbanization ASIA. https://doi.org/10.1177/09754253221121299
Siddiqui, M. R (2019) Public Participation in Ecosystem-Based Adaptation: Myth and reality. Paper presented at the Regional expert’s symposium on ecosystem-based adaptation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya. Chengdu, People’s Republic of China. ICIMOD and Chinese Academy of Science.
- Siddiqui M R (2018) Assessing the role public participation in safeguarding the good governance of climate finance at 5th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance and Modernization in Changing Environment. BARD, Comilla, Bangladesh
- Nazem N I, Siddiqui M R, (2018) Climate Change and Displacement of People: The Process of their Adaptation in Dhaka Metropolitan Region for Making the City Resilient at CitiesIPCC 2018 conference in Edmonton, Canada, March 2018
- Siddiqui M R, (2018) Empowering Youth to Implement the New Urban Agenda in their Cities at 9th World Urban Forum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 2018
- Nazem N I, Siddiqui M R, Hossain M R (2017) Climate Change Induced and Environmentally Stressed Migration in Dhaka at Impact World 2017 conference in Potsdam, Germany, October 2017
- Siddiqui M R (2016) State polity as controlling factors of natural hazards. Presentation at RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2016, Royal Geographical Society in London, September 2016
- Siddiqui M R (2016) Interaction between state’s political characteristics and regime types with natural hazards, Poster presentation. RSS 2016 International Conference, University of Manchester, September 2016
- Siddiqui M R (2016) Inauspicious option: Migration towards more vulnerability. Poster presentation. RGS-IBG Postgraduate Forum Mid-Term Conference, Department of Geography, Newcastle University, 17th-18th March 2016.
- Siddiqui R (2014) Unplanned Development and Landslide Hazards in Hilly Regions of Bangladesh. Presented at International Conference on Environment and Development. 7-8 March 2014. Rajshahi. Bangladesh
- Siddiqui R (2014) Migration as an Adaption or Failure of Adaptation to Natural Hazards in Coastal Islands of Bangladesh. Presentation at 2nd National Conference on Community Based Adaptation to Climate Change (NCBA2). Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Siddiqui R (2012) Changing Climate and the Increasing Vulnerability of Landslide of Hazard in Bangladesh. Presentation at National Youth Forum, ICIMOD. Rangamati, Bangladesh. 17-20 December 2012
- Siddiqui, M. R (2020) Climate Migration in South Asia. Global Dialogue. Vol 10 (3)
- Siddiqui M R and Hossain M A (2019) Climate Change and Migration in coastal areas in South Asia. In: W. L. Filho, A. Azul, L. Brandli, P. Özuyar, T. Wall (eds) Climate Action. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Cham. Springer Nature. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71063-1_101-1
- Siddiqui M R (2018) Landslide in Chattogram City: Spatial Vulnerability and Risk Mitigations Options. East West Journal of Business and Social Studies. vols. 6-7.
- Siddiqui R (2015) Environment and Climate in Bangladesh: Increasing Migration Factors. International Migration: A North-South Issue? (XXII – 2015).
- Siddiqui R (2014) Patterns and Factors of Natural Hazard Induced Out-migration from Meghna Estuarine Islands of Bangladesh. GeoScape 8 (1).
- Siddiqui R (2014) Migrants on offshore islands of Bangladesh. Forced Migration Review, Crisis Migration, University of Oxford. UK. http://www.fmreview.org/crisis/siddiqui
- Mahbub A Q M and Siddiqui R (2014) Trends and Characteristics of Migration in Meghna Estuarine Islands of Bangladesh. The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. 3 (1).
- Siddiqui R, Hossain T (2013) Geographical Characteristics and the Components at Risk of Tornado in Rural Bangladesh: A Case Study of Brahmanaria Tornado. Journal of Geography and Natural Disasters. 3: 111
Award and Grants
- 2024 Workshop Grant from the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) and Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung, Germany to attend Urbanization and Sustainable Water Management Strategies in the Global South
2023 Early-to-mid-Career Researcher Grant from World Climate Research Programme to participate Symposium for Early and Mid-Career Researchers and present research at the Open Science Conference 2023
2020 Research Grant (co-investigator) from the Center for Research and Training (CRT) of East West University for research on Rohingya refugee crisis in Bangladesh
2019 Grant from the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) to attend Regional experts' symposium on Ecosystem-based Adaptation in the Hindu Kush Himalaya in Chengdu, China
2019 Fellowship and Grant from the 2050 Climate Collective initiate of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) to attend high-level panel sessions and series of workshops organised by IIED during the London Climate Week
2019 Fellowship and Research Grant under the Young Research Fellowship Program of the Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB)
2018 Conference Grant from SDSN Youth to attend 9th World Urban Forum, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2017 Leadership Award from the Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Research (C3ER), BRAC University
2017 Awarded Local Pathways Fellowship by the UN Sustainable Development Solution Network – Youth
2017 Conference grant from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany
2016 SUN Scholarship from Central European University (CEU), Hungary, to attend summer school training on 'geospatial technologies and remote sensing for monitoring sustainable Development Goals (SDG).'
2015 Chevening Scholarship, Chevening is the UK government’s international scholarships and fellowships programme funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)
2016 SUN Scholarship from Central European University (CEU), Hungary, to attend summer school training on 'geospatial technologies and remote sensing for monitoring sustainable Development Goals (SDG).' - 2015 Chevening Scholarship, the UK government’s global scholarship programme, funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO), UK
Conference and Seminar
Shimul, S.M.A.K. (2023, June 25-July 1). How the Ready-Made Garment Workers of Bangladesh Mobilise Protest Movements at the Verge of Union Extinction? XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia. https://isaconf.confex.com/isaconf/wc2023/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/142333
Hussain, R. & Shimul, S. M. A. K. (2021, January 21-22) Women and the Transition across State Boundaries: The Warps and Woofs of National Labor Exporting Policies of Bangladesh and the Reality.Towards Reflexivity in Migration Studies: Knowledge Production in Times of Contested Politics and Post-Colonial Dynamics, Midterm Conference of ESA's Research Network 35 Sociology of Migration., Germany.
Shimul, S.M.A.K. (2020, December 25-26) Mobilization Awareness of the Female Garment Workers in Bangladesh for Establishing their Rights: Issues of Enthusiasm, Fear and Indignation. 2nd International Congress on Women and Politics in a Global World, İstanbul Ayvansaray University (İstanbul Ayvansaray Üniversitesi), Istanbul, Turkey.
Shimul, S. M. A. K., (2020, February 27-29) The Industrial Relation and Its Challenges in the Emerging Capitalist Society: A Case of the RMG sector in Bangladesh. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences, East West University, Bangladesh.
Khan A. R., Shimul, S. M. A. K. & Uddin, H. (2020, February 5-8) Demographic Risk Factors and Motives of Male Suicide in Bangladesh, 2018-2019. 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Shimul, S. M. A. K. (2019, December 18-19) Unique Strategies of Unionization of the Garment Workers in Bangladesh: Legal or Extralegal. INSEARCH-2019: 6th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance in Society, Business and Environment, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Bangladesh.
Journal Publication
Rahman Khan, A., & Shimul, S. A. K. (2024). Men’s Suicide in Bangladesh: Impressions From the Socio-Ecological System Theory. OMEGA-Journal of death and dying, 00302228241257135.
Khan A. R., Shimul, S. M. A. K., Ratele K. (2023). Psychological Perspective of Suicidal Behaviour in South Africa. Journal of Suicide Prevention, 5 (1), 3-16. http://isssp.ir/article-1-51-en.html
Hussain, R. & Shimul, S. M. A. K. (2023). Women migrant workers and their transition across state boundaries: Labour exporting policies of Bangladesh and the reality. (IPS Working Paper Series No.3). Hong Kong: Institute of Policy Studies, Lingnan University. doi: 10.14793/ipswp_03
Khan, A. R., Uddin, H., Shimul, S. M. A. K. and Billah, M. (2022). Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and suicide in Bangladesh: Some explanations through Durkheim’s Sociology of Suicide. Journal of Community Positive Practices, (3), pp. 3-17. doi:10.35782/JCPP.2022.3.01.
Khan, A. R., Shimul, S. M. A. K., & Arendse, N. (2021). Suicidal behaviour and the coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic: Insights from Durkheim’s sociology of suicide. International social science journal, 71(S1), 7-21. https://doi.org/10.1111/issj.12269
Khan, A. R., Shimul, S. M. A. K., & Uddin, H. (2021). Demographic Risk Factors and Motives of Male Suicide in Bangladesh. Acta Counseling and Humanities, 2(1), 66–80.
Khan, A. R., & Shimul, S. M. A. K. (2020). Methodological Issues in Suicide Research in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 93–96. https://doi.org/10.36609/bjpa.v28i2.109
Policy Brief
Khan, M. I., Shimul, S.M.A.K., (2020), Policy Brief on Industrial Dispute Settlement in the RMG and Inland Water Transport (IWT) Sectors of Bangladesh: Present Situation and Recommendations for Comprehensive Approach
Conference/workshop paper- referred
- Munshi, M. N. 2008. Marketing of Information Products and Services for Special Libraries in Bangladesh. In: PLANNER- 2008 Conference Proceedings on Open Access, Open Source, Opern Library, 6-7 November, Nagaland University, Dimapur, Nagaland, India.
- Munshi, M. N. 2005. Marketing of Information Products and Services in Bangladesh: Findings, Data Analysis and Discussions. In: PLANNER- 2005 Conference Proceedings on Digital Collection Development and E-Journal Management in Libraries, 10-11 November, University of Assam, Silchar, India.
- Munshi, M. N. 2005. Knowledge Management in Bangladeshi Libraries: A Long Way to Go. In: Third International CALIBER-2005: Multilingual Computing and Information Management in Networked Digital Environment, 02–04 February, Cochin, India, 214-220
- Munshi, M. N. 2004. Designing Information Systems and Services: A Case Study on the DISC of the ICDDR,B. In: The National Convention on Library and Information Networking – NACLIN 2004, 23-26 November, Pune, India, 258-272
- Munshi, M. N. 2004. Status of School Library Development in Bangladesh. In: NILIS- IFLA/ALP International Workshop Proceedings on Information Skills for Learning, 01-05 November, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 45-51
- Munshi, M. N. 2003. Library Automation in Bangladesh: The Dhaka University Library Experiences. In: International CALIBER-2003: Mapping Technology on Libraries and People, 13–15 February, Ahmedabad, India, 153-165
Journal articles
- M. Nasiruddin Munshi and Muhammad Jaber Hossin. (July 2013) Users’ Perception of Service Performance: A Study of Some Public University Libraries in Bangladesh. The Dhaka University Studies, Vol.70, no.1 (published in 2015).
- Siddike, M. A. K. and Munshi, M. N. (2012) Perceptions of information professionals about knowledge management in the information institutions of Bangladesh: an exploratory study. Library Philosophy and Practice. August 2012.
- Munshi, M. N., Siddike, M. A. K. and Sayeed, M. A. (2011) The adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in the university libraries of Bangladesh: an exploratory study. The Eastern Librarian. Vol. 22 (1&2). Pp. 07-13.
- Munshi, M. N. (2009) Public Library Management in Bangladesh: Problems and Suggestions. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. Vol. 27, June. Bangladesh (Bengali)
- Munshi, M. N. (2009) Marketing of Information Products and Services in Bangladesh: Theories and Practices. Social Science Review, 26(1), June, Bangladesh.
- Munshi, M. N. (2007) Existent Picture of LIS Education and Training in Bangladesh. The Eastern Librarian. Vol. 21, no. 1 & 2: 12-19 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. (2007) Information Supports for Socio-Economic Development of Bangladesh. Library Herald, 45(4), December, (India)
- Munshi, M. N. (2006) Marketing Plan for Special Libraries: Theoretical Considerations. The Dhaka University Studies. 63(1), June, (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. (2006) Organization of Library Materials: An Overview. Library Management Training Manual. NAEM, Ministry of Education, Dhaka, May 2006, 90-96 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. (2006) Historical Growth and Development of Special Libraries in Bangladesh: A Brief Account. The Arts Faculty Journal. University of Dhaka, July 2005-June 2006, 1(1), 139-154 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. (2004) Granthagar o Tathya Kendrey Marketing Koushal Proyog: Ekty Parjalachona. Dhaka Biswabidyalaya Patrika. Vol. 80, 65 – 73 [Bengali] (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. (2004) Marketing of Information Products and Services in Bangladesh: Theories and Practices. Library Herald, 42(4), December, (India)
- Munshi, M. N. (2003) Automation in Some Special Libraries of Dhaka: A Survey. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), 48(1), 189-206 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. (2003) Application of Micro CDS/ISIS in Designing Bibliographic Databases. Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part – D, 48(1), 81-90 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. (2002) Library and Information services: Marketing Strategies and Techniques. Journal of Marketing, University of Dhaka: Vol. 5, 155-162 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. (2001) Marketing of Information Services: A Conceptual Framework. The Dhaka University Studies, 58(2), December, 127-138 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (2000) Status of library automation in Bangladesh: existing problems and solutions. Library Herald, 38(2), July – September, 81-89 (India)
- Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (2000) Status of library automation in Bangladesh: an overview of some existing problems and solutions. Social Science Review, 17(2), 227-236 [Bangladesh]
- Munshi, M. N. (1998) Assessing the use of information technology and its impact on special libraries and information centres in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science, University of Dhaka, 1(1), 77-88 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. (1998) Application of computers in the library and information centres in Bangladesh: a review [Bangla]. Asiatic Society Patrika, 16(2), 78-90 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (1998) Library and information science literature in Bangladesh-a bibliometric study. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 3(2), 11-34 (Malaysia)
- Munshi, M. N. (1997) Adequacy of reading resources and the satisfaction of the information needs of the faculty members: a case study of the Dhaka University Library. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), 42(2), 303-311 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (1997) Computerization of libraries in Bangladesh. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 2(2), .37-43 (Malaysia)
- Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, M.U. (1996-1997) Library and information services to the rural community in Bangladesh: CDL’s experience. The Dhaka University Studies, 54(1), 129-138 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (1995-1997) Choosing microcomputer hardware: guidelines for the librarians of Bangladesh. The Eastern Librarian, Vol. 20-22: 75-87 (Bangladesh)
- Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (1995-1996) Using IBM PC in libraries: some buying tips. Library Herald, l.33(3-4), 90 - 98 (India)
PhD Thesis
Munshi, M. N. 2003. Marketing of Information Products and Services: A Study on Some Selected Special Libraries in Bangladesh. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, Dept. of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
Book Chapters-Referred
Munshi, M. N. 2004. Marketing for non-profit organizations: strategies and techniques. In: Information, Communication, Library and Community Development. New Delhi: B.R. Publishing, chapter-II.
- Farhin, N. & Rahaman, N. (2024, August 31 and September 7). Journey Towards Resilient Bangladesh: Access to Disaster Risk Information in Roboust Database. International Conference on Environmental Justice 2024. O.P Jindal Law School and Commonwealth Legal Education Association, India.
- Farhin N & Rahaman N, 'Hidden Struggles in Rising Tides: Exploring Women's Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Coastal Bangladesh During Disasters' (98th Research Seminar, East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 28 April, 2024)
- Rahaman N & Farhin N, 'To the Stars and Beyond: Comparative Legal Analysis of Space Governance between Bangladesh and India' (5th International Conference on Comparative Law, Amity Law School, India and School of Business & Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, 9-10 February, 2023) (Best Paper Award)
- Farhin N, 'Ensuring Disability Right to Health During Disasters: A Bangladesh Perspective' (International Conference on Human Rights and Social Justice: Key Issues and Challenges, Department of Law, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 06-07 October 2023)
- Farhin N & Rahaman N, 'Space Odyssey of Bangladesh: Emerging Challenges in Space Governance and Legal Frameworks' (Conference on Aviation and Space Law. Department of Aviation and Space Law, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University, Bangladesh, 23 September 2023).
- Farhin N & Rahaman N, 'Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights of Women in Disasters: A Critical Analysis in the Context of Bangladesh' (1st National Law Conference. Faculty of Law, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, 16-17 September 2023)
- Farhin N & Rabbani M A, 'Are Child Actors Workers in Bangladesh? A Critical Legal Analysis' (2nd International Conference on Technology Business and Justice. Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, March 2023) (Best Paper Award)
- Farhin N & Rahaman N, 'Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Critical Analysis in the Context of Disasters' (8th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance in Society, Business and Environment: Sustainable Environment for Sustainable Development, Insearch International, Comilla, Bangladesh, December 2022) ISBN 978-984-9356691
- Farhin N, 'Is The Patient A Consumer?: Scope of The Consumers’ Right Protection Act, 2009 in Addressing Medical Negligence Claims' (3rd Global Public Health Conference, Thailand. TIIKM, 2020) ISBN 78-955-3605-47-4
- Farhin N, 'Ending Violence from Ready-Made Garments Industry: South Asian Context' (3rd International Conference on Future of Women, TIIKM, Thailand, 2020) ISBN: 978-955-3605-46-7
- Farhin N, 'Addressing Sexual Harassment of the RMG Workers in South Asia and Analyzing the Scope of the Violence and Sexual Harassment Convention, 2019' (2nd International Conference on Gender and Sexuality, Sri Lanka, TIIKM, 2019) ISBN:978-955-3605-38-2
Journal Articles
- Farhin N 'Behind the Seam: Addressing Workplace GBV in the RMG Sector of Bangladesh' Dhaka University Law Journal, 2024, 35 (1),193-216DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/dulj.v35i1.77568 https://www.banglajol.info/index.php/DULJ/article/view/77568
- Farhin N, 'Disability Considerations in Disaster Risk Information Dissemination in Bangladesh in P. Kamnuansilpa & G. Lowatcharin (eds.), 7th International Conference on Local Government, Leadership for Digital Governance: Building the Teams to Implement the Technology, pp. 2022 41-49, COLA KKU. ISBN 978-616-438-804-8
Book Chapters
- Farhin N & Basri R, 'PWD in Covid-19: Bangladesh Perspective' in Amita Singh (ed), International Handbook of Disaster Research (Springer, Singapore, 2022)
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8800-3_131-1 Print ISBN 978-981-16-8800-3. Online ISBN: 978-981-16-8800-3
- Farhin, N & Jahan, I, 'Female Frontline Health Workers in High-risk Workplaces: Legal Protection in Bangladesh amid the COVID-19 Pandemic' in Fikrejesus Amahazion (ed), An Exploration of How COVID-19 Impacted Women and Girls Around the World: The Hidden Toll (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023) ISBN: 1-5275-2538-4, ISBN13: 978-1-5275-2538-2
Funded Projects
- Farhin N. and Rahaman N. "Hidden Struggles in Rising Tides: Exploring Women's Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Coastal Bangladesh During Disasters” funded by EWU Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT). (October 2024-ongoing) https://crtewu.org/research-projects
- Farhin N., “Fractured Foundations: Unveiling Access to Post-Accident Remedies by Construction Workers in Bangladesh” funded by Jobs with Justice Education Fund, USA (January 2024 - ongoing) https://www.lranetwork.org/new-scholars/
Farhin N. & Rahaman N., Research Project on ‘Empowering Workers for Justice: Legal Framework Review’, funded by the Rule of Law Collaborative (RoLC) of the University of South Carolina in collaboration with Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST) from June 2023 - February 2024.
- ‘Grammo-Revival-4th Chapter: Ekhlaspur, Chandpur’ A Research Initiative to Work with and for Disabled People funded by Ekhlaspur Protibondhi Kendra, Chandpur, Bangladesh, from September-November 2020),
Training and Workshops
- Completed the training on 'Qualitative Research' from May to June, 2024 organised by the East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT), East West University
- Completed the training titled "Basic Qualitative Research Methodology" held on 5-6 February, 2025 organised by BRAC James P.Grant School of Public Health
- Completed “Qualitative Data Analysis Using NVivo” from 19-20 December 2023 by BRAC James P.Grant School of Public Health
- Completed the training on “Thinking Qualitatively: Principles of Qualitative and Ethnographic Research from 18-20 September 2023, organized by the BRAC Institute of Governance and Development (BIGD) and Interdisciplinary Knowledge Initiatives (iKi)
- Completed the training on 'How to Write a Research Proposal?' from June-July 2023, organized by the East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT), East West University
- Participant in Empowering Workers for Justice (60 hours intensive course) organized by the Rule of Law Collaborative of the University of South Carolina and Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST), held on May-July, 2023
- Completed the Advanced Training Course on Research Techniques in Social Sciences-2023 held by the Bureau of Economic Research, University of Dhaka, from February-March 2023
- Participated in the ‘Workshop on Research and Training’ organized by the Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA), held on 10-12 May 2018
- Attended a training titled ‘Improving Learning and Teaching Skills (ILTS)’ organized by the University of Asia Pacific from June to August 2017
- Completed the training on ‘Right to Information Act, 2009’, organized by The Transparency International Bangladesh from 10-11 August 2011
- Participant of the Workshop titled ‘Law, Power and Politics' organized by the Empowerment through Law of Common People (ELCOP) from 13-14 November 2009
Other Research and Professional Activities
- Host and Member of the organizing committee of the East West University Annual Law Lecture 2023, organized by the Department of Law, East West University, on 10 June 2023
- Host and Member of the organizing committee of the Inaugural Ceremony of the EWU Law Clinic, Department of Law, East West University, held on 8 April 2023
- Attended 84th Research Seminar Titled “Men, Masculinity and Suicide in Jhenaidah District, Bangladesh” by East West University Research and Training Center (EWUCRT), June 16, 2022
- Organiser of the ‘Lecture on Jurisprudence’ in the Department of Law, East West University, 25 July 2019
- Participant and Member of Organizing Committee of 2nd International Conference on ‘International Law’, organized by the Department of Law, East West University, 29-31 March 2018
- Participant in the Workshop titled ‘Intellectual Property in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges' organized by the Department of Law, East West University, December 2019
- Participant and Organiser of the Interdisciplinary Seminar Series -1, titled ‘Cybercrime and Social Media’, organized by the Department of Law, East West University, 16 October 2018
- Participant in ‘Social Compliance in Readymade Garment Sector of Bangladesh’ by Industrial Relations & Labour Studies (IRLS) Program, Institute of Social Welfare and Research (ISWR), University of Dhaka, January 2018
- Researcher in ‘In the Shadow of Death: The Tantees of Bangladesh’ under the Community Law Reform Program (CLR) by the Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP) from February-November 2012
- Field Enumerator for Opinion Survey on Proposed Amendments to the Anti-Corruption Commission Act, a survey conducted by Transparency International Bangladesh (TIB) from 1-5 July 2010
Member of the editorial body of ‘Law Vision’ (2007-2008 issue), a publication of the Faculty of Law, University of Chittagong
Mooting Activities
- Session conducted on 'Legal Research and Memorial Writing' in the 7th Workshop on Mooting and Advocacy skills, organised by the Department of Law, East West University, 1 June 2024
- Coach, Team from East West University in the 7th Bangladesh National Round of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition 2024, November 2023- February 2024 (The team secured 4th position and best memorial trophy)
- Mentor, Worker’s Access to Justice Hackathon, organised by Bangladesh Legal Aid Services And Trust (BLAST) and the Rule of Law Collaborative of the University of South Carolina, 21-22 October 2023 (Mentor of the winning teams)
- Coach of East West University in the Fth Bangladesh National Round of the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition from November 2020- March 2021 (The team was one of the semi-finalists and secured the 5th position in Bangladesh).
- Coach of East West University in the International Round of Fifth Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition from November 2020- March 2021 (The first team from EWU to represent Bangladesh in international rounds of Jessup International Moot Court Competitions)
- Adjudicator, 1st International Law Fest 2019, organised by NILS Bangladesh and Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice (CSGJ) from 04-06 April 2019
- Resource Person in the Seminar on 'Experience Sharing on Mooting', organised by the Department of Law and Justice, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology BUBT) in 2018
- Adjudicator, in the 2nd Professor Dr Khabir Uddin Ahmed Memorial Moot Court Competition, 2018, organised by the Society for Critical Legal Studies (SCLS) on 29-30 June 2018
- Coach, Team from EWU, UOL- LCLS(S) Moot Court Competition 2018, 9-11 August 2018
- Coach of the Olympiad Team, SCLS Law Olympiad 2.0, 28-29 September, 2018
- Mooter of the team from the University of Chittagong, in the 7th National Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition organised by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Faculty of Law, the University of Dhaka
Paper Review
- Reviewer of Rahman FN, Iwuagwu AO, Ngwu CN, Kalu ME, Kasherwa A, Chowdhury MRK and Kader M (2024) Connecting the experiences of persons with disabilities and social workers in Nigerian care institutions regarding COVID-19 vaccine uptake: a qualitative descriptive-interpretive design. Front. Public Health 12:1466313. Doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2024.1466313 https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11496303/
- Reviewer of Dhaka University Law Journal
Selected Publications
(1) Barkat, A., Islam, M. W., Ahsan, M., & Osman, A. (2019). Land Grabbing: A Quest for the Loopholes in Land Laws. In Barkat, A., (Ed.), Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017: Land Grabbing in a Rent Seeking Society (pp. 41–72). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Muktobuddhi Publishers.
(2) Barkat, A., & Ahsan, M. (2017). International Migration, Social Protection and Rights. In Thematic Research on Migration and Development. (pp. 121–194). Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Organization for Migration (IOM). Available at: https://bangladesh.iom.int/sites/default/files/publication/Report-of-Thematic-Research-Book.pdf
(3) Barkat, A., Suhrawardy, G.M., Ahamed, F.M., & Ahsan, M. (2017). In depth Monitoring Study Report: ‘Ekti Bari Ekti Khamar’ (One House One Farm) Project. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Local Government and Rural Development Sector, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED), Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
(4) Barkat, A., & Ahsan, M. (2014). Gender and Migration from Bangladesh: Mainstreaming Migration into the National Development Plans from a Gender Perspective. Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Labour Organization (ILO). Available at: https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/---ilo-dhaka/documents/publication/wcms_310411.pdf
(5) Barkat, A., Poddar, A., Ahsan, M., & Ahamed, F. M. (2013). Social and Income Security of Older People at Household Level: A Background Study. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) and HelpAge International.
(6) Barkat, A., Osman, A., Sen Gupta, S.K., Ara, R., & Ahsan, M. (2013). Situational Analysis on Sexual Harassment at Tertiary Level Education Institutes in and around Dhaka. Dhaka, Bangladesh: UN Women.
(7) Barkat, A., Halim, S., Osman, A., Hossain, M.I., & Ahsan, M. (2010). Status and Dynamics of Land Rights, Land Use and Population in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) and DANIDA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark).
Research Reports/Working Papers/Policy Papers (as co-author)
(1) Barkat, A., Ahamed, F.M., Osman, A., & Ahsan, M. (2018). Baseline Survey of SWAPNO (Strengthening Women’s Ability for Productive New Opportunities) 2nd Cycle of SWAPNO project, UNDP. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Local Government Division, MoLGRD&C, Government of Bangladesh and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Bangladesh.
(2) Barkat, A., Ahsan, M., Osman, A., & Ahmed, Sk. A. (2018). Skills Demand Survey in Information and Communication Technology Sector. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(3) Barkat, A. et al. (2017). Baseline Survey of Nuton Jibon Livelihood Improvement Project (NJLIP). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Social Development Foundation (SDF) and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(4) Barkat, A. et al. (2016). Baseline study of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Rights in Disaster Prone Areas of Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Marie Stopes, Bangladesh and Plan International, Bangladesh.
(5) Barkat, A. et al. (2016). Women's Dairy Entrepreneurship in Rural Bangladesh, conducted under "Developing and Executing an Influencing Strategy/Advocacy Strategy for Gendered Enterprise Markets (GEM) and Enterprise Development Program (EDP) Components of Oxfam GB. Dhaka, Bangladesh: UKAid and Oxfam GB, Bangladesh.
(6) Barkat, A. et al. (2015). Baseline Survey of the Generation Breakthrough Project. Dhaka, Bangladesh: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(7) Barkat, A. et al. (2014). Baseline Study for Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Linkages (SaFaL) Programme. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Solidaridad Network Asia and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(8) Barkat, A. et al. (2014). Assessing Inheritance Laws and their Impact on Rural Women in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Land Coalition (ILC) and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(9) Barkat, A. et al. (2013). Study on Knowledge Attitude Practice (KAP) of University Students on Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR). Dhaka, Bangladesh: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(10) Barkat, A. et al. (2013). Impact of Social and Income Security for Older People at Household Level. Dhaka, Bangladesh: HelpAge International, Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(11) Barkat, A. et al. (2012). Situational Analysis of the Street Children involved in Begging in Dhaka City. Dhaka, Bangladesh: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(12) Barkat, A. et al. (2012). Women in Parliament: Process and Extent of Participation and Scope for Strengthening Their Role. Dhaka, Bangladesh: The Asia Foundation Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(13) Barkat, A. et al. (2012). Baseline Survey on Joint Programme to Address Violence against Women (JP-VAW) in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(14) Barkat, A. et al. (2011). Baseline Survey to Know the Extent and Severity of Violence Against Women in Selected Sectors. Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Labour Organization (ILO) Country Office for Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(15) Barkat, A. et al. (2011). Socio-economic Impact Study of the Rural Electrification Development Project (REDP). Dhaka, Bangladesh: National Rural Electrification Cooperative Association (NRECA) International Ltd. and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
Conference Papers
(1) Ahsan, M. (2020). Sexual Harassment in Education Institutions: A Sociological Analysis. Paper presented at the 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Science: Gender, Health, Information, and Environment (ICSL 2020). Organized by East West University; Dhaka, Bangladesh; 27-29 February 2020.
(2) Ahsan, M. (forthcoming). Women and Migration: A Sociological Review on the Current Trends and Future of Women Migration in Bangladesh. Paper accepted in the 2nd International Congress on Women and Politics in a Global World. Organized by Altınbaş University; Istanbul, Turkey; 17-18 April 2020.
Unpublished Masters Thesis and Monographs
(1) Ahsan, M. (2009). The Cultural Construction of Women: A Comparative Sociological Study on the Urban and the Rural Societies of Bangladesh. Unpublished Masters Thesis under the Supervision of Dr. A.I. Mahbub Uddin Ahmed, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
(2) Ahsan, M. (2008). Sexual Relationship and Media Image: Men’s Desires over Women’s Performances – An Application on Jean Baudrillard’s Concept of ‘Simulacra and Simulations’. Unpublished monograph under the Supervision of Dr. A.I. Mahbub Uddin Ahmed, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
(3) Ahsan, M. (2007). Consensual Poverty and Social Exclusion in Urban Bangladesh under ‘Poverty and the Social Exclusion in Dhaka City in 2007’. Unpublished monograph under the Supervision of Dr. A.I. Mahbub Uddin Ahmed, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
(4) Ahsan, M. (2007). The Impact of the ‘Internet’ on the Teenage Users: A Sociological Study in Dhaka City. Unpublished monograph under the Supervision of Dr. Shah Ehsan Habib, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
(5) Ahsan, M. (2005). The Dynamics of Changes in the Agrarian Structure – How did it happen historically? Unpublished monograph under the Supervision of Dr. Monirul I Khan, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
Book Chapter
In Search of the Protection of Minority Rights in Bangladesh: Laws, Fallacy and Reality in "Yearbook on Human Rights and Bangladesh: Leadership in Prospect," (ed) Rahman, Dr. Mizanur, 21st Human Rights Summer School, Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), Vol. XXI, (15 December, 2022), Dhaka. ISBN: 978-984-35-3520-7, pp. 115-134
Research Article
Constitutional Torts in Bangladesh: In Search of the Application of Due Process in Awarding Compensation
International Journal of Law Management and Humanities, Volume 6, Issue 6, Page 4142 - 4157 (HeinOnline) (Open Access)
DOI: https://doij.org/10.10000/IJLMH.116488
Selected Publications
Arafat, A., Ahmad, N. A., & Ismail, S. F. S. (2021). Socio-Cultural Gender Norms and Economic Barriers in The Context of Rural High
School Girls’ Dropout in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Study. Malaysian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (MJSSH), 6(8), 436-447.
Arafat, A., Ahmad, N. A., & Ismail, S. F. S. (2021). Socio-cultural analysis and contextualization of ‘stalking’ as sexual abuse and
harassment of female students in Bangladesh: A qualitative study. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention
(IJHSSI), 10(8), 30-38.
Arafat, A. (2009). Decolonizing Space: Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon, Tar Baby and Love. In Kataria, G. R., & Mandal, S. (Eds.),
Literature in Times of Violence (pp. 195-201). New Delhi: Prestige Books.
Selected Conferences
“1st International Scholars Conference 2019 (ISCUUM 2019” held at University Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Kedah, Malaysia from 26th – 28th June, 2019
“International Conference on Global Education VI” held Politeknik Perai, Penang from 7 to 8 May, 2018
“The 7th International Conference on International Studies” held at Universitas Prima Indonesia from 7th to 9th December
“9th UUM International Legal Conference” in Social and Behavioural Science, held at University Utara Malaysia from Sep. 23 -24, 2017
“International Young Scholar Symposium on Humanities and Arts” held at Universitas Indonesia from 28 to 30 August, 2017
“Beat The Deforestation - Asean Student Conference” held at UUM from 20 to 26 January in 2019
Embracing Cultural Diversity through Languages and Literatures” held online from 23 – 25 March 2021
MELUS-MELOW International Conference on “Literature in the Times of Violence” held at the Department of English,Punjab University, Chandigarh, India on March 22-24, 2007
“Unveiling a secret agreement: Revisiting the Contours of English Studies” held at the Department of English Literature, The English and Foreign language University, Hyderabad, India on November 19 to 21, 2012
The 3rd International Conference organized by the English Department of EWU in 2008
The 1st International Conference organized by the English Department of EWU in 2006
- Ekush Shataker Prekhyapote Reference O Tathysheba (Reference and Information Services in the perspective of the 21st century), a textbook written jointly with Md. Nazmul Hasan and published in 2016.
- Bibortoner Dharay Samaj, Tathya O Gronthagar (Society, Information and Libraries in the Stream of Evolution), a textbook written in Bangla published by Community Development Library (CDL), in November 2008.
- Tatthya Pratishthaner Shayangkriyakaran (Automation of Information Institutions), a textbook written in Bangla published by Knowledge Rain, Dhaka. 1st Edition: September 2007, 2nd Edition: June, 2011.
- Gyan Bebosthapana (Knowledge Management), a textbook written in Bangla publish by Muktabhash in April 2017.
- All four books are taught at the Honours and Masters levels in the Departments of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka and University of Rajshahi. It is also a textbook for the Diploma level students at various Library and Information Science Institutes under the National University.
- Have also written eight novels, one historical narrative, one story book for children and one book on ICT, all in Bengali, which have been published by reputed publishing houses. In addition, translated ‘The Bell Jar’ by Sylvia Plath into Bengali, which has been published by Batighar, a leading publishing house in 2018.
- “Research and documentation: a look at the NGO sector”, written jointly with Harun-ur-Rashid, published in the compilation “The Other Option: NGO’s and People’s Praxis”, Edited by Mohiuddin Ahmad, Published by Community Development Library, September 2000, Dhaka.
- Development of an Integrated Rural Information System in Bangladesh: Some Observations. Written jointly with Dr. S. M. Mannan. Accepted for publication in “Information Control and Management in Digital Environment: Essays in Honor of Professor K. C. Panda”, to be published by Atlantic Books, New Delhi.
1. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, Md. Nazmul Hasan and A K M Eamin Ali Akanda "6. The Role of Library Professionals as Knowledge Managers: A Study in the Context of Bangladesh." 1st International Conference on Industrial Development in the North Eastern Region- Challenges and Opportunities Tripura, India.: Department of Business Management, Tripura University, India., 2020 .
2. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, Md. Nazmul Hasan and A. K. M. Eamin Ali Akanda "Access to Public Information: The Dilemma of Library and Information Professionals of Bangladesh." Information in e-Motion (BOBCATSSS 2012) BOBCATSSS, 2012 .
3. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq "Challenges and Opportunities of Libraries for Preparing a Nation in the Digital Era.." Silver Jubilee seminar of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) Dhaka: Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID), 2011 .
4. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, Dr. M. Nasiruddin Munshi and Ed. by T. A. V. Murthi, S M Salgar, S K Sharma, K Prakash "Knowledge management in Bangladeshi libraries: a long way to go." ‘Multilingual computing and information management in networked digital environment, Convention on automation of libraries in education and research institutions [Third International CALIBER 2005] Ahmedabad, India.: INFLIBNET Centre, 2005 .
5. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, K. M. Eamin Ali Akanda, Md. Nazmul Hasan and Dilara Begum "Use of Departmental Seminar Libraries as Institutional Repositories: A Case Study of Selected Public Universities in Bangladesh." Proceedings of BOBCATSSS Conference 2013 (From Collections to Connections: Turning Libraries “Inside-Out”) Ankara, Turkey: Department of Information Management, Hacettepe University, Turkey and Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark, January 23-25 2013 .
6. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, Dr. Dilara Begum and Md. Nazmul Hasan "Knowledge management in libraries and information centers: a model-based analysis.." 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management Dhaka: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) and the Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University, 25 to 27 April 2019 .
1. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Ethics of librarianship: an introspective review, The Eastern Librarian , vol.25 , no.1 , pp.161-170 , 2020 .
2. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Changing relationship between information society and libraries, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.62 , no.1 , pp.87-99 , 2017 .
3. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and Md. Armanul Haque : Changing Concept of Libraries in the Modern Age: An Assessment, Social Science Journal, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh , vol.21 , pp.135-152 , 2017 .
4. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Rural Library and information services, their success, failure and sustainability: a literature review, Information Development , vol.31 , no.3 , 2014 .
5. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and A. K. M. Eamin Ali Akanda : Public Health Information Service in the Northern Region of Bangladesh: An exploratory Study., Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) , pp.855 , 2012 .
6. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, A. K. M. Eamin Ali Akanda and Md. Nazmul Hasan : 13. Reading Habit of Students in Social Sciences and Arts: A Case Study of Rajshahi University. Written jointly with, Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal , vol.35 , 2012 .
7. Kazi Mostak gausul Hoq, Dr. Md. Nasiruddin and Dr. Muhammad Mezbah-ul-Islam : Information Description and Discovery Method using Classification Structures in Web, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science , vol.11 , no.2 , 2006 .
8. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and Dr. Muhammad Mezbah-ul-Islam : Information Needs and Information Seeking Behavior of Teachers in the Faculty of Arts of the University Of Dhaka: A Case Study, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.62 , no.1 , 2005 .
9. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Role of information for Rural Development in Bangladesh: A Sector-wise Review, Information Development , vol.28 , no.1 , February 2012 .
10. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Emerging Trends in Telecentre Sustainability in Bangladesh: Some Observations, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.67 , no.1 , June 2010 (Published in June 2012) .
11. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Rural Development through Information Service in Bangladesh: Current Trends and Future Directions, Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.5 , no.7 , July 2011-June 2012 .
12. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Union information service centres (UISC): a proposal for reorganization, The Dhaka University Studies , June, 2012 (Published in 2013) .
13. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Information ethics and its implications for library and information professionals: A contemporary analysis, Philosophy and Progress , vol.LI-LII , January-June, July-December, 2012. (Published in 2014) .
14. Kazi Mostak Gausul : Right to information: The roles and contributions of information professionals of Bangladesh, Philosophy and Progress , vol.LIII-LIV , January-June, July-December, 2013 .
15. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Information overload: causes, consequences and remedies: A study, Philosophy and Progress , vol.LV-LVI , January-June, July-December, 2014 (Published in 2015) .
16. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : The role of knowledge workers in the 21st century: A theoretical review (Ekush shatake gyan bebosthapona kormeer bhumika: ekti tatwik porjalochona), Kala Anushad Patrika , vol.7 , no.9 , July 2013-June 2014 (Published in 2015) .
17. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and S. M. Mannan : 20. Rural Library and information network: a proposal (Grameen granthagar and information network: ekti prostabona) [In Bengali]., Dhaka Bishwabiddalaya Patrika , pp.91-93 , July 2013-June 2014 .
18. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and Md. Armanul Haque : Student perception of electronic resources use in Rajshahi University Library: A case study, International Journal of Library and Information Science , vol.10 , no.7 , pp.78-84 , August 2018 .
19. Kazi Mostak gausul Hoq : Information for Rural Development: The Case of CDLRural Information Resource Centres, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.60 , no.2 , December 2003 .
20. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Alternative library: Rural Development and Telecentres [Bikalpa Gronthagar: Grameen Unnayan O Telecentres], Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.1 , no.1 , July 2005-June 2006 .
21. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Information Literacy and its Implications for Bangladesh, Dhaka University Studies , vol.63 , no.2 , December 2006 .
22. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Information Dissemination in Rural Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities, Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.2 , no.2&3 , July 2006-June 2008 .
23. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Teaching Methodology: A Case of the University of Dhaka, The CDR Journal , vol.3&4 , December 2007-08 .
24. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and Md. Anwarul Islam : Community Internet Access In Rural Areas: A Study on Community Information Centres In Bangladesh, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science , vol.15 , no.2 , August 2010 .
25. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and Rowshan Akhter : Knowledge Management in Universities: Role of knowledge workers, Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science, University of Dhaka , vol.2 , no.1 , July 2012 .
Book Chapter
MA Razzak, Nadia Rahaman and AR Partha, 'Access to Justice by the Harijan Community: An Appraisal of its Traditional Justice Delivery System' in Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah (ed) Harijans of Bangladesh: Living with the Injustice of Untouchability (Empowerment through Law of the Common People, Vol-10, 2016) 191
Journal Articles
Nadia Rahaman, 'Right to Life: Existing Laws and Practices in Bangladesh', (2022) 21st Yearbook on Human Rights and Bangladesh: Leadership in Prospect, Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), Vol. XXI, ISBN: 978-984-35-3520-7
Nadia Rahaman, 'Anti-Dumping Measures under WTO Regime: Effects & Consequences Regarding Compliance in the Trade Policy of Bangladesh', (2021) Bangladesh Journal of Law, Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA), Vol-19, No. 1, ISSN: 1609-3593
Conference Papers
Nabila Farhin and Nadia Rahaman, 'Journey towards Resilient Bangladesh: Access to Disaster Risk Information in Robust Database' (2nd International Conference on Environmental Justice, Centre for Environmental Law and Policy, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Jindal Global Law School, O.P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat, India, Commonwealth Legal Education Association, NAPSIPAG Disaster Research Group (NDRG-2020), Department of Political and Social Sciences, University of Catania, Italy, Lewis & Clark Claw School, United States, Justice Sector Project (JURE), funded by the European Union, and jointly implemented by UNDP and UNICEF Sri Lanka, facilitated by the Ministry of Justice. October, 31 August to 7 September 2024)
Nadia Rahaman, 'Freedom of Expression and Media's Role in Effective Governance' (Seminar on Freedom of Expression and the Role of Media: Reflections on the Commonwealth Latimer House Principles, Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA), 3-4 May, 2024)
Nabila Farhin and Nadia Rahaman, 'Hidden Struggles in Rising Tides: Exploring Women's Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights in Coastal Bangladesh During Disasters' (98th Research Seminar, East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 28 April, 2024)
Nadia Rahaman and Nabila Farhin, 'To the Stars and Beyond: Comparative Legal Analysis of Space Governance between Bangladesh and India' (5th Annual International Conference on Comparative Law, School of Law, Amity University, Noida, India and School of Business and Law, Edith Cowan University, Western Australia, 9-10 February, 2024)
Nadia Rahaman, 'Borderless Crimes in SAARC: Focus on Human Trafficking in Bangladesh, India and Nepal' (Commonwealth Attorney General and Solicitor Generals' Conference 2024 on Cross Border Challenges in Justice Delivery, organized by Government of India, The Office of Attorney General & Solicitor General and, Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA), 2-5 February 2024)
Nabila Farhin and Nadia Rahaman, ‘Space Odyssey of Bangladesh: Emerging Challenges in Space Governance and Legal Frameworks’ (1st Conference on Aviation and Space Law, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University (BSMRAAU), 23 September 2023)
Nabila Farhin and Nadia Rahaman, ‘Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Females in Disasters: Coastal Zone of Bangladesh in Context’ (First National Law Conference, University of Chittagong, September 16-17, 2023)
Nabila Farhin and Nadia Rahaman, 'Sexual & Reproductive Rights of Persons with Disabilities: A Critical Analysis in the Context of Disasters' (8th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance in Society, Business and Environment 2022, Netinsearch International, Center for Administrative Research and Innovation (CARI), University of Dhaka, Asian Conference on Population and Development (ACPD), China and GAIN International (Governance and Administration Innovative Network), Australia, EquJust of Tempare University, Finland, 2022) ISBN 978-984-9356691
Nadia Rahaman, 'Presumption of Legitimacy Rule under Sharia and Statutes: Conflict with the Medical Developments' (7th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance in Society, Business and Environment 2021 organized by Netinsearch International, Center for Administrative Research and Innovation (CARI), University of Dhaka, Asian Conference on Population and Development (ACPD), China and GAIN International (Governance and Administration Innovative Network), Australia, EquJust of Tempare University, Finland, 19 December 2021)
Nadia Rahaman, 'Use of Autonomous Weapon System in Warfare: Challenges and Way Forward' (7th International Conference on Bangladesh Genocide and Justice, Reminiscence, Recognition and Transitional Justice, Liberation War Museum, Bangladesh, 6 December 2021)
Lecture in Workshops & Training Programs
Session on ‘How to Write Abstracts, Findings & Recommendations in a Thesis Paper’, organized by the Department of Law, East West University on 24 December 2024 for the the students enrolled in supervised dissertation.
Adjudicated and evaluated 'NSU Undergraduate Law Symposium', organized by Department of Law, North South University, November 28, 2024.
Session on, 'Basics of Mooting', in the 7th Workshop on 'Mooting and Advocacy', organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, June 1, 2024.
Session on ‘How to Write Abstracts, Findings & Recommendations in a Thesis Paper’, organized by the Department of Law, East West University on 30 May 2024 for the the students enrolled in supervised dissertation.
Session on 'Instruction of Mooting' in the 22nd Human Rights Summer School (HRSS) on Human Rights and Human Security, organized by ELCOP, UNHCR and UNODC, from 17 to 27 October 2023.
Session on ‘Street Lawyering and Community Lawyering’ organized by North South University Law and Mooting Society (NSULMS) on 1st September 2023.
Session as Resident Instructor in the 21st Human Rights Summer School (HRSS) on 'Human Rights and Bangladesh: Leadership in Prospect', organized by Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), from 17 to 27 December 2022.
Session on “Immediate Support Mechanism for Victims of Gender Based Violence, Right to Information and Legal Aid for Transgender Communities”, organized by JUSTICIA, at Manusher Jonno Foundation on December 17, 2022.
Session on “Street Law on Mental Health and Human Rights”, organized by iProbono, at Head Office, ELCOP, on November 10, 2022.
Online Workshop on "Introduction to Moot and Related Activities", organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, September 2021
Session on "Family Courts in Bangladesh: Theory and Practice", online session for the students of Law, EWU, 25 August 2021
Session on "Islamic Sharia: Understanding the Contemporary Challenges and Reforms", online session for the students of Law, 31 July 2021
Resident Instructor, 'Human Rights and Rebellious Lawyering', 20th Human Rights Summer School (HRSS), organized by Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), sponsored by UNHCR, UNDP, Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019.
Expert Trainer in the TOT for Street Law on Child Rights Program, Simulation Project for Integrating Youth through Community Empowerment (SPIYCE), co-organized by iProbono in collaboration with Manusher Jonno Foundation, Ain o Salish Kendra, ELCOP and CPD, funded by EMK Centre, 2019.
Session on "How ADR should be used by the Trade Union Paralegals", jointly organized by Centre for Advanced Legal Studies (CALS), University of Dhaka, International Training Centre of ILO (ITC-ILO), 2019.
Mooting Workshop on "Oral Advocacy and Art of Presentation" organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, November 2019
Session on "Traditional Justice Delivery System of the Harijans", 19th Human Rights Summer School on Human Rights and Digital Age, organized by ELCOP, funded by UNHCR, 2018.
Mooting Workshop on "Oral Advocacy and Art of Presentation" organized by the Moot Court Society, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific, 2018
Mooting Workshop on "Oral Advocacy and Art of Presentation" organized by the Moot Court Society, Department of Law, Bangladesh University of Professionals, 2018
Mooting Workshop on "Oral Advocacy and Art of Presentation" organized by Primeasia University, 2017
Mooting Workshop on "Oral Advocacy and Art of Presentation" organized by Department of Law & Justice, Jahangirnagar University, 2017
Workshop on "Experience Sharing on International Mooting Experience" organized by the Dhaka University Moot Court Society, University of Dhaka, 2017
Mooting Workshop on "Oral Advocacy and Art of Presentation" organized by the Department of Law, Bangladesh University, 2017
Mooting Workshop on "Oral Advocacy and Art of Presentation" organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific, 2016
Session on Community Law Reform Publication, 17th Human Rights Summer School on Human Rights and Displacements, organized by ELCOP, funded by UNHCR, 2016.
Trainings & Workshops
Training on 'Exchange on Labour Law Curriculum Development 2024', organized by International Labour Organization (ILO) and funded by USAID 'Proshar Project', (December 2, 2024)
Training on '𝐈𝐋𝐎 𝐋𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐰 & 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐦𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒', organized by International Labour Organization (ILO) and funded by European Initiative on Decent Work in Bangladesh, Global Gateway, Embassy of Denmark, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Sweden Sverige, (November 28-30, 2024)
Training on 'Qualitative Research', organized by East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT), (April 18 - May 16, 2024)
Seminar on "Empowering Perspectives: Navigating Opportunities and Challenges for Ensuring Diversity in Arbitration", organized by Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC), held on 9 March 2024.
Training on ‘How to Write a Research Proposal’, organized by East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) (June 15 - July 27, 2023)
Roundtable on 'Preventing Sexual Violence' organized by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Bangladesh (10 July, 2023)
"National Workshop with Academics: Teaching on Trafficking in Persons and Smuggling of Migrants", organized by GLO.ACT Project, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime & International Organization for Migration, funded by European Union (27-28 March 2023)
Lecture on cryptocurrency titled “The Silk Road, Dark Web Markets, and Cryptocurrency Forfeiture.” organized by The Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development Assistance and Training (OPDAT) of Department of Justice, US Embassy Dhaka, June 16, 2022
84th Research Seminar Titled “Men, Masculinity and Suicide in Jhenaidah District, Bangladesh” by East West University Research and Training Center (EWUCRT), June 16, 2022
Intensive Online Course on 'Legal Research Methodology', organized by South Asian Institute for Social Transformation, 17 October to 5 November 2021
Training on 'Forensic Science and Law', Conducted by Quazi MH Supan, Associate Professor, Department of Law, University of Dhaka (14-25 June 2020)
Training on 'Islamic Law of Inheritance', Conducted by Dr. Md. Ekramul Haque, Professor, Department of Law, University of Dhaka (5-18 May 2020)
Seminar on "Protection of Personal Data: Historical Developments, Global Trends and Lessons for Bangladesh" organised by the Department of Law, East West University, January 26, 2020.
Workshop on ‘Intellectual Property in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges' organized by Department of Law, East West University, December 02, 2019
Research Seminar on "Trial of War Rapes: When Justice is an Issue", organized by the East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT), March 12, 2019
Workshop on 'Research and Legal Writing', organized by Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) (10-11 May 2018)
Training on "Bangladesh's Graduation from the LDC Group: Challenges and Promises", organized by Center for Microfinance and Development, University of Dhaka and Ministry of Commerce, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (21-22 March, 25 April 2018)
Training on "WTO Anti-Dumping Agreement and Regional Perspectives", organized by Center for Microfinance and Development, University of Dhaka and Ministry of Commerce, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh (26-28 February 2018)
Training on 'Improving Learning and Teaching Skills', organized by the University of Asia Pacific (28 October to 30 December 2017)
Training on 'Teaching Method and Outcome-Based Education', organized by Daffodil International University (8 April 2017)
Sharing Meeting titled "Social Safety Net Program and National Social Security Strategy (NSSS): Right to Food Perspective" organized by Right to Food Program and OXFAM, January 17, 2016
National Level Sharing Meeting on the 'Review of the Torture and Custodial Death (Prevention) Act, 2013', organized by BLAST, November 7, 2015
Seminar on 'National Sharing workshop on Lesson Learnt' on the Establishment of Reintegration and Referral services for returnee migrant workers, organized by UN Women and BRAC, September 10, 2015
Workshop on 'The Problem and Way Forward of Bangladeshi Trafficked Victim' organized by the National Human Rights Commission, August 20, 2015
Researcher Link Workshop on "Governance and Management of Gender Relations: A Comparative Study of Law and Society", organized by Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka, School of Law, SOAS, University of London and British Council (23-26 February 2015)
15th Human Rights Summer School on Human Rights and Religion, organized by Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), funded by UNHCR (2014)
International Conference on "South Asia and International Law: Engagement or Encounter?", organized by Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL) (23-25 August 2014)
Workshop on 'Networking and Communication Skills' by Bangladesh Law Students Association (BDLSA), 2014
Training on 'Research and Advocacy' by South Asian Institute for Advanced Legal and Human Rights Studies (SAILS), 2013
Workshop on the 'Quality Teaching Mechanisms for the Underprivileged School Students' by Teach for Bangladesh (TFB), 2013
Lecture Seminar by Professor Philippe Sands QC, University College London, UK on "Delimitation of the Bay of Bengal – Bangladesh, India and Myanmar", jointly organized by Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka and BILIA.
Training on 'Street Lawyering', organized by Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP) (1-30 June 2012)
Workshop on the 'Constitution of Bangladesh', November 4, 2012
Workshop on ‘Ethics & Morality, Winning Interview, Career Planning and Youth Leadership Development’, organized by Ethics Club, Bangladesh, 2011
Mooting Activities
Mooting Instructor:
- Workshop at University of Dhaka (2018)
- Workshop at Jahangirnagar University (2019)
- Workshop at Bangladesh University of Professionals (2019)
- Workshop at East-West University (2019, 2021)
- Workshop at University of Asia Pacific (2016, 2018)
- Workshop at Primeasia University (2017)
- Workshop at Bangladesh University (2018)
Moot Adjudicator:
- Russian Qualifying Round, Jessup Moot Court Competition (2023, 2024) (Participated)
- Nepal Qualifying Round, Jessup Moot Court Competition (2023) (Invited)
- Thailand Qualifying Round, Jessup Moot Court Competition (2023) (Invited)
- Nigerian Qualifying Round, Jessup Moot Court Competition (2022) (Participated)
- IBA-ICC Moot Court Competition 2022 (Participated), 2023 (Invited)
- 2nd DUMCS-TIB Anti-Corruption Moot Court Competition (2019)
- International Environmental Law Moot Court Competition, organized by SED Foundation and Eastern University (2018)
- Inter-Year Moot Court Competitions, University of Dhaka (2015-2019, 2023)
- Inter-Year Moot Court Competition, Jahangirnagar University (2019)
- Intra-Department Moot Court Competition, East-West University (2019, 2022)
- Inter-Semester Moot Court Competition, University of Asia-Pacific (2018-2023)
- Inter-Semester Moot Court Competition, American International University Bangladesh (2019, 2022)
- Inter-Semester Moot Court Competition, Green University (2016)
- Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition 2022
- IBA-ICC Moot Court Competition 2021, 2022
Funded Project
Nabila Farhin and Nadia Rahaman, Research Project on 'Access to SRHR during Disaster', funded by East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) (Ongoing)
Nabila Farhin & Nadia Rahaman, Research Project on ‘Empowering Workers for Justice: Legal Framework Review’, funded by the Rule of Law Collaborative (RoLC) of the University of South Carolina in collaboration with Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST) (2024)
Other Professional Activities
7th Workshop on 'Mooting and Advocacy', organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, June 1, 2024
Participated in a seminar titled "Empowering Perspectives: Navigating Opportunities and Challenges for Ensuring Diversity in Arbitration" organized by the Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC), on March 9, 2024.
Commonwealth Attorney General and Solicitor Generals Conference on Cross Border Challenges in Justice Delivery, organized by Government of India, The Office of Attorney General & Solicitor General and, Commonwealth Legal Education Association (CLEA), February 2024
22nd Human Rights Summer School on Human Rights and Human Security, organized by ELCOP, UNHCR and UNODC, from 17 to 27 October, 2023
6th Workshop on 'Mooting & Advocacy', organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, August 26, September 5, 2023
5th Workshop on 'Mooting & Advocacy', organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, July 22 & 26, 2023
21st Human Rights Summer School (HRSS) on 'Human Rights and Bangladesh: Leadership in Prospect', organized by Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), from 17 to 27 December 2022.
3rd Intra-Department Moot Court Competition, organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, November 24-26, 2022
4th Workshop on 'Mooting & Advocacy', organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, April 2022
Online Training Session on Moot: Research, Memorial Writing & Oral Submission, organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, November-December 2021
3rd Online Workshop on 'Mooting & Advocacy', organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, September, 2021
2nd Online Workshop on 'Mooting & Advocacy', organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, April 2021
Session on "International Criminal Law: Foundation, Development and Future" by Mr Antonio Angotti, practising refugee lawyer at Florence and Fellow at Center for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP), organized by Department of Law, 26 February 2020
Session on "The Concept of Honor Killing and Zina from the Perspective of Sharia Law" by Mr Antonio Angotti, practising refugee lawyer at Florence and Fellow at Center for International Law Research and Policy (CILRAP), organized by Department of Law, 24 February 2020
20th Human Rights Summer School (HRSS) on 'Human Rights and Rebellious Lawyering', organized by Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), sponsored by UNHCR, UNDP, and Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), 2019.
2nd Intra-Department Moot Court Competition, organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, December 2019
1st Workshop on 'Mooting & Advocacy', organized by the Moot Court Committee, Department of Law, East West University, November 2019
Simulation Project for Integrating Youth through Community Empowerment (SPIYCE), organized by ELCOP and i-Probono, funded by EMK Centre, 2019.
Research Seminar on 'Trial of War Rapes: When Justice is an Issue', organized by the East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT), March 12, 2019
Interdisciplinary Seminar on 'Interfaces of Law and Economics: Bangladesh Context', organized by Department of Law, East West University, November 4, 2018
Interdisciplinary Seminar on 'Law and Literature: Cross Connections', organized by Department of Law, East West University, December 3, 2018
19th Human Rights Summer School on 'Human Rights and Digital Age', organized by ELCOP, funded by UNHCR, 2018.
1st Inter-Semester Moot Court Competition, organized by Moot Court Society, University of Asia Pacific, 2018
1st Workshop on 'Mooting & Advocacy', organized by Moot Court Society, University of Asia Pacific, 2017
Workshop on 'Mooting & Advocacy', organized by the Department of Law, Primeasia University, 2017
6th Inter-Year Moot Court Competition, organized by Dhaka University Moot Court Society (DUMCS), 2016
Workshop on 'Mooting & Advocacy', organized by Dhaka University Moot Court Society (DUMCS), 2016
5th Inter-Year Moot Court Competition, organized by Dhaka University Moot Court Society (DUMCS), 2015
Workshop on 'Mooting & Advocacy', organized by Dhaka University Moot Court Society (DUMCS), 2015
BLAST Awareness Fair in Sylhet, organized by the Women in Justice (WIJ) Project, BLAST and NCSC, Justice for All program, USAID, October 28, 2015
Roundtable on 'Independent Complaint Mechanism for Migrant Workers', organized by Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST) and International Labour Organization (ILO), August 29, 2015
Training on 'Gender Sensitivity for the Stuffs of Women and Children Violence Prevention Tribunal in Dhaka', organized by Women in Justice Project, Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust (BLAST), National Centre for State Courts (NCSC) and USAID.
Researcher Link Workshop on 'Governance and Management of Gender Relations: A Comparative Study of Law and Society', organized by Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka, School of Law, SOAS, University of London and British Council (23-26 February 2015)
10th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition, Jointly organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka, August 2014
International Conference on 'South Asia and International Law: Engagement or Encounter?', organized by Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL) (23-25 August 2014)
Session on 'Quality Teaching for Underprivileged Children in Schools' organized by Teach for Bangladesh, 2014
9th Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition, Jointly organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka, September 2013
1st Bangladesh Law Students Conference, organized by Bangladesh Law Students Association (BDLSA), 2013
Celebrating the Constitution Day of Bangladesh, organized by Banglar Pathshala, 2012
Year-long sessions on the Constitution of Bangladesh, organized by Banglar Pathshala, 2012