Faculty Members and Students of Department of English Attended an International Conference at SUST
Six faculty members and three students of the Department of English, East West University presented their research papers in the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Hazards and Gender Issues: (Re)imagining Literature, Language, and Culture of the Global South organized by the Department of English, Shahjalal University and Technology, Sylhet. The aim of the conference was raising collective and individual awareness towards the changing natural environment and promoting the importance of becoming more sensitive towards the issues of gender. The faculty members who presented their papers are - Dr. Md. Abu Shahid Abdullah, Assistant Professor; Monisha Biswas, Senior Lecturer; Shahnaz Ameer, Senior Lecturer; Rohini Zakaria Oishee, Lecturer and Khadizatul Kobra, Lecturer. Our undergraduates, M.A students and adjunct faculty members also participated and presented their papers enthusiastically in the event. They are - Tanvir Mustafiz Khan (alumnus and adjunct faculty member), Tasnuva Marium (M.A student), Faysal Ebne Zaman Rupok (Undergraduate student) and Farhana Ahmed Tonima (Undergraduate student).