

Faculty Members Publication

Journal Publication
  1. R. Kabir, R, M. Z. Sultana, M. S. H. Mondal, & I. Kabir (2023). Undergraduate Student’s Stress, Anxiety, Depression and their Coping styles during Covid-19. Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal, 6(1), 67-76.
  2. M.S.H. Mondal. Traditional Knowledge to Read Hydro-Meteorological Hazards in Teesta Floodplain, Bangladesh. S. Kolathayar et al. (eds.), Climate Change and Water Security, Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Vol. 178, pp. 179-191, 2022.
  3. M.N.A. Shuvo, M.S.H. Mondal. Factors associated with intention to take COVID-19 vaccine among the university students in Bangladesh, Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research. 2022.
  4. M.S.H. Mondal, T. Murayama, S. Nishikizawa, Examining the determinants of flood risk mitigation measures at the household level in Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 64, pp. 102492, October, 2021.
  5. M.S.H. Mondal, T. Murayama, S. Nishikizawa, Determinants of household-level coping strategies and recoveries from riverine flood disasters: Empirical evidence from the right bank of Teesta River, Bangladesh, Climate, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 4, January, 2021.
  6. M.S.H. Mondal, T. Murayama, S. Nishikizawa, Assessing the flood risk of riverine households: A case study from the right bank of the Teesta River, Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk ReductionVol. 51, pp. 101758, December, 2020.
  7. M.S.H. Mondal, Factors of influence on evacuation behavior: Survey results from the riverine floodplain communities in Bangladesh, Quaestiones GeographiceaeVol. 40, No. 3, pp. 85-93, September, 2021.
  8. M.S.H. Mondal, Living with Recurrent Flooding Risks in Bangladesh: Understanding Household Perception of Riverine Flood Disaster Risks and its Determinants, East West Journal of Business and Social Studies. Vol. 8, 2021.
  9. M.S.H. Mondal, Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability: The Implications of developing Sustainable Tourism in Bangladesh, East West Journal of Business and Social StudiesVol. 6-7, pp. 44-64, April 2019.
  10. M.S.H. Mondal, The implications of population growth and climate change on sustainable development in Bangladesh. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk StudiesVol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-10, January, 2019.
  11. M.S.H. Mondal, Risk factors associated with destruction of Sundarbans mangrove forest, Bangladesh: a review from climate change perspective, International Journal of Conservation Science, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 513-522, July-September, 2018.
  12. F. Jahan, N.C. Sinha, M.M. Rahman, M.M. Rahman, M.S.H. Mondal, M.A. Islam, Comparison of missing value estimation techniques in rainfall data of Bangladesh, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Vol. 136, pp. 1115-1131, January 2019.
  13. S. Islam, M.S.H. Mondal, M.H.M. Kabir, Coping with natural disasters: a cross-sectional study with people with disabilities in the coastal zone of Bangladesh, Journal of the Geographical institute Jovan Cvijic, SASA68 (1). Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 67-83, October, 2021.
  14. M.S.H. Mondal, Urban Informal Economy in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Mobile Vegetable Vendor in Dhaka City. The Qualitative ReportVol. 22, No. 11, pp. 2893-2903, November, 2017.
  15. M.S.H. Mondal, SWOT analyses and strategies to develop sustainable tourism in Bangladesh. UTMS Journal of Economics, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 159-167, June, 2017
  16. M.S.H. Mondal, Population and land cover dynamics of Sundarbans Impact Zone in Bangladesh. Acta Geographica Debrecina Landscape & Environment, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-13, April, 2017.
  17. M.S.H. Mondal, P. Debnath, Spatial and temporal changes of Sundarbans reserve forest in Bangladesh, Environment and Natural Resources Journal, 15 (1). Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 51-61, March 2017.
  18. M.S.H. Mondal, and Islam, S. Chronological trends in maximum and minimum water flows of Teesta River and its implications. Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies9 (1). Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-11, March 2017.
  19. M.S.H. Mondal, The critical links between socio-demographic dynamics of Sundarbans impact zone and forest resource depletion, Bangladesh: A review. Eurasian Journal of Science & Engineering, 2 (1): 41-52. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 41-52, December, 2016.
  20. M.S.H. Mondal, Human adjustment with uncertain floods: An empirical study on the inhabitants of Teesta river floodplains, Bangladesh, Journal of Rural Development, 40(2). Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 1-22, July, 2015.
  21. M.S.H. Mondal, Women’s Vulnerabilities due to the Impact of Climate Change: Case from Satkhira Region of Bangladesh, Global Journal of Human-Social Science: Geography, Geo-Sciences, Environmental Disaster Management, Global Journal of Human Social ScienceVol. 14, No. 5, pp. 46-52, August, 2014.
  22. A.R.M.T. Islam, A. Tasnuva, S.C. Sarker, M.M. Rahman, M.S.M. Mondal, M.M.U. Islam, Drought in Northern Bangladesh: Social, Agroecological Impact and Local Perception, International Journal of Ecosystem, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 150-158, June, 2014.
  23. M.S.H. Mondal, Disaster management through indigenous wisdom: Voice from the people of Erendabari Char, Journal of South Asian Disaster Studies, 5(1&2): 27-36. Vol. 5, No. 1-2, pp. 27-36, December, 2012
Conference & Seminars

▪ Mondal, M.S.H. (2021). Traditional knowledge to read hydro-meteorological hazards in Teesta floodplain, Bangladesh. Virtual Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction - VCDRR 2021. (will be published in ‘Springer in Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering Series’ as a book chapter)

▪ Mondal, M.S.H., Murayama, T. & Nishikizawa. S. (2019). A conceptual framework for flood risk assessment and its application to a case in Northern Bangladesh. “The 32nd Annual Meeting, The Society for Risk Analysis, Japan”, 22-24 November 2019, in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.

▪ Mondal, M.S.H., Murayama, T. & Nishikizawa. S. (2018). 'Does the impact of climate induced disasters hamper to achieve the targets of sustainable development goals? Evidence from Northern Bangladesh'. ‘IAIA's Special Symposium on "The competing challenges of sustainability and economic development: Using impact assessment to achieve the SDGs in Asia", 1-3 October, 2018 in Kuching, Malaysia.

▪ Mondal, M.S.H. (2017). ‘Population growth, GHG emissions, climate change and sustainable development in Bangladesh’ paper presented at ‘International Conference on Knowledge Transfer’ on 18 February 2017 organized by East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) at East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

▪ Mondal, M.S.H. (2017). 'Developing sustainable tourism in Bangladesh: From challenges to opportunities’ paper presented at ‘International Conference on Knowledge Transfer’ on 18 February 2017 organized by East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) at East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

▪ Mondal, M.S.H. (2016). The idea of second stage demographic dividend in Bangladesh: Will Bangladesh able to grasp the benefit from second stage demographic dividend? paper presented at ‘International Conference on Analysis of Repeated Measures Data’ held on 25-26 November 2016 organized by Department of Applied Statistics, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

▪ Jahan, F., Sinha, N.C., Rahman, M.R., Mondal, M.S.H., Rahman, M.R. & Islam, M.A. (2016). ‘Comparison of Missing Value Estimation Techniques in Rainfall Data of Bangladesh’ paper presented at ‘International Conference on Analysis of Repeated Measures Data’ held on 25-26 November 2016 organized by Department of Applied Statistics, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

▪ Mondal, M.S.H. (2016). How does Climate Change Matter in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Bangladesh? paper presented at ‘International Seminar on Environmental Security and Sustainable Development in South Asia’ on 19 October 2016 organized by UMISARC & CSA Studies at Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India.

▪ Mondal, M.S.H. (2013). Children engagement in informal education on climate smart disaster risk reduction: Learning’s from Paribartan Project, paper presented at 4th Divisional Conference on CBA to climate change on 22 August, 2013 at Patuakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.

▪ Mondal, M.S.H. (2013). Disaster management through indigenous wisdom: Voice from the people of Erendabari Char at 4th International Geography Congress hosted by Department of Geography, Utkal University, India from 16th -18th January 2013.


Rahman, R & Reza, R. B. (2023). Information seeking behavior of university students during 2023 dengue outbreak. Record and Library Journal, 9(2), 232-242. [Scopus Indexed]

Kumar, R, Das, S & Rahman, R (2019). Mapping of Agriculture Research in Bangladesh: A Scientometric Analysis. Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science, 6(2), 7-15. [BASE, JSTOR, OAJI indexed]


Rahman, R. & Begum, B. (2020). Transformational Leadership Behavior Styles of Professionals in Private University Libraries of Bangladesh. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 53-64). New York: Routledge. Publication of Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9780367546281.

Hossain, T, Sumon, A. R. & Rahman, R (2020). Bangladesh’s Progress toward Attainment of the SDGs: An Analysis of  SDG Tracker. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 413-430). New York: Routledge. Publication of Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9780367546281.


D. Begum, M. H. Elahi, A. R. Sumon, A. R. and R. Rahman (2023). “Gen Z, metrics, and academic libraries: The use of metrics in shaping academic libraries for Gen Z. Conference Paper on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS). Paper presented at 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS). Dhaka: Dr. S. R. Lasker Library, East West University, (2023), P. 70-71.

Rahman, R. (2021). Information Culture in the Private University Libraries of Bangladesh. [Abstract]. In 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 24-26 June, 2021. Virtually.

Rahman, R, Rahman, A, Kohinoor, S.K.B (2020). Prospects and Challenges of MOOCs in Bangladesh: A Study of Students and Academicians [Abstract]. In 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences. Paper presented at Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences, 27-29 February (p.51). Dhaka: East West University.

Rahman, R (2020). Use of E-Resources in English Medium School Libraries of Bangladesh: A Study on Information Professionals [Abstract]. In 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences. Paper presented at Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences, 27-29 February (pp.27-28). Dhaka: East West University.

Kumar, R and Rahman, R (2019). Faculty Perception, Adoption and Usage of Open Access Scholarly Publishing: Bibliometric Analysis from Last 10 years in Academia. Conference paper on Digital Landscape Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment. Paper presented at ICDL 2019: International Conference on Digital Landscape Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment, 6-8 November (pp. 472-480). New Delhi: TERI.

Rahman, R. & Islam, S. (2017). Users Perception of E-resources in the Private University libraries of Bangladesh. Proceedings of Libraries Beyond Borders: Innovative Trends, Issues and Challenges in Knowledge Dissemination (ICLBB-2017). Paper presented at International Conference on Libraries Beyond Borders: Innovative Trends, Issues and Challenges in Knowledge Dissemination (ICLBB-2017), 18-19 August (pp.455-460).

Rahman, R. & Islam, S. (2017). E-Resource Management in the Private University Libraries of Bangladesh: Perception of LIS Professionals. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Transforming Library 2017. Paper presented at 1st International Conference on Transforming Library, Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar, 8-10 July 2017 (pp. 265-285).

  1. Hussain, R., Shova, T.Y. (2024). Increasing Rate of Suicide among the University Students of Bangladesh: A Sociological Investigation. ASR: CMU Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (2023) Vol.11 No.1. ISSN: 2465-4329 (online).

  2. Hussain, R., Shova, T.Y.(2023). “Effects of Covid-19 on Bangladesh's School Dropout and Child Marriage Rates: A Threat to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals and Promotion of Intergenerational Poverty”. East West Journal of Business and Social Studies. Special issue (volume 9-11).

  3. Hussain, R. & Shimul, S. M. A. K. (2023). Women Migrant Workers and Their Transition across State Boundaries : Labour Exporting Policies of Bangladesh and the Reality. (IPS Working Paper Series No.3). Hong Kong: Institute of Policy Studies, Lingnan University. DOI: 10.14793/ipswp_03

  4. Khan, A. R., Hussain, R., & Rahman, M., Md (2022). Pathways to the studies on men and masculinities in Bangladesh. HUMANISMA: Journal of Gender Studies, 06(July- December 2022), 18-39. 

  5. Hussain, R. (2022). Cultural globalization and its stimulus on urban youth: A sociological study among university students in Bangladesh. Journal of Indian Research (ISSN: 2321-4155). Vol. 9, No. 3 & 4, July- December- 2021, Pp 12-24. Published on April 2022.

  6. Hussain, R., Saha, A.K. (2022). Street-based Female Sex Workers and Their Vulnerabilities: A Study in the Municipalities of Bangladesh. Journal of Social Health (February, 2022), Volume 5, Issue 1. ISSN 2651-6837. University of Santo Tomas, Philippine.
  7. Hussain R. (2021). Information Economy, Employment Vulnerability, and the Emergence of New Urban Marginality in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. In: Huong L.T.T., Pomeroy G.M. (eds) AUC 2019. Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements. Springer, Singapore.
  8. Hussain, R. (2019). City, Informality and Poverty: The Polarization of the Street Vendors in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Italian Sociological Review,9 (3), PP.413-430. [DOI: 10.13136/isr.yi3.249]
  9. Hussain, R., & Shova, T. Y, (2018), Unusual and unnecessary C-Section practices in Bangladesh: Violation of respect for autonomy principle and absence of social equity in health care system.  Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Volume 35, Number-2, December 2018, PP 247-260, ISSN 1562-269X.
  10. Pervin, I., Hussain, R. (2018), Web Technology and the Changing Pattern of Relationship: A Study on Urban Youth in Dhaka City, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018|ISSN 2454-6186
  11. Shova, T.Y, Hussain, R. (2018). Child Murder Issues in Bangladesh: Reasoning from Socio-Ethical Observation. ‘Society and Change’ a Social Science Journal Vol. XII, No.2, April-June 2018, ISSN :1997-1052 (Print), 227-202X (Online): pp37-48.
  12. Hussain, R.,  (2015); The Emerging Digital Culture of Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects; Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion; ISSN 2422-8443; An International Peer-reviewed Journal; Vol.6, 2015, P: 18-24.
  13. Hussain, R., Saha, A. K., Rabbani, G., Pervin, I., Shamma, W.T., & Khan, S.H.,  (2015); State and the Low Cost Housing for the Poor: Fall of BashentekRehabilitation Project (BRP) in Dhaka City: Bangladesh; Journal of Education and Practice; ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper), ISSN 2222-288X (Online); Vol.6, No.13, 2015
  14. Saha, A. K., Hussain, R., Rabbani, G., Pervin, I., Shamma, W. T., & Khan, S.H., (2015); Anti-pornography Act (2012) and the Current Behavior, Knowledge Status and Opinion poll: A study on the Students of University of Dhaka; Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online)Vol.36, 2015
  15.  Hussain, R., (2014); The Hidden Misery of the Marginal group of People: The Case of Street Vendors in Dhaka City;
Book Publications
  1. Hussain, Rasel (2015); State, Informality and Urban Marginality: The miseries of street vendors; LAP (Lambert Academia Publishing); ISBN:978-3-659-67628-4.66121, Saarbrucken, Deutschland/Germany.
Conference and Seminar
  1. Hussain, R. (2024). Behavioral intention and attitudes towards the adoption of technology by the informal sector workers; their employment and livelihood vulnerabilities in the era of information economy: A case of Bangladesh.“Hong Kong Sociological Association (HKSA)” 25th annual conference. Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, 7th December 2024. 
  2. Hussain, R. (2024). Economic Restructuration and the digital transportation platforms in Dhaka, Bangladesh: Question of Employment opportunities or Employment Vulnerability?  Future of Work in the Global South and Global North Symposium. School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2-3 May 2024
  3. Hussain, R. (2024). Information economy, employment vulnerability and the development of new urban marginality: The case of Bangladesh. Brownbag Seminar Series. Department of Sociology. East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 28th March , 2024.
  4. Hussain, R., (2023). Possession of capital by informal sector workers and their role in the placement of jobs in the era of the information economic system: A case of Dhaka, Bangladesh.” The Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)-2023. The Australian Sociological Association- TASA at University of Sydney, Australia. 28th November 2023.
  5. Hussain, R. (2023). Rumours (Gujob) and Misinformation in the Era of Information Society: A Case of Bangladesh Society. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology. Melbourne, Australia. 25th June- 1st July 2023. 
  6. Hussain, R., Hasan M.H., (2023). Children's ingratitude, negligence, and abuse towards elderly parents: A sociological insight from Bangladesh Society. Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning: Intersections of Research, Society and Postgraduate Education. Lingnan University, Hong Kong. 31st March-1April 2023.
  7. Hussain, R. (2022). Marginalization of the Informal sector workers in the era of information economic system from the lens of recruiters: A case of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Hong Kong Sociological Association 23rd Annual Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. 3rd December, 2022.  
  8. Hussain, R. (2022). Educational institutes dealing with Covid-19 pandemic: Experiences from Bangladesh. 22nd Annual Conference: Global Crises, Alternative Futures. Hong Kong Sociological Association, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. January 8, 2022.
  9. Hussain, R. (2021). Child marriage and school dropout in Bangladesh during Covid-19: Challenges for youth education sustainability. China and Higher education conference (ChinaHE21 Hong Kong Session). Education and SDGs: Promoting Quality Education for All. Organized by Manchester University in collaboration with Lingnan University. Hong Kong, 6th December.
  10. Shova, T.Y, Hussain, R. (2021). Integration and recognition of Asian Immigrants: A critical Exposition on Will Kymlicka's Polyethnic Rights. The 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars: Creating a Global Future.  Kyoto, Japan, 24-28 Aug 2021.
  11. Hussain, R. (2021). Information Economy, Employment Vulnerability and the Development of New Urban Marginality: A Case of Bangladesh. Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning: Re-Imagining Postgraduate Studies in the 21st Century and Beyond. 26-27 March 2021. Organized by Lingnan University, School of Graduate Studies & University Grants Committee. Tuen Mun, Hong Kong.
  12. Hussain, R., Shimul, S.M.A.K (2021). Women and the Transition across State Boundaries: The Warps and Woofs of National Labor Exporting Policies of Bangladesh and the Reality. ESA RN 35 “Sociology of Migration” – Midterm Conference. Towards Reflexivity in Migration Studies. Knowledge Production in Times of Contested Politics and Post-Colonial Dynamics. 21-22 January 2021. In collaboration with the IMISCOE Standing Committee “Reflexivities in Migration Studies”.
  13. Hussain, R. (2020). Challenges, Opportunities, and Responses to and by Higher Education institute amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Higher Education Research(CHER,2020), “Innovations of Higher Education Amid that Pandemic: Institutional Management, Teaching, and Research Perspectives” Organized by Lingnan University and Co-Organized by University of Bath & Durham University. Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong, 13-14 November 2020.
  14. Hussain, R. (2020), Online Intolerance: Netizens Responsibility, Organized by East West University Telecommunications Club in collaboration with 'Move Foundation', 02 March 2020, CCC Lobby (EWU), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  15. Khan, A.R, Hussain, R. (2020). ‘’Pathways of the Studies on Men and Masculinities in Bangladesh’’, Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences; Gender, Health, Information and the EnvironmentThe Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS) in collaboration with Life Sciences, East West University, February 27-29, 2020
  16. Hussain, R.(2019).''Information Economy, Employment vulnerability and the Emergence of New Urban Marginality in Dhaka City, Bangladesh''.15th International Asian Urbanization Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 27-30th November 2019.
  17. Hussain, R. (2019), Women Health Issue: Reproductive Health (ARH) and Rights, Organized by East West University Sociology Club, 01 August 2019, CCC Lobby (EWU), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  18. Hussain, R., Shova, T.Y (2019). ‘’Inclination of Suicide among the University Students of Bangladesh: A Socio-Moral Investigation’’ The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Law, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Law, University of Barishal on15-16 March 2019.
  19. Hussain, R. (2018). ’ The Alienation of Bachelor in the Metropolitan Areas: A Case of Dhaka City, Bangladesh’ ’The 1st National Conference on ‘’ Contemporary Changes in Bangladesh Society’’, Department of Sociology, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh held on May 12, 2018
  20.  Hussain, R. (2018), ‘’ Information Economy and the New Urban Marginality in Dhaka City, Bangladesh’. International Conference on ‘South Asian Sociology & Beyond’, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, held on 19-20th January 2018.
  21.  Hussain, R. , Shova, T.Y (2017) Child Murder Issue in Bangladesh: Reasoning from Socio-Ethical Observation”. Insearch 2017: 4th International Integrative Research Conference at Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla, Bangladesh held on 18-19 December 2017.
Award, Fellowship, Membership

1.Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS),  Lingnan University, Department of Sociology and Social Policy. Tuen Mun, Hong Kong. 

2. Hong Kong Sociological Association (2021-2022)

Public Sociology/Media

Public Sociology/ Media:

Journal Publication
  1. Shah, Adity Rahman, "Best Interest of the Child” Principle: The New Feather to the Crown of Business Accountability regarding Workers’ Health Rights in Bangladesh"Business and Human Rights Journal , Cambridge University Press. (Q1) (Accepted)
  2. Shah, Adity Rahman,“The Un-peopling of Peoples: A Critical Study on the Justifiability of the Non-recognition of the Indigenous Peoples of the Chittagong Hill Tracts”,The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Vol 7, p 372 (Leiden: Brill/Nijhoff,) 2023-04.
  3. "Shah, Adity Rahman, “Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Parents in Bangladesh: From Religious Dogmas to Legislative Initiatives”  as a book chapter in “Elder Abuse and Neglect: In Selected Asian Countries”, University of Malaya Press, Page 89-109.
  4. Shah, Adity Rahman, “A Comparative Study of Common Law Jurisdictions on Exclusion Clause and its Ramifications on Consumer Rights: Bangladeshi Law in Context”, Bangladesh Journal of Law (2017), Vol. I  & II (June-December), Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA), Page 169-200.
Conference & Seminars
  1. Shah, Adity Rahman, “The City, Human and Animals: An Analytical Approach of the City-laws Regulating Stray Animal from Bangladesh Perspective” , 14th Annual McGill Law Graduate Conference "Law and the City", (6th May 2021), Faculty of Law, McGill University, Canada.
  2. Shah, Adity Rahman, “The Importance of Empowerment of Indigenous Woman for Poverty Eradication in Bangladesh: A Critical Approach to the Existing Gaps in the Legal Framework”, 4th UIU-International Conference on Sustainable Development 2020,(18-19 February, 2020), Institute of Development Studies and Sustainability (IDSS), United International University(UIU), OXFAM, UNESCO, Kyoto University of Japan, WIN .
  3. Shah, Adity Rahman , “The Concept of Sovereignty and the Never-ending Cycle of Colonization: Does South Asia Need New International Law to Protect its Citizens from the State-sponsored Aggression?”(30 December) presented in the Asian Law and Society Conference, 2018 (ALSA) organized by Faculty of Law, Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia, The Australian Network for Japanese Law (ANJeL) and the Asia Pacific Legal Institute of Australia (APLIA) (Sponsored by Cambridge University Press), Australia.
  4. Shah, Adity Rahman , “Does the Application of the Indigenous Concept of Criminality Help to Achieve a Right-Based Criminal Justice System? : A Critical Study of the Customary Penal Laws of the Garo and Santal Communities of Bangladesh“,(20 November) presented at the World Indigenous Law Conference 2018 organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Windsor and Sunchild Law, Canada.
  5.  Shah, Adity Rahman, The Impact of Cell-phone Towers on the Climate Change: A Legal and Policy Analysis of Bangladesh, India and Pakistan(15th February, 2018) presented at the 2nd International Conference on Climate Change organized by the University of Colombo and the Colorado State University of USA at Colombo.
  6.  Shah, Adity Rahman, “Preventing  Abuse and Neglect of Parents in Bangladesh: From Religious dogmas to legislative initiatives(at 14th September,2017) presented at ASEAN Regional Conference on Elder Abuse & Neglect , 2017 organized by Sub-GC 5, Prevent Elder Abuse & Neglect Initiative (Peace) Law and Faculty of Law, University of Malaya , Malaysia.
  7.  Seminar titled , “Say No to Sexual Harassment” jointly organized by the Bangladesh National Women Lawyers’ Association (BNWLA) , UN Women Bangladesh and East West University, Faculty of Law , Bangladesh  .

1. Shah, Adity Rahman, attended short course on "Business and Human rights" with training scholarship from British Institute of International and Comparative Law. 

2.Challenges for the existing filial laws”, Law and Our Rights, Daily Star,

3. Shah, Adity Rahman ,”Rights of the Indigenous Woman Under the Legal Framework of BD: Paucity and Perplexity”, Law and Justice, Daily Observer,

4. Participated in the “Climate Change and Sustainability Forum 2018: Bridging the Gaps in Research, Policy and Industry” organized by the University of Colombo and the Colorado State University of USA at Colombo, Sri Lanka , 17th February, 2018.

5. Participated in the Workshop on Research and Legal Writing conducted by the Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs (BILIA) on 10th and 12th May, 2018.

6. Worked as academic translator in the “Strengthening the Rule of Law Programme” implemented by the  National Center for State Courts (NCSC) under a Grant Agreement funded by the Counterterrorism  Bureau of the U.S. Department of State.

International Peer Reviewed Blog Post

1.  Shah, Adity Rahman, “The Patriarchal Justice System of Bangladesh Fails Laws Preventing Dowry Violence,” Oxford Human Rights Hub, 12th August, 2020.

2. Shah, Adity Rahman, "The Responsibility to Protect (R2P): Under what circumstances might the Security Council sanction an intervention to prevent or halt mass atrocities be justifiable, whether legally or otherwise?", Human Rights Blog, Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (CASIHR)  Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, India, 17 July, 2023.

International Research Publications

2023 Masum Billah, Rutherford, S., Akhter, S., & Tanjeela, M. Exploring mental health challenges and coping strategies in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1152366. 

2022 Hossin, M.Z., Islam A., Masum Billah, Haque, M., & Uddin, J. Is there a gradient in the association between internet addiction and health? PLOS ONE 17(3): e0264716.

2022 Tanjeela, M & Masum Billah. Climate Migration and Challenges of Urban Poor in Bangladesh. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, Vol. 15, Issue 1. pp 15-31.

2022 Khan, A. R., Uddin, H. Shimul, S. M. A. K. & Masum Billah. Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and Suicide in Bangladesh: Some Explanations through Durkheim’s Sociology of Suicide. Journal of Community Positive Practices, XXII (3), pp 3-17 [Scopus Journal]

2021 Huda, M.N., Masum Billah, Sharmin, S., Amanullah, A.S.M., & Hossin, M.Z. Associations between family social circumstances and psychological distress among the university students of Bangladesh: To what extent do the lifestyle factors mediate? BMC Psychology 980. 

2021 Masum Billah & Trisha, N.J. COVID-19 and Mental Health Impacts in Bangladesh: A Review of Empirical Evidence, Journal of Social Health, Vol. 4, Issue 2. pp 30-42.

2021 Arendse, N., Khan, A.R., Masum Billah, Ratele, K., & Islam, M.Z. Seasonality of Suicide in Jhenaidah District, Bangladesh, 2011-2018, Journal of Social Health, Vol. 4, Issue 1. pp 64-75.

2020 Masum Billah, Sultana, S.E., & Kabir, M.H.M.I. Exploring Challenges of Maternal Healthcare Utilization in Bangladesh: A Cross-sectional Survey in Saturia, Manikganj District, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Vol 11, No 4. pp 185-190.  

2019 Masum Billah, Gonzalez, P.A., & Delgado, R.C. Patterns of mortality caused by natural disasters and human development level: A South Asian Analysis, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp- 312-316.

2019 Masum Billah & Amanullah, ASM. Returnee Migrants and HIV Infection in Bangladesh, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 8, pp- 56-61.

2018 Masum Billah, Gonzalez, P.A., & Delgado, R.C. Analyzing disaster risk factors of cyclone survivors in Bangladesh, Journal of Indian Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp- 52-58. 

2018 Masum Billah & Hossain, M.A. Media and Consumption Behavior of Urban Youth in Dhaka City, Journal of Indian Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp- 57-69.

2015 Masum Billah Healthcare seeking practices of People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) in Bangladesh, HIV/AIDS Review, Elsevier, Vol.14, pp-114-118.

International Conference

2024, Health promotion interventions for refugees in high-income countries: A systematic review and narrative synthesis, Research Paper Presented at the PRAXIS 2024: SCPA's 11th Annual Postgraduate Research and Practice Conference, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, on June 27-28.

2024, Tobacco smoking of refugees and health promotion in high-income countries: A systematic review and narrative synthesis, Research Paper Presented at the 2024 SRNT-Oceania Conference and Tobacco Endgame CRE Annual Symposium at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia on May 30-31.

2023, Exploring Mental Health Challenges and Coping Strategies in University Students during COVID-19: A Case Study in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Research Paper Presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Melbourne, Australia, on June 25 - July 1.

2023, In Conversation with Senior Sociologists: Making Connections, Bridging Generations, Moderated in a Roundtable Session as a Discussant at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Melbourne, Australia, on June 25 - July 1. 

2023, How Students Developed Coping Strategies during COVID-19? A Sociological Study in University Level Students in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Research Paper Presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Melbourne, Australia, on June 25 - July 1.

2023, Investigating Health Professionals' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices about Refugees’ Health Risk Behaviours and Healthcare Utilization in Australia, Research Paper Presented at the PRAXIS 2023: SCPA's 10th Annual Postgraduate Research and Practice Conference, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, on June 22-23.

2021, Family Resilience and Connection Protect Child Flourishing and School Engagement against Adverse Childhood Experiences. Virtual presentation, American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, USA, on August 6-10. 

2019, Migration and Health Challenges: A Qualitative Study among Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Malaysia, WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia, on May 7-10.

2019, Analyzing During or Post-disaster Risk Factors related to Cyclone Survivors in Bangladesh, WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia, on May 7-10.   

2016, Returnee Migrants and HIV Infection in Bangladesh, 12th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and The Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh, on March 12-14.

2015, Social Business Model, Health and Environment: An Impact Analysis on the Functions of BASF Grameen and Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh.7th Global Social Business Summit 2105, Tempelhof Airport, Berlin, Germany, on November 4-6.

International Training/Seminars/Workshops

Research Integrity Course, Southern Cross University, New South Wales, Australia, 2022  

Needs Assessment Course, KI and ACAPS, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016

Journal Publications
  1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Resisting Environmental Destruction and Fighting Socio-Political Marginalisation in Hawaii in Kiana Davenport’s Shark Dialogues.” Journal of Postcolonial Writing (Special Issue: Emerging Textual Cross-Sections). Accepted & to be published in 2025. (Scopus Indexed: Q 1)
  2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Resisting White Supremacy and Constructing Ethnic/Female Identity: Magical Resistance in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks.Journal of American Studies of Turkey 62 (2024): 1-16.
  3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Relocating a Torn Identity and Asserting the Right of the Oppressed to be Heard and Liberated in Mohja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf.World Journal of English Language 13.5 (2023): 261-268. wjel.v13n5p261 (Scopus Indexed: Q 2)
  4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Post-Nuclear Explosion Crisis and Survival in Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?.” Forum for World Literature Studies 15.1 (2023): 194-206. (Scopus Indexed: Q 1)
  5. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “The Subcontinent Falls Apart: Communal Violence and Religious Intolerance in Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan." Literary Studies 34.1 (2021): 108-117.
  6. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Deconstructing Western Hegemony and Voicing Silenced Histories in Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome." SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English 57.1 (2020): 6-20. (Scopus Indexed: Q 2)
  7. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Heavy Silence and Horrible Grief: Reconstructing the Past and Securing the Future through Magical Realism in Joseph Skibell’s A Blessing on the Moon." Ostrava Journal of English Philology 12.1 (2020): 29-44. (Scopus Indexed)
  8. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. "Construction of Home, Nation and Identity in Rohinton Mistry’s Tales from Firozsha Baag." Shanlax International Journal of English. 7.4 (2019): 18-24. 
  9. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Variations in Middle English Local Surnames.” XLinguae: European Scientific Language Journal. 10.4 (2017): 209-222. DOI: 10.18355/XL.2017.10.04.17 (Scopus Indexed: Q 1)
  10. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Healing Trauma and Reasserting Identity through Remembrance in Joanne Fedler’s The Dreamcloth.” Prague Journal of English Studies 6.1 (2017): 79-92. DOI: 10.1515/pjes-2017-0005
  11. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Fluids, Cages, and Boisterous Femininity: The Grotesque Transgression of Patriarchal Norms in Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus.” Journal of Language and Cultural Education 5.2 (2017): 114-122. DOI: 10.1515/jolace-2017-0022 (Web of Science)
  12. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Tommy Wilhelm: The Untraditional Hero of Saul Bellow’s Seize the Day.” International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies 3.4 (2015): 38-42. doi: 10.7575/aiac.ijclts.v.3n.4p.38
  13. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Speaking the Unspoken: Rewriting Identity Loss and Memory of Slavery through Magical Realism in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” English Language and Literature Studies 5.3 (2015): 25-32. doi: 10.5539/ells.v5n3p25
  14. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Muslims in Pre- and Post-9/11 Contexts.” International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies 3.3 (2015): 52-59. doi:10.7575/aiac.ijclts.v.3n.3p.52
  15. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Rewriting Rural Community and Dictatorial History through Magical Realism in Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude.” Journal of Language and Cultural Education 3.2 (2015): 86-102. DOI: 10.1515/jolace-2015- 0014 (Web of Science)
  16. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children: Connection between Magical Realism and Postcolonial Issues.” International Journal of English and Education 3.4 (2014): 341-350. docs/27_L.265144232.pdf
  17. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Treatment of Women: A Comparative Study between British and Bengali Ballads.” International Journal of English and Education 3.4 (2014): 365-373.
  18. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Ethnic Othering in True Lies.” The Criterion 5.4 (2014): 1-10. n4/Abu.pdf
  19. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Walt Whitman’s Drum-Taps: Shifting Attitude towards the Civil War.” International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities 2.3 (2014): 1-14. 2014.pdf

1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Ed. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Teaching (English) Literature: Exploring the Unexplored/Broadening the Horizon. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (Accepted, 2025)

2.  Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Moutushi IslamEmpowering Black Women through Female Solidarity in Selected Black Female Narratives. Kolkata: Exceller Books, 2024. ISBN (10): 8119524071; ISBN (13): 978-8119524075

3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Magical Feminism in the Americas: Resisting Female Marginalisation and Oppression through Magic. DelawareVernon Press, 2024. ISBN: 979-8-8819-0025-0

4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Ed. Trauma, Memory and Identity Crisis: Reimagining and Rewriting the Past. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022.  ISBN (10): 1-5275-8439-9; ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-8439-6                                                                                                                                                                                                

5. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Traumatic Experience and Repressed Memory in Magical Realist Novels: Speaking the Unspeakable. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020.  ISBN (10): 1-5275-4628-4; ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-4628-8                                                                                                                                                                                  

Conference Proceedings

1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Plague, Global Fear and Sense of Morality in Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Beyond Pandemics: Reimagining the Humanities and the New Normal. December 2021: 81-83.

2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Tanvir Mustafiz Khan. “Globalization, Consumerism and Social Isolation: Depicting Pandemic in Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven.” Proceedings of The International Symposium: Representations of Pandemic in Literature. September 2021: 154-160. ISBN: 978-625-7086-38-7

3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. ‘“Indeed, the King has a Cunt! What a Wonder!’: Sex, Eroticism and  Language in One Thousand and One Nights.” Proceedings of The Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology 2019 (CALA 2019): Revitalization and Representation. January 2019: 22-28. DOI: 10.47298/cala2019.1-1 ISBN 978-0-6485356-0-7 (Scopus Indexed)

4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. ‘“This is me with Augustine, February 21, 1943’: Importance of Photographs in Everything Is Illuminated.” Proceedings of the International Conference on Language Phenomena in Multimodal Communication (KLUA 2018). August 2018: 22-26. doi:10.2991/klua-18.2018.3 ISBN 978-94-6252-547-4

Conference Presentation
  1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Intertwining Magic, Gothic Landscapes and the Grotesque: Transgenerational Haunting and Female Independence in Gail Anderson-Dargatz’s The Cure for Death by Lightning.” 25th International MELOW Conference: Echoes of the Earth: Interplay of Literature and Landscape. Kathmandu University, Nepal. 27-29 September, 2024.
  2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “(Re)writing Myths and Subverting Gendered and Racial Superiority in Ana Castillo’s So Far from God.” NEXUS Interdisciplinary Conference 2024: Home/Bodies. The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA. 5-7 April, 2024.
  3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Survival Is Insufficient”: Imagining Utopia within Dystopia in Station Eleven and Human Acts.” 5th ASLE-ASEAN Ecocritical Conference: Posthuman Southeast Asia. School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand and ASLE-ASEAN. 23-25 November, 2023.
  4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Resisting Patriarchy and Challenging Dictatorship through Magic in Allende’s The House of the Spirits.” The 9th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian Academy in Plock, Poland. 29 May-4 June, 2023.
  5. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Challenging White History and Emphasising Female Solidarity in Gloria Naylor’s Mama Day.” The 9th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian Academy in Plock, Poland. 29 May-4 June, 2023.
  6. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Linking Myth with Transnational Feminism: Developing Female Identity in Cristina García’s Dreaming in Cuban.” 2nd International Conference on Refugee, Resistance, and Recognition: Global Literary Representations in [Post]post-colonial Perspectives. The Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. 24-25 February, 2023.
  7. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Reviving Excruciating Memories of Trauma and Torture: Female Resistance and Subjectivity in Stolen Lives: Twenty Years in a Desert Jail and Steps under Water.” Osmosis: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Human Sciences. The Department of English, East Delta University, Bangladesh. 16-17 November 2022.
  8. Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Tanvir Mustafiz Khan. “Surviving Crises and Imagining Utopia in Han Kang’s Human Acts.” The 8th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 6-12 June, 2022.
  9. Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Aditya Bhowmic. “Psychoanalysis of Liesel Meminger’s Traumatic Growth in Markus Zusak’s The Book Thief.” The 8th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 6-12 June, 2022.
  10. Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Mahmudul Hasan. “Reimagining the Monomyth in Joseph Skibell’s A Blessing on the Moon.” The 8th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 6-12 June, 2022.
  11. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Identity, Ethnic Conflict and Gendered Violence in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns.” World Languages and Literatures Research Symposium. School of Foreign Languages, Pamukkale University, Turkey. 1-3 June, 2022.
  12. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Fluids, Cages, and Boisterous Femininity: The Grotesque Transgression of Patriarchal Norms in Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus.” World Languages and Literatures Research Symposium. School of Foreign Languages, Pamukkale University, Turkey. 1-3 June, 2022.
  13. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Resisting Environmental Destruction and Fighting Socio-Political Marginalisation in Hawaii in Kiana Davenport’s Shark Dialogues.” Building Bridges: An Interdisciplinary Conference. Nottingham Trent University, UK. 4-7 April, 2022.
  14. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Encountering a Cold and Unwelcoming London: Dislocation, Predicament and Identity Crisis of the Caribbean Immigrants in Samuel Selvon’s The Lonely Londoners.” International Conference on Borders, Diasporas, and Multilingualism in English Studies. Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh. 7-8 January, 2022.
  15. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Plague, Global Fear and Sense of Morality in Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague.” 2021 ELLAK International Conference (Online) on Beyond Pandemics: Reimagining the Humanities and the New Normal. The English Language and Literature Association of Korea (ELLAK). 16-18 December, 2021.
  16. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Self-Discovery and Identity (Re)formation through Journey in Mohja Kahf’s The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf.” The First International Conference in Literature, Skikda 2021 on Being out of Place: Deconstructing Travel Narratives in Postcolonial Arab Novel. The University of 20 August 1955, Skidda, Algeria. 12-14 December, 2021.
  17. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Analysing the Timeless Female Victimisation through Coetzee’s Disgrace and Morrison’s The Bluest Eye.” International Interdisciplinary Conference (Online) on Representations of Violence in Literature, Culture and Arts. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Turkey in collaboration with Ege University, Pamukkale University, Izmir Katip Celebi University and Istanbul Medeniyet University. 20-22 October 2021.
  18. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Desire to Break Patriarchal Shackle and be Recognised in Anita Desai’s Cry, The Peacock.” International Interdisciplinary Conference (Online) on Representations of Violence in Literature, Culture and Arts. Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Turkey in collaboration with Ege University, Pamukkale University, Izmir Katip Celebi University and Istanbul Medeniyet University. 20-22 October 2021.
  19. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “The Subcontinent Falls Apart: Communal Violence and Religious Intolerance in Khushwant Singh’s Train to Pakistan.” International Conference (Online) on Entangled Englishes in Translocal Spaces. The Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2-4 September, 2021.
  20. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Trauma, Memory and the Reassertion of Identity in Joanne Fedler’s The Dreamcloth.” The 7th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 21-27 April, 2021.
  21. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Interplanetary Colonisation, Isolation and Overdependence on Technology: Depicting Crisis in the Aftermath of Nuclear Fallout in Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?.” The 7th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Information Technology Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 21-27 April, 2021.
  22. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Globalisation, Consumerism and Social isolation: Depicting Pandemic in Emily St. John Mandel’s Station Eleven.” International Symposium on Pandemic and its Representations in Literature. Ataturk University, Erzurum, Turkey. 26-27 March, 2021.
  23. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Linking Personal Trauma of Sexual Violence with Collective Trauma of the Holocaust in D.M. Thomas’s The White Hotel.” International Conference The Art of Forgetting: Memory, Loss and Revision. University of Ottawa, Canada. 5-7 March, 2021.
  24. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Reinterpreting Myth and History in Restructuring the Past in Shashi Tharoor’s The Great Indian Novel” (under the Panel: Rewriting the Past and Voicing the Marginalised)International Conference At the Crossroads: Narratives of the Excluded. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. 24-25 September 2020
  25. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Giving a Voice to the Entire Subcontinent: Nationalism in R.K. Narayan’s Waiting for the Mahatma” (under the Panel: Rewriting the Past and Voicing the Marginalised)International Conference At the Crossroads: Narratives of the Excluded. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. 24-25 September 2020.
  26. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Moving away from a Violent Past and the Process of Healing in Zakes Mda’s Ways of Dying” (under the Panel: Rewriting the Past and Voicing the Marginalised)International Conference At the Crossroads: Narratives of the Excluded. Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland. 24-25 September 2020.
  27. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Reconstructing Personal Identity and Creating an Alternative National History in Gioconda Belli’s The Inhabited Woman.” International Conference (Online) on Gender Equality for a Better World: Issues and Challenges. Women’s College, Aligarh Muslim University, UP, India in collaboration with University Grants Commission, India. 19-20 August, 2020.
  28. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Trauma, Memory and Amnesia: Physical and Psychological Repression in The Sleeping Voice and A Long Silence.” The 6th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 22-28 April, 2020.
  29. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Rewriting Rural Community and Dictatorial History through Magical Realism in Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude.” The 6th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. The Department of Philology, The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of The Mazovian State University in Plock, Poland. 22-28 April, 2020.
  30. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “(In)ability to Assert Independence and Freedom of Choice: A Comparative Study of the Treatment  of Women in British and Bengali Ballads.” The 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences: Gender, Health, Information and the Environment. East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 27-29 February, 2020.
  31. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Deconstructing the Western Hegemony and Voicing Silenced Histories in Amitav Ghosh’s The Calcutta Chromosome.” International Conference on Postcolonial Perspectives: Language, Literature and Culture and the Global South. Department of English, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 14-15 February, 2020.
  32. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Of the Women, by the Women, for the Women: Role of Female Writers in Sanskrit Literature as a Source of Female Agency.” International Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA 2020). University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. 5-8 February, 2020.
  33. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Mocking Depiction of Corrupt Politicians: Magical Realism as a Means of Political Satire in Ngugi Wa Thiango’s Wizard of the Crow.” The 5th ASSE International Conference on British and American Studies. Albanian Society for the Study of English in collaboration with University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”, Vlora, Albania. 6-8 June, 2019.
  34. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. ‘“Beavis and Butt-head’: Comic and Derogatory Portrayal of Arabs in True Lies.” The 5th ASSE International Conference on British and American Studies. Albanian Society for the Study of English in collaboration with University of Vlora “Ismail Qemali”, Vlora, Albania. 6-8 June, 2019.
  35. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Disillusionment, Estrangement and Identity Crisis in Andrea Levy’s Fruit of the Lemon.” The 8th Conference on Narrative and Language Studies. Faculty of Letters, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. 2-3 May, 2019.
  36. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Magical Realism as a Social and Political Protest: A Comparative Study between The House of the Spirits and Like Water for Chocolate.” The 8th Conference on Narrative and Language Studies. Faculty of Letters, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. 2-3 May, 2019.
  37. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “From Welcoming the War to Rebuilding the Nation: Walt Whitman’s Shifting Attitude towards Civil War in Drum-Taps.” The 5th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The State University of Applied Sciences in Plock, Poland. 10-16 April, 2019.
  38. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Variations in Middle English Local Surnames.” The 5th International Online Conference on New Dimensions of Philology: Languages, Literature, Linguistics, Culture. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The State University of Applied Sciences in Plock, Poland. 10-16 April, 2019.
  39. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Accounts of Apartheid’s Bloody Past and Psychological Damage in Zoë Wicomb’s David’s Story.” International Conference on Performing the Nation: Memory and Desire in Contemporary Literature. Post Graduate Department of English, Berhampur University, Odisha, India. 8-9 February, 2019.
  40. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Sexuality, Eroticism and Language in One Thousand and One Nights.” International Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA 2019). Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia. 23-26 January, 2019.
  41. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Magical Realism and the Voices of the Marginalised in Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children.” International Conference on Asian Linguistic Anthropology (CALA 2019). Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia. 23-26 January, 2019.
  42. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Exploitation and Alienation of Migrant Workers in a Capitalist Society: A Marxist Interpretation of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men.” International Conference on Language, Literature, Culture and Politics: Celebrating the Bicentenary of Karl Marx’s Birth. Department of English and Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. November 30- December 1, 2018.
  43. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Female Voices in Fairy Tales: A Weapon to Fight Oppressive Forces.” The 14th International Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 22-23 November, 2018.
  44. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Uncontrolled Experiment and Disastrous Consequences: An Ecocritical Approach to Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake.” The 14th International Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. 22-23 November, 2018.
  45. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “The American Paradox: Discovering America and the Filipino Immigrant Dream in Carlos Bulosan’s America is in the Heart and Bienvenido Santos’ What the Hell for You Left Your Heart in San Francisco.” The 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Filipino Studies. University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA in collaboration with De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, Cavite, The Philippines. 16-18 November, 2018.
  46. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Sense of Emptiness and Longing for Anchor: Diverse Consequences of Colonisation and Immigration in Nick Joaquin’s The Woman Who Had Two Navels.” The 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Filipino Studies. University of Hawaii at Hilo, USA in collaboration with De La Salle University-Dasmariñas, Cavite, The Philippines. 16-18 November, 2018.
  47. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Post-9/11 Backlash and Resulting Disillusionment in The Reluctant Fundamentalist and Once in a Promised Land.” International Conference on Literature: Contemporary Perspectives on/in Postcolonial and Diasporic Literature and Theory. School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. 25-26 July, 2018.
  48. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Heavy Silence and Horrible Grief: Joseph Skibell’s A Blessing on the Moon.” International Conference on Literature: Contemporary Perspectives on/in Postcolonial and Diasporic Literature and Theory. School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia. 25-26 July, 2018.
  49. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. ‘“This is me with Augustine, February 21, 1943’: Importance of Photographs in Everything Is Illuminated.” Konferensi Linguistik: International Conference on Language Phenomena in Multimodal Communication. Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia. 17-19 July, 2018.
  50. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Construction of Home, Nation and Identity in Rohinton Mistry’s Tales from Firozsha Baag.” International Conference on Indian Literature as World Literature: Past, Present, Future. The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India. 18-20 January, 2018.
  51. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Refusing Racial and Gendered Subjugation: Escaping Marginalisation in Maryse Condé’s I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem.” International Conference on tHe pOliticS of dIfferencE: (Re)Locating Subalternity/ Marginality. Assam University, Diphu Campus, Assam, India. 22-23 September, 2017.
  52. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Healing Trauma and Reasserting Identity through Remembrance:  A Comparative Study between Joanne Fedler’s The Dreamcloth and Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” National Conference on New Media and Identity Formation. East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 21 January, 2017.
  53. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Speaking the Unspeakable: Traumatic Experience and Repressed Memory in Magical Realist Novels.” PhD colloquium (University of Bamberg, Bochum, Dresden and Siegen). Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. 24-26 July, 2015.
  54. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Tommy Wilhelm: The Untraditional Hero of Saul Bellow’s Seize the Day.” Student Conference. University of Bayreuth, Germany. 10-12 January, 2014.
Conference Attendance
  1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Critical-Affective Pedagogy for Bangladesh: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and Communication in English Studies. Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. 24-25 May, 2024.
  2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. International Conference on Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity. The Department of English, East West University and ATLEB. 28-29 July, 2023.
  3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. PhD colloquium (University of Bamberg, Bochum, Dresden, and Siegen). University of Bamberg, Germany. 12-14 February, 2016.
  4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. The 7th International Walt Whitman Seminar. University of Bamberg, Germany. 21-26 July, 2014.
Workshop Participation
  1. Conducted a Workshop on “Preparing OBE Course Outline” organised by Dept. of English, East West University, Bangladesh. 31 August, 2023.
  2. Participated in a Workshop on “Professional Training on Capacity Building of IQACs” organised by Bangladesh Accreditation Council (BAC). 12-23 March 2023.
  3. Conducted a Workshop on “Assessment and Rubrics” organised by Programme Self-Assessment Committee (PSAC), Dept. of English, East West University, Bangladesh. 7 July, 2022.
  4. Participated in a Workshop on “Capacity Building in OBE Teaching Method” organised by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), East West University, Bangladesh. 19 February, 2022.
  5. Conducted a Workshop on “OBE Curriculum Development” organised by Dept. of English, East West University, Bangladesh. 6 December, 2021.
  6. Participated in a Workshop on “OBE Curriculum Development” organised by University Grants Commission (UGC), Bangladesh. 3-4 November, 2021.
  7. Participated in a Workshop on Gender Studies at University of Asia Pacific, Bangladesh with support from The Association of Commonwealth Universities. 27 January, 2018
  8. Participated in the Creative Writing Workshop “Writing War” conducted by Julia Pascal at University of Bamberg, Germany. 10-12 January, 2013
Book Chapter

1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Literary Representation of Trauma from a Marginalized Standpoint: Reinventing the Past and Creating an Alternative History.” Trauma, Memory and Identity Crisis: Reimagining and Rewriting the Past. Ed. Abu Shahid Abdullah. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022. 1-14. ISBN (10): 1-5275-8439-9

2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Asserting Identity and Establishing Alternative Mode(s) of Speaking: Slavery and the Search for Female Freedom in Ntozake Shange’s Sassafrass, Cypress & Indigo.” Trauma, Memory and Identity Crisis: Reimagining and Rewriting the Past. Ed. Abu Shahid Abdullah. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022. 76-91. ISBN (10): 1-5275-8439-9

3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid & Tanvir Mustafiz Khan. “Surviving Crises and Imagining Utopia in Han Kang’s Human Acts.” Trauma, Memory and Identity Crisis: Reimagining and Rewriting the Past. Ed. Abu Shahid Abdullah. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2022. 188-198. ISBN (10): 1-5275-8439-9

4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Reconstructing Personal Identity and Creating an Alternative National History: Magical Realism and the Marginalised Female Voice in Gioconda Belli’s The Inhabited Woman.” The Palgrave Handbook of Magical Realism in the Twenty-First Century. Eds. Richard Perez and Victoria A. Chevalier. Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2020. 281-296. ISBN: 978-3-030-39834-7

MA Thesis Supervision

1. Islam, Moutushi. "Empowering Black Women through Female Solidarity: A Magical Realist and Gynocritical Analysis of I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem, Mama Day and The Color Purple." (Completed, Spring 2022).

2. Khan, Tanvir Mustafiz. ‘“Survival is Insufficient’: Imagining Utopia within Dystopia in Station Eleven, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Human Acts.” (Completed, Spring 2021)

3. Mursheeda, Afia. “Apocalypse is No More Far, it is here: Prognostication about Technological Jeopardies in Dystopian Fiction and Film.” (Completed, Fall 2020)

Invited Talk

1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Magical Realism and Women in the Americas.” Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. 7 October, 2024.

2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Resisting White Supremacy and Constructing Identity: Magical Resistance in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks.” Literary Association of Nepal (LAN), Nepal. 31 December, 2021.

Conference Session Chair

1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Panel Theme: Eco-Fiction. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues: [Re]imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South. The Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. 16-17 February, 2024.

2. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Panel Theme: Changing Ecologies in Southeast Asia. 5th ASLE-ASEAN Ecocritical Conference: Posthuman Southeast Asia. School of Liberal Arts, Mae Fah Luang University, Thailand and ASLE-ASEAN. 23-25 November, 2023.

3. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Panel Theme: Film Studies. International Conference on Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity. The Department of English, East West University and ATLEB. 28-29 July, 2023.

4. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. Panel Theme: Home and (Un)home. 2nd International Conference on Refugee, Resistance, and Recognition: Global Literary Representations in [Post]post-colonial Perspectives. The Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. 24-25 February, 2023.

Plenary Session
  1. Abdullah, Abu Shahid. “Healing Trauma of Sexual Abuse in Gail Anderson Dargatz’s The Cure for Death by Lightning.” 3rd International Conference on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues: [Re]imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South. The Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. 16-17 February, 2024.
Selected Journal Articles

Publication in International Journal:

Jahan, MN, (2020), Analyzing Child Rape in Bangladesh: A Socio-Legal Perspective, International Annals of Criminology, Volume 58, Issue 1, Cambridge University Press, DOI:

Jahan, M.N., Medical Malpractice in Bangladesh: Behind the Mist of Corona Pandemic," An Untold Loss by Corona, N.B. Publications, Kunal Books, pg 29-48, 2020, ISBN: 978-93-89234-90-9.

Jahan, MN, (2018), The Doctrine of Superior Responsibility in The Trials of International Crimes: A Comparative Study of The International Crimes Tribunals of Bangladesh and Other Jurisdictions, European Journal of Law and Political Sciences, Vol 1, 2018, pp. 6-19, Premier Publishing, Vienna, ISSN 2310-5712.

Publication in National Journal:

Jahan, MN, (2021), Radicalization, Terrorism and Counter Terrorism Approach in Bangladesh, Counter Terrorism Journal, Counter Terrorism & Transnational Crime (CTTC), Dhaka Metropolitan Police, Volume 1, Number 1, Pathak Shamabesh, Bangladesh, ISSN: 2710-4710.

Jahan, M.N., (co-author), Principles of Natural Justice, Its Prospects and Application in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis, City University Journal, Volume 2, Number 1, 2016, ISSN 2412-282.

Web Journal:

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Stricter surveillance required on global militant activities online, South Aisa Monitor, published on August 19, 2020. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Humanity in exile: Time for a new world order, South Aisa Monitor, published on July 24, 2020. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Why terrorism eludes definition? South Aisa Monitor, published on June 6, 2020.

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), US-Taliban peace deal: Peace for whom? South Asia Monitor, Published on April 13, 2020. available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), With laws, more social awareness needed to curb child pornography in South Asia, South Asia Monitor, published on March 20, 2020, available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Break the taboo of rape from society, South Asia Monitor, published on March 15, 2020, available at

Selected Conference Paper

1. Jahan MN, & Nishat NJ, (2021), A Constructive Analysis on Reconciliation between Media and Islamic Ideology for the Elimination of Islamophobia, presented at the 1st Annual Conference, Office for National Unity and Reconciliation, Sri Lanka, (held on 30-31 October 2021), organized by the Office for National Unity and Reconciliation, Sri Lanka. 

2. Jahan, MN, (2019), Rape of Female Child: Bangladesh Perspective, presented at The 19th World Congress of The International Society of Criminology, (held on 28-30 October, 2019), jointly organized by The International Society of Criminology, Qatar University, UNODC, Police College Qatar, Law College Qatar, held at Ritz Carlton Hotel, Doha, Qatar.

3.  Jahan, MN, (2019), Legal Provisions on Child Pornography in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study On South Asian Landscape, presented at the International Conference on Criminal Law and Victims of Crime, (held on 24-25 October, 2019), organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, held at Bali, Indonesia.

4.  Jahan, MN, (2019), Examining Child Rape Provisions in Bangladesh in Comparison with Other South Asian Countries, presented at the International Conference on Criminology, Penal Law and Crime, (held on 19-20 August, 2019), organized by World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, held at Bangkok, Thailand.

5. Jahan, MN, (2018), Bangladesh-India Maritime Delimitation: Significance of the Arbitral Award from the International Law Perspectives, presented at the 2nd International Conference on 'International Law', (held on 29-31 March, 2018), organized bythe Department of Law, East West University, organizing partner, NILS Bangladesh, Media Partners- and Radio Dhol 94.0 FM, held at Nausher Ali Lecture Gallery, East West University, Bangladesh.

Keynote Speaker in Seminars

1. Jahan, MN, presented a paper on the third series of "Meet the Legal Minds" titled " Social Media and Cyber Crime" titled " Explaining Criminological Theories Behind Social Media Related Cyber Crimes" on 16.10.2018, organized by the Department of Law, East West University.

2. Jahan, MN, presented a paper on the second series of "Meet the Legal Minds" titled " সন্ত্রাসবাদের দায় কার?"titled "The Reasons Behind Radicalization on Terrorism and Possible Remedies: A Criminological Perspective" on 01.02.2018, organized by the Department of Law, East West University.

Selected Newspaper Op-Ed

Monira Nazmi Jahan (2022), সাইবার নিরাপত্তা সচেতনতা মাসে আমরা কতটুকু সচেতন? SomoynewsTv, published on October 09, 2022. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan (2022), নারীর জয় তবু রাষ্ট্র নারীবান্ধব নয়!, published on September 23, 2022. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan (2022), কত শিক্ষক অপমানিত হলে আমাদের ঘুম ভাঙবে? DhakaPost, published on July 7, 2022. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan (2022), রোহিঙ্গাদের বোঝা আর কত বইতে হবে? Banglaribune, published on May 12, 2022. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), স্বাধীনতার ৫০ বছরে নারীর নিরাপত্তা কি নিশ্চিত হয়েছে? BanglaTribune, published on December 29, 2021. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), হলি আর্টিজান ট্র্যাজেডি : শোক হোক শক্তি., published on July 2, 2021. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), আফগানিস্তান থেকে মার্কিনীদের রহস্যময় প্রস্থান কেন?, published on May 19, 2021. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), করোনা কি মানুষকে শোধরাতে পেরেছে?, published on April 11, 2021.Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), েকন থামেছ না িকেশার  অপরাধ? Why juvenile delinquency is not stopping? Dhaka Post, published on March 12, 2021. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, Violence against women, is on the rise, “নারী নির্যাতন বেড়েই চলেছে”, The Daily Ittefaq, published on March 10, 2021, Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, Wake up mother, daughter, bride, wife, sister! “জাগো মাতা, কন্যা, বধূ, জায়া, ভগ্নী!” Bangla Tribune, published on March 8, 2021. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2021), সাইবার অপরাধ িনয়�েণ আসেব িকভােব? How to control cybercrime? Dhaka Post, published on February 23, 2021. Available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), ইয়াসমিন ট্র্যাজেডির ২৫ বছর: ধর্ষণ কমেছে নাকি বেড়েছে? দৈনিক বাংলাদেশ প্রতিদিন, published on August 29, 2020, available at 

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), বৈশ্বিক জঙ্গিবাদ ও বাংলাদেশ, দৈনিক ভোরের কাগজ, published on August 19, 2020. Available at 

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), নির্বাসনে মানবতা : বিপন্ন সভ্যতাদৈনিক আমাদের সময়, published on July 20, 2020. Available at Page link

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Terrorist radicalization: Difficult to detect, The Daily Asian Agepublished on July 10, 2020, available at 

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), হলি আর্টিজান: বিষাদের এক কালো অধ্যায়, দৈনিক বাংলাদেশ প্রতিদিনpublished on July 01, 2020, available at 

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), “সবার উপরে মানুষ সত্য,” দৈনিক বাংলাদেশ প্রতিদিন, published on June 22, 2020, available at page link

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), মহামারীতেও থেমে নেই জঙ্গিগোষ্ঠির চক্রান্ত, published on June 14, 2020. Available at Page link

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Pandemics: Always accompanied by rumours, The Daily Observer, published on April 3, 2020, available at page link

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), মার্কিন-তালেবান শান্তিচুক্তি:কার শান্তির সম্ভাবনা কতটুকু?, published on May 3, 2020. available at Page link

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), মহামারীর সংক্রমন বনাম গুজবের আক্রমন, দৈনিক যুগান্তর, published on March 30, 2020, available at Page link

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Child pornography: Curse for civilization, The Daily Asian Age, published on January 17, 2020, available at

Republished from Njus International, available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2020), Stop Rape: Ensure Justice, The Daily Sun, published on, January 13, 2020, available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2019), Time to properly use forensic law, The New Age, published on December 24, 2019, available at

Monira Nazmi Jahan, (2019), Child Rape: Only Punishment Enough? The Daily Observer, published on November 20, available at

Research Papers
  1. Mahmud, M. R., Bin Reza, R., & Ahmed, S. Z. (2023). The effects of misinformation on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Bangladesh. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 72(1/2), 82-97.
  2. Raiyan Bin Reza, & Rumana Rahman. (2023). Information seeking behavior of university students during 2023 dengue outbreak: A developing country perspective. Record and Library Journal, 9(2), 232–242.
  3. Reza, R., & Sunvy, A. S. (2023). The Role of fact-checking sites during the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, 16(2), 122-134.
  4. Sunvy, A. S., & Reza, R. B. Students’ Perception of Wikipedia as an Academic Information Source.
  5. Sunvy, A. S., Reza, R. B., & Al Imran, A. (2023). Media coverage of DeepFake disinformation: An analysis of three South-Asian countries. Informasi, 53(2).
  6. Mahmud, M. R., & Reza, R. B. (2020). APPLICATION OF WEB ARCHIVING TECHNOLOGIES IN BNL AND NAB: A PROPOSED MODEL. Eastern Librarian, 25, 2.
  7. Mahmud, M. R., & Reza, R. B. (2024). Anti-Women Misinformation on YouTube. COMMUSTY Journal of Communication Studies and Society , 3(1), 1-8.
  8. Reza, R. B., Mahmud, M. R., & Ahmed, S. M. Z. (2024). Evaluating AI excellence: A comparative analysis of generative models in library and information science. Science & Technology Libraries, 1–14.

Conference Papers
  1. Reza, R. B. (2023). Exploring the fancy world: CNN’s Coverage of AI generated Content.In 3rd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. Dhaka: EastWest University.
  2. Imran, A.& Reza,R.B. (2023). Effectiveness of fact checking websites: A webometrics analysis,Dilara Begum(Ed.).Measuring knowledge in the digital age Webometrics, Informetrics,and scientometrics: 17th international Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and scientometrics (WIS) (pp.122).COLLNET
  3. Ali ,Liton,Mahmud, M. R., & Reza,R.B. (2023). Impact of Religious Information on Political Beliefs and Personal Morality among Bangladeshi People.In International Conference on Library & Information Science( ICLIS 2023 )(p.45).
  4. Reza, R. B., Mahmud, M. R., Mostofa, S. M., & Othman, R. (2021, November). Role of Medical Libraries for Implementing Knowledge Management During Covid-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study. In International Conference on Business and Technology (pp. 219-236). Cham: Springer International Publishing
Journal Publication
International and National

Chan, G. J., Stuart, E. A., Zaman, M. Z., Mahmud, A. A., Baqui, A. H., & Black, R. E. (2014). The effect of intrapartum antibiotics on early-onset neonatal sepsis in Dhaka, Bangladesh: a propensity score matched analysis. BMC pediatrics, 14(1), 104.

Kabir. R., & Sultana. M. Z. (2017). “Adolescents’ and their Mothers: Understanding the Needs”. The International Journal of Indian Psychology. 4(3) 97, P.51-61, DIP:18.01.007/2017040.

Sultana, M. Z., & Kabir, M. R. Integration of Health Care and Social Support in Specialized School for Children with Autism: A Case Study from Dhaka City. Society & Change. Vol. XIII, No.2, April-June 2019. ISSN: 1997-1052 (Print), 227-202X (Online)

Wahab, F., Khondker, L., Sultana, M.Z., Afrooz, F. (2021). Comparative Profile between Cutaneous and Systemic Vasculitis. Asian Journal of Research in Medicine and Medical Science. 3(1), 48-54.

Wahab, F., Nasim, R., Sultana, M.Z., Momin, L. ( 2022). Maskne: A potential entity during the COVID - 19 pandemic. Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Dermatology. 2 (1), 17-21.

Wahab, F., Sultana, M.Z., Ibrahim, M., Sharmin, S., Nasim, R., Akter, E. (2022). Severity Grading of Covid -19 Pneumonia in Vaccinated Patients: A Cross- sectional Hospital-based Study. Shaheed Monsur Ali Medical College Journal. SMAMC Journal. Volume 8 No. 2. July 2022.

Wahab, F., Salahuddin, A.Z., Ibrahim, M., Sultana M.Z., Sharmin, S., Ahmed, A., Jabbar, N., Keya, M.T. (2023). SARS-CoV-2 Infection after Vaccination: A Comparative Profile between Dose 1 and Dose 2. Mymensingh Med J 2023 Jan; 32 (1): 96-102  

Kabir, R., Sultana, M. Z., Mondal, M. S. H., & Kabir, I. (2023). Undergraduate Student’s Stress, Anxiety, Depression and their Coping styles during Covid-19. Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal, 6(1), 67–76.

Wahab, F., Sultana, M.Z., Hossain, M.M., Aziz, T.A., Khatun, M., Chanda, T., Rahman, S. (2023). Novel Messenger RNA Coronavirus Vaccination: A Study of Adverse Skin Reactions. Jbad. Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Dermatology. Vol 3 (1): 03-08

Conference & Seminars

Sultana MZ. Master of Population, Reproductive Health, Gender and Development of East West University: The first ever multidisciplinary graduate programme focusing reproductive health in a comprehensive approach in Bangladesh. 2ndInternational Conference on Global Public Health 2014, Development Agenda at Crossroads, 3rd-4th July 2014 at Negombo, Srilanka. (2014)

Sultana MZ. Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights: How much the undergraduate students know? International Conference on Innovating Education in Asia, on 31st October to 2nd November 2015 held at Hans Raj College, Delhi University, New Delhi, India. (2015).

Sultana MZ. Investing in Young People. Bangladesh Summit on Sustainable Development 2014, Mission for 100 Years, 16th -19thAugust 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2014)

Sultana MZ. Awareness regarding Swine flu among the students of the Dhaka University. 42nd APACPH Conference, held at Bali International Convention Center, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia on 24-27 November 2010.

Kabir, R., Sultana, M. Z., & Nahar. L (2020). Impact of Training Program on Awareness and Practice of Computer Ergonomics among Academic Staff. EWUCRT Working Paper No 18. Dhaka: East West University Centre for Research and Training.

Speaker at Seminar on ‘Corona Virus: Awareness and Prevention’ held on March 9, 2020 at 11:50 am in S.M. Nousher Ali Lecture Gallery (Room-126), East West University.

Speaker at Webinar on, “The Second Wave of COVID 19: Overview on Testing and Treatment”  held on 25th November, 2020; organized by Department of Social Relations, EWU.

Speaker at Webinar on ‘COVID-19 in Bangladesh: Current status, People’s perception and our future’ held on 28 December, 2021; organized by Department of Social Relations, EWU.

Guest speaker of the webinar on ‘Pregnancy and Mental Health of the Mothers’ held on 16th October, 2021; organized by MindShaper, Bangladesh.

Speaker at Seminar on ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month, October 2022’ held on October 30, 2022; organized by Department of Social Relations, EWU.

Academic Journal


“The Razakar Discourse: Cultural Movement, Resistance and Bangladeshi Nationalism” Ed. Shakur, T. and Highet, K., Imaging South Asian Culture in Non-English: Reconstructing Popular Textual and Visual Presentations, Special Issue, SACS, UK, 2018: 111-122

“Bridging the Gap between Language and Literature: Teaching English in Bangladesh at Tertiary Level” ELT Worldwide: Journal of English Language Teaching, English Language Education Graduate Program of the State University of Makassar, Indonesia.2.2 (2015): 1-32.


Nusrat, Masrufa Ayesha. “Varieties of Otherness in Birds, Beasts, and Flowers by D.H. Lawrence.” Panini: NSU Studies in Language and Literature Vol. 5 (2007-2011): 63-84. Print.

Nusrat, Masrufa Ayesha. “The Silence beyond the Remotest Echo.” Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies of Language and Literature Vol. 19 (2004): 75-86. Print.

Seminar/ Conference / Workshop / Short Course

International Conference

1. “Women's Movement in Bangladesh: Sexual Violence in Fiction and Reality”, Centre for English Studies, Central University of Gujarat, International Conference on 'Women and Sectarian Violence in South Asia: Fiction and Reality,' 9-10 November 2017, Gandhinagar, India.

2. "Women’s Movement in Bangladesh against Sexual Violence: A Transnational Feminist Perspective” International Conference on ‘Redrawing Gender Boundaries in Literary Terrains’, 18-19 May 2017. Department of English and Humanities, Brac University. Dhaka.

3. "Studying Nature: Ecofeminism, Deep Ecology and Bioregionalism in Birds, Beasts and Flowers by D.H. Lawrence” ASLE, Edward M. Kennedy Centre and Bangladesh Planning Committee, International Interdisciplinary Conference on Ecocriticism, Environmental Justice and Literature, 7-8 August 2015.

 4. “The Monstrosity of Rajakars: Cultural Resistance and Bangladeshi Nationhood” Mansfield College, Oxford University, UK. Inter-Displinary.Net, 12th Global Conference on ‘Monsters and the Monstrous’. 25-27 July 2014.

5. “Language Teaching in Bangladesh at Tertiary Level: A Critical Perspective” Vidya Mandala Catholic University, Surabaya, Indonesia, 59th TEFLIN International Conference. 6-8 November 2012.

6. “Critiquing Language Teaching through Literature: A Bangladeshi Perspective” The British Council, IML and UGC, 8th International Language & Development Conference, 23-25 June 2009.

7. “Reading Orientalism and Patriarchy” Department of English, Jadavpur University, India, ‘Other Voices, Other Cultures: Reading Orientalism’, 2004.

National / Local Conference/ Seminar

1. “The Dhaka Lit Fest”, discussant at the daylong conference on ‘Dhaka: A Cultural City’ organized by the Centre for Urban Studies (CUS) at the Bangla Academy, Dhaka, 13 May 2017. 

2. “Ecofeminism in Bangla Folk Literature: Reading Khona, Chondrabotir Ramayan and Baromashi” Department of English, Daffodil International University, National Conference on ‘Machine in the Garden: Literature, Language and Technology in English Studies’, 19 September 2015.

 3. “Varieties of Otherness in Birds, Beasts and Flowers by D.H. Lawrence” East West University English Department Lecture Series, 16 March 2010.

 4. “Women Writing in English from Bangladesh” Department of English, East West University, 3rd International Conference on 'Democracy, the “New World Order” and English Studies’, October 2008.

5. “Forging a New Identity: Bangladeshi Women Writing in English” Department of English, East West University, 2nd International Conference on ‘Passages: English Studies in the Region’, 15-16 April 2006

6. “Women in Brecht’s Plays” Department of English, University of Dhaka and Goethe Institute, on the occasion of Bertol Brecht’s birthday, 1997.

Workshop/ Short Course

1. Workshop on “Rethinking Research Methodology”, conducted by Professor Raka Ray (Dean, of Social Science, UC Berkley) organized by Brac University, ENH, 10-15th January 2016.  

2. Workshop on “Literary Research”, conducted by Dr. Poulomi Saha (Department of English, UC Berkley), organized by Department of English, Brac University, 2015.

3. Literary Workshop, 2nd Phase, DTC, ULAB, 15-19 May 2015. With the Bengal Lights and Comma Press.

4. Literary Workshop, 1st Phase, DTC, ULAB, 15-19 November 2014. Organized by the British Centre for Literary Translation affiliated with the University of East Anglia, and English PEN.

5. Training Workshop on Research Methods (for English Faculty Members), Centre for Research and Training, East West University, 22 August -5 October 2013.

6. “The Role of Gender in EFL Classrooms in the Tertiary Level: Case Studies of East West University and American International University-Bangladesh.” The 8th Asia TEFL International Conference, Hanoi, Vietnam; 6-8 August 2010. Joint Paper Presentation with Dr. Faheem Hasan Shahed.

7. ACLALS 2004, Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies, 13th International Triennial, ‘Nation and Imagination: The Changing Commonwealth’, 4-9 August 2004, Hyderabad, India.

8. Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR), 11th Annual International Conference for Students, University of Harvard and Macquarie University; Workshop on ‘Traditions and Transformations: Evolving Perspectives on Asia’, 15-18 August 2002, Sydney, Australia.

9. Workshop on ‘Postcolonial Literatures’ by Ms. Sharmila Sen, Associate Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Harvard University, English Department of BRAC University, Dhaka, 2001.

10. A short course in ‘Art Appreciation’, Bishya Shahitya Kendro, 1999.


Nusrat, Masrufa Ayesha. Celebration and Other Stories. Dhaka: Pathak Shamabesh, 2015. Print. (an anthology of translated short stories by contemporary women writers from Bangladesh)

Book Review

Nusrat, Masrufa Ayesha. “Idealistic Conviction.” Rev. of Faultlines, Ed. Niaz Zaman and Asif Farrukhi. Daily Star Literary Page. 26 April 2008. Print.

Entry in Literary Encyclopedia

Nusrat, Masrufa Ayesha. “Bangladeshi Literature in English.” South Asian Literature in English: An Encyclopedia, Ed. Jaina C. Sanga. Westport, CT, and London: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004. 24-28. Print.

Literary Journal / Web Zine


“The Limits of Love” Trans. Masrufa Ayesha Nusrat and the DTC team, Bengal Lights, Summer 2015: 39-59. (Translation of Shaheen Akter’s short story “Bhalobashar Poridhi”)

“Furfuri’s Innocent Meal” Trans. Masrufa Ayesha Nusrat, The Missing Slate, Web. 21 February 2014. (Translation of Anwar Shahadat’s short story)

“Revenge” Trans. Masrufa Ayesha Nusrat, The Missing Slate, Web. 18 April 2013. (Translation of Papree Rahman’s short story)

“Annihilation” Trans. Masrufa Ayesha Nusrat,, Web. 20 April 2011. (Translation of Anwara Syed Haq’s short story)

Contribution in Anthology


"Pagli", Ed. Niaz Zaman. The Demoness: The Best Bangladeshi Short Stories 1971-2021. Aleph, 2021. (Translation of a short story by Anwara Syed Huq)

“The Circle” Ed. Pushpita Alam and Arunava Sinha. The Book of Dhaka. London and Dhaka: Comma Press and Bengal Lights. 2016. (Translation of a short story by Moinul Ahsan Saber)


“Dark Lucky, Fair Lucky”, Gantha Miscellany, Ed. Niaz Zaman. Dhaka: writersink, 2019, pp. 135- 145. (translation of Shahnaz Munni’s short story)

"The Frog Eater". The Woman Who Ate Cooking Pots: Selected Short Stories, Ed. Niaz Zaman. Dhaka: Bengal Publications, 2018, pp.79-82. (translation of Jahanara Naushin’s short story)

"The Veil of Darkness". The Woman Who Ate Cooking Pots: Selected Short Stories,Ed. Niaz Zaman, Dhaka: Bengal Publications, 2018, pp. 63-70. (translation of Jahanara Naushin’s short story)

“Nine Months in Agartala” Ed. Niaz Zaman and Razia Sultana Khan. Stories from the Edge: Personal Narratives of the Liberation War, Dhaka: Bengal Publications. 2017. 73-81. (A war narrative based on my mother’s experience of the liberation war of Bangladesh)

“The Velvet Dress” translated jointly in Bengali with Jharna Rahman, Ed. Niaz Zaman and Papree Rahman. Alice Munror Nirbachito Golpo. Dhaka: Moula Brothers. 2016. 187-199. (The original story “The Red Velvet Dress” is by Alice Munroe)

“The Disappearance of Gopal Maker” Ed. Niaz Zaman. Spiders and Other Stories. Dhaka:, 2016. 130-142. (Translation of a short story in a collection by Saleha Choudhury)

“The Evening Mask” Ed. Niaz Zaman, A Temporary Sojourn and Other Stories. Dhaka: UPL, 2015. 122-126. (Translation of a short story in a collection by Nasreen Jahan)

“Girl Becomes Woman” Ed. Niaz Zaman, A Temporary Sojourn and Other Stories. Dhaka: UPL, 2015. 1-7. (Translation of a short story in a collection of Nasreen Jahan)

“Fairytales of Chorbhodrashon” Ed. Niaz Zaman, Lilies, Lanterns, Lullabies. Dhaka:, 2014. 13-20. (Translation of a short story in a collection by Papree Rahman)

“Celebration” Ed. Niaz Zaman, Lilies, Lanterns, Lullabies. Dhaka:, 2014. 45-57. (Translation of a short story in a collection by Papree Rahman)

“Revenge” Ed. Niaz Zaman, Lilies, Lanterns, Lullabies. Dhaka:, 2014. 21-30. (Translation of a short story in a collection by Papree Rahman)

“Wise Woman and the Magic Mirror” Ed. Niaz Zaman, The Dawn of the Waning Moon. Dhaka:, 2012. 75-85. (Translation of a short story in a collection by Jharna Rahman)

“I Watch the Horses” Ed. Niaz Zaman, The Dawn of the Waning Moon. Dhaka:, 2012. 95-103. (Translation of a short story in a collection by Jharna Rahman)

“Pagli” Ed. Niaz Zaman. Writing Across Borders, Dhaka: IBCI and writers. ink. 2008. 135-146. (Translation of a short story by Anwara Syed Haq)

“The Photograph” Ed. Niaz Zaman. Under the Krishnachura Tree: Fifty Years of Bangladeshi Writing, Dhaka: UPL, 2004. 167-183. (Translation of a short story by Shahed Ali)

Reviewer / Editorial Board Member / Editor

Journal Reviewer

Spectrum: Journal of the Department of English, Special Centenary Issue, Volume (16), 2021 

Editorial Board Member

Transcript: An e-journal of Literary and Cultural 


Editor, The East West University Quarterly, Spring 2015 to Spring 2018 

Supervisor / External of MA Thesis Defense


1. MA Thesis - Visual Culture, Literature, and Poetry ( Brac University)

2. MA Thesis - Americal Literature: The Catcher in the Rye (Brac University)


Momena Rahman Keya, Fantastic Women in Tahmima Anam’s Novels: Breaking Stereotypes, January 2018, MA Thesis, East West University

From Land to Real Estate: Need for a Sensorial Approach; Dhaka University Law Journal (Dhaka University Studies Part-F), Vol. XXX, 2019, pp 145-156
In Quest of the Definition of Terrorism: Challenges and Responses; Yearbook of the Human Rights Summer School titled “Human Rights and Terrorism”, published in October 2015 by Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), PP 200-219
Critical Review of the Court-Based ADR in Bangladesh: Prospects and Challenges, Journal of Humanities and Social Science, International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR) Volume 20, Issue 12, (Dec. 2015) Pp 45-55
Development of Court-Based ADR in Bangladesh, The Northern University Bangladesh Journal of Law, Faculty of Law, Northern University Bangladesh, Volume V Issue 2014; PP 1-12
An Inquisitive Review of National Budget in the Light of Human Rights Framework: Bangladesh Context; Yearbook of the Human Rights Summer School titled “Human Rights and Climate Justice,” Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP) December 2013
Journal Publication

  • Kabir, R., Sultana, M. Z., Mondal, M. S. H., & Kabir, I. (2023). Undergraduate Student’s Stress, Anxiety, Depression and their Coping styles during Covid-19. Mental Health: Global Challenges Journal, 6(1), 67–76.
  • Kabir, R., Sultana, M. Z., & Nahar. L (2020). Impact of Training Program on Awareness and Practice of Computer Ergonomics among Academic Staff. EWUCRT Working Paper No 18. Dhaka: East West University Centre for Research and Training.
  • Sultana, M. Z., & Kabir, R. (2019). Integration of Health Care and Social Support in Specialized School for Children with Autism: A Case Study from Dhaka City. Society & Change. 13(2), 41-51.
  • Kabir. R., & Sultana. M. Z. (2017). “Adolescents’ and their Mothers: Understanding the Needs”. The International Journal of Indian Psychology. 4(3) 97, P.51-61, DIP:18.01.007/2017040.
Conference & Seminars


  • Kabir, R. (2021, December) The Online Learning Experience: Perception of Bangladeshi Undergraduate Students. Applied Psychology Readings. SCAP 2021 Springer, Singapore.
  • Sultana, M. Z., & Kabir, R. (2018, December). Integration of Health Care and Social Support in Specialized School for Children with Autism: A Case Study from Dhaka City. Paper presented at the 5th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance and Modernization in Changing Environment.  BARD, Bangladesh.
  • Kabir, R. (2018, April). Designing classroom activity: to understand the key psychological perspectives in an introductory course. Proceeding of the 4thInternational Conference on Education, Vol. 4, 2018, pp.62-68.
  • Kabir, R. (2017, April). Using Drama Technique to Engage University Students in Course Work. International Conference on Studies in Business Management, Law and Education (SMBLE-17). P.415-419. Kyoto, Japan.
  • Kabir, R. (2017, April). Awareness of Apt Computer Use and Hazards among University Students in Dhaka. International Conference on Studies in Business Management, Law and Education (SMBLE-17). P.420-424. Kyoto, Japan.
  • Kabir, R., & Sultana, M. Z. (2017, February). Addressing Adolescents’ Problems: The Need of the Hour. Presented paper at the International Conference on Knowledge Transfer. Dhaka. P.37.
  • Sultana, M.Z. & Kabir. R (2016, December). Prevalence of Obesity among University Students. Presented paper at the International Conference on Envisioning Our Common Future. Dhaka. P. 99.
  • Kabir, R. (2015, October). Computer Related Ergonomic Risk Factors among University students in Bangladesh. Presented paper at the International Conference on Innovating Education in Asia; New Delhi. P.40.


  • Organized a seminar and poster exhibition on World Mental Health Day 2019. Also, presented a paper titled ‘Psychological aspects of Bullying Suicide’ at the seminar.
  • Organized a seminar and poster exhibition on World Mental Health Day 2018. Also, presented a paper titled ‘Young people and mental health in a changing world: Stress and Coping’ at the seminar.
  • Conducted a seminar on “Impact of Training Program on Awareness and Practice of Computer Ergonomics among Academic Staff”. at East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT). Bangladesh.
  • Conducted seminar on “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy”. East West University Environment and Social Club (EWUESC, Mind Gym).
Journal Article

Peer-Review Journal Articles

1. Hasan, M. K., Uddin, H., Younos, T. B., & Mukta, N. A. H. (2024). Prevalence and associated factors of loneliness among in-school adolescents in three South Asian countries. Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Nov (2024) [Scopus Indexed & Q1 Taylor & Francis Journal]

2. Uddin, H., Islam, A., Lata, L. N., Nahar, S., Hossin, M. Z., & Uddin, J. (2024). Associations of threat and deprivation-related childhood exposures with children’s mental health and flourishing: The moderating role of family resilience. Children and Youth Services Review, 166: 107912. 

3.      Uddin, H., M. K. Hasan, T. Cuartas-Alvarez, and R. Castro-Delgado. 2024. “Effects of Mass Casualty Incidents on Anxiety, Depression, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Doctors and Nurses: A Systematic Review.” Public Health 234:132–42.

4. Gan, R. K., Uddin, H., Gan, A. Z., Yew, Y. Y., & González, P. A. (2023). ChatGPT's performance before and after teaching in mass casualty incident triage. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 20350.

5.      Uddin, H., Hasan, M. K., & Castro-Delgado, R. (2023). Effects of mass casualty incidents on anxiety, depression and PTSD among doctors and nurses: a systematic review protocol. BMJ open, 13(9), e075478.

6.      Uddin, J., Uddin, H., Rahman, M., Saha, P., Hossin, M. Z., Hajizadeh, M., & Kirkland, S. (2023). Socioeconomic disparities in diabetes-concordant comorbidity: national health interview survey, 1997–2018. Public Health, 222, 160-165.

7.      Hasan, M. K., Uddin, H., Younos, T. B., Mukta, N. A. H., & Zahid, D. (2023). Prevalence of truancy among school-going adolescents in three South Asian countries: association with potential risk and protective factors. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 28(1), 2242480.

8.      Uddin, H., & Hasan, M. K. (2023). Family resilience and neighborhood factors affect the association between digital media use and mental health among children: does sleep mediate the association?. European Journal of Pediatrics, 182(6):2521-2534.

9.      Hasan, M. K., Uddin, H., & Younos, T. B. (2022). Bangladeshi nursing students' perceived preparedness and readiness for disaster management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 81(2022):103303.

10.      Khan, A. R., Uddin, H., Shimul, A. K., & Billah, M. (2022). Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and suicide in Bangladesh: Some explanations through Durkheim’s Sociology of Suicide. Journal of Community Positive Practices, XXII (3):3-17.

11.      Huda, M. N., Uddin, H., Hasan, M. K., Malo, J. S., Duong, M., & Rahman, M. A. (2021). Examining Bangladesh’s responses to COVID-19 in light of Vietnam: Lessons learned. Global Biosecurity, 3 (1):1-14.

12.      Rahman, M., Uddin, H., Lata, L. N., & Uddin, J. (2022). Associations of forms of intimate partner violence with low birth weight in India: findings from a population-based Survey. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 35(25), 7972-7979.

13.      Khan, A. R., Shimul, S. A. K., & Uddin, H. (2021). Demographic risk factors and motives of male suicide in Bangladesh: A retrospective content analysis. Acta counseling and humanities, 1(2), 66-80.

14.      Uddin, J., Ahmmad, Z., Uddin, H., & Tatch, A. (2021). Family resilience and protective factors promote flourishing and school engagement among US children amid developmental disorder and adverse psychosocial exposure. Sociological Spectrum, 41(2), 177-195.

15.      Uddin, J., Alharbi, N., Uddin, H., Hossain, M. B., Hatipoğlu, S. S., Long, D. L., & Carson, A. P. (2020). Parenting stress and family resilience affect the association of adverse childhood experiences with children's mental health and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 272, 104-109.

16.      Uddin, J., Uddin, H., & Rahman, M. (2021). Association of women’s occupation with actual and ideal number of children in Bangladesh: a case of role incompatibility. Demography and Social Economy, 46(4):139-154.

Conference Paper

Rana, J., Islam, R., Uddin, H., Siraj, Z., Sultana, T., & Nazif Munoz, J. I. (2024, August). Associations between long-term exposure to air pollution and blood pressure and glucose levels in Bangladeshi adults: a nationally representative study. In ISEE Conference Abstracts (Vol. 2024, No. 1).

Manuscript Under Review

Castro-Delgado, R., Mukta, N. A. H., Vinuales, E. M., Parvin, R., Hasan, M. K., & Uddin, H. 2024. Emergency medical services response to wildfires from a public health perspective: a systematic review, Burn

Cuartas-Alvarez, T., Santano, D. G., Martinex, P. F., Garcia, V .C., Uddin, H., & Castro-Delgado, R. 2024. Self-injury patients treated by the advanced life support units of an emergency medical service in the period 2012/2021. Prehospital and Disaster medicine

Working Paper 

Uddin, H., Ahmmad, Z., Nicholson, N. H., & Uddin, J. The association between cumulative social risk and adolescent obesity: differences by race/ethnicity and income. 

Uddin, J., Uddin, H., Lata, L. N., Malla, G., Baker, E., Long, D. L., Comeau, J., Andrew, M. K., & Kirkland, S. Adverse childhood experience and children’s mental health: cumulative, separate, and simultaneous risk approaches.

Castro-Delgado, R., & Uddin, H. 50 years of chemical incidents in the Global Terrorism Database: a time for reflection

Public Sociology

Public Sociology

... (2022, March 9). Digital proximity tools for contact tracing and quarantine. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp.15.  Digital proximity tools for contact tracing and quarantine - Op-Ed -  

..... (2019, February 1). Socioeconomic determinants and elderly mental health in Bangladesh. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 7

…… (2018, October 11). State of young mental health in Bangladesh. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 7.

…… (2018, October 7). World teacher’s day and thinking of teaching. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 6.

…… (2018, September 6). Endangered Reserved Forest and Our Liability. The Daily Observer, Dhaka Bangladesh, pp. 6.

……. (2017, March 21). The principle of Sustainable Development: Ensured Natural Purified Source of Water. (In Bengali), AbashanNews24.Com. Retrieved from

Book Review

Book Review 

..... (2019, April 27). Buddhist Nationalism Rohingya Crisis and Contemporary Politics, (edi) Asif Bin Ali and Sabbir Ahmed. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 14.

Translation Work: English to Bangla

Translation Work: English to Bangla 

Khondker, H., et al. (2016-Present). Global Dialogue (In Bengali). International Sociological Association (ISA), Vol. 6.3, 6.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 11.1. 11.2, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3

Conferences and Seminars

Facilitators in the Workshop  

Instructor, Workshop on Developing Research Projects & Crafting Scientific Publications: Secondary Datasets in Social Sciences & Public Health, arranged by South Asian Institute for Social Transformation (SAIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 22 & 29 November 2024

Conferences / Seminars 

Panelist, Session: Gender Equality and Women Empowerment of Bangladesh at National Women’s Health and Gender Equality Conference 2024 arranged by Bangladesh Community Health Foundation held at Brac Center In, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 8 June 2024

Paper Presenter, “Associations of Adverse Childhood Experiences with Developmental and Psychological Well-being among Children and Adolescents: Differential Role of Positive Childhood Experiences.” In: Annual Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Conference 2023, Toronto, May 29-June 2, 2023

Paper Presenter, "Risk Assessment of South Asian Floods (2000-2020) using the INFORM and Yew Disaster Severity Index", In: 22nd World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) Congress 2023, Killarney, Ireland, 9-12 May, 2023 

Paper Presenter, “Racial-ethnic Disparities in Adolescent Obesity in the United States: The Effect of Cumulative Social Risk Varies by Race-ethnicity”, In: 2021 American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting (Virtual), (6-10 August 2021)

Paper Presenter, “Family resilience and connection protects child flourishing and school engagement against adverse childhood experiences”, In: 2021 American Sociological Association (ASA) Annaul Meeting (Virtual), (6-10 August 2021)

Paper Presenter, “Adverse Childhood Experience and Children’s Mental Health: Separate versus Cumulative Risk Models and Potential Mediating Mechanisms”, In: 2021 American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting (Virtual), (6-10 August 2021)

Paper Presenter “Association of women’s occupation with actual and ideal number of children in Bangladesh: a case of role incompatibility”, In: ASA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. (8 July, 2020)

Paper Presenter, “Parenting stress and family resilience affect the association of adverse childhood experiences with children’s mental health and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder”, In: First Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences (ICSL 2020), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (27-29th February, 2020)

Paper Presenter, “Demographic Risk Factors and Motives of Male Suicide in Bangladesh, 2018-2019”, In: 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (5-6th February 2020)

Paper Presenter, “Coastal Tourism, a Blue Economy for Alternative Livelihoods: Problems and Challenges in Bangladesh”, In: 6th International Conference on Poverty and Sustainable Development 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka, (5-6th December, 2019)

Poster Presenter, “Investment in Workers’ Health and Sustainable Growth of Garments Industry: A Study on Garments Industry in Dhaka City, Bangladesh”, In: 2nd Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights at Workplace 2019, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, (17th September, 2019)

Paper Presenter, “Deforestation and Degradation of Sangu Reserved Forest in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh”, In: 8th Annual Conference of the Sociology of Development, at The University of Notre Dame, USA, (17-19th October, 2019)

Paper Presenter, “China’s Position on Rohingya Crisis from Neo-realism Perspective”, In: International Conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Comparative Perspective, at University College London (UCL), UK, (4-5th July, 2019)

Paper Presenter, “Pre-lacteal Feeding Practice among the mothers having children below 5 years of age at selected slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh”, In: 6th International Conference on Natural Science and Technology (ICNST' 19), at Asian University for Women (AUW), Chittagong, Bangladesh, (29-30th March 2019)

Paper Presenter, "Socioeconomic Determinants and Mental Health: A Cross-sectional Study among Urban Elderly Women in Bangladesh", In: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development, at United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (19-20th February 2019)

Paper Presenter, “Assessing Choice in Buying T-shirt among the Students of Dhaka University”, In: International Conference on Envisioning Our Common Future (ICEOCF 2016), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (22-23rd December 2016)

Research Skill Training & Workshop

Research Skill Training

  • International Summer School on Global Health 2024, the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGLOBAL), & Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish State Research Agency (Virtual). (16–20 September 2024)
  • Qualitative Research for Data Analysis Using NVivo Software, Center for Research and Training (CRT), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (18 April – 16 May 2024)
  • Basic HAZMAT CBRNE Safety Awareness & Response of the EMPHID Disaster Metrics module, University of Oviedo, Spain. (19th - 20th December 2022)
  • SPSS & Statistical Data Analysis for Social Sciences, Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (24th October - 8th November 2017)
  • Research Paradigms and Advanced Methodology in Arts and Social Sciences, Center for Advanced Research in Arts and Social Sciences (CARASS), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (28th March-6th April 2017)
  • Stata and Applied Statistics, Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (1st- 30th March 2017)


  • Workshop Series: Multi-Omics Data Integration in Human Exposome Studies, Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish State Research Agency (Virtual). (4 September–20 November 2024)
  • Mastering Statistical Modeling in R/Stata for Scientific Publications in the Age of ChatGPT: Uses, Abuses, and Real-World Applications, South Asian Institute for Social Transformation (SAIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (24 May 2024)
  • Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, South Asian Institute for Social Transformation (SAIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (31 March 2018) 
  • Techniques of Quantitative Data Analysis, Youth Club of Bangladesh (YCB) and South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (10 March 2017)
  • Technique of Qualitative Data Analysis, Youth Club of Bangladesh (YCB) and South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (3 March 2017)
  • Writing Research Proposal, South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (18 February 2017)
  • Research Methodology, Development Studies Department and South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID) at Muzaffar Ahmed Chowdhury Auditorium, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (26 August 2016)
  • Social Scientific Writing, South Asian Journal of Social Sciences (SAJSS) & South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID) at University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (2 January 2016)

Ud Duha, M. S., Richardson, J. C., Ahmed, Z., & Yeasmin, F. (2022). The use of Community of Inquiry framework-informed Facebook discussion activities on student speaking performances in a blended EFL class. Online Learning, 26(4).

Ahmed, Z. (2022) Effects of online group discussions on first year EFL undergraduate learners' academic oral presentations. In R. A. Giri, S. Dawadi, S. Shrestha, S. Haque    (Eds.), Enhancement Approach: Success Stories of EFL Teachers from Bangladesh and Nepal. (pp. 138-144). NELTA.

Karim, A., Kabilan, M. K., Ahmed, Z., & Reshmin, L. (2021). The Medium of Instruction in Bangladeshi Higher Education Institutions: Bangla , English , or Both ? Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 00(00), 1–15. 

Ahmed, Z., Sultana, S., & Manjet, K. (2020). Inconsistencies and Biases in English Language Testing in Bangladesh Civil Service Preliminary Examination. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 28 (S2), 247-262.

Karim, A., Ahmed, Z., Shahed, F. H., Rahman, M. M., & Mohamed, A. R. (2019). Challenges Affecting the Implementation of £50 Million In-Service Training Program for English Teachers in Bangladesh. The Qualitative Report, 24(10), 2457-2485. 

Ahmed, Z (2018, November). Effects of Writing in a Class Blog on EFL Students’ Attitude towards Writing, In Proceeding of the 11th International Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (RAIS) Conference (pp 339-345), Beltsville, Maryland, 20705, USA. ISSN 2578-8574, ISBN 978-1-945298-16-5.

Ahmed, Z. (2018).  Rhetoric and realities of ICT applications in teaching English literature. In Angadi, D. T., Patil, S.D.G., & Kedaranath (Eds.), Indian Indigenous Insights into Language, Literature & Culture. 13-20. ISBN 978-81-931871-8-0.

Alam, F., Haque, M. S. and Ahmed, Z. (2018) (Eds.). English Studies and the Marketplace. Dhaka: East West University.

Uddin, J., & Ahmed, Z. (2015). Impact of the use of rubrics on the performance of students. Chaos, 3(1), 46-62. ISSN 2304-3792. 

Ahmed, Z. (2014). Writing in a class blog: Why, when and how. In Karunakaran, T. (Ed.) English Language Teaching in the Twenty First Century: Issues and challenges. 38-54. ISBN 978-955-659-437-9.

Ahmed, Z. & Karunakaran, T. (2013). Teaching writing: an analysis of the writing tasks used at East West University in Bangladesh. Languages in India, 13 (3), 103-117. ISSN 1930-2940.

Karunakaran, T. & Ahmed, Z. (2013). Teaching writing. International Journal of English Language and Literature, 55-61.  ISSN 2347-2642.

Ahmed, Z. (2012). [Review of the book Teacher training essentials by C. Thaine]. ELTAI Journal, 8, 100-102ISSN 2250-317X.

Workshops and Training

 Attended a three-day-long technical training conducted by British Council, Dhaka on 24 – 27 June 2024. 

Attended a three-day-long training conducted by British Council, Dhaka on writing teaching materials for teaching English to displaced Rohingya children in March 2019.

Conducted a day-long Training of Trainers (ToT) session for a project by British Council, Dhaka with English language teachers of displaced Rohingya children in Kutupalong Rohingya Refugee Camp, Cox’s Bazaar on 26th February, 2019 .

Attended a two-day-long workshop on Training of Trainers (ToT) organized by British Council, Dhaka on 11-12 March, 2019.

Conducted a workshop on teaching  Academic Writing at the Secondary School level in University of Liberal Arts, Bangladesh in September 2018.

Completed a thirteen-day training program on Language Documentation in East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in December 2012.

Conducted a workshop on teaching Writing Skills in East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in November 2012.

Participated in a five-day workshop on Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation conducted by British Council, Hyderabad, India in March 2012.

Conducted a one-day workshop on Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation for research scholars in English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India in March 2012.

Conducted a two-day-long workshop for teachers of spoken English in SpeakWell, Mumbai, India in February 2012.

Attended a five-day workshop on Capacity Building for Research Methodology conducted by Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India in March 2011.

Conferences and Seminars

The following papers have been presented in conferences and seminars:

  • ‘Comparative Evaluation of Interactive Assessment Platforms: A Critical Analysis of Gamification in EFL Education’ at the national conference on Critical-Affective Pedagogy for Bangladesh: Teaching Language, Literature, Cultural Studies and Communication in English Studies held at Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh on May 24-25, 2024.

  • Invited Speaker for International Conference (online) on ELT in India: Tradition vs Innovation organized by BVRIT, Hyderabad, India on July 6 -7, 2023. Presented a paper titled ‘Artificial Intelligence in ELT: The Convergence of Tradition and Innovation’.

  • ‘Effects of online group discussions on first year EFL undergraduate learners' academic oral presentations’ at Binational Success Story Forum on Enhancement Approach: Success Stories of EFL Teachers from Bangladesh and Nepal organized by on April 10, 2021.

‘How EFL Undergraduate Learners Prepare for Oral Presentations: Voices from Bangladesh’ at the ELT SUMMIT 2020 organized by International Society for Educational Leadership (ISEL) held online on June 27-28, 2020.

‘Effects of Writing in a Class Blog on EFL Students’ Attitude towards Writing’ at the 11th International RAIS Conference on Social Sciences held at Johns Hopkins University, USA on November 19-20, 2018.

‘Rhetoric and Realities of ICT Applications in Teaching English Literature’ at the 1st International Conference on Language, Literature, Society & Culture: Interdisciplinary Perspective organized by SSKB College, Karnataka, India in February 26-27, 2018.

‘Mobile Dictionary Use among the Undergraduate Students of English: An exploratory study’ in Independent University, Bangladesh at the 8th BELTA International Conference in January 12-14, 2018.

‘Examining Interactive Multimedia Digital Content for Primary Level English Language Education in Bangladesh’ at the IML International Conference in November, 2017.       

‘Impacts of teaching speaking skills in a flipped classroom: A study of ESL instructors at tertiary level in Malaysia’ at the East West University national conference on New Media and Identity Formation in January 2017.

‘Teaching and learning to use technology in ELT: An action research’ at the International Conference on Learning, Teaching, and Student Success (ICLTSS) organized by Montana State University, USA on 3-5 November, 2016.

‘Inconsistencies and biases in English language testing in Bangladesh Civil Service preliminary examination’ as an invited plenary speaker at the international conference on "Pluralism and Multiculturalism in Teaching and Research of English Language and Literatures" organized by Department of English, Vellore Institute of Technology, India on 15-16 April, 2016.

‘Effects of teacher-on-student’ bullying on students’ attitude towards learning’ at the Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) national conference in September 2015.

‘On arriving at a list of most useful sub-technical vocabulary for academic engineering reading and writing: a corpus-based study’ at the 31st All-India Conference of Linguistics, held at University of Hyderabad in December 2009.

‘Teaching academic writing at East West University: anomalies in text selections and task design’ at the 1st International ESL EFL Conference and 6th Annual Conference of Rajasthan Association for Studies in English, held at Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth in November 2009.

‘Eng 101: Linguistic Description and Pedagogic Prescriptions’ at the department seminar held at the Department of English, East West University, Bangladesh in May 2007.

Counter terrorist measures and proposed legislation in Bangladesh; should west’s “control order” be an example?

Shahjalal Mohammed, International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly and Disabled People Vol. 6, June 2019 (ISSN 0128-309X)- Impact Factor 3.596

International Law on Terrorism: Moving Forward or Backward?

SHAHJALAL, MOHAMMED, The Macrotheme Review 7(2), Summer 2018

Critical assessment on ‘Judicial Independence of Bangladesh and UK

Shahjalal, Mohammed,  International Journal of Arts & Sciences, Vol 7 Issue 8, 2014, ISSN: 1943-6114.

The Curious Case of Kulbhusan Jadhav, Threat to the National Security or boosting Terrorism in the name of espionage?

Mohammed Shahjalal, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, East West University, Dhaka, ICSL 2020, FEBRUARY 27-29, 2020, ISBN: 978-984-34-8662-2, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences. 


1) Shahjalal, Mohammed, The Curious Case of Kulbhusan Jadhav, Threat to the National Security or boosting Terrorism in the name of espionage? ICSL 2020, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

2) Shahjalal, Mohammed & Abedin Joynal, 'Critical Appraisal of Human Resource Management; the case of Nilrogruppen Company Sweden, 2019, University of Riverside, CA, 92505

3) Shahjalal, Mohammed, The Frail European Court of Justice, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin (HWR Berlin), 2018 - Berlin University of Law and Economics, Schöneberg Campus.

4) Shahjalal, Mohammed, Critical assessment on ‘Judicial Independence of Bangladesh and UK’, 2015, Ryerson University, Toronto.

5) Shahjalal, Mohammed, 'Counter Terrorist measures and proposed legislation in Bangladesh; should west’s “Control Order” be an example'? Harvard University, 2014.

6) Shahjalal, Mohammed, Bangladesh International Crime Tribunal for 1971 War: Justice or Vendetta? A Critical Study on Contemporary Issues under International Law, The Macrotheme Review, Paris, France, 2013.

7) Shahjalal Mohammed,  “The Great Trial for Genocide in 1971, Justice or Vendetta?” International  Conference on Research Exchange Programme. Glasgow University, UK, 2012).

8)Shahjalal Mohammed,  “War Crime Trial on Bengalis, 1971” International Conference on Transitional Justice in University of Dundee, UK, 2012.

9) Shahjalal Mohammed,  Fatima Abdu & Max Mumbello, ‘Borderless World for a Refugee’,  International Conference on Refugees, UNHRC, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011. 

10) Shahjalal Mohammed  “Rohingya Refugee Community” implemented by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Geneva, Switzerland. 2011.

11)Shahjalal, Mohammed, (2010) “Bangladesh & the need for an E-Commerce Legal Framework”. Collaborative Conference from UK High Commission and Ministry of Information, Culture and Technology. 2010.

Can ‘Control-Order’ be implemented into the Counter-Terrorism policy of Bangladesh? a critical assessment.

M. (2020). Can ‘control-order’ be implanted into the counter-terrorism policy of Bangladesh? A critical assessment, Asian J. Soc. Sci. Leg. Stud., 2(3), 63-70.