

Faculty Members Publication

Journal Publication
  1. "Will Bangladesh Seize or Squander the Economic Opportunity Offered by the Demographic Dividend?", Asia-Pacific Population Journal, Volume- 29, No. 2, December 2014
  2. “Multi-sectoral Determinants of Maternal Mortality in Bangladesh”, Development Review, Volume 20, 2010.
  3. Achieving Millennium Development Goal on Maternal Mortality in Rural Bangladesh:  Lessons Learnt from Gonoshasthya Kendra’s Experience”Asia-Pacific Population Journal, April 2008.
  4. The Elderly Woman in Bangladesh; Her Roles and Positions, in The Elderly Woman in Asia; Her Roles and Positions. International Institute on Ageing. United Nations, Malta 2006.
  5. “Ageing in Nepal,” Asia-Pacific Population Journal, March 2004
  6. Plateauing of Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in Bangladesh: An Exploratory Analysis “ (co-authored with Nashid Kamal),  Asian Profile, Vol.31, No.2 , 2003. 
  7. Unmet Need for Contraception in South Asia - its, Level, Trend and Differentials and Programme Implications”, Asia-Pacific Population Journal, September 2001.
  8. Health and Nutrition Status of Children in South Asia”, Population and Development in  Nepal, Vol 7, Central Department of Population Studies, Trivubhan University, Kathmandu,  2000.
  9. Democracy, Development and the Role of the Marginalized”, in Culture, Democracy and Development in South Asia (ed.) N.N. Vohra, Delhi: International Centre, 2000.
  10. Socio-economic, “Demographic and Reproductive Health Profiles of Adolescents in SAARC Countries”, Population and Development in Nepal, Vol. 6, Central Department of Population Studies, Trivubhan University, Kathmandu, 1999.
  11. Factors Affecting Variations in Fertility by States of India”, Asia-Pacific Population Journal,   June, 1996.
  12. A Socio-demographic Profile of the Population of Maldives”, Asia-Pacific Population Journal, December 1996.
  13. Quality of Life of Female Children with Declining Fertility in Bangladesh", In: Sex Preference for Children and Gender Discrimination in Asia", Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs (KIHASA), 1996.
  14. "Women's Empowerment Index (WEI)", UNFPA CST for CASA, Kathmandu, Nepal, October, 1994.
  15. "Socio-Demographic Correlates of Infant Mortality in Rural Ethiopia", Staff Report No. 7, Population Analysis and Studies Center, (CSA), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), May 1992 (Co-authored with Enemanachew Yimamu). Also published in Population and Development Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1994.
  16. "Child Survival and Fertility Performance in Rural Ethiopia: Is There Any Relationship?" Staff Report No. 5, Population Analysis and Studies Center, (CSA), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), February 1992 (Co-authored with Teshome Toga Chanaka).  Also published in Population and Development Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1994.
  17. "The Reproductive Behaviour of Adolescent Women in Rural Ethiopia: Dimensions and Implications", Staff Report No. 4, Population Analysis and Studies Center, (CSA), Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), February 1992 (Co-authored with Teshome Toga Chanaka).
  18. "Population Pressure and its Effects on Changes in Agrarian Structure and Productivity in Rural Bangladesh". In: Gerry Rodgers (ed.), Population Growth and Poverty in Rural South Asia, Sage Publications, 1989.
  19. "The Estimates of Fertility of Addis Ababa - Revisited", Population and Social Statistics Department, Central Statistical Authority (Mimeo), Addis Ababa, May 1988.  (Co-authored with Abdulahi Hasen).
  20. "Adequacy of Child Dietary Intake Relative to that of Other Family Members", Food and Nutrition Bulletin, (United Nations University), Vol. 10, No. 2, 1988.
  21. "Dietary Adequacy and Sex Bias: Pre-school Children in Rural Bangladesh", Social Action, Vol. 37, April-June 1987.
  22. "Determinants of Nutrient Adequacy in a Rural Area of Bangladesh", Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 4, December 1986.
  23. "Determinants of Nutrient Adequacy for Lactating and Pregnant Mothers in a Rural Area of Bangladesh", Food and Nutrition Bulletin (United Nations University), Vol. 7, No. 1, March 1985.
  24. "Determinants of Dietary Intake and Dietary Adequacy for Pre-school Children in Bangladesh", Food and Nutrition Bulletin (United Nations University), Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1984.
  25. "Hindu-Muslim Differential Fertility: How Much Religious and How Much Socio?” Social Action, Vol. 34, No. 3, July 1984.
  26. "The Duration of Breast-feeding Adequacy in a Rural Area of Bangladesh", Food and Nutrition Bulletin, (United Nations University), Vol. 6, No. 1, March 1984.
  27. "The Influence of Female Education, Labour Force Participation and Age at Marriage on Fertility Behaviour in Bangladesh", Social Biology, (January) Vol. 31, No. 1, 1984.
  28. "Female Labour Force Status and Fertility Behaviour in Bangladesh: Search for Policy Interventions", Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. XI, No. 3, March 1983.
  29. "Labor Absorption in Bangladesh Agriculture", Social Action (Journal of Indian Social Studies), Vol. 33, No. 1, Jan - March 1983.
  30. "Migration, Mobility and Income Distribution: Some Evidence from Bangladesh", Boston: Boston University (Discussion Paper No: 18), 1983.  Also published in Lata Chatterjee and Peter Nijkamp (eds.) Urban and Regional Policy Analysis in Developing Countries, London: Gower, 1983.
  31. "The Effect of Mother's Work on Child Care, Dietary Intake and Dietary Adequacy of Pre-school Children", Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. X, No. 4, 1982.
  32. "Urbanization in Bangladesh, 1901-1974", Social Action, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1982.
  33. "The Aged in Bangladesh", In: Alfred de Souza (ed).  Aging in South Asia: Theoretical Issues and Policy Implications: New Delhi: Indian Social Institute, 1982.
  34. "Population Pressure and Agricultural Productivity in Bangladesh" Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. IX, No. 3, 1981.
  35. Comment on, "The Cultural Impact of the Transfer of Technology in Developing Countries", Regional Development Dialogue, Vol. 2, No. 2, Spring, 1981.
  36. "Effects of Population Growth on Changes in the Agrarian Structure of Rural Bangladesh", Social Action, Vol. 31, No. 3, July 1981.
  37. "Population, Food Supply and Nutrition", In: Population of Bangladesh, Monograph No. 8, ESCAP, United Nations, 1981.
  38. "Nuptiality in Bangladesh", In: Population of Bangladesh, Monograph No. 8, ESCAP, United Nations, 1981.
  39. "Households, Families and Housing Needs in Bangladesh, In: Population of Bangladesh, Monograph No. 8, ESCAP, United Nations, 1981.
  40. "Urbanization in Bangladesh, 1901-1974", In: Population of Bangladesh, Monograph No. 8, ESCAP, United Nations, 1981.
  41. "Population and Development in Bangladesh", In: Wahiuddin Mahmud (ed.).  Development Issues in an Agrarian Economy: Dhaka: Dhaka University (Bangladesh), 1981.
  42. "Attitudes Towards Legalization of Abortion Among a Cross-section of Women in Metropolitan Dacca", Journal of Biosocial Science (Cambridge, UK), Vol. 12, No. 4, October 1980.
  43. "Seasonal Dimensions of Rural Poverty in Bangladesh: Employment, Wages and Consumption Patterns".  Social Action (Journal of Indian Institute of Social Studies) Vol. 30, January-March, 1980.
  44. "Determinants and Consequences of Rural Out-migration: Evidence from Villages in Bangladesh", In: IUSSP. Economic and Demographic Change: Issues for the 1980s.  Proceedings of the IUSSP (International Union for the Scientific Study of Population) sponsored conference, Vol. 2, Liege, Belgium, IUSSP, 1979.
  45. "Socio-cultural Factors Affecting Practice of Contraception in Bangladesh", Demography-India, Nos. 1 and 2, 1979.
  46. Female Labour Force Status and Fertility Behaviour: Some Theoretical, Methodological and Policy Issues", Pakistan Development Review.  (Winter), Vol. 18, No. 4, 1979.
  47. "Marriage, Urban Women and the Labour Force: The Bangladesh Case" SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society; Vol. 5, No. 1, 1979.
  48. "Female Status and Fertility Behaviour", in Women and Development: Perspectives from South and South East Asia, (eds.) Rounaq Jahan and Hanna Papanek, Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs, Dhaka, 1979.
  49. "Socio-biological factors affecting fertility behaviour in a rural area of Bangladesh", (Discussion Paper Series No: 1), Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, March 1978.
  50. "Determinants and Consequences of Rural Out-migration - Evidence from Some Villages in Bangladesh", The Oriental Geographer, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Vol. XXII, No. 1 & 2, 1978.
  51. "Female Status and Fertility Behaviour in a Metropolitan Urban Area of Bangladesh", Population Studies: A Journal of Demography, Vol. 32, No. 2, July 1978.
  52. "Married Women in Non-agricultural Occupations in a Metropolitan Urban Area of Bangladesh - Some Issues and Problems", Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. V, 1977.
  53. "Education and Fertility in Bangladesh", Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. V, No. 1 (January 1977).
  54. "Relative Income and Fertility", Demography Vol. 14, No. 2, (May 1977).
  55. "Management of Immigrants to the Urban Regions of Bangladesh", in Human Settlement: National Report of Bangladesh - presented at the Regional Conference on Human Settlement, held in Vancouver, June 13-18, 1975.
  56. "Demographic Change and Trends of Food Production and Availabilities in Bangladesh (1960-1974)", Population and Development Review, Vol. I, No. 2 (December 1975) (with Lincoln Chen).
  57. "Attitudes of Some Elites Towards Introduction of Abortion as a Method of Family Planning in Bangladesh", Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. III, No. 4, 1975.
  58. "Dynamics of Migration in a Rural Area of Bangladesh", Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. III, No. 2, 1975.
  59. "Labour Force Status and Fertility", Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. II, No. 4, 1974.
  60. "A Glance at Population Planning in Bangladesh", Proceedings of the Annual Conference of Bangladesh Economic Association, 1974.
  61. "A Comment on Fertility, Infant Mortality and Family Planning in Bangladesh", Bangladesh Economic Review, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1972.
  62. "Socio-economic and Seasonal Variation in Fertility: A Replication", Social Biology, Vol. 19, (March 1972).
  63. "Differential Fertility by Religious Groups in East Pakistan", Social Biology (The University of Chicago), Vol. 18, No. 2, June 1971.
  64.  "A Study of Personality Orientation of the Punjab University Students", Scientific Administrative Journal, Vol. II, No. 3, 1968.
Conference & Seminars
  1. Participated as a resource person in the policy seminar, Asia's New Demographic Realities: Do they Matter for Economic Growth, organized by the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank, held in Dhaka on 26-30 April 1998.
  2. Participated as a facilitator in the Asia Regional Workshop for Orientation and Project Idea Development, organized by the Partners in Population and Development: A South-South Initiative, held in Dhaka on 22-25 April 1998.
  3. Participated at the 23rd General Population Conference of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), at the invitation of the State Family Planning Commission of China, held in Beijing, 11-17 October 1997.
  4. Participated as a resource person in the workshop, Prevention of Migration of Children for the Purpose of Employment, at the invitation of ILO Country Office, held in Kathmandu on 13 January 1997.
  5. Participated in the IUSSP sponsored seminar on, Comparative Perspectives of Fertility Transition in South Asia, held in Islamabad on 17-20 December 1996.  I was the formal discussant of the session, Role of Son Preference in South Asia's Fertility Transition.
  6. Participated at the Annual Conference of the Society of Pakistan Development Economists (PDE), at the invitation of the President of PDE, held in Islamabad on 15-16 December 1996.
  7. Participated as a resource person in the Regional Seminar on, Population and Environment Dynamics, Poverty and the Quality of Life in Asia and the Pacific, at the invitation of the Population Division, Economic and Social Commission of Asia and Pacific (ESCAP), held in Bangkok on 20-25 October 1996.
  8. Participated and presented a paper at the workshop, Strengthening Commitment Towards the Cairo ICPD and Women's Conference in Beijing, organized by the Family Planning Association of Nepal, held in Kathmandu (Nepal) on 5-6 October 1996.
  9. Participated in the seminar on, Population and Sustainable Development in Nepal, organized by the Central Department of Population Studies, Tribhuvan University, on 1-6 July 1996. 
  10. Participated as a resource person in the ECO/UNFPA Conference on the Implementation of ICPD Programme of Action, held in Almaty on 18-20 April 1996.
  11. Participated in the International Symposium on, Population and Sustainable Development, at the invitation of Institute of Population Research, Peking University held in Beijing on 27-29 September 1995.
  12. Participated in the seminar on, Family Planning and Health of Mothers, at the invitation of the Ministry of Health, Republic of Tajikistan, 25-31 July 1994.
  13. Participated in the Mid-Term Review Meeting of the UNDP funded Fifth Country Programme, organized by Ministry of Finance, His Majesty's Government of Nepal, 27 April, 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal.
  14. Participated in the International Consultative Meeting on, "Environment and Sustainable Development in Global Television", held in Kathmandu, 12 April 1994.  The meeting was organized by Worldview Nepal, Kathmandu.
  15. Participated in the Annual Consultative Meeting: CO/CST/HQ, held in Kathmandu, 28-30 March and prepared the background paper, "Analysis of CST's Roles and Functions in 1992/93 and Identification of Measures for Strengthening It", for the above meeting, 1994.
  16. Participated in the Bangladesh Inter-sectoral Population Project meeting (Kathmandu, 15-17 February, 1994), and prepared notes on discussions held during Plenary and Wrap-up Sessions.
  17. "Food Distribution within the Family in Rural Bangladesh", MIT-Boston University South Asia Faculty Seminar Series, May 4, 1983.
  18. "Determinants of Intra-familial Distribution of Food and Nutrient Intake in Rural Bangladesh", International Food Research Institute, Washington, D.C., April 18, 1983.
  19. "Food Situation in Bangladesh - Challenge of the 1980's", Conference on Hunger in the Third World, held at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, April 16, 1983.
  20. "Migration, Mobility and Income Distribution: Some Evidence from Bangladesh", Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, held in Pittsburgh, PA, April 15, 1983.
  21. "Sex Bias in the Family Allocation of Food in Rural Area of Bangladesh", UNICEF Headquarters, New York, January 19, 1983.
  22. "Sex Bias in the Family Allocation of Food in Rural Area of Bangladesh", Bengal Studies Conference, June 18-20, 1982.
  23. "Determinants of Household Allocation of Food and Health in Rural Bangladesh", International Food and Nutrition Program, MIT, Cambridge, April 1982.
  24. "Population Pressure and Agricultural Productivity in Rural Bangladesh", Population Studies Centre and Geography Department, Pennsylvania State University, College Park, March 26, 1982.
  25. "Aging in Bangladesh", Asian Regional Conference on Active Aging, held in Manila, January 24-28, 1982.
  26. "Effects of Population Growth on Changes in Agrarian Structure in Rural Bangladesh", General Conference of the International Union for Scientific Society of Population, held in Manila, 9-16, December 1981.
  27. "Determinants and Consequences of Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh", Department of Sociology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, November 26, 1981.
  28. "Intra-familial Distribution of Food in a Rural Area of Bangladesh", Office of Population Research, Princeton University, 6 November 1981.
  29. "Economic Value of Children in a Peasant Society", Population Training and Research Centre, Brown University, 28 October 1981.
  30. "Labour Absorption in Bangladesh Agriculture: International Population Program and International Agricultural Program", Cornell University, 2 October 1981.
  31. "Farm Size, Tenurial Relationship and Agricultural Productivity in Rural Bangladesh", Centre for Asian Development Studies, Boston University, September 1981.
  32.  "Effects of Population Growth on Agrarian Structure and Productivity in Bangladesh", Harvard Centre for Population Studies, Cambridge, 28 September 1981.
  1. Genderizing the Census, Strategic Approaches to Capturing the Gender Realities of a Population with Meena Acharya, UNFPA, June 2013 
  2. Achieving the Millennium Development Goal on Maternal Mortality in Rural Bangladesh: Lessons Learnt from Gonoshasthya Kendra’s Experience. Gonoprokashani, Dhaka-1344,  Bangladesh, 2007.
  3. Prepared the report based on the proceedings of International Conference on, Best Practices for Scaling up Reproductive Health and Family Planning Programmes and Reducing Maternal Mortality, Islamabad, 20-21 November 2006.
  4. A   monograph on, Engendering Population Census Data (in collaboration with Meena Acharyya),  United Nations Population Fund. 2011 (in press)
  5. Edited a special publication on, Engendering Population Census in South and West Asia: Collected Papers, Kathmandu: UNFPA Country Technical Support Services Team, 2004
  6. Social Aspects of Fertility: With Special Reference to Developing Countries: Vikas Publishing House, Pvt. Ltd. Delhi: India, 1982.
  7. Edited a special volume on, Food Policy and Development Strategy in Bangladesh, Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, 1981.
  8. Female Status in Bangladesh, Dhaka: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies, 1980.
  9.  Urbanization in Bangladesh, 1901-1974.  Dhaka: Dhaka University: Center For Urban Studies, 1980
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
  1. Islam, M. M., Roy, P. B., Hossain, M. A., Md. Roknuzzaman, Begum, D., Hasan, M. N., Akanda, A. E., & Haque, M. A. (2024). Exploring the factors affecting employees’ adoption of digital libraries in Bangladesh. International Journal of Information and Knowledge Studies, 4(1).
  2. Lau, J., Tammaro, A. M., Miltenoff, P., Begum, D., Zanichelli, F., Orru, D., & Sanabria, D. (2024). Artificial Intelligence/ChatGPT-Like: Perceptions and Use Among Library and Information Professionals from Italy, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, and Mexico. The International Information & Library Review, 56(4), 404–418.
  3. Tabassum, R., Elahi, M. H., & Begum, D. (2024). Media and information literacy self-efficacy of LIS students in Bangladesh. The International Information & Library Review, 56(2), 118-134 
  4. Begum, D., & Elahi, M. H. (2022). Digital library services to support online learning amid COVID-19: A study of a private university library in Bangladesh. Digital Library Perspectives, 38(3), 332-345. DOI: 
  5. Elahi, M. H., Begum, D., & Munshi, M. N. (2021). Open access repositories in Bangladesh and India: A comparative analysis. Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science, 2(3), 1-16.
  6. Begum, D., Roknuzzaman, M., & Shobhanee, M. E. (2021). Public libraries’ responses to a global pandemic: Bangladesh perspectives. IFLA Journal, 48(1), 174-188. DOI:
  7. Parvin, S., Begum, D., Shobhanee, M. E., & Hasan, M. N. (2021). Evolving Roles of East West University Library During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In B. Holland (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Knowledge and Organization Systems in Library and Information Science (pp. 213-230). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7258-0.ch012 
  8. Begum, D, Roknuzzaman, M., & Elahi, M. H. (2020). Online information literacy training for users during covid-19 pandemic: A case study of East West University Library, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, 10(2), 81-98. DOI: 10.5958/2277-7946.2020.00008.X
  9. Tabassum, M., Roknuzzaman, M., & Begum, D. (2020). Employability skills of new generation lis professionals in Bangladesh. Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, 10(2), 121-144. DOI: 10.5958/2277-7946.2020.00008.X 
  10. Begum, D., Hoq, K. M. G., Hasan, M. N., & Akanda, A. K. M. E. A. (2020). Knowledge management in libraries and information centers: A model-based analysis. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum (Eds.), Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (pp. 3-16). UK: Routledge; an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. [ISBN: 9780367546281]
  11.  Elahi, M. H., & Begum, D. (2020). Information literacy and digital literacy for public sector employees of Bangladesh: A competence-based integrated framework for providing quality services. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum (Eds.), Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (pp. 179-196). UK: Routledge; an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. [ISBN: 9780367546281]
  12. Abdullah- Al- Mahmud, Akanda, A. K. M. E. A., Hasan, M. N., Haque, M. A., & Begum, D. (2020). Awareness and use of open access resources in higher education and scholarly research: Faculties versus students perspectives. Library Philosophy and Practice, 4516, [ISSN: 1522-0222]
  13. Begum, D. & Parvin, S. (2019). Incorporating social media into library services: Present scenario at East West University Library. Library Philosophy and Practice, 2746, [ISSN: 1522-0222]
  14. Begum, D. (2019). Building sustainable digital libraries in Bangladesh: Look in the role of East West University Library. In S. Chakraborty (Ed.), Digital Humanities & Digital Societies in the Contemporary World(pp. 31-36). India: Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calcutta. [ISBN: 978-81-937429-4-5]
  15. Begum, D., Hossain, T., Elahi, M. H., & Parvin, S. (2019). Public engagement in nation development through open data platform: Bangladesh government initiatives. . In S. Chakraborty (Ed.), Digital Humanities & Digital Societies in the Contemporary World (pp. 150-159). India: Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calcutta. [ISBN: 978-81-937429-4-5]
  16. Elahi, M. H., Islam, M. S. & Begum, D. (2018). Perception on the use of mobile phones in retrieving information from academic libraries: A developing country perspective. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology, 8(1), 37-50. DOI:
  17. Elahi, M. H. & Begum, D. (2017). Open trends in Bangladesh for providing information services: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Knowledge and Communication Management, 7(2), 97-115. DOI: 10.5958/2277-7946.2017.00009.2
  18. Begum, D. (2016). Dynamics of information literacy initiatives in Bangladesh: A study. ISST Journal of Advances In Librarianship, 7(1), 1-6.
  19. Begum, D. (2016). Digital library network: Usage and users in the South Asia. In V. Malhan, T. Kaur, & N. Kaur (Eds.), Transformation of LIS Education, Libraries and Information Services for Knowledge Society (pp. 99-114). New Delhi, India: Ess Ess Publications. [ISBN: 978-81-7000-803-3]
  20. Ahmed, M. U., Begum, D., & Haq, N. (2016). Plagiarism: ‘To do or not to do’ is the real question!. In V. Malhan, T. Kaur, & N. Kaur (Eds.), Transformation of LIS Education, Libraries and Information Services for Knowledge Society (pp. 458-465). New Delhi, India: Ess Ess Publications. [ISBN: 978-81-7000-803-3]
  21. Begum, D. (2016). With the scholar on cloud nine. In V. Malhan, T. Kaur, & N. Kaur (Eds.), Transformation of LIS Education, Libraries and Information Services for Knowledge Society (pp. 691-693). New Delhi, India: Ess Ess Publications. [ISBN: 978-81-7000-803-3]
  22. Begum, D., & Yesmin, S. (2015). Marketing trends of library and information services and products in university libraries: A case study of East West University, Bangladesh. Academic Discourse 4(2), 92-102.
  23. Begum, D. (2015). Media and information literacy: A case study of East West university. In Singh, A. Grizzle, S. J. Yee & S. H. Culver (Eds.), Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) Yearbook: Media and Information Literacy for the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 197-206). Gothenburg, Sweden: The International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media, Nordicom, University of Gothenburg. [ISBN: 978-91-87957-13-0]
  24. Begum, D., & Rose, J. (2015). Digital library network of South Asia. Information Technology in Developing Countries: A newsletter of the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 9.4 and Centre for Electronic Governance, 25(2), 12-18 [India]
  25. Begum, D. (2013). Promoting media and information literacy: A case study of Bangladesh public sector. In Media and Information Literacy for Knowledge Societies (pp. 292-299). Moscow, Interregional Library Cooperation Centre. [ISBN 978-5-91515-047-3]. Available at
  26. Begum, D. (2013). List of selected literacy resources available in the Bangla language. In F. W. Horton (Ed.), Overview of Information Resources Worldwide (pp. 47-49). Paris, UNESCO. [ISBN: 978-92-3-001131-4] (Contributed as Country Coordinator, Bangladesh.)
  27. Singh, J., & Begum, D. (2012). Education information literacy and lifelong learning: three pillars of national building in the emerging knowledge society.  Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science, 2(1), 48-56.
  28. Islam, M.N. & Begum, D. (2010). The internet in context: A substitute or a support to traditional library resources. In S. Kataria, J. P. Anbu K & S. Ram (Eds.), Emerging Technologies and changing dimensions of libraries and information services (pp. 757-761).  New Delhi, India: KBD Publication. [ISBN: 978-81-907999-1-1]
Conferences and Seminars
  1. Begum, D. (2024, Novermber 29-December 01). Academic integrity and digital literacy: The librarian's role in the era of AI. [Paper presentation]. 12th International Library Information Professional Summit (I-LIPS) on Innovative Technologies in Librarianship: Challenges and Opportunities", Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India.
  2. Begum, D. (2024, December 02-04). AI in libraries and information institutions: Accept or reject? [Paper presentation]. International Conference on "Digital Landscape in Library 4.0 (DLL 4.0), Department of Library and Information Science and Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Central Library, Bangalore University, Bangalore.
  3. Begum, D. (2024, September 30-Ocotber 03). Visible progress-open access and open research [Paper presentation]. IFLA Information Futures Summit, Brisbane, Australia.
  4. Begum, D. (2024, September 30-Ocotber 03). Readiness to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) in libraries information professionals' perspective from a developing country [Paper presentation]. IFLA Information Futures Summit, Brisbane, Australia.
  5. Begum, D. (2024). The practice of coexistence in library & information science (LIS). In The 3rd International Symposium on the Practice of Co-existence in Islamic Culture. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: UIN Sunan Kalijaga University.
  6. Begum, D. (2024, June 24-27). Strategic planning for sustainable LIS profession in the world of AI [Paper presentation]. 2024 forum on Future of World Academic Libraries (WAL), Beijing, China.
  7. Begum, D.  (2024, February 22 - 24). Enhancing institutional rankings: The pivotal role of libraries and librarians [Paper presentation]. International Online Conference 2024 on Libraries beyond Libraries: Innovation, Inclusion and Integration, C. H. Mohammed Koya Library, University of Calicut, Kerala, India.
  8. Begum, D., Elahi, M. H., Sumon, A. R., & Rahman, R. (2023). Gen Z, metrics, and academic libraries: The use of metrics in shaping academic library for Gen Z. In 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) (pp.70-71). Dhaka: Dr. S. R. Lasker Library, East West University.
  9. Begum, D., & Mim, S. A. (2023). Students’ perception regarding the enrollment in the LIS program. In 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) (p. 121). Dhaka: Dr. S. R. Lasker Library, East West University.
  10. Latif, M. A., Mim, J. A. & Begum, D. (2023). Adapting to change: How Dr. S. R. Lasker Library meets evolving user needs through technological innovations. In 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) (pp. 125-126). Dhaka: Dr. S. R. Lasker Library, East West University.
  11. Begum, D. & Hoq, K. M. G. (2023). The role of library and information science professionals in promoting digital fluency: Emerging challenges and opportunities. In 3rd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (pp. 14-15). Dhaka: East West University.
  12. Begum, D. & Elahi, M. H. (2023). Interreligious dialogue to unite youth against religious extremism in Bangladesh: Role of academic libraries. In 88th IFLA World Library and Information Congress. The Netherlands: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
  13. Begum, D. & Hoq, K. M. G. (2022). Change management in 21st century libraries: Bangladesh context. In International Conference on the Role of LIS Professionals in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Dhaka: Library Association of Bangladesh. 
  14. Begum, D. & Hoq, K. M. G. (2021). Practicing 21st century skills by LIS professionals during and after Covid-19 crisis. In 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (p. 100). Dhaka: East West University.
  15. Georgiadou, E., Lampropoulos, G., Siakas, E., Siakas, K. V., Edwards, J. A., Valtanen, J., Berki, E., Paltalidis, N., Rahanu, H., Knezevic, R., Čolic, A., Tomic, B., Savva, A., Stylianou, V., Meiramova, S., Abd Elghany, M., Khalifa, N., Gevorgyan, R., Popa, D.,... Knezevic, S. (2021). Rapid migration from traditional or hybrid to fully virtual education in the age of the coronavirus pandemic: challenges, experiences and views of college and university students. In: e-Learning - INSPIRE XXVI Conference, Southampton, UK. Available at:
  16. Begum, D. (2020).  Media and information literacy movements in Bangladesh. In International Scientific Conference Western Balkan Information and Media Literacy WBIMLC 2020: Information literacy: know it, teach it, live it & 9th Internation Summit of the Book 2020 (pp. 29-32). Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Limerick Institute of Technology [ISBN: 9780954158293].
  17. Roknuzzaman, M. & Begum, D. (2020). Green libraries for sustainable environment: Issues and challenges. In Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences (p. 9). Dhaka: East West University. 
  18. Begum, D. (2019). Evolving Roles of Libraries and Librarians to meet the 21st Century Challenges. In International Conference on Digital Landscape, Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment (p. 13). New Delhi, India: The Energy and Resources Institute. 
  19. Hossain, T, Begum, D, Elahi, M. H, Sumon, A.R. (2019). Research Data Management (RDM): Demystifying the Notion about Data Librarians. In International Conference on Digital Landscape, Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment (p. 528). New Delhi, India: The Energy and Resources Institute.
  20. Begum, D. & Elahi, M. H. (2019). Road to Meet 21st Century Challenges: A scenario on LIS education in Bangladesh. In IFLA World Library and Information Congress. Athens: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). Available at: 
  21. Begum, D. and Elahi, M. H. (2019). A proposed framework for meeting sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh: Library and information center (LIC) perspectives. In F. Alam (Ed.), 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management: Next Generation Information and Knowledge Dissemination to realize the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (p. 30). Savar: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC) and Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University.
  22. Haque, M. F., Islam, T. M. F., Islam, M. N., Parvin, S. & Begum, D. (2019). Fake news and its consequences: Challenges towards achieving SDGs. In F. Alam (Ed.), 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management: Next Generation Information and Knowledge Dissemination to realize the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (p. 138). Savar: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC) and Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University. 
  23. Begum, D. (2019). OER in higher education: An effective tool for achieving SDGs. In P. Babbar, D. C. Kar, P. K. Jain & G. Paliwal (Eds.), Rethinking Libraries and Librarianship, Sixth International Conference of Asian Special Libraries (ICoASL) (p. 470). New Delhi, India: Bookwell [ISBN: 9789386578372].
  24. Begum, D. (2019). Menstrual literacy: Raising awareness from girlhood to womanhood. In International Scientific Conference Western Balkan Information and Media Literacy: Freedom, Accuracy and Truth (pp. 25-33). Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Limerick Institute of Technology [ISBN: 9780954158286].

  25. Hasan, M. N., Akanda, A.K.M.E. A., Islam, M. H. Haque M. A. Sarker, M. R. & Begum, D. (2018). Assessing the present status of school library professionals in Bangladesh: A study. In: The 47th Annual Conference of the International Association of School Librarianship, 6-11 May 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.
  26. Ashikuzzaman, A. Hasan, M.N., Hossain, U., Ali, E. & Begum, D. (2018, July 2-4). Avoid plagiarism, promote higher education: Does the situation demand for the social marketing approach at Rajshahi University? [Abstract]. In the 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (p. 5773). Palma Convention Centre, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. DOI:10.21125/edulearn.2018.1392.

  27. Begum, D. (2018, March 25-28). Girlhood to womanhood: Awareness of menstrual literacy. In the third World Literacy Summit. Sheldonian, Oxford University, United Kingdom.

  28. Begum, D. (2017, November 28-30). Incorporating Social Media into Library Services: Present Scenario at East West University Library. In 20th National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking (NACLIN 2017) under the theme “A Digital Universe of Infinite Possibilities for Libraries". New Delhi, India.
  29. Begum,D., Parvin, S. & Hasan, M. N. (2017, June, 06-09). Assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of information literacy program: A study on the newly registered students at East West University (EWU). In D. Halilagić& R. Knežević (Eds.), In International Scientific Conference “Western Balkan Information Literacy”; Generation Z: Fake News and Information Literacy, the New Horizon (pp. 103-115). Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Limerick Institute of Technology.
  30. Hasan, M. N., Begum, D., Islam, M. A. & Akter, S. (2017, February 15-16). Access to information as a tool for empowering adolescent girls in Bangladesh: A rural perspective. In S. Husain & P. M. N. Ali (Eds.), In Libraries and Institutional Repositories: Recent Trends. International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Discovery and Networking, Aligarh Muslim University (pp. 218-219). New Delhi: Shree Publishers & Distributors.
  31. Begum, D., Hasan, M. N. & Mamun-Or-Rashid, M. (2016, December 13-16). Digital library network of South Asia: A special focus on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement. In S. Ganguli, P K Bhattacharya, P. Roy, P. Shukla & N. Deepa (Eds.), International Conference on Digital Libraries Smart Future; Knowledge Trends that will Change the World; Vol.1n(pp. 161-169), New Delhi, India: TERI.
  32. Begum, D., Hoq, K.M.G., Hasan, M.N. & Mamun-Or-Rashid, M. (2015, August 11-12). Library sponsored knowledge sharing programs in private universities of Bangladesh: A case study of female student’s perception. In Women, Information and Libraries SIG satellite meeting of IFLA. University of South Africa (UNISA) Library, Pretoria, South Africa.
  33. Begum, D. (2015, October 1-13). Digital libraries in South Asian countries-The role of DLNetSA [Online presentation through Skype]. In South Asian Libraries Conference (SALC 2015), Lahore University of Management Sciences, DHA, Lahore, Pakistan.
  34. Begum, D. (2013, November 27-29). Digital library network in South Asia – A model for regional cooperation. In: Proceedings International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL). New Delhi, India, [ISBN: 978-81-7993-554-5]
  35. Begum, D. (2013). Information literacy initiative at East West University library. In European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) Abstracts, Ankara: Hacettepe University Department of Information Management. [ISBN: 978-975-491-359-0]
  36. Hoq, K. M. G., Hasan, N., Akanda, A K M E. A. and Begum, D. (2013, January 23-25). Use of departmental seminar libraries as institutional repositories: A survey on selected public universities in Bangladesh. In 21st International BOBCATSS Conference, Ankara, Turkey. [ISBN: 978-975-491-361-3]
  37. Begum, D. (2012, March 13-14). Developing digital libraries with open source software in Bangladesh. In Seminar on Emerging frontiers in digital libraries: perspectives, empowerment and advocacy. University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.
  38. Begum, D. & Hasan, N. (2011, August 16-17). Information management in the digital era: A study of selected websites and digital librarians. In 7th International Conference of the University Librarians Associations: Contribution of the Academic Librarians towards a knowledge society. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  39. Begum, D., Rashid, M. O. & Rahman, M. M. (2011, February 15-17). Developing digital library with greenstone digital library software: A case study of East West University. In International Conference on the Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums (ICLAM). National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT). New Delhi, India.
  40. Singh, J. & Begum, D. (2010, August 10-15). Student awareness of health information initiatives of the Governments of India and Bangladesh: A study of Punjabi University, Patiala and East West University, Dhaka. In World Library and Information Congress: 6th IFLA General Conference and Assembly. Gothenburg, Sweden.
  41. Begum, D. (2010, January 28-29). Education, information literacy and lifelong learning: Critical success factors. In National Seminar on E-Literati: Information Literacy and the Role of College Libraries in Sustaining Lifelong Learning Skills. Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad, India.
  42. Begum, D. & Kaur, N. (2010, November 17-19). Teaching Information literacy for lifelong learning  [Abstract]. In Envisioning Employable LIS Courses in Developing Countries for the Emerging Knowledge Society; Papers of the XXVI National Conference, Indian Association of Teacher of Library and Information Science (IATLIS). Punjabi University, Patiala, India.
  43. Begum, D. (2010). East West University library: A model of automated information services. In: Globalizing academic libraries: Vision 2020. In International conference on Academic Libraries, 05-08 October, Mittal Publications, New Delhi, India. [ISBN: 81-8324-339-8] Available at
  44. Salhuddin, G. & Begum, D. (2010, August 02-05). Ensuring accountability through information literacy of public sector administration: The case of Bangladesh public sector. In 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 02- 05 August, Cambridge University, UK. (Available at
  45. Singh, J & Begum, D. (2009, 25-27 November). Balancing the relics and harbingers of LIS courses for the emerging job market. In Envisioning Employable LIS Courses in Developing Countries for the Emerging Knowledge Society; Papers of the XXVI National Conference, Indian Association of Teacher of Library and Information Science (IATLIS). Punjabi University, Patiala, India.
  1. Begum, D. (2024, May 17). Improving your focus for Success [paper presentation]. 4th Personal and Professional Development Conference (PPDC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. Begum, D. (2020, February 10). Role of LIS professionals in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In International symposium on “Empowering the Library and Information Professionals for Achieving the SDGs”. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka and the Association of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) South Asia Chapter.
  3. Begum, D., Hasan, M. N. & Aziz, M. T. (2017, November 05-06). Possibilities and potential areas of joint collaboration between CHWs and HIPs for promoting health information literacy (HIL) in communities of Bangladesh: A study [Abstract]. In International Conference on Managing Changes for Better Public Service Delivery: South and South East Asian Experience (pp. 23-25). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC).
  4. Elahi, M. H.& Begum, D. (2017, November 05-06). Information literacy and digital literacy skills and competencies: A special reference to public-sector employees of Bangladesh [Abstract]. In International Conference on Managing Changes for Better Public Service Delivery: South and South East Asian Experience (pp. 53-54). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC).
  5. Begum, D., Rashid, M. O. & Mahamud, R. (2012). Greenstone Digital Library Software: A Case Study of Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of International Seminar on Digital Libraries for Digital Nation (pp. 125-138). Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Other Publications
  1. Begum, D., & Parvin, S. (2024, December 03). Libraries as catalysts for literacy: A perspective from Bangladesh. IFLA Asia and Oceania Regional Newsletter, Issue 4,
  2. Begum, D. (2009). Abstract and Abstracting (in Bangla). Training manual on National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  3. Ahmed, M. U. and Begum, D. (2002). Ranganathan: a wonder of the library and information world (In Bangla). Joti, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  4. Ahmed, M. U. and Begum, D. (1998). Reading: the other side of the equation (In Bangla). Joti, Institute for Library and Information Management (ILIM), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Research Report
  1. Begum, D. (2012). Preliminary results from the international media and information literacy survey (IMILS) of the habits and practices of the university students when undertaking research assignments. UNESCO. (available at (Contributed as a Country Coordinator).
Poster Publication
  1. Begum, D., Hasan, M.N., Rahman, S. & Islam, A. (2015). Information needs and seeking behavior of the nurses at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh: An exploratory study from a different theoretical lens. In: Proceedings of The Third European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), October 19-22, 2015, Abstracts, Estonia: Tallinn University, Information Sciences. [ISBN: 978-9949-29-241-7]
Newspaper Articles

Research Collaboration (National/International)

International Research Collaboration

Dr. Dilara Begum has been invited to participate in an international research project titled “Librarians´ AI Perceptions”. Other Notable members of the research projects are Dr. Anna Maria Tammaro, University of Parma; Dr. Jesús Lau Noriega, Veracruz University (Universidad Veracruzana); Francesco Zanichelli, University of Parma; Alessandro Corradini, The University of Perugia (Università degli Studi di Perugia); Dr. Plamen Miltenoff, University of Economics – varna.

Invited To Join A Funded Research Project By BIILSD As Deputy Lead Researcher

Dr. Dilara Begum has been invited to join a fully funded research project titled “Public Servants’ Capacity Development for Realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A study on the training curriculum of government training institutions in Bangladesh” as Deputy Lead Researcher. The research project was funded by the Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy.

Journal Publication

International Journal and Book Chapters/ Research Monograph :

1. Mannan, F. (2022) Veil as Religious Expression: A Sociological Study of University Students in BangladeshJournal of Ecumenical Studies. Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022, pp. 197-219, University of Pennsylvania Press. DOI:

2. Islam, S., Mannan, F, & et el. (2020) COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of the healthcare, social and economic challenges in Bangladesh, Progress in Disaster Science, December 2020, Volume8,100135. doi:

3. Islam, S. Islam, R., Mannan, F. & et el. (2020) COVID-19 Pandemic: How is Bangladesh coping with the rapid spread of coronavirus infection?, Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2020, 14(10):1098-1105. doi:10.3855/jidc.13289. 

4. Mannan, F., Banu A. (2020) Women in Politics: Gender Quota and Women’s Movements in Bangladesh, Rajasthan Journal of Sociology Volume 12, October 2020, India.

5. Mannan. F. (2019) Breaking the Chain: Dynamics of Intra-Household Relationships & Non-Governmental Organizations in Bangladesh, International Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, Volume 4 Number 1, DAKAM, Turkey. 

6. Mannan, F. (2018) Are Organizations Accountable? Disconnect Between Gender and Sanitation in Bangladesh , Environment and Urbanization ASIA journal, Volume 9 Issue 1, March 2018, Sage Publication. 

7. Mannan, F. (2012) Gender-based Violence in Dhaka’s Slums, Book Chapter: The Future of Asian Feminisms: Confronting Fundamentalisms, Conflicts and Neo-Liberalism, Eds., Nursyahbani Katjasungkana and Saskia E. Wieringa, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,12 Back Chapman Street, Newcastle uponTyne, NE6 2XX, UK. p182.

8. Joshi, D., Fawcett, B., and Mannan, F. (2012) Sanitation for the Urban Poor: Gender Matters, book chapter in Diverting the Flow : Gender Equity and Water in South Asia, edited by Margreet Zwarteveen, Sara Ahmed and Suman Rimal Gautam. – Zubaan, New Delhi. 

9. Joshi, D., Fawcett B., Mannan F. 2011 Healthhygiene and appropriate sanitation: experiences and perceptions of the urban poor, Environment and Urbanization, April 2011 23: 91-111, doi: 10.1177/0956247811398602, (by) Sage Journal. 

10. Holmes, R., Jones N., Mannan F. (2011) Addressing gendered risks and vulnerabilities through social protection: examples of good practice from Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Peru. Gender and Development Journal, Vol 19:2 July 2011, Oxfam, UK. PP 255-270. : Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group. 

11. Mannan, F. 2013 ‘The Times of Hope and Despair’: Gender at the Crossroads of Water and Sanitation in Bangladesh. South Asian Water Studies, Volume 3, Issues 3, February, 2013, (www. sawas

12. Holmes, R., Mannan, F, Dhali, H, Parveen,S. (2010) Gendered Risks, Poverty and Vulnerability in Bangladesh, Case Study of the Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction Programme (CFPR), Specially Targeted Ultra Poor II (STUP II), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, United Kingdom.

13. Mannan, F. (2002) Gender and Development: An Analysis of Selected NGO Interventions in Bangladesh and India – Thesis submitted to the Center for the Study of Social Systems (CSSS), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in partial fulfillment of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).

National Journal /Book Chapters/  Working Paper:

1. Mannan,F., and Banu, A (2017). Livelihood Vulnerability and Elderly Women in Urban Slums, Book Chapter: Gendered Lives, Livelihood and Transformation: The Bangladesh Context,  Eds., Meghna Guhathakurata and Ayesha Banu, University Press Limited (UPL), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

2. Mannan, F. (2016) NGOs and Women's Empowerment in Bangladesh and India, Empowerment, Vol. 23, December 2016, Women For Women , Dhaka. PP41-60.

3. Mannan, F. (2011). Mastanocracy, Violence and Gender in Dhaka Slum, Book Chapter: Gender and Militarization in South Asia, University Press Limited (UPL), Dhaka, Bangladesh.,

4. Mannan, F. (2010) Mainstreaming Gender in Sanitation: An Analytical Study of Selected Organizations in Bangladesh published by the Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of Dhaka. 32p. (Working Paper 10)

5. Mannan, F. (2010) Emergence of Women Studies in Bangladesh: A Journey Through History in Ten Years Celebration Memorial Journal. Published by the Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of Dhaka. P28-36.

6. Mannan, F. (2003) Contributed to a book in Bangla titled “Shikkhakosh” (A Compendium on Education) edited by M. Habibur Rahman. Published by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Conference & Seminars
  1. Attended and presented a paper "Changing Lives of  Women in Rural Bangladesh: A Feminist Perspective”, paper presentation at the International Conference, “Bangladesh Reimagined: The Next Half-Century,” organized by BDI November 8–10, 2024, at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.
  2.  Invited to deliver a plenary address at the ICSSR-sponsored International Conference titled "Gender Issues and Women's Rights: Exploring Women's Voices and Experiences in South Asia", India,  December 6 & 7, 2023. 
  3.  Attended and presented a paper “Bound By Patriarchy: Women’s Experience of Internal Migration in Bangladesh”, paper presented in XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia June 28, 2023
  4.  Attended and presented a paper “Does Education Really Empower Women? Revisiting The Role of NGOs in Bangladesh” paper presented in XX ISA World Congress of Sociology Melbourne, Australia, June 29, 2023
  5. Guest Speaker, Speech on Education and Youth Leadership organized by Bangladesh Youth Leadership Centre (BYLC) (online), November 17, 2022, Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka.
  6.  Invited as a Co-the Chair of Technical Session,' Educational Opportunities and Challenges' at the XXVII International Annual Conference 2020 (Online) organized by the Rajasthan Sociological Association (RSA), India, February 7-10, 2021.
  7.  Attended and presented a paper (online) on ‘Veil as Religious Expression: An Ethnographic Study Among Young Female Students in Bangladesh’, at the International Conference (online) organized by the Dialogue Institute, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA, August 18, 2020.
  8.  I was interviewed by the Dialogue Institute, Temple University, USA, as a selected SUSI Scholar (U.S. State Department Academic Scholars Program)  for the US State Department podcast in September 2020.
  9. Attended and presented a paper on ‘Veil As Religious Expression: An Ethnographic Study Among Young Female Students in Bangladesh’, at the International Conference organized by the Dialogue Institute, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA, August 18, 2020 (Online).
  10. Editorial board member, the First Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences conference proceedings, February 2020, ISBN 978-984-34-8662-2, East West University, Dhaka.
  11. Convener of the International Conference on Social and Life Sciences (ICSL) organized by  East West University, Dhaka Bangladesh, February 2020
  12. Panel Speaker on Religion and Women at The Temple University, Philadelphia, June 13, 2018, USA.
  13. Presented a paper in a public symposium 'Hijab, Religion and Women in Bangladesh', at the University of St. Thomas, July 2018, Minnesota, Minneapolis U.S.A.
  14. Attended and presented a paper on 'Breaking the Chain: Dynamics of Intra-Household Relationships and Non-Governmental Organizations in Bangladesh' at the International Conference on Gender and Women Studies'17 organized by Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Centre, November,10-11, Istanbul, Turkey.
  15. Invited as a Resource Person in the curriculum development training workshop on “Gender-inclusive Agriculture Education and Research” from 22-30 September 2016 in Kalimpong, India.
  16. Attended and presented a paper as a Keynote Speaker at the conference organized by the SaciWATERs on ‘Interdisciplinary in Water Education in South Asia: Challenges, Perspectives and Policy Implications’ from October 3-6, 2010 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
  17. Presented a paper on ‘Mainstreaming Gender in Sanitation: Perspective from a Dhaka Slum’, at Wageningen University, Netherlands, 19th November 2009.
  18. Attended a workshop organized by the Centre for Intercultural Studies, Portugal, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, University of Tampere, Finland, 25 November, 2009.
  19. Attended the I International Congress of Culture and Gender: Culture in the Body, 11-13 November 2009, Elche, Alicante, Spain.
  20. Attended the conference of East Mediterranean University, ‘Gender Studies at Crossroad’, 22 -24th April 2009 , Cyprus.
  21. Attended and presented a paper at the Second Conference of the Kartini Asia Network, 2-5 November 2008, Bali, Indonesia.
  22. Attended and presented a paper at the XII National Conference of the Indian Association for Women’s Studies (IAWS), Feminism, Education and Transformation of Knowledges: Processes and Institutions, 7-10 February 2008, Lucknow, India.
  23. Attended a workshop on Feminist Methodology, organized by the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and Dhaka University, 2008, Bangladesh.
  24. Participated in a Gender Workshop at the University of Dhaka, organized by the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and Dhaka University, 2007, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  25. Attended a Workshop on Curriculum Development on Interdisciplinary Water Resources Studies, October 14-17, 2006, Hyderabad, India.
  26. Attended a Workshop on Gender and Water Reader for South Asia, October 9-13, 2006, Hyderabad, India. 
  27. Attended a workshop on Feminist Methodology, organized by the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and the University of Dhaka, 2008, Bangladesh.
  28. Attended and presented a paper at a seminar on Exploring the Sociological Perspective of Poverty, organized by Bangladesh Sociological Society, May 2004, University of Dhaka.
  29. Attended the All India Sociological Conference, December 19-21, 1994, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
  30. Attended the National Workshop on Rural Poverty, March 12-13, 1992, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Academic Work

Taught courses at  East West University:                                                                                           

  • SOC 101 : Introduction to Sociology
  • SOC 102: Introduction to Anthropology
  • SOC 218: Sociology of Gender
  • SOC 207  Early Social Thought
  • Soc 303 : Urban Sociology
  • SOC 208 : Social Stratification and Inequality
  • SOC 320: Social Structure of Bangladesh
  • Soc  311 : Feminist Thought
  • SOC 408: Sociology of Gender Planning and Development
  • SOC 301: Qualitative Research Methodology
  • SOC 401: Classical Sociological Theories
  • SOC 406: Sociology of Development
  • ECO 433: Gender and Development
  • POP 602: Population, Gender and Development
  • GEN 201: Bangladesh Studies

Taught courses at the University of Dhaka   

  • WGS 301           :  Tools of Gender Analysis
  • WGS BSS 401   :   Gender and Development : Conceptual Issues
  • WGS-308           :  Project Management
  • WS-401              :  Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and Women’s Empowerment
  • WS-305             :   Women in the Production Processes and the Economy
  • WGS MSS-02   :    Gender and Development : Strategies and debates
  • MSS 06             :   Gender, Poverty and Livelihoods      

Academic and Policy Research

        Academic Research

        1. Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands , September 2009.


2. Junior Consultant, “Analysis of Poverty Trends (APT)” project, Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies, Bangladesh (BIDS), Dhaka, June 1993- July 1994.

3. Research Officer, “Analysis of Poverty Trends (APT)” project, Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies (BIDS), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1989-1993

4. Lead Researcher in Bangladesh with the University of Southampton, UK under the "Study on Livelihood-Gender- Sanitation linkages Relating to the Urban Poor", research project conducted in Bangladesh, India  Kand kenya, Supported by DFID, UK.

5. Lead Researcher with The Overseas Development Institute  (ODI), UK, under the project on 'Gender and Social Protection in Bangladesh', project conducted in Bangladesh, Peru, and Ethiopia ,2009. 

6. Research Officer, Nari Uddug Kendra (NUK), a National NGO, Dhaka Bangladesh, 2001-2002.



Policy Research

1. Consultant (Gender Strategy Paper), in a project 'integrated management of crop-fish-water resources to enhance agricultural production systems towards sustainable food security in Bangladesh', at Bangladesh 

2. Agricultural University (BAU), funded by CDI, Wageningen, the Netherlands, November 2013.


3. Consultant (Gender Strategy Analysis), in a project titled   "Capacity Development of Higher Education on Integrated Water    Resources Management at CUET", funded by UNESCO-IHE,  Netherlands, June, 2012

4. National Consultant (Gender Specialist), Evaluation of the Consolidation  of a National Platform for the Women’s Movement, Doorbar Network Project of Nari Pokkho, Dhaka, 2007.

5. Consultant (Gender and Governance), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Dhaka under the “Strengthening Parliamentary Democracy” project, 2006.

6. Consultant (Gender Specialist), Evaluation of the Reaching Out-of-the-School Children (ROSC) project, Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), Dhaka, November 2005- January 2006.

7. Consultant (Gender and Development Specialist) with Action Aid Bangladesh (AAB) to assess Gender concerns/practices in Action Aid Bangladesh as a part to reviewing its Country Strategy Paper CSP II and to help mainstreaming gender issues in the implementation of the Country Strategy 1999-2003, Bangladesh, October to December, 2003.

Journal Editor/ Reviewer/ Membership of National & International Professional Bodies
  • 1. Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress on Women in a Global World IV: Struggle for Equality (WGW2024), Topkapı University, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • 2. Member of the International Sociological Association (ISA) since 2023.
  • 3. Life member of the Indian Sociological Society(ISS), India, since 2024.
  • 4. Life member of Rajasthan Sociological Association, India, since 2018.
  • 5. Reviewed East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, East West University, Bangladesh.
  • 6. Reviewer of the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, East West University, Bangladesh, since 2014 till present.
  • 7. Was a member of the Scientific Committee of Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center (DHAKAM), Turkey 2018.



Journal Articles & Book Chapters (International & National)

    1. Haque, M.S., Hasan, M.M. (2023). Outcome-Based Living ELT Curriculum in Higher Education in Bangladesh. In: Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B.L., Uddin, M.E. (eds) Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching. Springer, Singapore.
    2. Haque M. S. (2022). ‘Pronunciation problems?’—‘Try the Tissue-Technique’. In R. A. Giri, S. Dawadi, S. Shrestha and S. Haque, Enhancement Approach: Success Stories of EFL Teachers from Bangladesh and Nepal. Hornby, BELTA, NELTA, pp. 36-44. ISBN (eBook) : 978-984-35-1922-1
    3. Haque M. S. and T. Nowshin. (2021). Why should rubrics be used to evaluate oral presentation? In Panini: NSU Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. 9, pp. 23-52
    4. Haque M. S. (2021). ‘Bhoot FM’ and the Gothic Tradition in Bangladesh. In K. Ancuta and D. Valančiūnas, South Asian Gothic: Haunted cultures, histories and media. University of Wales Press, pp. 259-274.
    5. Haque M. S. and Hasan M. M. (2021) Case Study 8, Bangladesh: Ubiquitous Learning Through Technology—A Bangladeshi Story. In: Miller L., Wu J.G. (eds) Language Learning with Technology. Springer Nature, Singapore.
    6. Haque, M. S. and Chowdhury, H. S. (2020). Significance of PowerPoint in Teaching Spoken English. Journal of the Institute of Modern Languages, Vol. 31, pp. 93-109
    7. Haque, M. S. and Joher, U. H. M. (2018). Is blended learning the future of higher education?: Stakeholders’ Perspectives from Bangladesh. In East West Journal of Humanities, Vol. 8, pp. 101-116.
    8. Haque, M. S. (2017). Early life of an accidental actor: Before Nayak Raj Razzak. In East West Journal of Humanities, Vols. 6 & 7 Special Issue, pp. 121-136.
    9. Haque, M. S. (2016). Emerging Digital Culture of Bangladesh and in Higher Education. In S, As-Saber, A. F. Ahmad and N. A. Khan (Eds.), Innovations in Governance: Lessons from Transition Economy, Dhaka: Osder Publications.
    10. Haque, M. S. (2015). Documentary-Making Methodology: Step-by-step Documentation of Life after Grey. In East West Journal of Humanities, Vol. 5, pp. 73-91.
    11. Haque, M. S. and Akhter, M. (2014). Challenges and Possibilities of Computer Assisted Language Teaching in Higher Education: Bangladesh in Focus. In Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. 29, pp. 129-149.
    12. Haque, M. S. (2013). Discourse Structures in Bangladeshi Educational Advertisements: A Critique. In East West Journal of Humanities, Vol. 4, pp. 1-28.
    13. Haque, M. S. and Reza, A. (2013). Domestication of Women in Bangladeshi Media Discourse: A Critical Insight. In Prime University Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 80-107.     
    14. Haque, M. S. and Akhter, T. (2012). Cultural Imperialism in English Medium Schools: A Critical Insight. In Stamford Journal of English, Vol 7, pp. 98-128. DOI:
    15. Haque, M. S. and Baki, R. (2012). In Quest of the Marginalized English Language Skills: A Qualitative Expedition. International Journal of Linguistics and Literature (IJLL), Vol.1, Issue 1, pp. 27-46.
    16. Haque, M. S. and Abedin, Z. (2011).  The discursive construction of (a)moral names: Religion versus language, Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter, Vol. 30, No. 3-4, pp. 377-390. DOI:
    17. Haque, M. S. (2009). ‘Directions in CDA: How practical is one-size-fits-all CDA?’. In Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. 24, pp. 53-74.
    18. Haque, M. S. (2009). ‘Plagiarism in Graduate Research: A Critical Perspective’. In Crossings: ULAB Journal for English Studies, Vol. 2. 2009, pp. 155-174.
    19. Haque, M. S. (2008). ‘Institutional Elitism: Critical Discourse Analysis of Private Educational Institutions’. In Crossings: ULAB Journal for English Studies, Vol. 1.
    20. Haque, M. S. (2008). ‘A Critique of Critical Discourse Analysis’. In The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 1
    21. Haque, M. S. (2008). ‘Critical Discourse Analysis and the Rational Faculty’. In East West University Journal, Vol. 2, 2008, pp. 110-138.
    22. Haque, M. S. (2008). ‘Kee's World: Reflections of Evolving Identity’. In International Journal of Comic Art, Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring-2008, pp. 482-512.
    23. Haque, M. S. (2008). ‘Discursive Construction of an Identity in Conflict: CDA Perspective’. In Nair, R., Haque, M. S. & Khan, M. H. (Eds.). Constructing Identities in the Malaysian Media. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press.
    24. Haque, M. S. (2008). ‘Exclusion in Recruitment: Confronting Discrimination in Printed Vacancy Advertisements’. In Khulida Kirana Yahya et al. Book of Readings: Issues on Quality of Work Life (QWL). Sintok: Universiti Utara Malaysia Publication. pp 235-258.
    25. Haque, M. S. (2007). ‘Gender Discourse: Forms and Functions of Tag Questions in the Academic Context’. In Stamford Journal of English, Vol. 3
    26. Haque, M. S. (2007). ‘Consumer Protection in Recruitment Advertisements: The Malaysian Scenario’. In David, M. K. (ed.) Language and Human Rights: Focus on Malaysia. Serdang; Universiti Putra Malay Press.
    27. Haque, M. S. (2007). ‘All Malaysians are Equal, but Some Malaysians are More Equal than Others’. In Hoon, T.B., Dan, W. C., Abdullah, M. H., Omar, N., Abdullah, F. S. & Talif, T. (eds.), Theoretical and Practical Orientations in Language and Literature Studies. Petaling Jaya, Malaysia: Pearson Longman.
    28. Haque, M. S. (2006). ‘Media Discourse: Television News as a form of Entertainment / Popular Culture’. In David, M. K., Burhanudeen, H. & Abdullah, A. N. (ed.) The Power of Language and the Media. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. pp. 99-114.
    29. Haque, M. S. (2006). ‘Discourse of Power in Recruitment Advertisements’. In Azirah Hashim and Norizah Hassan (eds), Varieties of English in Southeast Asia and Beyond. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press.
    30. Haque, M. S. and Zuraidah Mohd. Don. (2006). “Excluding the ‘Employable’ in Job Advertisements: Language and the Construction of Exclusionary Hiring Practices”. In Zuraidah Mohd. Don. (ed), English in a Globalised Environment: Investigating an Emerging Variety of English. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press.
    31. Khan, M. H. and Haque, M. S. (2006). ‘Derrida and the Practice of Teaching Literature in Language Classes’. In Azirah Hashim and Norizah Hassan (eds.), English in Southeast Asia: Prospects, Perspectives and Possibilities. Kuala Lumpur: University Malaya Press. pp. 293-306.
    32. Haque, M. S. and Khan, M. H. (2005). ‘Muslim Identity in the Speeches of Mahathir Mohamad’. In Intellectual Discourse, Vol. 12 No. 2, 2005, pp 181-193.
    33. Haque, M. S. and Malik, M. Z. (2005). ‘Humour in Haq: Poems in Sub-continental English’. In Talif, R., Heng, C. S., Eng, W. B., Abdullah, A. N. and Noor. R. (eds.) Beyond Barriers Fresh Frontiers: Selected Readings on Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, pp 105-111.
    34. Kumari, S. and Haque, M. S. (2005). ‘Gender Discourse: Are Teachers Aware of Gender Bias in Malaysian English Language Text Books?’ In Jayakaran Mukundan, Dzeelfa Zainal Abidin and Anealka Aziz Hussin (eds) ELT Matters 1: English Language learning and Teaching. Serdang: Universiti Putra Malaysia Press, pp 192-200.
    35. Haque, M. S. (2004). ‘Language and Gender: Tag Questions and Confidence Level in the Academic Context’. In Harvest: Jahangirnagar Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. 19 2004, pp. 25-42.
    36. Haque, M. S. and Khan, M. H. (2004). ‘Language and the Order of Hegemony in Society’. In Panini  NSU Studies in Language and Literature, Vol. 2, 2003-2004, pp. 45-72.
    37. Haque, M. S. and Kumari, S. (2004). ‘Discourse of Gender: Conflicting Ideologies vs. Social Policies’. In BRAC University Journal, Vol. I, no. 2, 2004, pp. 21-32.
    38. Haque, M. S. (2004). ‘Marketization of Discourse: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Private Universities in Bangladesh’. In Al-Risala, issue No. 4, pp 23-60.
    39. Haque, M. S. and Wong Bee Eng (2003). ‘Do they really use more tag questions?’ In Journal of Language Teaching, Linguistics and Literature, Vol. 8, 2003, pp. 40-62.
Conference & Seminars

Presented over 100 international and national conferences in the USA, UK, Australia, Spain, Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Bangladesh. If the entire list is required, contact Dr. Haque.

Workshops & Training
  1. Workshop on “Teaching through Technology” organized by Ideal Commerce College, Dhaka, on 22 April 2018
  2. WORKSHOP for University Teachers and Researchers on Academic Writing, Publication and Research” organized by CEDOLPC-EWUCRT, held on 11-12 September 2015:
    —Academic Writing Practices and Problems in Social Science
  3. 10-days course on “Research Methodology” (15-25 September 2014): In the 10-day course organizes by East West University and SAARC Documentation Centre (SDC), I conducted the following session:
    Plagiarism in Research
  4. Need-Based Teacher-Training for South Point School and College (29, 30 July & 2 August 2012): The following five sessions were conducted over a period of three days:
    —Speaking and Listening Skills
    —Reading Skills—Top-Down & Bottom-Up Processing
    —Vocabulary—Increase Your Word Power
    —Introduction to Approaches and Methods of Language Teaching
    —Introduction to CALL/CALT (Computer Assisted Language Learning/Teaching)
  5. National Conference: “CLT in Bangladesh: Myths and Realities” (21 January 2012): The following workshop was conducted at the conference, organized by Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA):
    Social Media and CLT: Let’s Explore!
  6. Cox’s Bazar—BELTA Seminar 2 February 2012: the following workshop was conducted at a seminar organized by BELTA and Cox’s Bazaar Government College:
    Fun with words: meanings, pronunciations, spellings
  7. Chittagong—BELTA Seminar 31 January 2012: the following workshop was conducted at a seminar organized by BELTA and Independent University Chittagong:—Potentials of Podcasts/Vodcasts in Teaching the Marginalized English Language Skills
  8. “5thInternational BELTA Conference 2011” (20-22, May 2011): The following workshop was conducted at the conference, organized jointly by BELTA and English in Action (EIA):
    Using CALL to Teach/Learn the Marginalized Skills
  9. National ELT Conference on the theme: Sustaining Innovation in English Language Education”, 7-8 January 2011: The following workshop was conducted at the conference, organized jointly by Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) and Rajshahi University, Rajshahi:
    Yech char or yes sir: The A, B, C of teaching English pronunciation
  10. National University Training 2008-2013: Daylong trainings were offered to English (College) lecturers under the National University curriculum:
    Basic Course on English Phonetics and Phonology for English Teachers
    Methods and approaches of language teaching
  11. Participated Workshops & Training
  12. 4-week Qualitative Research Methodology January 2016 Professor Alam
  13. 8-week training on Research Methods in 2013Arifa Madam &Fakrul Sir
  14. South Asian English Educators Programme: Stimulating Innovative Practices in ELT, August 31-September 2, 2012, BRAC Centre Inn, Dhaka
  15. Media and Journalism Workshop Series, BRAC University, June 24-27, 2012 and July 22-25, 2012
  16. “Interpretive Strategies in Social Science”, 10-14 June, 2012, BRAC University, June 10-14 June 2012
  17. Course on Research Design and Methods (31 March – 9 April 2011). Participated in the course on Research Design and Methods organized by East West University Centre for Research and Training (EWUCRT).
  18. Teacher Leader Academy (2-3 December 2010). Participated the training on “Leadership Skills in ELT”, organized by Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) and TESOL Arabia Leadership and Management DIG.
  19. British Council-BELTA Language Teacher Educators Workshop (27 December 2010). Attend the workshop on the theme of “Exploring Recent Practices in Teacher Development for ELT”, jointly organized by British Council-BELTA (Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association) at the BRAC Centre Inn, Dhaka
  20. BELTA-AIUB-THT English Language Teaching Seminar 2009 with the theme “Alternative Methodologies in ELT”, from 23-25 July 2009, held at American International University-Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The seminar was jointly organized by Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA), Japan-based Teachers Helping Teachers (THT) Forum and the English Department of American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB).
  21. Information Literacy Workshop, from 23-25 July 2009, from 3 – 4 January 2010, held at East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The workshop was organized by East West University Library.
  22. ZOPP Basic Course: Completed the ZOPP (Object Oriented Project Planning) Basic Course, organised by ZOPP Coordination Unit (ZCU), held from 23-27 November, 1997, at the German Development Cooperation (GTZ) Office, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Awards & Distinctions
        • Awarded Scholarship for participating in WorldCALL-2018 in Concepcion, Chile, in November 2018.
        • Awarded grant by the US State Department to undertake a six-week course titled ‘US Culture and Society’, at New York University, from 09 June – 20 July 2018, under the Study of US Institutes (SUSI) Summer-2018 programme.
        • Academic Excellence Award: Awarded ‘Academic Excellence Award’ for attaining a CGPA 4.0 (on a scale of 4.00) in MSS in Media and Communication from Independent University Bangladesh, February 2017.
        • The American Centre Scholarship: Awarded Scholarship by The American Centre, Dhaka, to complete a 10-week online course on Practical Applications in Listening and Speaking Skills (PALSS), conducted by the University of Oregon, USA, from 7 January to 15 March 2013
        • Research and Publication Award: Awarded a medal for contribution to research, on the 14th Foundation Day of East West University held on 14 November 2009
        • Commonwealth Scholarship: Awarded the Malaysian Government Award of Scholarship / Fellowship for Commonwealth Countries, from 01.11.2000 to 31.10.2001 (12 months)

        • Merit Distinction: Achieved distinction for acquiring the 1st position (according to merit) in the 1993 M.A. final examination, Department of English, Faculty of Arts, University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh
International Proceedings & Book Reviews
  1. Haque, M. S. and Tohura, S. (2017). Academia to Workplace: Soft Skills for Employability, Proceedings of International Conference on Business and Management (ICBM), Dhaka, Bangladesh,  pp. 491-496 (ISSN No: 978-984-34-2360-3)
  2. Haque, M. S. (2015). Discursive Legitimization of Rape-Discourse in Bangladeshi Popular Cinema. Conference Proceedings: Research World International Conference, New York, USA, 14-19 (ISSN No: 978-93-85832-76-5)
  3. Haque, M. S. (2012). Teaching-Learning in the 21st Century: Potentials of Web 2.0 in Bangladesh. Conference proceedings: International Conference on Quality Teaching and Learning (ICQTL). Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia: Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT).
  4. Haque, M. S (2011). Bridging the Gap between Academia and the Real World: An Exploratory Framework from Bangladesh. Proceeding, 3rd International Seminar on Culture, English Language Teaching, and Literature, 2011, 182-196.
  5. Haque, M. S. (2006). ‘Book Review—Teaching of English in Second and Foreign Language Settings: Focus on Malaysia’. In Multilingua: Journal of Cross-Cultural and Interlanguage Communication. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter.
  6.  Haque, M. S. (2004). ‘Critical Discourse Analysis as an Inter-Transdisciplinary Approach to Studying Issues in Contemporary Societies: An Introduction’. In Hua, T. K. et al (Eds.), Proceedings: International Conference on Social Sciences & Humanities. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, pp. 343-57.

1. MMH Khan. Mental health well-being among undergraduate students of East West University: Evidence from a cross-sectional survey. EWU Journal of Business and Social Studies, 2018; 6-7: 100-115. 

2. M Frings, T Lakes, D Müller, MMH Khan, M Epprecht, S Kipruto, S Galea and O Gruebner.  Modeling and mapping the burden of disease in Kenya. Scientific Reports 2018; 8: 9826.

3. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, K Burkart , S Lautenbach , T Lakes , A Krämer , S.V. Subramanian, Sandro Galea. Spatial variations and determinants of infant and under-five mortality in Bangladesh. Health and Place 2017; 47: 156–164.

4. M Nasrullah, S Muazzam, F Khosa, MMH Khan. Child marriage and women's attitude towards wife beating in a nationally representative sample of currently married adolescent and young women in Pakistan. International Health 2017; 9(1): 20-28.

5. MRK Chowdhury, MS Rahman, MMH Khan. Levels and determinants of complementary feeding based on meal frequency among children of 6 to 23 months in Bangladesh. BMC Public Health 2016; 16: 944.

6. Janet J Chu, HJ Jahn, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Alcohol consumption among university students: a Sino-German comparison demonstrates a much lower consumption of alcohol in Chinese students. Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition 2016; 35:25

7. U Haque, JD Ball, W Zhang, MMH Khan, JA Trevino C. Clinical and spatial features of Zika virus in Mexico. Acta Tropica 2016; 162: 5–10.

8. Janet J Chu, MMH Khan, HJ Jahn, A Kraemer. Sense of coherence and associated factors among university students in China: cross-sectional evidence. BMC Public Health 2016:16:336.

9. D Beier, P Brzoska, MMH Khan. Indirect consequences of extreme weather and climate events and their associations with physical health in coastal Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study. Global Health Action, 2015; 8: 29016.

10. MRK Chowdhury, MS Rahman, MMH Khan, MNI Mondal, MM Rahman, B Billah. Risk factors of child malnutrition in Bangladesh: A multilevel analysis of a nationwide population-based survey. Journal of Pediatrics 2016; 172:194 – 201.

11. MRK Chowdhury, MMH Khan, MR Islam, NKP Perera, MK Shumack, M Kader. Low maternal education and socio-economic status were associated with household insecurity in children under five with Diarrhoea in Bangladesh. Acta Paediatrica 2016; 105: 555 – 561.

12. F Fischer, A M Steinmann, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Gastric symptoms and its determinants: A Household Level Analysis in Urban Slums of Dhaka and Adjacent Rural Areas. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 2015; 5(1): 458-471.

13. O Gruebner, S Lautenbach, MMH Khan, S Kipruto, M Epprecht, S Galea. Place of residence moderates the risk of infant death in Kenya: Evidence from the most recent census 2009. PloS One 2015; 10(10): e0139545.

14. Janet J Chu, MMH Khan, HJ Jahn, A Kraemer. Only-child status in relation to perceived stress and studying-related life satisfaction among university students in China: a comparison with international students. PLoS One 2015;10(12): e0144947.

15. Janet J Chu, MMH Khan, HJ Jahn, A Kraemer. Comparison of subjective health complaints between Chinese and German university students: A cross-sectional study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2015; 12: 15794-15806.

16. O Gruebner, S Lautenbach, MMH Khan, S Kipruto, M Epprecht, S Galea. Place of residence moderates the risk of infant death in Kenya: Evidence from the most recent census 2009. PloS One 2015; 10(10): e0139545.

17. F Fischer, M Minnwegen, U Kaneider, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Prevalence and determinants of second-hand smoke exposure among women in Bangladesh, 2011. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 2015; 17(1): 58-65.

18. IL Jiun, SN Siddik, SN Malik, MM Tin-Oo, MK Alam, MMH Khan. Association between oral hygiene status and halitosis among smokers and nonsmokers. Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry,2015; 13(5):395-405.

19. MMH Khan, JK Brinkel. Arsenicosis Disease and self-reported mental health problems: evidence from a case-control study in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Quantitative Science 2015; 2(1): 1-6.

20. MA Kabir, KL Goh, MMH Khan. Adolescent tobacco use and its determinants: evidence from Global Youth Tobacco Survey, Bangladesh 2007. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health 2015; 27(2): NP1578-90.

21. MA Kabir, KL Goh, MMH Khan, AQ Al-Amin, MN Azam. Safe-delivery practices: Experience from cross-sectional data of Bangladeshi women. Asian-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2015; 27(2): NP1170-81.

22. MMH Khan, O Gruebner, A Kraemer. The geography of diabetes among the general adults aged 35 years and older in Bangladesh: Recent evidence from a cross-sectional survey. PLoS ONE 2014; 9(10): e110756.

23. K Burkart, MMH Khan, A Schneider, S Breitner, M Langner, A Kraemer, W Endlicher. The effects of season and meteorology on human mortality in tropical climates: a systematic review. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2014; 108(7): 393-401.

24. O Gruebner, J Sachs, A Nockert, M Frings, MMH Khan, T Lakes, P Hostert. Mapping the slums of Dhaka from 2006 to 2010. Dataset Papers in Science 2014 (

25. MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Are rural-urban migrants living in slums more vulnerable in terms of housing, health knowledge, smoking, mental and general health? International Journal of Social Welfare 2014; 23: 373-383.

26. MMH Khan, A Zanuzdana, K Burkart, A Kraemer. Determinants of diarrhoea in urban slums of Dhaka and adjacent rural areas: a household level analysis. Population, Space and Place 2014; 20: 498-511.

27. MMH Khan, O Gruebner and A Kraemer. Is area affected by flood or stagnant water associated with poorer health outcomes in urban slums of Dhaka and adjacent rural areas? Natural Hazards 2014; 70: 549-565.

28. K Burkart, MMH Khan, A Kraemer, A Schneider, S Breitner, W Endlicher. An analysis of heat effects in different subpopulations of Bangladesh. International Journal of Biometeorology 2014; 58: 227-237.

29. MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Role of woman’s education and wealth index to minimize slum versus non-slum disparities in socio-demographic and health-related indicators in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Quantitative Science 2014; 1(2):1-12.

30. MMH Khan, Arina Zanuzdana, A Kraemer. Levels, trends and disparities of public health-related indicators among reproductive aged women in Bangladesh by urban-rural and richest-poorest groups, 1993-2011. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(9): e75261.

31. MMH Khan, A Khan, M Nojima, S Suzuki, Y Fujino, S Tokudome, K Tamakoshi, M Mori, A Tamakoshi. Ovarian cancer mortality among women aged 40-79 years in relation to reproductive factors and body mass index: latest evidence from the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study. Journal of Gynecologic Oncology 2013; 24(3):249-257.

32. A Zanuzdana, MMH Khan, JK Brinkel, A Kraemer. Factors associated with high prevalence of cough, cold and fever among urban slum dwellers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. South East Asia Journal of Public Health 2013; 3(2): 59-66.

33. M Islam, M Alam, M Tariquzaman, M A Kabir, R Pervin, M Begum, MMH Khan. Predictors of the number of under-five malnourished children in Bangladesh: application of the Generalized Poisson Regression Model. BMC Public Health 2013; 13:11.

34. MA Kabir, SM Mostafa Kamal, KL Goh, MMH Khan.  Tobacco smoking and its association with illicit drug use among young men of 15-24 years living in urban slums of Bangladesh. PLoS ONE 2013; 8(7): e68728.

35. MA Kabir, KL Goh, MMH Khan.  A cross-country comparison of tobacco consumption among youths from selected South-Asian countries. BMC Public Health 2013; 13:379.

36. MA Kabir, KL Goh, MN Azam, MMH Khan. Tobacco consumption and illegal drug use among Bangladeshi males: Association and determinants. American Journal of Men's Health, 2013: 7(2): 128-137.

37. MMH Khan, O Gruebner, A Kraemer. Utilisation and satisfaction of major healthcare services among slum dwellers: a cross-sectional case study in the megacity of Dhaka. Internationales Asienforum 2012; 43(1-2): 61-79.

38. A Zanuzdana, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Housing satisfaction related to health and importance of services in urban slums: Evidence from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Social Indicators Research 2013; 112: 163-185.

39. D Rapp, B Zoch, MMH Khan, T Pollmann, A Kraemer. Association between gap in spousal education and domestic violence in India and Bangladesh. BMC Public Health 2012; 12: 467.

40. MMH Khan, O Gruebner, A Kraemer. Frequently used healthcare services in urban slums of Dhaka and adjacent rural areas and their determinants. Journal of Public Health, 2012 34(2): 261-71.

41. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, S Lautenbach, D Mueller, A Kraemer, T Lakes, P Hostert. Mental health in the slums of Dhaka- a geoepidemiological study. BMC Public Health 2012, 12: 177.

42. MMH Khan. Urban health in megacities of developing countries. Public Health Forum 2012; 20(2): 29.e1-29.e3.

43. MMH Khan, A Kraemer, A Khandoker, L Pruefer-Kraemer, A Islam. Trends in sociodemographic and health-related indicators in Bangladesh, 1993-2007: will inequities persist? Bull World Health Organ 2011; 89(8): 583–592.

44. A Khandoker, MMH Khan, A Kraemer, M Mori. Self-reported mental health of arsenicosis patients and its association with patients’ perceptions and satisfactions of arsenicosis-related issues: evidence from an arsenic-affected area of Bangladesh. Asia-Pacific Psychiatry 2011; 3: 212-218.

45. K Burkart, A Schneider, S Breitner, MMH Khan, A Kraemer, W Endlicher. The effect of atmospheric thermal conditions and urban thermal pollution on all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in Bangladesh. Environmental Pollution 2011; 159 (8-9): 2035-2043.

46. K Burkart, W Endlicher, MMH Khan, A Kraemer, S Breitner, A Schneider. Seasonal variations of all-cause and cause-specific mortality by age, gender, and socioeconomic condition in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh. International Journal for Equity in Health 2011; 10: 32.

47. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, S Lautenbach, D Mueller, A Kraemer, T Lakes, P Hostert. A spatial epidemiological analysis of self-rated mental health in slums of Dhaka. International Journal of Health Geographics 2011, 10: 36.

48. A Khandoker, MMH Khan, A Kraemer, M Mori. Knowledge about TB transmission among ever-married women in Bangladesh. International Journal for Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2011, 15(3): 379-384.

49. A Kraemer, MMH Khan, R Thier, J Woelk, S Nicolaus, L Pruefer-Kraemer. Increased perceived stress and high subjective workplace strain Results obtained with an internet based instrument for individual health consultation and health monitoring at the workplace (German). Arbeitsmed Sozialmed Umweltmed 2011, 46:25-33

50. MMH Khan, MA Kabir, A Khandokersa, M Kabir. Inequalities in fertility and mortality related indicators among ever married women in Bangladesh. Journal of Statistical Studies 2011; 30: 15-26.

51. O Gruebner, R Staffeld, MMH Khan, K Burkart, A Kraemer, P Hostert. Urban health in megacities: extending the framework for developing countries. IHDP Update (Magazine of the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change); 2011, Issue 1:42-49.

52. MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Factors associated with underweight, overweight and obesity among ever married non-pregnant urban women in Bangladesh. Singapore Medical Journal 2009; 50: 804-813.

53. MMH Khan, A Khandoker, A Kraemer, M Mori. Prevalence and correlates of smoking among urban adult men in Bangladesh: slum versus non-slum comparison. BMC Public Health 2009; 9: 149.

54. A Khandoker, MMH Khan, Manas Akmatov, A Kraemer, M Mori. TV watching among men and its association with awareness on public health issues, Bangladesh. The Journal of Family Welfare 2009; 55(1): 52-61.

55. MMH Khan, O Gruebner, A Kraemer. Comparison of health-related outcomes between urban slums, urban affluent and rural areas in and around Dhaka Megacity, Bangladesh. Die ERDE 2009; 140(1): 69-87.

56. J Brinkel, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. A systematic review of arsenic exposure and its social and mental health effects with special reference to Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2009; 6: 1609-1621.

57. MMH Khan, MA Matin. Aging and health of the elderly in rural Bangladesh. The Journal of Family Welfare 2008; 54(1): 92-99.

58. MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Socio-economic factors explain differences in public health-related variables among women in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health 2008; 8: 254.

59. K Burkart, O Gruebner, MMH Khan, R Staffeld. Megacity Dhaka-Informal Settlements, Urban Environment and Public Health. Geographische Rundschau 2008; 4(1): 4-11.

60. MK Akmatov, RT Mikolajczyk, S Labeeb, E Dhaher, MMH Khan. Factors associated with wife beating in Egypt: analysis of two surveys (1995 and 2005). BMC Women’s Health 2008; 8: 15.

61. MMH Khan, A Khandoker, M Kabir, M Mori. Determinants of drinking arsenic contaminated tubewell water in Bangladesh: evidence from a recent national survey. Health Policy and Planning 2007; 22: 335-343.

62. F Sakauchi, MMH Khan, M Mori, T Kubo, Y Fujino, S Suzuki, S Tokudome, A Tamakoshi. Dietary habits and risk of ovarian cancer in a large-scale cohort study (JACC Study) in Japan. Nutrition and Cancer 2007; 57 (2): 138-145.

63. A Khandoker, MMH Khan, M Kabir, M Mori. Prevalence and correlates of domestic violence by husband against wives in Bangladesh: evidence from a national survey. Journal of Men’s Health and Gender 2007; 4:52-63.

64. M Washio, M Mori, MMH Khan, F Sakauchi, Y Watanabe, K Ozasa, K Hayashi, T Miki, M Nakao, K Mikami, Y Ito, T Kubo, K Wakai, A Tamakoshi. Diabetes mellitus and kidney cancer risk: the result of JACC study. International Journal of Urology 2007; 14:393-397.

65. MMH Khan, A Khandoker, MA Kabir, M Kabir, M Mori. Tobacco consumption and its association with illicit drug uses among men in Bangladesh. Addiction 2006; 101: 1178-1186.

66. MMH Khan, A Khandoker, N Ahsan, M Kabir, M Mori. Case-control study of arsenicosis in some arsenic contaminated villages of Bangladesh. Sapporo Medical Journal 2006; 75: 51-61.

67. MMH Khan, M Kabir, M Mori. Factors influencing the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies in Bangladesh: Evidence from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 1999-2000. The Journal of Family Welfare 2006; 52(1): 23-34.

68. MMH Khan, M Mori, F Sakauchi, K Matsuo, K Ozasa, A Tamakoshi. Risk factors for multiple myeloma: evidence from the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2006; 7: 575-581.

69. A Khandoker, M Mori, MMH Khan, F Sakauchi, T Kubo, Y Fujino, S Suzuki, S Tokudome, A Tamakoshi. Effectiveness of cervical cancer screening over cervical cancer mortality among Japanese women. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 2006; 36:511-518.

70. MMH Khan, M Mori, F Sakauchi, A Khandoker,T Kubo, Y Fujino, S Suzuki, S Tokudome, A Tamakoshi. Risk of endometrial cancer mortality by eve- use of sex hormones and other factors in Japan. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2006; 7 (2): 260-266.

71. MMH Khan, S Saito, S Takagi, H Ohnishi, H Izumi, F Sakauchi, M Washio, T Sonoda, Y Nagata, S Asakura, K Kobayashi, M Mori, K Shimamoto. Relationship between hepatocellular carcinoma and impaired glucose tolerance among Japanese. Hepato-Gastroenterology 2006, 53:-738.

72. MMH Khan, K Kobayashi, K Kitao, G Okano, H Izumi, M Mori. Use of Medicine and alcohol to enhance sleep among Japanese adult and elderly living in Sapporo city, Hokkaido. Sleep and Biological Rhythms 2006; 4 (2):111-120.

73. MMH Khan, S Wolter, M Mori. Post-training quality of syndromic management of sexually transmitted infections by chemists and druggists in Pokhara, Nepal: is it satisfactory? International Journal for Quality in Health Care 2006; 18: 66-72.

74. MMH Khan, M Kabir, M Mori. Unintended pregnancy in Bangladesh.  World Health and Population, 2006.

75. MMH Khan, M Mori, Y Fujino, A Shibata, F Sakauchi, M Washio, A Tamakoshi. Site-specific cancer risk due to diabetes mellitus history: evidence from the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2006; 7 (2): 253-259.

76. A Khandoker, MMH Khan, MN Ahsan, MFE Chowdhury, M Kabir, M Mori. Association between decision making autonomy and knowledge of HIV/AIDS prevention among women in Bangladesh. Journal of Medical Science 2006; 6: 155-163.

77. MK Hossain, MMH Khan, MA Alam, AK Chowdhury, MD Hossain, MF Ahmed, K  Kobayashi, F Sakauchi, M Mori. Manifestation of arsenicosis patients and factors determining the duration of arsenic symptoms in Bangladesh. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 2005; 208:78-86.

78. MMH Khan, MK Hossain, K Kobayashi, F Sakauchi, T Yamashita,  MF Ahmed, MD Hossain, Q Quamruzzaman, M Mori. Levels of blood and urine chemicals associated with longer duration of having arsenicosis in Bangladesh. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 2005; 15: 289-301.

79. MMH Khan, M Kabir, M Mori. Do various sources disseminating AIDS information make significant difference to antenatal care in Bangladesh? Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries (USA), 2005.

80. R Jahan, M Kabir, MMH Khan. Opinions of the participants of the key informant discussions about the health care services in rural Bangladesh: a case study of Savar Thana. Chiang Mai University (CMU) Journal 2005; 4: 345-354.

81. MA Kabir, MMH Khan, M Kabir, MM Rahman, MFK Patwary. Impact of women’s status on fertility and contraceptive use in Bangladesh: evidence from Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey, 1999-2000. Journal of Family Welfare 2005; 51:1-10.

82. MMH Khan, R Goto, K Kobayashi, S Suzumura, Y Nagata, T Sonoda, F Sakauchi, M Washio, M Mori. Dietary habits and cancer mortality among middle aged and older Japanese living in Hokkaido, Japan by cancer sites and sex. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2004; 5:67-74.

83. MMH Khan, R Goto, T Sonoda, F Sakauchi, M Washio, K Kobayashi, M Mori. Impact of health education and screening over all-cause mortality in Japan: evidence from a cohort study during 1984-2002. Preventive Medicine 2004; 38: 786-792.

84. MMH Khan, M Mori. Grouping health and related indicators in Japan: similarities between hierarchical cluster analysis and principal component analysis. Sapporo Medical Journal 2004; 73:39-50.

85. MK Hossain, MMH Khan, MN Islam. Men’s attitudes and their participation in family planning program: a micro level study in Bangladesh. Proceedings of Pakistan Academy of Science 2004; 41:95-101.

86. MMH Khan, M Kabir, M Mori. Impact of various sources of AIDS information among ever married men and women in Bangladesh. Journal of Health and Population in Developing Countries (USA), 2004.

87. R Jahan, M Kabir, MMH Khan, MNA Bhuiyan, M Ferdows. Factors influencing type of health services and duration of suffering from diseases in rural Bangladesh: a case study. Chiang Mai University (CMU) Journal 2004; 3:253-258.

88. MMH Khan, A. Kabir, MA Matin. Factors affecting STIs among married men in Bangladesh. Journal of Family Welfare 2003; 49:38-44.

89. MMM Khan, F Sakauchi, T Sonoda, M Washio, M Mori. Magnitude of arsenic toxicity in tube-well drinking water in Bangladesh and its adverse effects on human health including cancer:  evidence from a review of the literature. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2003; 4:7-14.

90. KP Bista, P Chaudhary, TE Slanger, MMH Khan. The practice of STI treatment among chemists and druggists in Pokhara, Nepal. Sexually Transmitted Infections 2002; 78: 223.

91. MMH Khan, M Kabir, MK Hossain. The incorrect use of pill and its implication on the program performance. Proceedings of the 20th Bangladesh Science Conference (part-2). Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science. Dhaka: 1998: 277-286.

92. M. Kabir, MMH Khan, MK Hossain.  Urban population growth in Bangladesh and its implications on urban poverty. Proceedings of the 20th Bangladesh Science Conference (part-2). Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science. Dhaka: 1998; 155-165.

93. MK Hossain, MMH Khan. The Influence of modernity and mobility on contraceptive use in rural Bangladesh. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science 1997; 21:167-180.

94. MMH Khan, M Kabir. Estimation of infant and child mortality in Bangladesh by indirect techniques. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Science 1997; 21:181-197.

95. MMH Khan, ME Haque, AR Ahmed.  Land use pattern in Bangladesh: An inter-zone comparison. Bangladesh Journal of Extension Education 1997; 9:181-183.

96. MMH Khan, M Kabir. Differentials in infant mortality in Bangladesh by some background characteristics: a life table approach. Journal of Family Welfare 1997; 43:62-70.

97. MA Rahman, AR Sarker, MMH Khan, MA Wahid. The influence of seasonal variations on the economic traits of egg type layers and broilers under Bangladesh condition. Bangladesh Journal of Animal Science, 1996; 25:27-31.

98. MMH Khan, M Kabir. Factors affecting child mortality in Bangladesh: evidence from rural Bangladesh. Journal of Statistical Studies 1995; 15:29-40.

Book and book chapters

99. A. Kraemer, MMH Khan, and F. Kraas. Health in Megacities and Urban Areas (Edited book). Heidelberg, Springer 2011.

100. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, P Hostert. Socio-ecological neighborhood factors and mental well-being. F Krass, K Hackenbroch, H Sterly  et al (Edited book)). Megacities Megachallenge: Informal Dynamics of Global Change. Borntraeger Science Publishers, Stuttgart 2019: 127-129.   

101. T Bork-Hueffer, H Jahn and MMH Khan. Access to health care. F Krass, K Hackenbroch, H Sterly  et al (Edited book)). Megacities Megachallenge: Informal Dynamics of Global Change. Borntraeger Science Publishers, Stuttgart 2019: 136-139.   

102. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, S. Lautenbach, D. Mueller, A. Kraemer, T. Lakes, P. Hostert, S. Galea. The spatial epidemiology of mental well-being in Dhaka’s slums. In: Spatial Analysis in Health Geography.  USA, Ashgate Publishing Company 2015: 139-160.

103. MMH Khan, T Woermann. Klimawandel, Überschwemmungen, Gesundheitskonsequenzen und Bewältigungsstrategien: Der Fall Bangladesch. Jahn HJ, Kraemer A, Wörmann T (eds): Klimawandel und Gesundheit: Internationale, Nationale und regionale Herausforderungen und Antworten. Heidelberg, Springer 2013: 63-84.

104. MMH Khan. Drinking water and solid waste in Dhaka: What are their major sources and how satisfied are slum dwellers with their management? In: J Schneider, I Kasperek, and A Knab, eds. Future Megacities in Balance. Bonn, DAAD 2011; Band 66: 105-111.

105. MMH Khan, A Kraemer, L Pruefer-Kraemer. Climate change and infectious diseases in megacities of the Indian subcontinent. In: A. Kraemer, MMH Khan, and F. Kraas, eds. Health in Megacities and Urban Areas. Heidelberg, Springer 2011: 137-154.

106. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, P Hostert. Spatial epidemiological applications in public health research – examples from the megacity of Dhaka. In: A. Kraemer, MMH Khan, and F. Kraas, eds. Health in Megacities and Urban Areas. Heidelberg, Springer 2011: 245-264.

107. HJ Jahn, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Megaurbanisation and public health research – theoretical dimensions. In: A. Kraemer, MMH Khan, and F. Kraas, eds. Health in Megacities and Urban Areas. Heidelberg, Springer 2011: 39-52.

108. A Kraemer, MMH Khan, HJ Jahn. Public health in megacities and urban areas: a conceptual framework. In: A. Kraemer, MMH Khan, and F. Kraas, eds. Health in Megacities and Urban Areas. Heidelberg, Springer 2011: 3-20.

109. MMH Khan, A Zanuzdana. Urban health research: study designs and potential challenges. In: A. Kraemer, MMH Khan, and F. Kraas, eds. Health in Megacities and Urban Areas. Heidelberg, Springer 2011: 53-71.

110. M Mori, A Oura, E Shang, F Sakauchi, H Ohnishi, A Khandoker, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Intervention program for promoting physical activities in the citizens of Sapporo City, Japan. In: A. Kraemer, MMH Khan, and F. Kraas, eds. Health in Megacities and Urban Areas. Heidelberg, Springer 2011: 75-87.

111. A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Global Challenges for Infectious Disease Epidemiology. In: A. Kraemer, M. Kretzschmar, and K. Krickeberg, eds. Modern Infectious Disease Epidemiology. Berlin, Springer 2010: 23-38.

112. MMH Khan, HJ Jahn, A Kraemer. Poor health outcomes including the burden of self-reported diarrhoea among adults living in the slums of Dhaka megacity with respect to water and water related variables. Mitt. Ing. U. Hydrogeol. 2009; 99:119-130.

113. MMH Khan, A Kraemer, M Mori. Drinking water crisis due to arsenic contamination in Bangladesh: public health consequences, mitigation strategies and sustainability. In: Final Document. Thematic weeks- Water Tribune. Zaragoza, Expo Zaragoza 2008: 41-50.

114. MMH Khan, M. Kabir, M Mori. Factors associated with high morbidity among the elderly people: evidence from a cross-sectional survey in Bangladesh. In: MA Sattar, S Abedin, CA Hossain, SL Rahman, D Afrose, and MM Islam, eds. The Elderly-Emerging Issues. Dhaka, The Bangladesh Association of Gerontology 2005: 1-30.

115. MMH Khan, M Kabir. Aging in Bangladesh and factors affecting health of elderly: a cross-sectional study in rural areas. In: MA Sattar, M Kabir, H Kabir, KM Elahi, and S Abedin, eds. The Elderly-Contemporary Issues. Dhaka, The Bangladesh Association of Gerontology 2003: 181-194.

Conference abstracts in journals

116. MMH Khan, A Khandoker, A Kraemer. Changes in socio-demographic and health-related indicators among ever married women of reproductive age in Bangladesh: focus on urban versus rural disparities. The 3rd European Public Health Conference, November 10-13, 2010, Amsterdam, Netherlands (oral). European Journal of Public Health 2010; 20(Sup 1): 18.

117. R Zakar, R Mikolajczyk, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Spousal violence against women in Pakistan: implications for women’s health. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (oral). Gesundheitswesen, 72: 527.

118. A Zanuzdana, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Socioeconomic inequalities persist in utilisation of health services in urban slum and rural areas in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (oral). Gesundheitswesen, 72: 528.

119. D Penner, F Alaze, E Berens, A Ruhe, L Wolf, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Associations between environmental factors, living conditions and mental health in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (oral). Gesundheitswesen, 72: 564.

120. C Gradel, C Bürmann, Steckling N, Zanuzdana A, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Socio-demographic determinants of musculoskeletal pain incidence among slum and rural dwellers living in and around Dhaka, Bangladesh: a survival analysis. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (oral). Gesundheitswesen, 72: 598.

121. MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Environmental health knowledge, healthy lifestyles and better environmental living conditions among slum people in Dhaka. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (poster). Gesundheitswesen, 72: 622-623.

122. A Zanuzdana, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Atypical epidemic of influenza and acute respiratory illness (ARI) in Ukraine in 2009/2010. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (poster). Gesundheitswesen, 72: 623.

123. A Khandoker, MMH Khan, A Kraemer, M Mori. Social consequences of arsenicosis and mental health of arsenicosis patients: evidence from an arsenic-affected area of Bangladesh. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (poster). Gesundheitswesen, 72: 629.

124. MMH Khan, A Khandoker, A Kraemer, M Mori. Levels, trends, and disparities of demographic and health indicators by poorest versus richest groups of population in Bangladesh. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (poster). Gesundheitswesen, 72: 638.

125. J Warich, M Anders, S Scheunert, A Engemann, A Zanuzdana, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Changing food patterns in developing countries: income is related to body mass index (BMI) and nutritional status among the urban and rural population of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (poster). Gesundheitswesen, 72: 656.

126. K Reiss, S Kreimeier, A Roehren, D Bültemeier, M Knittel, A Zanuzdana, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Cigarette smoking prevalence in Dhaka (Bangladesh). The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (poster). The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 21-25 September, 2010, Berlin, Germany (poster). Gesundheitswesen, 72: 680.

127. MMH Khan, A Khandokernessa, M Kabir, N Ahsan, M Mori. Comparison between arsenicosis cases and controls in an arsenic contaminated areas of Bangladesh: hepatic condition and other health problems. The 17th annual scientific meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association, January 26-27, 2007, Hiroshima, Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 2006; 17 (Suppl):71.

128. A Khandoker, MMH Khan, M Kabir, M Mori. Correlates of Domestic Violence by Husbands against Wives in Bangladesh: Evidence from Recent National Survey. The 17th annual scientific meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association, January 26-27, 2007, Hiroshima, Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 2006; 17 (Suppl):184.

129. MMH Khan, M Mori, F Sakauchi, A Khandoker, T Kubo, Y Fujino, S Suzuki, S Tokudome, A Tamakoshi. Risk of endometrial cancer mortality by dietary habits and some other factors in Japan. The 16th annual scientific meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association, January 23-24, 2006, Nagoya, Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 2006; 16:130.

130. A Khandoker, M Mori, MMH Khan, F Sakauchi, T Kubo, Y Fujino, S Suzuki, S Tokudome, A Tamakoshi. Association of cervical cancer screening and other factors with cervical cancer mortality in Japan. The 16th annual scientific meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association, January 23-24, 2006, Nagoya, Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 2006; 16:71.

131. MMH Khan, MK Hossain, K Kobayashi, F Sakauchi, MF Ahmed, MD Hossain, M Mori. Association of blood and urine related measurements with longer duration of having arsenicosis symptoms among arsenicosis patients in Bangladesh. The 15th annual scientific meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association, January 21-22, 2005, Shiga, Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 2005:15:229.

132. MMH Khan, R Gotoh, T Sonoda, F Sakauchi, M Washio, K Kobayashi, A Oura, E Shang, M Mori. Impact of health education and screening over all-cause mortality in Japan: evidence from a cohort study during 1984-2002. The 14th annual scientific meeting of the Japan Epidemiological Association, January 22-23, 2004, Yamagata, Japan. Journal of Epidemiology 2004; 14:204.

133. MMH Khan, R Gotoh, T Sonoda, F Sakauchi, M Washio, M Mori. Cancer mortality in relation to smoking and other behavioral factors: 17 years observation by a cohort study in Hokkaido, Japan. Proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, September 25-27, 2003, Nagoya, Japan. Cancer Science 2003; 94(Suppl): 463.

Conference/Symposium papers

1. MMH Khan. Smoking epidemiology in Bangladesh: Control Policy and Measures. Presented in a Symposium organized by Hokkaido Chitose College of Rehabilitation. August 24, 2019, Sapporo, Japan.

2. MMH Khan. Dhaka megacity: What Public Health Evidence Says? A Symposium on "Global health - Hot topics for the future", October 20, 2017, Bielefeld, Germany.

3. MMH Khan, P Brzoska, A Kraemer. Prevalence and determinants of mental disorders among internal migrants living in Dhaka megacity: evidence from an urban community survey. The 10th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, September 30 to October 02, 2015, Potsdam, Germany (oral), p. 83-84.

4. MMH Khan, O Gruebner and A Krämer. A housing and infrastructure-related informality index is strongly associated with health outcomes among slum dwellers in Dhaka. The 10th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, September 30 to October 02, 2015, Potsdam, Germany (poster), p. 244-245.

5. JJ Chu, MMH Khan, HJ Jahn, A Krämer. Health complain comparison between Chinese and German university students. The 10th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, September 30 to October 02, 2015, Potsdam, Germany (poster), p. 251-52.

6. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, K Burkart, S Lautenbach, A Kraemer, S Galea. Spatial variations and determinants of infant and under-five mortality in Bangladesh: secondary analyses of district level data. The 10th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, September 30 to October 02, 2015, Potsdam, Germany (oral), p. 55.

7. F Erdsiek, K Alves, L-M Mohwinkel, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Determinants of hypertension among the general adult population of Bangladesh. The 9th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 17-20 September, 2014, Ulm, Germany (oral), p. 68.

8. D Beier, C Prediger, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Risk factors and occurrence of cardiovascular diseases in urban slums of Dhaka and adjacent rural areas – A household-level analysis. The 9th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 17-20 September, 2014, Ulm, Germany (poster), p. 222.

9. D Beier, P Brzoska, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Impact and consequences of extreme weather and climate events in coastal areas of Bangladesh – An analysis on self-reported physical health. The 9th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 17-20 September, 2014, Ulm, Germany (poster), p. 223.

10. MMH Khan. Prevalence of diabetes and overweight/obesity and their association among general adults in Bangladesh. The 11th International Conference on Urban Health, March 4-7, 2014, Manchester, United Kingdom (oral).

11. MMH Khan, MAA Azim, HMT Hasan, A Kraemer. Evaluation of the physical structure of pharmacies and their quality of healthcare services in Bangladesh. The 11th International Conference on Urban Health, March 4-7, 2014, Manchester, United Kingdom (oral).

12. MMH Khan. Population dynamics/change and consequences in developing countries: example Bangladesh. In. Wie viele Mensch trägt die Erde? Im Fokus: Bangladesch. Entwicklungsforum Bangladesh e.V. November 29-30, 2013, Hamburg, Germany (oral).

13. MMH Khan. Increasing burden of diabetes in context of changing lifestyles in Chinese megacities. Sino-German Workshop on Health in Chinese Megacities, October 7-11, 2013, Beijing, China (oral).

14. HJ Jahn, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Patterns of internal migration in Bangladesh and higher risk among rural women who never migrated to urban areas. The 8th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 24-27 September, 2013, Leipzig, Germany (oral), p. 99-100.

15. MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Socio-economically disadvantaged households are more exposed to smoking at home in Bangladesh. The 8th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 24-27 September, 2013, Leipzig, Germany (poster), p. 211.

16. S Jaskulski, K Schmidt, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Unmet needs based on current and future utilisation of healthcare services among slum dwellers in Dhaka, Bangladesh and their socioeconomic and demographic determinants. The 8th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 24-27 September, 2013, Leipzig, Germany (oral), p. 212-213.

17. MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Association between diabetes and body mass index among general adult population in Bangladesh: evidence from the recent DHS survey. The 8th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 24-27 September, 2013, Leipzig, Germany (poster), p. 218.

18. MMH Khan, MP Jansen, A Kraemer. Area-based prevalences and linkages between food insecurity and undernutrition among reproductive-aged general women in Bangladesh: recent evidence from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey. The 8th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 24-27 September, 2013, Leipzig, Germany (poster), p. 222-223.

19. C Hanke, KM Schlinkmann, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Association of workload and working conditions with poor mental health and high perceived stress among slum dwellers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The 8th Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 24-27 September, 2013, Leipzig, Germany (poster), p. 298.

20. MMH Khan, O Gruebner, P Hostert, A Kraemer. The geography of diabetes among general adult population in Bangladesh: Recent evidence from a cross-sectional survey. Oral presentation at the XVth International Medical Geography Symposium held in Michigan State University, USA, July 7-12, 2013.

21. MMH Khan, O Gruebner, P Hostert, A Kraemer. Food insecurity and its association with malnutrition and anaemia in Bangladesh: Geographical disparities across divisions, rural and urban areas. Oral presentation at the XVth International Medical Geography Symposium held in Michigan State University, USA, July 7-12, 2013.

22. MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Internal migration in Bangladesh: are rural-urban migrants living in urban slums more vulnerable as compared to other areas? Oral presentation at the final regional conference of the priority programme 1233 of the German Research Foundation (DFG) Megacities-Megachallenge in Dhaka 2012, November 26-28, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

23. MMH Khan, A Zanuzdana, A Kraemer. Education as an important factor to reduce slum versus non-slum disparities in Bangladesh: analyses of women data focusing on multiple indicators. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 26-29 September, 2012, Regensburg, Germany (oral), p. 64.

24. MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Housing, health problems, health care utilisation and food consumption by migration status in Bangladesh: Comparative analysis of combined data based on three consecutive surveys. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 26-29 September, 2012, Regensburg, Germany (poster), p. 169.

25. O Gruebner, MMH Khan. Mental well-being and the socio-ecological environment in Dhaka slums. Oral presentation at the final regional conference of the priority programme 1233 of the German Research Foundation (DFG) Megacities-Megachallenge in Dhaka 2012, November 26-28, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

26. O Gruebner, K Burkart, MMH Khan, S Lautenbach, K Kleinman, W Endlicher, A Kraemer, Patrick Hostert. Mortality in Bangladesh - A spatio-temporal epidemiological approach. Oral presentation at the international colloquium Health & Space, Marseille, France., 2012

27. L Spallek, R Pfitzner, S Kernebeck, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Assoziation von Umweltfaktoren mit dem Stresslevel von Slumbewohnern in Dhaka, Bangladesch – eine haushaltsbezogene Querschnittsstudie. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 26-29 September, 2012, Regensburg, Germany (oral), p. 46-47.

28. B Zoch, D Rapp, J Weiske, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Environmental risk factors for waterborne infectious diseases in slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 26-29 September, 2012, Regensburg, Germany (poster), p.170.

29. AM Grosser, P Benzler, MMH Khan, T Pollmann, A Kraemer. Impact of biomass and fossil cooking materials on respiratory problems among slums dwellers in Dhaka, Bangladesh: Sex and age specific analysis of the DFG-Dhaka-INNOVATE Cohort Study. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 26-29 September, 2012, Regensburg, Germany (Poster), p. 168.

30. AM Grosser, L Spallek, T Pollmann, A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Contraceptive use in rural and urban areas in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. An analysis of the Demographic and Health Surveys. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 26-29 September, 2012, Regensburg, Germany (Poster), p. 169.

31. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, D Mueller, S Lautenbach, A Kraemer, T Lakes, P Hostert. A spatial-epidemiological approach on mental well-being in Dhaka slums. 32nd International Geographical Congress, August 26-30, 2012 Cologne, Germany (oral), pp. 284.

32. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, S Lautenbach, D Mueller, A Kraemer, T Lakes, P Hostert. Mental health in the slums of Dhaka – a geo-epidemiological study. Oral presentation at the pre-conference to the 32nd International Geographical Conference in Cologne 2012: The Geography of Health: The Challenges of Environmental and Societal Issues in the 21st Century. Berlin, Germany, 2012.

33. MMH Khan, O Gruebner, A Kraemer. Are areas affected by flood and stagnant water associated with poorer health outcomes in urban slums of Dhaka and adjacent rural areas? 32nd International Geographical Congress, August 26-30, 2012, Cologne, Germany (oral), pp. 718.

34. MMH Khan, A Zanuzdana, A Kraemer. What determines the level of housing satisfaction in urban slums of Dhaka? Results from the baseline survey of a cohort study in Bangladesh. 32nd International Geographical Congress, August 26-30, 2012, Cologne, Germany (oral), pp. 773.

35. MMH Khan, A Zanuzdana, A Kraemer. Seasonal variations, urban-rural differences and major determinants of respiratory health symptoms among urban poor in Dhaka. 32nd International Geographical Congress, August 26-30, 2012, Cologne, Germany, (poster), pp. 933.

36. MMH Khan. Public health in Bangladesh in context of climate change: challenges and strategies. 2nd International conference on climate change effects and energy development of Bangladesh (ICCEB), May 18-19, 2012, Bonn University, Bonn, Germany (oral), pp. 24.

37. T Pollmann, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Assoziationen zwischen haushaltsbezogenen Wasser- und Hygienebedingunen und Gelbsucht in den Slums von Dhaka (Bangladesh). The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association (DGepi) and GMDS, 26-29 September, 2011, Mainz, Germany (oral), 472.

38. MMH Khan, A Khandoker. Are gaps in antenatal care services increasing in urban areas of Bangladesh? The 9th International Conference on Urban Health, October 27-29, 2010, New York, USA (oral).

39. MMH Khan, A Kraemer, A Islam. Trends and determinants of increasing prevalence of overweight among married women in urban areas of Bangladesh: evidence from multiple nationally representative surveys. The 9th International Conference on Urban Health, October 27-29, 2010, New York, USA (poster).

40. A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Cohort study among slum dwellers in the megacity of Dhaka: Rates of underweight and overweight and their determinants. The 9th International Conference on Urban Health, October 27-29, 2010, New York, USA (poster).

41. MMH Khan, A Kraemer, O Gruebner, P Hostert. Environmental and healthcondition of slum residents living in Dhaka: a descriptive study. The European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies under panel Megacities in South Asia as Arenas of Risks and Resilience, July 26-29, 2010, University of Bonn, Germany (oral).

42. MMH Khan, A Kraemer, O Gruebner, P Hostert. Utilisation of and satisfaction about major health care facilities among urban poor living in Dhaka. The European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies under panel Human Health in Urban and Peri-Urban South Asia, July 26-29, 2010, University of Bonn, Germany (oral).

43. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, S Lautenbach, D Mueller, A Kraemer, T Lakes, P Hostert. The spatial variation of well-being in slum settlements of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies under panel Human Health in Urban and Peri-Urban South Asia, July 26-29, 2010, University of Bonn, Germany (oral).

44. A Kraemer, MMH Khan, L Pruefer-Kraemer. Threats to megacities through climate change-related infectious diseases (ID) with focus on South Asia: Review and theoretical framework. The Conference “Continents under Climate Change”, April 21-23, 2010, Berlin, Germany.

45. MMH Khan, R Staffeld, A Kraemer, E Kulke. Degree of informality and health outcomes: evidence from the slum adults living in the megacity of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Local workshop, Dhaka, BUET, February 23-24, 2010.

46. O Gruebner, P Hostert, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Neighborhood conditions, environmental and socio-economic factors explaining health outcomes in informal settlements of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Asia-Pacific-Weeks Berlin, October 16th, 2009.

47. MMH Khan, O Gruebner , T Lakes, A Kraemer, P Hostert. Surrounding environment and health outcomes: preliminary findings of a study conducted in marginal settlements in the megacity of Dhaka and in rural areas of Bangladesh. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 16-19 September, 2009, Münster, Germany.

48. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, T Lakes, A. Kraemer, P Hostert. Neighborhood conditions, environmental and socio-economic factors explain health in informal settlements of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The IHDP 7th Open Meeting 2009, the 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, April 26-30, 2009, Bonn, Germany. 

49. MMH Khan, A Khandoker, A Kraemer, M Mori. Higher depressive symptoms among arsenicosis patients: evidence from a case-control study conducted in an arsenic-affected rural village of Bangladesh. The 12th World Congress on Public Health, April 27- May 1, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.

50. A Khandoker, MMH Khan, A Kraemer, M Mori. Determinants of correct knowledge and misconception about TB transmission among ever married women in India and Bangladesh: evidence from recent national surveys. The 12th World Congress on Public Health, April 27- May 1, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.

51. A Kraemer, HJ Jahn, MMH Khan. Public health in megacities and urban areas: overall conceptual framework and some results from the megacity of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The 12th World Congress on Public Health, April 27- May 1, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.

52. MMH Khan, O Gruebner, A Kraemer. Satisfaction about neighborhood conditions in relation to well-being status among married adults living in Dhaka megacity and its adjacent rural area: results from a cross-sectional study. The 12th World Congress on Public Health, April 27- May 1, 2009, Istanbul, Turkey.

53. MMH Khan, A Kraemer, L Pruefer-Kraemer. Climate change and infectious diseases in megacities of the Indian subcontinent. The Satellite Conference on Health in Megacities and Urban areas, September 23-24, 2008 Bielefeld, Germany.

54. O Gruebner, MMH Khan, P Hostert. Remote sensing and GIS in public health research: the Dhaka megacity example. The Satellite Conference on Health in Megacities and Urban areas, September 23-24, 2008 Bielefeld, Germany.

55. A Kraemer, MMH Khan. Public health in megacities and urban areas: conceptual framework. The Satellite Conference on Health in Megacities and Urban areas, September 23-24, 2008 Bielefeld, Germany.

56. A Zanuzdana, MMH Khan, A Kraemer. Factors of poor mental conditions among women living in major cities and municipalities of Bangladesh: slum and non-slum comparison. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 24-27 September, 2008, Bielefeld, Germany.

57. R Eissner, A Zanuzdana, MMH Khan, M Akmatov, A Kraemer. Urban health in the megacity of Dhaka- intra-urban vs. rural distribution of communicable and non-communicable diseases. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 24-27 September, 2008, Bielefeld, Germany.

58. P Brzoska, A Kloetzler, V Ottova, Y Kupske, MMH Khan, M Akmatov. Factors associated with self-perceived health status in slum, affluent, and rural areas in and around Dhaka city, Bangladesh. The Annual Meeting of German Epidemiological Association, 24-27 September, 2008, Bielefeld, Germany.

59. MMH Khan, R Mikolaiczyk, M Akmatov, O Gruebner, J Lojewski, A Kraemer. Health outcomes and socio-demographic and environmental factors relating to social inequalities in the megacity of Dhaka and adjacent rural areas in Bangladesh. The Health Inequalities III conference, 13-14 June, 2008, Bielefeld, Germany.

60. R Mikolaiczyk, MMH Khan, M Akmatov, A Kraemer. Applying multilevel modelling in the assessment of social inequalities: an illustration from Urban Health Survey in Bangladesh. The Health Inequalities III conference, 13-14 June 2008, Bielefeld, Germany.

61. MMH Khan, A Kraemer, M Akmatov. Men’s depressive symptoms and migration: the case of Bangladesh. The 2nd Conference of Migrant Health in Europe, 22-24 May 2008, Malmö, Sweden.

62. MMH Khan, A Kraemer, R Kabir, M Kabir. Relationship between depression and spousal violence against women in the megacity of Dhaka: slum and non-slum comparison. The 9th South East Asia Regional Scientific Meeting organized by the International Epidemiological Association, 9-12 February 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

63. MMH Khan. Megacity of Dhaka: Field Study and Preliminary Results. The annual conference on “megacities in developing and transitional/emerging countries”, Cologne University, Germany, November 30- December 1, 2007.

64. Gruebner, T Lakes, K Janson, MMH Khan, A Kraemer, P Hostert. Public Health and Informal Settlements Poster presentation at AGIT (Symposium fuer angewandte Geoinformatik), Salzburg, 2007, Austria.

65. MMH Khan, M Mori, K Matsuo, K Ozasa, A Tamakoshi. Factors associated with multiple myeloma mortality: evidence from Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study. Proceedings of the 65th annual meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association 2006; 523, September 28-30, 2006, Yokohama, Japan.

66.  MMH Khan, M Mori, F Sakauchi, M Washio, A Shibata, A Tamakoshi. Total and site-specific cancer mortality in relation to history of diabetes mellitus: findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study. Proceedings of the 64th annual meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association, 2005:220, September 14-16, 2005, Sapporo, Japan.

Invited lectures/training

1. Training on Research methodology: Sample size estimation and sampling methods. Center for Research and Training Lab, East West University, Dhaka, Sep – Oct, 2019.

2. Invited lecture at 11th international summer school: Epidemiological challenges and opportunities to urban mental health. University of Zurich, Switzerland, August 8, 2019.

3. Public lecture: Megacity and the Public Health: The Case of Dhaka. S. M. Nousher Ali Lecturer Gallery, East West University, Dhaka, March 1, 2018.

4. Training: How to write a research proposal/article? Center for Research and Training Lab, East West University, Dhaka, March 10 and 11, 2018.

5. Training: Sampling methods and sample size estimation. Center for Research and Training Lab, East West University, Dhaka, April 1, 5 and 8, 2018.

6. Public lecture: Health inequality. S. M. Nousher Ali Lecturer Gallery, East West University, Dhaka, April 5, 2018.

7. Invited training: Training on SPSS. BCS Administration Academy (GOB), Dhaka, April 24, 2018.

8. Invited presentation: Quantitative methods in Public Health: Synopsis, evaluation and new approaches. School of Public Health, Bielefeld University, Germany, July 19 – 21, 2018.

9. Invited presentation at 10th international summer school: Epidemiological challenges and opportunities to urban mental health. Humboldt-Unversität zu Berlin, Geography Department, Germany, September 17, 2018.

10. Public lecture: Mental Health: Global Overview and Recent Survey Evidence from EWU Students. S. M. Nousher Ali Lecturer Gallery, EWU, October 10, 2018

11. Invited lecture: Epidemiological approaches to urban health. The 9thInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology and Urban Health”, Institute of Public Health, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, September 18, 2017.

12. Invited lecture:  Quantitative Statistics and Analysis. The 9thInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology and Urban Health”, Institute of Public Health, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany, September 19, 2017.

13. Invited lecture: Concerns of epidemiological models. The 8thInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology, Climate and Health: Concepts and Modelling”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 26, 2016.

14. Invited lecture: Statistical methods: Regression. The 8thInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology, Climate and Health: Concepts and Modelling”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 28, 2016.

15. Invited lecture: Interpretation of epidemiological findings: Major concerns. The 7thInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology, Climate and Health: Concepts and Modelling”, Bielefeld, Germany, September 14, 2015.

16. Invited lecture: Regression modelling. The 7thInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology, Climate and Health: Concepts and Modelling”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 16, 2015.

17. Invited lecture: Overview of statistical modelling (types of regression). The 6thInternational Summer School on “Spatial epidemiology and climate change: concept and modelling”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 22, 2014.

18. Invited lecture: Challenges for epidemiological models. The 6thInternational Summer School on “Spatial epidemiology and climate change: concept and modelling”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 22, 2014.

19. Invited lecture: Advanced statistical methods for public health professionals. DrPH/PhD Block, School of Public Health, Bielefeld University, Germany, July 18, 2014.

20. Invited lecture: Introduction to basic health statistics. The 5thInternational Summer School on “Climate Change and spatial epidemiology: concepts, modelling, strategies”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 9, 2014.

21. Invited lecture: Study design: Bias, confounding and interpretation of epidemiological findings. The 5th International Summer School on “Climate Change and spatial epidemiology: concepts, modelling, strategies”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 10, 2014.

22. Invited lecture: Introduction to SPSS Syntax for data analysis and basic health statistics (advanced). The Fourth International Summer School on “Spatial-epidemiological modelling in Megacities: Statistical and spatial analysis for urban health under a changing climate”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 3, 2012.

23. Invited lecture: Bias, confounding and interpretation of epidemiological findings. The 4thInternational Summer School on “Spatial-epidemiological modelling in Megacities: Statistical and spatial analysis for urban health under a changing climate”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 4, 2012.

24. Invited lecture: Statistical modeling of health data. The 4thInternational Summer School on “Spatial-epidemiological modelling in Megacities: Statistical and spatial analysis for urban health under a changing climate”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 4, 2012.

25. Invited lecture: Survival analysis: Kaplan-Meier and Cox-Regression. DrPH/PhD Block, School of Public Health, Bielefeld University, Germany, July 12, 2012.

26. Invited lecture: Publishing in the scientific peer-reviewed journals. DrPH/PhD Block, School of Public Health, Bielefeld University, Germany, July 13, 2012.

27. Invited lecture: Introduction to SPSS Syntax for data analysis and testing normality and multicollinearity. The 3rdInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology in Megacities: Statistical and spatial analysis of health under a changing climate”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 12, 2011.

28. Invited lecture: Statistical modeling of health data. The 3rdInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology in Megacities: Statistical and spatial analysis of health under a changing climate”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 13, 2011.

29. Invited lecture: Study design, causation, ecological fallacy, bias, confounding and interpretation of epidemiological findings. The 3rdInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology in Megacities: Statistical and spatial analysis of health under a changing climate”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 12, 2011.

30. Invited lecture: Bias, confounding and interpretation of epidemiological findings. The 2ndInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology in Megacities: Health, Climate Change and Geospatial Model ling”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 15, 2010.

31. Invited lecture: Introduction to SPSS for data analysis and basic health statistics. The 2ndInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology in Megacities: Health, Climate Change and Geospatial Model ling”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 13, 2010.

32. Invited lecture: Bias, confounding and interpretation of epidemiological findings. The 2ndInternational Summer School on “Spatial Epidemiology in Megacities: Health, Climate Change and Geospatial Model ling”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 15, 2010.

33. Invited lecture: Urban Health. Presented at the Master Programme in International Health. Institute of Tropical Medicine, Charite University, Berlin, Germany, December 1, 2009.

34. Invited presentation: Impact of social integration and disintegration on urban violence (UV) and urban health (UH): a case study in the megacity of Dhaka. Presented at the meeting on “Cluster of Excellence on Societal Integration and Disintegration: Causes and Control of Conflict and Violence”, Bielefeld, Germany, October 1-2, 2009.

35. Invited presentation: Do areas affect health outcomes? A multilevel approach. Presented at the workshop "Health in Context: A course in multilevel modelling for public health and health services research", Lisbon, Portugal, November 14, 2008.

36. Invited lecture: Epidemiologic methods for urban health research. The 1stInternational Summer School on “Megacities: Heal th, Geomatics and Climate Change“, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 7, 2009.

37. Invited lecture: Causation, Bias, Confounding and interpretation of epidemiological results. The 1stInternational Summer School on “Megacities: Health, Geomatics and Climate Change“, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 9, 2009.

38. Invited lecture: Introduction to SPSS for data analysis and basic health statistics. The 1stInternational Summer School on “Megacities: Health, Geomatics and Climate Change“, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 7, 2009.

39. Invited presentation: Surrounding environment and health outcomes: preliminary findings of a study conducted in marginal settlements in the megacity of Dhaka and in rural areas of Bangladesh. Presented in the workshop “Human health and the environment: towards a new agenda” held in Bonn University, Germany, May 15-16, 2009.

40. Invited lecture: Methods of infectious disease epidemiology. The 10thInternational Summer School on “Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Modern Surveillance, International Dimensions and Public Health Control”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 15, 2008.

41. Invited presentation: Drinking water crisis due to arsenic contamination in Bangladesh: public health consequences, mitigation strategies and sustainability. Third thematic week of Zaragoza Expo “Water for Life”, Zaragoza, Spain, June 30- July 3, 2008.

42. Invited lecture: Methods of infectious disease epidemiology. The 9thInternational Summer School on “Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Modern Surveillance, International Dimensions and Public Health Control”, Bielefeld University, Germany, September 4, 2007.

Journal Article

2024 Men’s Suicide in Bangladesh: Impressions from the Socio-Ecological System Theory, OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. [Sage, Impact factor Impact factor 2.2, ISI, Scopus indexed Journa].

2024 FIFA World Cup 2022 and Bangladesh: Shedding light from the sociology of sport. Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance, 3(1), 130–144. 

2023 Psychological Perspective of Suicidal Behaviour in South Africa, Journal of Suicide Prevention, 5: 3-16. 

2023 Suicide is a mental health issue, not a crime, 360info.   

2023 Male suicide cases in Bangladesh: Lensing through Durkheim’s sociological typology, Journal of Human Behaviour in the Social Environment, 33:6879-894.  [Routledge, Scopus & ISI indexed Journal].

2023 Intimate Relationship and Suicidal Behaviour of Men in Bangladesh. Mortality, 28(1), 106-125 [Routledge & Scopus Indexed Journal].

2022 Pathways to the studies on men and masculinities in Bangladesh, Humanisma-Journal of Gender Studies, 6(2): 18-39. 

2022 Thwarted Belongingness, Perceived Burdensomeness, and Acquired Capability for Suicide among University Students of Bangladesh: Scales Validation and Status Assessment, Frontiers in Psychiatry. [Impact factor 5.43, ISI & Scopus indexed Journal].    

2022 Masculinity and suicide in Bangladesh. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 86(1), 218-240. [Sage, Impact factor Impact factor 2.858, ISI, Scopus indexed Journal].

2022 Coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis and suicide in Bangladesh: Some explanations through Durkheim's sociology of suicide, Journal of Community Positive Practices, XXII(3),  3-17. [Scopus Journal]. 

2022  Social Meanings of Attempted Suicide of Men in Bangladesh, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 15, 553-571. [Springer, Scopus & ISI indexed Journal].

2022 Men and Climate Change: Some Thoughts on South Africa and Bangladesh, Norma: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, 18 (2), 137-153. [Routledge, Scopus & ISI indexed Journal].

2022 Everyday peacebuilding among Ghanaian men: Ambiguities, resistances and possibilities.  Journal of the British Academy, 10(s1), 35–53.  

2022 Configuring traditional masculinities among young adults in Northwestern Ghana: Surveillance, ambivalences, and vulnerabilities.  Cogent Social Sciences, 8:1 [Routledge, Scopus & ISI indexed journal].

2022 Masculinity and men's suicide attempts in Bangladesh. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 27(4), 367-385. [Impact Factor: 4.75, Routledge, Scopus & ISI indexed Journal].

2022 Female perpetrated domestic violence against men and the case for Bangladesh. Journal of Human Behaviour in the Social Environment, 3(4), 519-533. [Routledge, ISI & Scopus indexed Journal].

2021 Hegemonic masculinity in the marginal societal context. Agathos-An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 12, 1 (22), 223-234  [ISI indexed Journal].

2021 Suicidal Behaviour and Coronavirus (COVID-19): Insights from Durkheim’s Sociology of Suicide. International Social Science Journal, 71, 7-21.  [Wiley & Scopus Indexed Journal].

2021 Increased risk for mental disorders and suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Position statement of the Section on Suicidology and Suicide Prevention of the European Psychiatric Association, Global Psychiatry, 4(1). 

2021 Men and COVID-19 pandemic: Explicating the need for masculinity analysis. Journal of Community Positive Practice,  XXI (1), 3-7[Scopus Indexed Journal]. 

2021 Seasonality of suicide in Jhenaidah district, Bangladesh, 2011-2018. Journal of Social Health, 4(1), 64-75

2021 Demographic risk factors and motives of male suicide in Bangladesh: A retrospective content analysis. Acta Counseling and Humanities, 1(2), 66-68. 

2021 Suicide prevention intervention in Bangladesh: The current state and the way forward. Asian Social Work and Policy Review15(1), 15-23 [Willey, Scopus & ISI Indexed Journal]

2021 Men’s reflections on post-suicide attempt episode in Bangladesh. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 84(2), 582–595 [Impact factor 2.858, Scopus, ISI Indexed & SAGE Journal].  

2020 Methodological issues in suicide research in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of  Public Administration, 28 (2), 93-96.

2020 Suicidal behaviour in South Africa and Bangladesh: A review of empirical literature. African Safety Promotion: A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention, 18(1), 1-35.

2020 Assessing the policy implementation of the Bangladeshi domestic violence act: Any lessons for protecting South African women in their homes? South African Review of Sociology, 51 (1), 17-36, [Routledge, ISI & Scopus Indexed Journal].

2020 Suicide and COVID-19: Call for critical masculinity analyses and interventions, Postdigital science and education, 2, 651–656, [Springer Nature & Scopus Indexed Journal].   

2020 (Re)Animating Sociology of Suicide in Bangladesh. Italian Sociological Review, 10 (1), 55-75. [Scopus Indexed Journal].

2020 Suicide and attempted suicide in Jhenaidah district, Bangladesh, 2010-2018. CRISIS: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 41(4), 304–312 [Impact factor 2.508, IASP Journal, ISI & Scopus Indexed Journal]. 

2019 Engaging men to support women in science, medicine, and global health. Lancet, 393 (10171), 609-610. [Impact factor 60.10, Elsevier, ISI & Scopus Indexed Journal]. 

2019 The informal sector in Bangladesh: A case study on rural and urban street vendors. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 44 (3-4), 271-282. [Scopus Indexed Journal]

2019  Socio-economic situational analysis of tea plantation workers: A case study from Lubachhara tea garden, Sylhet. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 25 (2), 75-83.

2018  Challenges and Coping Strategies of Women Leaders at the Local Level in Bangladesh, Italian Sociological Review, 8 (1), 43-63. [Scopus Indexed Journal].

2017  Analysing Masculinity from the Key Theoretical Lenses and Searching for Linkages with Violence against Women, Masculinities and Social Change, 6 (3), 257-287. [Scopus & ISI indexed Journal].

2017  The Introduction of the National Identity Scheme: An Assessment of the Dilemma between Social Benefits and Challenges. International Journal of Social Science and Development Policy3 (2): 114-120.

2017  Factors associated with Domestic Violence against Rural Bangladeshi Women. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 6(1), 1208-1230.  [Scopus Indexed Journal]. 

2017 The Role of Evaluation at the Stages of Policy Formulation, Implementation, and Impact Assessment. Agathos-An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 8 (1), 173-186. Agathos-An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences [ISI indexed journal]

2016 Politics, Ethics and Professionals in Policy Evaluation. Humanities, Arts and Social Science Studies (formerly Silpakorn University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts), 16 (2), 41-71. [Scopus Indexed Journal]. 

2016  Public and Private Organisations: How Different or Similar are They? Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(9): 2873-2885. [Scopus Indexed Journal]. 10.17516/1997-1370-2016-9-12-2873-2885 

2016  A Critical Insight into Policy Implementation and Implementation Performance. Public Policy and Administration, 16(4), 538-548. [Scopus Indexed Journal].

2016  Policy Implementation: Some Aspects and Issues.  Journal of Community Positive Practice, XVI (3):,3-12. [Scopus Indexed Journal]

2015 Consequences of Domestic Violence against Women: Some Reflections from Rural Bangladesh Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 9(3): 210-223.  [Willey, Scopus & ISI Indexed Journal].    

2015 Domestic Violence against Women in Bangladesh: A Review of the Literature and the Gaps to Domestic Violence against Women in Bangladesh. Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18 (3), 55-81. [ISI indexed Journal]   

2015 Women’s Coping Strategies and Help-seeking Practices: Some Observations on Domestic Violence in Rural Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 21(3), 252-272. [Routledge, Scopus & ISI Indexed Journal] [Impact factor 0.291].

2015  A Chronicle of the Global Movement to Combat Violence against Women: The Role of the Second-Wave Feminist Movement and the United Nations: The Perspective of Bangladesh. Journal of International Women's Studies, 16(2), 213-244. [Scopus Journal]

2015 Who is Old and When is a Woman Old? Cultural, Social and Economic Meanings. Thai Journal of Public Administration, 13(2), 131-146.

2015  Gender and Diaspora: The Bihari Community in Bangladesh. NIDA Case Research Journal, 7 (2), 83-94.

2014 Rural Bangladesh Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Social Research and Policy, 5 (2), 1-24.  [Scopus Journal]

2014 Community Perceptions and Activisms Regarding Domestic Violence against Women: Perceptions from Rural Bangladesh. Journal of Community Positive Practice, XIV (3), 79-98.  [Scopus Journal]

2013 Constructions of Masculinity and Domestic Violence against Women: Perspectives from Ghana and Nepal. Thai Journal of Public Administration, 11 (2), 101-135.

2012 A Review of Studies on Violence against Women in Bangladesh. Empowerment, 19, 29-42.

2009 Quality of Implementation of 100 Days Employment Generation Programme. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, XVIII (2), 89-116.

2007 Are Women Treated Fairly in the Labour Market: A Study on the British Labour Market. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, XVII (2), 27-41.

2005 Problems, Factors and Consequences Associated with South-Asian Women in Realising their Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Well-being. Public Administration Quarterly, 37, 33-48.

2004 Max Weber: on Structures of Authority in Society, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management, 10, 57-65.

2003 Minority Groups in Society- Some Aspects and Issues: A Sociological Insight with a Reference to Bangladesh. Bangladesh Public Administration Quarterly, 26, 51-75.

2003 A Sociological Search for Uncovering Different Dimensions of Crime and the Context of Bangladesh Society. Bangladesh Public Administration Quarterly, 29, 61-84. 

2003 The Elderly and Their Problems in Society-A Sociological Interpretation with Special Focus on Bangladesh Perspective. Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management, 9, 57-84. 

2003 Role of Geographical Factors in Shaping Society and Bangladesh Perspective. Bangladesh, Lok Prashashan Patrika, 8,1-24.

2002 Family and Marriage Systems in Bangladesh, Changes and Future therein: A Sociological Discussion. Bangladesh Public Administration Quarterly, 25, 9-62.

2002 Cultural Heritage of Bangladesh: A Discussion. Bangladesh Lok Prashashan Patrika, 7, 41-56

Conference Proceeding & Presentation

Paper Published as Conference Proceeding 

2014  Men in feminist research: Debates over exclusion and inclusion, Proceeding of the Social Sciences Research ICSSR (e-ISBN 978-967-11768-7-0).

2023  Intimate Partner Violence against Men in South Asia, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences 2023 (IC-HUSO 2023), 1, 1-17

2023  Experiences of Tertiary EEE programmes in Bangladesh to Address the Washington Accord Graduate Attributes in the Affective Learning Domain, Proceedings of AAEE 2023 Griffith University, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia.  

Paper Presented in Conferences 

2023 Intimate Partner Violence against Men in South Asia, Paper presented at 18th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, (IC-HUSO 2023), 27 November, Khon Kean University, Thailand

2020 Masculinity and suicide attempt of men, Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, 5-8 February, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh

2020 Demographic Risk Factors and Motives of Male Suicide in Bangladesh, 2018-2019, Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, 5-8 February, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh

2020 Pathways of the Studies on Men and Masculinities in Bangladesh, Paper presented at Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences; Gender, Health, Information and the Environment, East West University, February 27-29, 2020 

2019      Interface between masculinity and suicide,  26th, South African Sociological Association Congress, 15-17 July 2019, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa

2019      Re-energising sociology of suicide: Case application in Bangladesh,  26th, South African Sociological Association Congress, 15-17 July 2019, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa

2019      Trends of suicidal behaviour in Bangladesh: A Descriptive analysis,  26th, South African Sociological Association Congress, 15-17 July 2019, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa

2018      The Informal Sector in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Rural and Urban Street Vendors,  First National Conference, Department of Sociology, 12 May 2018, East West University,  Dhaka, Bangladesh

2015      Who is Old and When a Woman is Old? Cultural, Social and Economic Meanings, Third International Conference on Social Sciences Research, 8-9 June 2015, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia

2015      Implementation Assessment of the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2010: Reflections from Two Bangladeshi Districts,  4th International Conference on Advancement of Development Administration, 28-30 June 2015, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Bangkok, Thailand 

2015  Community Perceptions and Activisms Concerning Domestic Violence against Women: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh, 4th International Conference on Advancement of Development Administration, 28-30 June 2015, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Bangkok, Thailand 

 2015   Gender and Diaspora: The Bihari Community in Bangladesh,  NIDA International Conference for Case Studies on Development Administration, 6-7 August 2015 Bangkok, Thailand 

2015    Who is Old and When a Woman is Old? Cultural, Social and Economic Meanings, paper presented at the Third International Conference on Social Sciences Research, 8-9 June 2015, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia

Professional Development (Seminar, Workshop, Training etc.)

2020    A Strategic planning approach to suicide prevention (online training), Suicide Prevention Resource Centre, USA (04 April)  

2019    How Does It Feel To Be a Problem? Decolonising Mental Health at Academic Institutions, 07 May, South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa [colloquium]

2019    The shame is not ours: Reflections on, resistances to and reattributions of shame, 19 March, South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa [colloquium]

2019   Discourse Analysis workshop, South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa (12-13 August)

2018   Training on Research Ethics, South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa ( 06 September)

2017   University-Industry Linkage Training Programme, Peking University, China (14-17 November)

2010    Public Administration Reform, Performance Management and Service Delivery, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (9 -20 August)

2010    Human Resource Management and Economic Development, Beijing Administrative College, China (10-18 June)

2010    Administration and Development, ACN Institute for Higher Education, New Delhi, India (1 -10 June)

2010    Managing Change in the Public Service, Civil Service College, Singapore (15-25, March)

2006    Public Administration Capacity Building, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2-11 May)

2002   Diploma in Management, Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India

1996   Diploma in Human Rights and Legal Aid,  Humanist and Ethical Association of Bangladesh in Collaboration with Dhaka International University

Book Chapter

2016 Implementation Assessment of the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2010: Evidences from Two Bangladeshi districts. In M. Ortiz (Ed.) Domestic Violence: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Perspectives (pp. 189-224)   New York: Nova Science Publishers. 

2021 Men, masculinities, peace and violence: A  multi-level overview on justice and conflict.  In T. Väyrynen, É. Féron, P. Medie, S. Parashar, & C. C. Confortini (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Feminist Peace Research (pp. 313-323), London: Routledge. 

2023  Cultural perspectives of suicide in Bangladesh. In S.M. Yasir Arafat and Murad M.Khan (Eds.) Suicide in Bangladesh - Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention (pp. 43-64). Singapore: Springer. 

2023 Bangladeshe Attahattar Sanskitik Pariprekith (Cultural perspectives of suicide in Bangladesh). In S.M. Yasir Arafat and Murad M.Khan (eds.) Attahatta: Bangladesh Prekhapat (Suicide in Bangladesh - Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention (pp. 63-85)Dhaka: Bangla Gabeshana. [In Bangla, translation]

2024 Kulturelle Perspektiven des Selbstmords in Bangladesch (Cultural perspectives of suicide in Bangladesh). In S.M. Yasir Arafat and Murad M.Khan (Eds.) Selbstmord in Bangladesch (pp. 51-75). Singapore: Springer [Published February 2024] [In German, translation]  

2024 Suicidal behaviour in Bangladesh. In S.M. Yasir Arafat, M. Rezaeian  and M. M.Khan (eds.) Suicidal behaviour in Muslim majority countries (pp 45-58). Singapore: Springer.  

[Forthcoming] Suicide and mental illness. In W. Cockerham (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society.  Wiley-Blackwell.

Selected Research Projects

2004 Challenges of Institutionalising Gender within Public Organisations: A Study on Some Selected Government Organisatons in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Savar, Dhaka [Funded Research]

2007 A Wife’s Heaven is Under the Feet of Her Husband: Violence against Women in Bangladesh with a Particular Emphasis on Domestic Violence,  University of York, UK [MA Thesis]

2009 Untold Realities: Violence Experienced by Women Public Officials in their Marital Life,  Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Savar, Dhaka [Funded Research]

2015 Domestic violence against women and the implementation of the domestic violence (prevention and protection) Act 2010 : Reflections from rural Bangladesh, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Bangkok, Thailand. DOI: 10.14457/NIDA.the.2015.62  [Ph.D. research]

2019 Men's suicidal behaviour and masculinity in Bangladesh, Institute for Social and Health Sciences, University of South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa [Postdoctoral Research]

2023 Men, Masculinity and Suicide in Jhenaidah District, Bangladesh, Centre for Research and Training, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh [Funded Research]

2023 Motivation for Civil Service Jobs in Bangladesh: Explanation from Weber's Social Stratification Theory, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre [completed]

2024 Fatherhood experiences of some selected young adults in Bangladesh [completed] 

2024 Abuse Towards Elderly Parents: A Study on Selected Cases in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Open University [proposal submitted]

2024  Domestic Violence against women and suicidal behavior: Case Studies on two Upazillas of Jhenaidah district, Bangladesh Social Welfare Council [proposal submitted]

Public Sociology


Delivered an invited speech on social and cultural context of male suicide in Bangladesh on 28 April 2022 at the School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh, UK

Delivered an invited speech on Covid-19 and suicide on 12 August 2020 for Young People Mental Health Trust, Zimbabwe organised by Faculty of Medicine, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe

Delivered an invited speech on Suicidal behaviour of the students in Bangladesh at Mind Shaper, a psycho-social counselling centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh on  10, September 2022

Delivered a media talk on violence against men and rights of men at Radio City FM, Dhaka on 03 January, 2021

Delivered an invited talk on Suicidal behaviour and masculinity at Monobikash, a psycho-social counselling centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh on October 29, 2019

Delivered talk on Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in South Africa, organisaed CRT, East West University on 22 September, 2019

Delivered the keynote speech on Hegemonic masculinity and suicide in the seminar titled “Suicide: Context and Prevention” orgnised by Department of Sociology, East West University on October 10, 2019 

Public writing 

Wrote an editorial on Suicide: Problems & Interventions on 10 October 2024 in the Daily Kalbela, Available at  

Wrote a feature article titled, Suicide is a mental health issue, not a crime”, published on by 360info open-access global wire agency, based at Monash University Australia. Available at 

Wrote an editorial on Covid-19, Suicide, and Social Anomie on 10 October 2020 in the Daily Samakal. Available at

N.T. Mahbub, ‘River Law and Governance’, in the Ali Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2022.
N.T. Mahbub, ‘Environmental Protection in China: An Analysis and Assessment of Policy and Law’, Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies, Vol. 4, No. 4, Autumn 2016, ISSN 2224-2716, December, 2016.
N.T. Mahbub, ‘Sustainable Development and Its Evolution in the Realm of International Environmental Law’, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence, Vol. 7, ISSN: 2276-7371, September, 2016).
N.T. Mahbub, “Climate Justice and Gender Justice: A Forgotten Fact in the Climate Change Regime?” in the Judicial Administration Training Institute Journal, Vol. XIII, January 2014. ISSN: 2220-6752.
N.T. Mahbub & M.M. Hasan, “Achieving De Jure and De facto Gender Equality: A Tool for Prevention of Violence against Women” in the Society and Change Journal, Vol. VIII(1), January–March, 2014.
N.T. Mahbub, “An Anatomy of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism in WTO: Recommendations for Reform” in the Society and Change journal Vol. VII(1), January – March, 2013. ISSN: 1997-1052 (Print), 227-202X (Online).
N.T. Mahbub & R.B. Mamun,“Climate Change and Human Rights: An Introduction to the Nexus” in Prof Dr. Mizanur Rahman and Dr. Md. Rahmat Ullah eds. Human Rights and Critically Disadvantaged People, ELCOP, 2012.
Nabaat Tasnima Mahbub, The Role of Proportionality in the Law of Transboundary Waters, Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), Vol. 29(3), 2020, pp. 349-360.

Selected Publications 




Quadir Moriam (2021). EFL Students’ and Teachers’ Perceptions of Sources of Students’ Demotivation: A Comparative Study. PASAA, 61 (1), pp. 201-226.

Quadir Moriam (2019). Exploring English Language Learning Demotivation in Bangladesh. THT Journal, 7 (1), 65-90.

Quadir Moriam (2017). Let Us Listen to Our Students: An Analysis of Demotivation to Study English in Bangladesh. The English Teacher, 46 (3), 128-141.

Quadir Moriam (2014).Relationships between Learners’ Motivation Factors and Speaking Strategy Factors to Learn Oral Communication in English. The English Teacher, 43 (3), 113-135.

Quadir Moriam (2011). A Comparative Study of English and Non-English Major University Students’ Motivation to Learn English Oral Communication. East West Journal of Humanities, 2, 91-111.

Quadir Moriam (2009). Do English and Non-English Major University Students Use the Same EFL Speaking Strategies in Bangladesh? Asian English Studies, 11, 49-68. 


Quadir Moriam (2008). A Study on English and Non-English Major University Students’ Motivation to Learn Spoken English in Bangladesh. JACET Chugoku- Shikoku Chapter Research Bulletin, 5, 39-56

Quadir Moriam (2008). A Study on Motivation and Strategy Use of Bangladeshi University Students to Learn Spoken English. Journal of International Development and Co-operation,14,51-66.

Tadashi Nishida and Quadir Moriam (2006). A Comparative Study of Speaking Strategy Use of EFL College Students in Japan and Bangladesh. [JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) Chugoku- Shikoku Chapter Research Bulletin,3, 71-86.

Quadir Moriam (2005). Speaking Strategy Use by the EFL Students in Japan and Bangladesh. Journal of International Development and Co-operation, 12,33-47.


Quadir M. Moriam (2014).  Analysis of Motivation and Strategy Use of Bangladeshi University Students to Learn English Oral Communication. Proceedings of the 12th International Asia TEFL Conference and 23rd MELTA International Conference,  28-30 August 2014, pp. 629-638.

Quadir M. Moriam (2012). Comparing English and Non-English Major University Students’ Motivation to Learn Oral Communication in English, Proceedings of the 21st MELTA International Conference, 28-29 May 2012, pp. 309-322.

Quadir M. Moriam (2009). Do English and Non-English Major University Students Use the Same EFL Speaking strategies in Bangladesh? Proceedings of the 24th National Conference of The Japanese Association for Asian Englishes,  December 6, 2008, pp. 9-14. 

Conference & Seminars

Conference and Seminar

The Asian conference on language learning (ACLL) 2018, Kobe Art center, Kobe, Japan, April 27-29, 2018.

Asia TEFL 12th International Conference 2014, Borneo Convention Center, Kuching, Sarwak, Malaysia, August 28-30, 2014.

21st MELTA (Malaysia English Language Teachers’ Association) International Conference, Sunway Putra Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 28-29, 2012.

The 2009 Asia TEFL International Conference, The Imperial Queens Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand August 7-9, 2009.

24th National Conference of the Japanese Association for Asian Englishes. Aoyama Gkuin University, Tokyo. December 6th, 2008.

JACET Annual Convention, Hiroshima International Center, Hiroshima. July 6, 2008.

39th JACET Chugoku-Shikoku Chapter Annual Convention. Shimane, Japan. 21st June, 2008.

Annual convention on JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers). Hiroshima, Japan. 25th November, 2007.

36th Annual convention Of JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers). Okayama, Japan. 25th June 2005.

22nd JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) Chugoku- Shikoku Regional convention, Shimane, Japan, 11th June 2005.

JACET (Japan Association of College English Teachers) Chugoku- Shikoku Chapter Meeting, Hiroshima, 16th October 2004.

  • Reviewer, IAFOR, International Academic Forum, 2018- 2021.
  • Reviewer, Spectrum, Journal of the Department of English, University of Dhaka, 2019. 
  • Reviewer, DUET Journal, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, 2019.  
  • Reviewer, East West Journal of Humanities (EWJH), East West University, 2018.  
  • Member, Abstract Review Committee: 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences
    Gender, Health, Information and Environment
    February 27-29, 2020
Research Supervision

Supervisor: Master Dissertation, Department of English, East West University

  • Tawhida Wahed: Research title: Foreign Language Speaking Anxiety during Oral Presentation among Bangladeshi Tertiary Level EFL Students: Causal Factors and Coping Strategies. (2020-2021)
  • Mohammad Mehedi Hasan Khan, Research title: Use of Metacognitive Language Learning Strategies to Learn English at Secondary Level. (2019)
  • Sharmin Akter Mitul, Research title: Challenges in Speaking English of Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh. (2019)
  • Sumaiya Akter, Research title: An Investigation of the Use of Language Learning Strategies of Bangladeshi Learners: Secondary Schools in Focus (2018-2019)
  • Jannat Shaila Karim, Research title: Role of Classroom Environment in Learning English. (2017-2018)

External Examiner: MA thesis, Department of Language Education, IER, University of Dhaka, 2018.



Library 2.0 in the Universities of Bangladesh. The Dhaka University Studies, Vol-68, No. 1, 2013


Digital Library Initiatives in Bangladesh: Current Status and Future Challenges. The Eastern Librarian. Vol22, no. 1&2, 2011


Digitization and Developing Digital Library and Information Support in Bangladesh: Professional Challenges. Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science vol.2 no. 1, 2011


Access and Usage of Electronic Journals of Dhaka University Library (DUL): an Empirical Study. Journal of the Bangladesh Association of young Researchers (JABYR), vol. 1, No. 2, 2011.


Designing Integrated Information System for Health, Nutrition and Population Sector programs in Bangladesh: a Model Plan. The Arts Faculty Journal. Vol-4, No.6, 2011.


Education for Digital Library Systems: Bangladesh Perspective.  Teacher’s World: the Journal of Education and Research. vol- 35-36, 2010


Design a Digital Institutional Repository for the Faculty of Arts: A Study. The Dhaka University Studies vol-67, no.1, 2010


Situation Analysis of the Health and Population Sector Information Systems and Services in Bangladesh. The Arts Faculty Journal. Vol- 3, No.4&5, 2010


Software Requirement Specification for University Library: a Case Study.  Dhaka University Studies vol-66, no. 2, 2009.


Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Toward ICT Among the Information Professionals in the Health and Population Sector in Bangladesh. The CDR Journal vol-2, issue- 3, 2008.


“Current Awareness Services: concepts, importance and techniques”. In National Academy for Educational Management, Library Management Training Manual, Dhaka: NAEM, 2007


Information Globalisation and Its Impact on Higher Education.  Teachers' World January vol. 21-23, 2000


Automation Trends in Special Libraries of Bangladesh: Some Observations and Future Trends.  Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science vol.1 no. 1, 1998


Action Research in Education: Context-based Solution of Educational Problem, Nibandhamala, Centre for Advanced Research in the Humanities, University of Dhaka, 1998


Alternative to Books and Librarianship in the Twenty-first Century: Existing Situation, Problem and Prospect., Darshan o Pragoti, Vol. 15, No. 1-2. 1998


Library Provision for Primary School Children in Bangladesh: Development Issues. Teacher’s World, Vol. 17-20, 1997


Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour in Population Information Systems: an Overview. The Dhaka University Studies, Vol. 53-54; No. 1, 1997

Journal Publication
  1. Tasnima, T., Abu Bakar Ah, S. H., Padzil, R., & Md Syed, M. A. (2024). It’s a men’s world: Influence of media literacy for women’s empowerment through social media engagement in Bangladesh. Information Development, 0(0).
  2. Tasnima, T., & Md Syed, M. A. (2024). Smart phone usage for women’s empowerment to respond against domestic violence in Bangladesh. Information Technology for Development, 30(1), 114–131.
  3. Tasnima, Touhida & Md Syed, Md Azalanshah & Padzil, Ruhana & Abu Bakar, Siti Hajar. (2023). Women, Technology and Gender-Based Violence in Bangladesh. Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication. 39. 166-182. 10.17576/JKMJC-2023-3904-09.
  4. Tasnima, T. (2010). Quality Assurance of Private Universities in Bangladesh, Journal of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, 7 (1), 69-84.
Book Chapter
  1. Chowdhury, N.J., & Tasnima, T. (2021). Parents Maintenance Act 2013 of Bangladesh: An Analysis of the Provisions and the Implementation Context Strategy. International Series on Public Policy.
  2. Tasnima, T. and Haque, E, (2012) “Neoliberal Globalization and Higher Education in Bangladesh” in D. Kapoor, B. P. Barua & A Datoo (Eds) Globalization, Culture, and Education in South Asia, Palgrave Macmillan, NY. pp 53-69.

Journal Publication
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles: 
  1. Tabassum, R., Elahi, M. H., & Begum, D. (2024). Media and information literacy self-efficacy of LIS students in Bangladesh. The International Information & Library Review, 56(2), 118-134

    SCImago Journal & Country Rank 

  2. Elahi, M. H. & Ahmed, S.M.Z. (2023). Assessing information quality of Bangladesh e-government websites. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 24(2), 69-84. 

    SCImago Journal & Country Rank 

  3. Begum, D. & Elahi, M.H. (2022). Digital library services to support online learning amid COVID-19: a study of a private university library in Bangladesh. Digital Library Perspectives, 38(3), 332-345. DOI:

    SCImago Journal & Country Rank

  4. Elahi, M. H., Begum, D. & Munshi, M. N. (2021). Open Access Repositories in Bangladesh and India: A comparative analysis. Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science, 2(3), 1-16.

  5. Begum, D., Roknuzzaman, M. & Elahi, M. H. (2020). Online information literacy training for users during Covid-19 pandemic: A case study of East West University Library, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, 10(2), 81-98. DOI: 10.5958/2277-7946.2020.00008.X

  6. Elahi, M. H. & Mezbah-ul-Islam, M. (2018). Open access repositories of Bangladesh: An analysis of the present status. IFLA Journal, 44(2), 132-142.

  7. Elahi, M. H., Islam, M. S. & Begum, D. (2018). Perception on the use of mobile phones in retrieving information from academic libraries: A developing country perspective. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology, 8(1), 37-50. DOI:

  8. Elahi, M. H. & Begum, D. (2017). Open trends in Bangladesh for providing information services: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Knowledge and Communication Management, 7(2), 97-115. DOI: 10.5958/2277-7946.2017.00009.2

  9. Elahi, M. H. & Islam, M. S. (2017). Implementation of web 2.0 tools in Dhaka University Library website: The attitude of users and information professionals. East West Journal of Humanities, 6&7, 32-41. 

  10. Elahi, M. H. (2016). Designing a mobile based library information and service delivery system: A model plan for libraries of Bangladesh. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 4(3), 57-70. DOI : 10.1633/JISTaP.2016.4.3.4

  11. Elahi, M. H. & Islam, M. S. (2014). Go fast, go with mobile: Students' perception and implementing mobile based library services at DUL. Library Philosophy and Practice (E-Journal). Available at:

Conference & Seminars
  1. Elahi, M. H. (2024). Adoption of ChatGPT in academic activities: Perceptions from university students. In The 3rd International Symposium on the Practice of Co-existence in Islamic Culture (pp. 776-784). Yogyakarta, Indonesia: UIN Sunan Kalijaga University. [ISSN: 2715-0550]

  2. Elahi, M. H. & Sumon, A. R. (2022). Keyword-based automated selective dissemination of information and resources system for special libraries in Bangladesh. In P. Babbar, P. K. Jain, B. Markscheffel, D. C. Kar & R. Sangchantr (Eds.), 16th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) (pp. 471-477). Bangkok: COLLNET, Society for Library Professionals and Special Libraries Association, Asia Community. 

  3. Elahi, M. H. & Hossain, T. (2020). Engaging mass community with public library: A framework. In Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences (p. ). Dhaka: East West University.

  4. Hossain, T., Begum, D., Elahi, M. H. & Sumon, A.R. (2019). Research data management (RDM): Demystifying the notion about data librarians. In International Conference on Digital Landscape, Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment (p. 528). New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute.

  5. Elahi, M. H. & Joyee, R. E. (2019). Open access repositories in Asia: Present status and involvement in sustainable quality education. In F. Alam (Ed.), 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management: Next Generation Information and Knowledge Dissemination to realize the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (p. 88). Savar: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC) and Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University.

  6. Begum, D., & Elahi, M. H. (2019). Road to meet 21st century challenges: A scenario on LIS education in Bangladesh. In IFLA World Library and Information Congress. Athens: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (pp. 1-13). Available at: 

  7. Elahi, M. H. & Begum, D. (2017). Information literacy and digital literacy skills and competencies for providing quality services: A special reference to public sector employees of Bangladesh. In International Conference on Managing Change for better public service delivery: South and South-East Asian experience (p.53)Savar: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre.

Chapter in an Edited Book

1. Elahi, M. H. & Begum, D. (2020). Information Literacy and Digital Literacy for Public Sector Employees of Bangladesh: A Competence-based Integrated Framework for Providing Quality Services. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 179-197). New York: Routledge.

2. Elahi, M. H. (2020). Literacy and Awareness of Sustainable Development Goals among Undergraduate Students: A Study of a Private University in Bangladesh. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 389-402). New York: Routledge.

3. Begum, D., Hossain, T., Elahi, M. H. & Parvin, S. (2019). Public engagement in nation development through open data platform: Bangladesh government initiatives. In S. Chakraborty, Digital Humanities and Digital Societies in the Contemporary World (pp. 150-159). Calcutta: Department of Library and Information Science.

Newspaper Article

1. Elahi, M. H. (2020). Combating infodemic of misinformation. The New Age, p. 8. Retrieved from


2021-2022- Understanding Coping Strategies of University Students of Dhaka City during COVID19: through a Social Capital Lens. Funded by the Centre of Training and Research (CRT), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

2012-2015- PhD Research titled “Untold Stories: Women’s Resiliency and Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh”, Centre of Governance and Public Policy, School of Government and International Relations, Griffith University, Australia.

2007-2008- “NGOs and Women’s Participation in Local Government Bodies in Bangladesh” was conducted for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Gender and Development Studies, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.

2009–2010 - “Women Participation in Local Government: Changes and Achievements”. Promotional Researcher; Sponsor: Social Research Council, Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

2006 - 2007 “International Female Labour Migration: A Case Study of Bangladesh”. Promotional Researcher, Sponsor: Social Research Council, Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

2004 “Identify the linkage between the Agricultural Marketing Value chain and the Poor, women and ethnic groups` worked as a gender specialist in that study conducted by Dr. Mahbub Ahmed, Professor, Dept. of Sociology, University of Dhaka, supported by Agricultural Marketing Dept. and Asian Development Bank in June 2004.


Journal Article
  1. Tanjeela, M. (2023). Gendered Vulnerability and Role of Women in Landslide Preparedness: A Case Study of Urban Periphery of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Sinha. B.R(Eds), Urban Dynamics, Environment and Health: An International Perspective. Springer Nature, Singapore, ISBN-13:9789819957439, 1st ed. 2023.
  2. Billah M, Rutherford S, Akhter S and Tanjeela M. (2023) Exploring mental health challenges and coping strategies in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Front. Public Health 11:1152366.  doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1152366
  3. Tanjeela, M. (2022): Understanding the struggles of Bangladeshi women in coping with climate change through a gender analysis. Gender, Technology and Development, Routledge, Taylor & Francis group. DOI: 10.1080/09718524.2022.2144101
  4. Khanom, S. Tanjeela, M. & Rutherford, S. (2022) Climate-induced migrant’s hopeful journey toward security: Pushing the boundaries of gendered vulnerability and adaptability in Bangladesh. Front. Clim. 4:922504. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2022.922504
  5. Tanjeela, M. & Billah, M. (2022). Climate Migration and Challenges of Urban Poor in Bangladesh. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. Volume 15, Issue 1, 2022, (Article)
  6. Tanjeela, M. (2021). Female Leadership in the Local Governments: Reconstruction of Traditional Gender Identity of Women in Rural Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies: Alam-E-Niswan, 28(1), 21-39.
  7. Tanjeela, M. & Rahman, A. (2020). The Need for Understanding Disaster Risk for Resilient City Development. AUC 2019, Proceedings of the 15th International Asian Urbanization Conference, Vietnam, Springer Singapore.
  8. Tanjeela, M. & Rutherford, S. (2020). How women develop resiliency in climate vulnerable situations: Experiences of women across four regions of Bangladesh.  (Eds), Climate Adaptation for a Sustainable Economy: Lessons from Bangladesh, an Emerging Tiger of Asia. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA.
  9. Tanjeela, M. & Rutherford, S. (2018). The Influence of Gender Relations on Women’s Involvement and Experience in Climate Change Adaptation Programs in BangladeshSAGE Open October-December 2018: 1–9. DOI: 10.1177/2158244018812620 
  10. Tanjeela, M. (2019). Are Migrant Women More Vulnerable in Urban Context? A Case Study on Four Slums of Dhaka City. Proceedings on International Conference on Disaster Risk Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 12-14, 2019
  11. Tanjeela, M. (2015). Women and Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh: Do Women Matter? International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp.61-74. Published online: December 3, 2015.
  12. Tanjeela, M. (2015). Coping With Disasters: The Potentiality of Indigenous Knowledge and Community Based Responses to Climate Change Adaptation. Conference proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Building Resilience, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia  ISBN - 978-0-9943652-1-7 Published by NCP 2015.
  13. Tanjeela, M. (2011) Women Voices in Local Government Bodies in Bangladesh. Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011, ISBN: 9783845416281
Presented Papers in Conference
  1. " Bridging the Gap:Socio-economic Challenges and Psychological Insecurities among Aging Population of Bangladesh" In the Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS) Conference -2024 on 6 March 2024, Hiroshima University, Japan.
  2. "Gendered Struggle of Bangladeshi Women in Coping with Climate Change: Need for Gender Transformative Approaches" in the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology on 29 June 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
  3. "How Students Developed Coping Strategies during COVID-19? a Sociological Study Among University Level Students in Dhaka City, Bangladesh" in the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology on 30 June 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
  4. “The Need for Understanding Disaster Risk for Resilient City Development “in the 15th International Asian Urbanization Conference (AUC 2019), on November 27-29, 2019, Hochimin, Vietnam. 
  5. “Are Migrant Women More Vulnerable in Urban Context? A Case Study on Four Slums of Dhaka City” in the International Conference on Disaster Risk Management (ICDRM), Dhaka, Bangladesh on January 12-14, 2019.
  6. “What Makes Women Resilient in a Climate Vulnerable situation? Untold Stories of Bangladeshi Women in the Era of Climate Change”. International Conference on Pathways to a Sustainable Economy: Vision 2041 Agenda for Bangladesh.  Organized by: Dhaka School of Economics, Dhaka University (DU) Bangladesh, Jagannath University (JU), Dhaka, Griffith University (GU) Australia, University of Bath (UB) UK, and Bremen University, Germany, October 30-31, 2018
  7. ‘Untold Stories: Women’s Resiliency in DRR and CCA in Bangladesh’ in the International Conference on ‘South Asian Sociology & Beyond’ presented research paper titled  Organized by Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh held on 19-20th January 2018.
  8. ‘Women’s participation in local government bodies: Transformation of gender relations in rural Bangladesh’ was presented in the ‘Contemporary Changes in Bangladesh Society, organized by Department of Sociology, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh going to be held on 12th May 2018.
  9. “Gender Discourses in Climate Change Adaptation – The Case of Bangladesh” was presented in the Australian Political Studies Association Annual Conference (APSA) , held  from 28-30th  September, 2015 at University of Canberra , Australia.“Women and Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh: Do Women Matter?” was presented in 6th International conference on climate change: Impacts and Responses, held in University of Reykjavik, Iceland from 27th to 29th June, 2014.
  1. Session Chair:‘ Climatic Impacts on Security and Vulnerability’ in Network for Education and Research on Peace & Sustainability (NERPS) Conference-2024 held in Hiroshima University, Japan, on 7 March 2024. 
  2. Panelist: A session on Health Effects on Climate Change Issues" in the observance of International Volunteer Day organized by Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, DU; VSO Bangladesh; and National Youth Platform on 5 December 202
  3. Gender Expert: Capacity building workshop on ‘Strengthening Civil Society Organisation (CSO) and Trade Union (TU) Advocacy Engagement to Advance the Rights of Women Migrant Workers from South Asia’ organized by Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) & Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA).
  4. Keynote Speaker: Workshop on ‘Gender responsive and resilient cities for all: Community-based adaptation in informal settlements of Bangladesh’ organized by Cities Alliance: Cities without Slums and hosted by UNOPS on 8 December 2021.
  5. Panelist: Climate Talk to mark the International Women's Day 2021 organized by Asian  Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC), Bangkok  and 'Climate Adaptation and Resilience for South Asia ' project, WB .
  6. Keynote Speaker: International conference ‘Gobeshona 5’ Session 17 -Gender hosted   by International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) on January 10, 2019.

Best presenter award in the 'Network for Education and Research on Peace & Sustainability (NERPS) Conference-2024'  held in Hiroshima University, Japan from 5 March to 8 March 2024.

Published Articles
  1. “Special and Differential Treatment in the WTO: It‟s Content and Competence for Facilitation of Development” Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and jurisprudence, Nigeria. ISSN: 2276-7371, September 2016
  2. “China‟s WTO Accession: Impacts on Trade Policy and Legal System” Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies, Xiamen University, China. Volume 4, Number 3 ISSN: 2224-2716, April
  3. “Trade Liberalisation and LDC’s share in International Trade under the WTO Regime: An Evaluation of the Linkage” Journal of Governance and Innovation, Volume 1, No. 1, January-June 2015, ISSN-2312-5551
  4. “Reconciliation of WTO and MEAs: Bridging the Gap between Trade Liberalization and Environmental Protection” Journal of Society and Change Journal‟ VolumeVII, No. 2. April-June 2013, ISSN: 1997-1052 (Print), 227-202X (Online)
  5. “Recognizing Domestic Workers as "Worker‟: A Key Step to Promote Fundamental Human Rights at Work” JATI Journal, Volume XIII, January 2014 (ISSN:2220-6752)
  6. “Achieving De Jure and De facto Gender Equality: A Tool for Prevention of Violence against Women” Journal of Society and Change‟, Vol. VIII, No.1, January-March 2014,ISSN:1997-1052 (Print), 227-202X (Online)
Book Chapter
  1.  “WTO and Governance” Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, Springer International, Switzerland, 2022
Journal (International)
  1. “Special and Differential Treatment in the WTO: It‟s Content and Competence for Facilitation of Development”, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Journal of International Law and Jurisprudence, Nigeria. ISSN: 2276-7371, September 2016
  2. “China‟s WTO Accession: Impacts on Trade Policy and Legal System” Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies, Xiamen University, China. Volume 4, Number 3 ISSN: 2224-2716, April
Conference & Seminars

International Conferences:

Akhter, Farzana. (2023). “Resisting the Politics of Representation: Women, War, and Bangladeshi War Movies,” January 7. 138th Modern Language Association Annual Convention (MLA). San Francisco, January 5-8, 2023.

Akhter, Farzana. (2022). “Bangladeshi War Movies and the Reclamation of Female Agency in Hangor Nodi Grenade and Guerrilla,” January 7. 137th Modern Language Association Annual Convention (MLA). Washington, January 6-9, 2022. Virtual presentation.

Akhter, Farzana. (2022). “Panacea for Nostalgia: The Paradox of Returning Home in Dreaming in Cuban and An American Brat,” January 9. 137th Modern Language Association Annual Convention (MLA). Washington, January 6-9, 2022. Virtual presentation.

Akhter, Farzana. (2022). “Representation of Birangonas in Bangladeshi Movies,” January 14. Association of Teachers of Literatures in English, Bangladesh (ATLEB), In Retrospect: 50 Years of Bangladesh in Literature and Culture, First International Conference, January 14-15, 2022. Virtual presentation.

Akhter, Farzana. (2022). “Immigrant Literature: A Mere Commodity for the Consumption of Cultural Fetishists or a Discourse of Resistance and Reformation?” 34th Annual MELUS conference. New Orleans, USA, April 2-5, 2020. Postponed to March 23-28, 2022.

 Akhter, Farzana. (2020). “Writing Center in Bangladesh: Politics, Pitfalls, and Possibilities.” 2020 Conference on College Composition and Communication Annual Convention, Milwaukee, WI, USA, 25-28 March, 2020. Conference Cancelled.

Akhter, Farzana. (2019). "Toward a Sociopolitical Consciousness: Brecht’s Galileo and Mother Courage and their Role in Raising Resistance in Bangladesh.” 117th Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association (PAMLA) Annual Conference. San Diego, CA , U.S.A., November 14-17, 2019.

Akhter, Farzana. (2019). “‘Unhoused’: Trans-Atlantic Journey and its Impact on Identity Formation in Meena Alexander’s Manhattan Music.Recalibrating Diasporas: Asia Pacific and the Spaces Beyond Conference, organized by School of Arts, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia, June 27-28, 2019.

Akhter, Farzana. (2016). “The Spectacular City: The Golden Cage Where Subjects Are Created and Power Is Negotiated.” South Central Modern Language Association. Dallas, TX. 3-5 Nov. 2016.

Akhter, Farzana. (2014). “Perceptions of Literacy: Teaching Composition as an International Teaching Assistant.” 2014 Annual Convention of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Gaylord National Resort, Washington, DC. November 20-25 2014.

Akhter, Farzana. (2014). “Negotiating the Politics of Power: Tahmima Anam’s The Good Muslim and Women’s Role in Nation Building.” 14th South Asian Literary Association Conference (SALA). Chicago, IL. January 8-9, 2014.

Akhter, Farzana. (2013). “Quest for Home in Amitav Ghosh’s the Glass Palace.” 22nd Annual British Commonwealth and Postcolonial Studies Conference (BCPS). Savannah, GA. February 15-16, 2013.

Akhter, Farzana. (2012). “Reversal of Gender Identities in Eliot’s The Mill on the Floss.” 33rd Annual Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations conference (SWTX PCA/ACA). Albuquerque, NM. February 8–11, 2012

Akhter, Farzana. (2010). “Performing Brecht in Bangladesh: Making the Unfamiliar Familiar.” 13th Symposium of the International Brecht Society on ‘Brecht in/and Asia”. Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, U.S.A. May 19-23, 2010.

Papers Presented at National Conference:

Akhter, Farzana. (2008). “Shattering the Shackles: Brecht’s Plays and the Language of Political Protest in Bangladesh” 2nd International Conference on ‘Democracy, the “New World Order” and English Studies’. East West University, Dhaka. December 2008.

Papers Presented at Seminar:

Akhter, Farzana. (2007). “Mr. Puntila and his Man Matti.” Seminar on Brecht. Goethe Institute, Dhaka. March 2007.

Akhter, Farzana. (2006). “Brecht’s Threepenny Opera and Janatar Rangashala.” Seminar.  East West University, Dhaka. 2006.

Journal Publication

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

Akhter, Farzana. (2023). “Forever Displaced: Religion, Nationalism and Problematized Belonging of Biharis in Ruby Zaman’s Invisible Lines.” SARE: Southeast Asian Review of English, vol. 60, no. 1, July 16, 2023, pp. 128-150. ISSN 0127-046X. (Elsevier’s Scopus indexed, Q 1 Journal).

Akhter, Farzana. (2023). “Embracing Otherness: The Role of Nostalgia in Bicultural Identity Formation in How the García Girls Lost Their Accents, Dreaming in Cuban, and An American Brat.” English Studies: A Journal of English Language and Literatures, vol.104, no. 5 May 22, 2023, pp.- 750-765. DOI: 10.1080/0013838X.2023.2217745. (Scopus indexed, Q1 Journal)

Akhter, Farzana. (2023). “Revisiting Manhattan Music in the Time of COVID-19: Body Politics, Anti-Asian Racism and Negotiation of Ethnic Identity.” Reprint in Performing Identity in the Era of COVID-19, edited by Lauren O’Mahony et al, July 31, 2023, pp. 17-34, Oxon/NY: Routledge/Taylor and Francis. ISBN 9781032514512. (Routledge/Taylor and Francis)

Akhter, Farzana. (2023).  “American Ethnic and Immigrant Novels: A Mere Commodity or a Discourse of Resistance and Reformation?” South Central Review, vol 40, no. 1, Spring 2023, pp. 1-23, Johns Hopkins UP. Project Muse, DOI:10.1353/scr.2023.0000.  (Johns Hopkins University Press; Scopus indexed, Q 2 Journal)

Akhter, Farzana. (2022).  “Revisiting Manhattan Music in the Time of COVID-19: Body Politics, Anti-Asian Racism and Negotiation of Ethnic Identity.” Journal of Intercultural Studies, vol. 43, issue 6, 2022, pp. 704-721. DOI: 10.1080/07256868.2022.2128082. (Scopus Indexed, Q1 Journal)

Akhter, Farzana. (2022). “Moving Beyond Victimhood: Female Agency in Bangladeshi War Movies.” In the Cross Fire of History: Women’s War Resistance Discourse in the Global South, edited by Lava Asaad and Fayeza Hasanat, 2022, pp. 40-52, NJ: Rutgers University Press. ISBN 9781978830226. (Rutgers University Press)

 Akhter, Farzana. (2022). “Looking Backward to a Distant Land: South Asian Diaspora and Function of Nostalgia in ‘Silver Pavements, Golden Roofs,’ ‘Mrs. Sen’s’ and The Inheritance of Loss.” Reprint in Global South Asia: South Asian Literatures and the World, edited by Madhurima Chakraborty, December 31, 2021, pp. 156-169, London: Routledge/Taylor and Francis. ISBN 9781032160207. (Routledge/Taylor and Francis)

Akhter, Farzana. (2021). “Negotiating the Politics of Power: Tahmima Anam’s The Good Muslim and Women’s Role in War and Nation Building.” Reprint in Bangladeshi Literature in English: A Critical Anthology edited by Mohammad A. Quayum and Md. Mahmudul Hasan, 2021, pp. 241-257, Asiatic Society of Bangladesh Press.

Akhter, Farzana. (2020). “Looking Backward to a Distant Land: South Asian Diaspora and Function of Nostalgia in ‘Silver Pavements, Golden Roofs,’ ‘Mrs. Sen’s’ and The Inheritance of Loss.” South Asian Literature in the World, special issue of South Asian Review, edited by Nalini Iyer and Madhurima Chakraborty, vol. 41, issue 3-4, Nov. 2020, pp. 373–86.  DOI: 10.1080/02759527.2020.1840204.  (Scopus Indexed, Q1 Journal)

Akhter, Farzana. (2018). “Negotiating the Politics of Power: Tahmima Anam’s The Good Muslim and Women’s Role in War and Nation Building.” Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature, vol. 12, no. 1, June 2018, pp. 93-107, (Scopus Indexed, Q2 Journal)  

Akhter, Farzana. (2011). “Performing Brecht in Bangladesh: Making the Unfamiliar Familiar.” Brecht in/and Asia /Brecht in/und Asien: The Brecht Yearbook / Brecht-Jahrbuch no. 36, edited by Markus Wessendorf and Friedemann Weidauer, 2011, pp. 201-210, Boydell & Brewer. ISBN-13. 978-0971896390. (Boydell & Brewer press)

Akhter, Farzana. (2010). “Shattering the Shackles: Brecht’s Plays and the Language of Political Protest in Bangladesh.” Literary Paritantra, vol. 2, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 65-71.

Akhter, Farzana. (2007). “Quest for Home in Amitav Ghosh’s The Glass Palace.” Spectrum Journal of the Department of English, University of Dhaka vol. 5, December 2007, pp. 81-90. ISSN 1562-7195. (Dhaka University)                               

Akhter, Farzana. (2006). “Reculturizing Brecht.” Spectrum Journal of the Department of English, University of Dhaka, vol. 4, June 2006, pp. 27-40. ISSN 1562-7195. (Dhaka University).

Other Publications

Feature writing

Akhter, Farzana. (2016). South Asian American Literature,” The Arkansas International, 2016.

Encyclopedic Reference 

Akhter, Farzana. (2014) “Archie.” Comics through Time: A Historical Encyclopedia. Edited by M. Keith Booker, ABC CLIO: Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A., 2014.

Akhter, Farzana. (2003). Translated articles for Banglapedia, National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh 2003.

Workshops and Training
  • Trainings:
  • Conducted training on Professional Development titled “Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Its Importance and Impact on Quality Assurance” organized by IQAC and CRT, EWU, December 19, 2024.
  • WorkShops:
    Participated in workshop on "Preparation of Accreditation: Documentation and Evidence" May 7, 2024, organized by EWU.
  • Participated in workshop on Brainstorming Session on Research & Innovation (L&T), February 19, 2024, Organized by East West University.
  • Participated in workshop on Brainstorming Session on Learning and Teaching, January 23, 2024, organized by East West University.
  • Participated in workshop on “Teaching Literature through Theory” organized by the Association of Teachers of Literatures (ATLEB), December 18, 2022.
  • Participated in workshop on Outcome Based Education, University Grants Commission, November 3-4, 2021
  • Participated in online training workshop on "Conferencing and Peer-Review in Online Teaching" organized by the Office of Rhetoric and Composition, University of Arkansas, USA,  April 15th, 2016.
  • Participated in online training workshop on “Learning Blackboard's Collaborate and Kaltura Features" organized by the Program in Rhetoric and Composition, University of Arkansas, USA, March 19, 2016
  • Participated in workshop on “Introduction to Online Teaching,” organized by  the Office of Rhetoric and Composition, University of Arkansas, USA, October 3, 2014.
  • Participated in online training workshop on "Conferencing and Peer-Review in Online Teaching" organized by the Office of Rhetoric and Composition, University of Arkansas, USA,  April 15th, 2016.
  • Participated in online training workshop on “Learning Blackboard's Collaborate and Kaltura Features" organized by the Program in Rhetoric and Composition, University of Arkansas, USA, March 19, 2016
  • Participated in workshop on “Introduction to Online Teaching,” organized by  the Office of Rhetoric and Composition, University of Arkansas, USA, October 3, 2014.
  • Participated in workshop on “What Writing Teachers Want: crafting Effective Assignments” conducted by Jennifer Mallette, organized by the Office of Rhetoric and Composition, University of Arkansas, USA, October 31, 2014.
  • Participated in workshop on "Generating Rubrics", conducted by Jocelyn Bailey, organized by the Office of Rhetoric and Composition, University of Arkansas, USA, November 9. 2012.
  • Participated in workshop on “What Writing Teachers Want: crafting Effective Assignments” conducted by Jennifer Mallette, organized by the Office of Rhetoric and Composition, University of Arkansas, USA, October 31, 2014.
  • Participated in workshop on "Generating Rubrics", conducted by Jocelyn Bailey, organized by the Office of Rhetoric and Composition, University of Arkansas, USA, November 9. 2012.
  • Participated in “Post Colonial Literatures, Theory and Pedagogy” conducted by Dr. Sharmila Sen, Assistant Professor, Harvard University, Organized by BRAC University, February 2002.
  • Participated in symposium on “Classroom Research”, Organized by ELTIP, sponsored by the British Council, Dhaka, November 2000.
  • Editorial Board Member, World Journal of English Language, Sciedu Press. (Scopus Indexed Q1 Journal).(Sum. 2024 to pres.)   
  • Editor, VC Newsletter, EWU. (2023 Dec.-Pres.)
  • Chief Editor, Annual Report of EWU. (2019-Pres.)
  • Assistant Editor, East West Journal of Humanities (EWJH). (2019-Aug. 2024)   
  • Editorial Board Member, International Conference on “Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity” organized by                                             EWU and the Association of Teachers of Literature in English, Bangladesh (ATLEB), July 2023.
  • Editor, Convocation brochure, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st Convocation. (2017-2023)  
  • Edited, research project for East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT). (2022)         

  • Reviewer, World Journal of English Language, Sciedu Press. (Scopus Indexed Q1 Journal). (Sep. 2024). 
  • Reviewed research paper for the Journal for Cultural Research, Routledge, Taylor &Francis. (Scopus Indexed, Q2 Journal). (2023).
  • Reviewed research paper for the journal Society and Culture in South Asia. Sage Journals. (Scopus Indexed Q2 Journal). (2023).
  • Reviewed research paper for the journal Spectrum Journal of the Department of English, University of Dhaka, Vol. 17. (2023). 
  • Reviewed article for the journal Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature. (Scopus Indexed Q2 Journal). (2022).
  • Reviewed article for the Journal of the Centre for English Teaching and Research (CETR) Dhaka University. (2021).
  • Reviewed article for ClioA Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History, Purdue University Fort Wayne. (Sep 2020).
  • Reviewed article for East West Journal of Humanities (EWJH). (2019-2020).
  • Reviewed abstracts for the 5th International Conference titled Transgressing/Transcending Borders through Translation, Department of English, East West University. (2019).
Research Supervision/External Examiner

MA Thesis Supervisor

Department of English, East West University

  • 2023     Mohammad Yasin. Title: “Towards Responsible Humanity: Challenging Dualism and Advocating Coexistence in Ruth Ozeki's Contemporary Fictions”.
  • 2022     Sumaiya Jannat Fariha. Title: Assessing Honour Killing Through The Novels Maps For Lost Lovers, Bliss and The Cry of the Dove,” 2022.
  • 2021     Sakiba Ahmed. Title: “Totalizing Metanarrative of Bangladesh in the Light of Tahmima Anam’s Bengal Trilogy,” Summer 2020-Summer 2021.
  • 2020     Afsana Bintey Helal. Title: “The Politics of Refugee Labelling: Reimagining Refugees’ Struggles in Host Lands,” 2019-2020.
  • 2019     Touhida Khan Khusbu. Title: “9/11 Counter Narratives: Challenging Islamophobia and Defying the Notion of Singular American Tragedy,” 2018-2019.
  • 2018     Tanzina Afrin. Title: “Super Sad True Love Story, Noughts and Crosses, Uglies and ‘Sultana’s Dream’ as Cautionary Dystopian Tales against Socio-political and Moral Degradation”.   

MA Thesis External Reviewer and Examiner

  • 2022     External Reviewer and Examiner, University of Liberal Arts, Dhaka
  • 2022     External Reviewer and Examiner, University of Liberal Arts, Dhaka 
  • 2021     External Examiner, The University of the West Indies, St, Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. January 2021.       
  • 2019     External Reviewer and Examiner, University of Liberal Arts, Dhaka 
  • 2018     External Reviewer and Examiner, University of Liberal Arts, Dhaka 

Conference Activities
  • Invited Chair. (2024). Power, Hegemony and Resistance. 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development, Green University, Dhaka, 9-10                             November 2024.
  • Invited Judge. (2023). Academic Paper presentation9th Inter-University Student Conference and Cultural Competition organized on “Gender: The Binary and Beyond” organized by University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Dhaka, October 19-20, 2023.
  • Invited Panel Discussant. (2023). “Revisiting History in Literary Narratives.” July 29. International Conference on Teaching English Literature and Interdisciplinarity organized by East West University and Association of Teachers of Literatures in English Bangladesh (ATLEB), 28 -29 July 2023.
  • Invited Session Chair. (2021). Trauma and Representation, Bangladeshi English Novels: From Emergence to Efflorescence, the University of Salerno, Italy, 24-25 June 2021.
  • Invited Session Chair. (2021). History, Identity and Adaptation, Bangladeshi English Novels: From Emergence to Efflorescence, the University of Salerno, Italy, 24-25 June 2021.
  • Conference Co-chair of Organizing Committee. (2020). 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences Gender, Health, Information and Environment, February 27-29, 2020.
  • Conference Chair. (2019). Transgressing/ Transcending Borders through Translation, 5th International Conference Department of English, East West University, Dhaka. January 2019.
  •  Session Chair. (2019). Keynote Speech. “The Sociology of Poetry Translation.” Transgressing/ Transcending Borders through Translation. 5th International Conference Department of English, East West University, Dhaka. January 2019.
  • Moderator. (2019). Panel Discussion. Transgressing/ Transcending Borders through Translation, 5th International Conference Department of English, East West University, Dhaka. January 2019.
  • Respondent. (2014). Representations of the Veil: Between Vulnerability and Resilience. 129th MLA Convention. Chicago, IL., U.S.A., January 9-12, 2014.
  • Invited Session Chair. (2012). Literature 7: African and African American. 33rd Annual Southwest/Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Associations conference (SWTX PCA/ACA). Albuquerque, NM. U.S.A., February 8–11, 2012.
Conference & Seminar

Presented Conference Papers (International)

  1. Kabir, T., Jahan, A. & Trainin, G. (March 13-17, 2023). I'm going to do my Duolingo, got to keep my owl happy: Using Duolingo in Bangladesh. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. New Orleans, LA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). 
  2. Impact of Textual Enhancement of Input on EFL Learners' Noticing of Noun and Verb Phrases in Bangladesh, The 1st International ASEAN- English Language Conference (ASEAN-ELT 2018), Hotel Equatorial, Melaka, Malaysia,  March 15 to 17, 2018.
  3. Impact of Textual Enhancement on Bangladeshi EFL Learners' Grammatical Development of Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses, 26th MELTA International Conference, “New Directions in English Language Education: Global Trends and Local Innovations”, TH Hotel, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia,  August 28 to 30, 2017.
  4. Impact of Task Repetition on a Bangladeshi Tertiary Learner’s Oral Performance: A Case Study, International Islamic University Malaysia World Prosumer Convention 2017, Intervarsity Postgraduate Colloquium, Faculty of Education, International Islamic University, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 8, 2017.
  5. The Hornby Scholar’s Panel Presentation: ELT in action: what works and what makes it work in different contexts, 46th Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, SECC, Glasgow, UK,  March 19 to 23 2012.
  6. Training English Teachers from Difficult and Rural Contexts in Bangladesh, First International English Language Teacher Educator’s Conference organized by the British Council and the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India, January 22 to 24, 2011.
  7. Promoting Collaboration in Mixed Ability EFL Classrooms at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh, NELTA 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Katmandu, Nepal, from February 16 to 18, 2008.

Presented Conference Papers (Local)

  1. Jahan, A. & Mamun, A. A. Linguistic Imperialism in Bangladeshi Islamic Schools: Motivations and Barriers in Teaching Languages. “Language Metamorphosis: Implications for Language Education in Decolonial Contexts (LMLEDC)” Conference,  BRAC Institute of Languages, BRAC University, Bangladesh, November 28 - 30, 2024.
  2. Khan, R., & Jahan, A. Online learning during COVID-19: Gains for teachers and learners, English Teaching Forum (FORUM) 60th Anniversary Conference organized by U.S. Embassy Dhaka at NAEM, Dhaka, August 27, 2022.
  3.  Momen, M. A., Jahan, A., & Khandaker, S., Service Quality Dimensions and Student Satisfaction at Higher Education in Bangladesh, International Symposium Webinar on Student Satisfaction and Quality of Higher Education organized by the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of East West University, 19 June 2021.
  4. Haider, Z. M., Kabir, M. M. N., Jahan, A., Sultana, S., Roshid, M. M., & Khan, R., Quality of English language education through emergency remote teaching in Bangladeshi private universities: An explorative study. 9th BELTA International (Virtual) Conference, March 6, 2021.
  5. Can Implicit Focus on Form Develop Bangladeshi Tertiary Learners’ Grammatical Knowledge about Articles?, Regional IML Two-day Conference 2020, Institute of Modern Language, University of Dhaka, February 28 to 29, 2020.
  6. Investigating the Discourse Patterns of Narrating Personal Experience and a Picture Story, Fourth International Conference on English Studies and the Marketplace, Department of English, East West University, February 19 to 20, 2016.
  7. Training English Teachers from Marginalized Areas of Bangladesh, 5th BELTA International Conference, May 20 to 22, 2011.
  8. Introducing Mobile Assisted Language Learning in Bangladesh, 5th BELTA International Conference, May 20 to 22, 2011.
  9. Incorporating Intercultural component into ELT at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh, Third International Conference on Empire and English Studies: Pedagogy & Activism Now, Department of English, East West University, December 12 to 132009.
  10. An Insight into Teaching Global English at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh in the Second International Conference on “Democracy, the ‘New World Order’ and English Studies”, the Department of English, East West University, December 12 to 132008.
  11. Teaching Presentation Skills to Tertiary Students in Bangladesh in the seminar on “Aspects of Language and Literary Studies”, Department of English, Stamford University Bangladesh, January 13, 2008.

    Attended Seminars &Conferences
  1. China Education Collaboration and Exchange Conference and 2024 Global English Education China Assembly, held in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, China, on July 26-27, 2024.
  2. BELTA-UIU English Language Education Programme in collaboration with THT, September 13, 2019,  United International University, United City, Madani Avenue, Dhaka.
  3.  BELTA-EASTERN UNIVERSITY English Language Education Programme in Collaboration with THT, September 14, 2018, Eastern University, Dhanmondi, Dhaka,
  4. BELTA Advocacy Program on Educational Issues 2, “The Current Status of English Language Assessment in Bangladesh”, July 5-6, 2013, BRAC Centre INN, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  5. 6th BELTA International Conference, January 18 to 20, 2013, NAEM, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  6. 44th IATEFL Conference, April 7 to 11, 2010, Harrogate, UK.
  7. 8th Language and Development Conference organized by the British Council and English in Action from June 23 to 25, 2009, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Published Researh

Published Research Papers

1. Kabir, M. M. N., Haider, M. Z. Khan, R., Roshid, M. M., Jahan, A., & Sultana, S. (2023). Online Assessment Practices of English Language Teachers and Students in Higher Education in Bangladesh: Challenges and Choices, BELTA Journal,

2. Roshid, M. M., Sultana, S., Kabir, M. M. N., Jahan, A., Khan, R., & Haider, M. Z. (2022). Equity, fairness, and social justice in teaching and learning in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, DOI: 10.1080/02188791.2022.2122024 (Q 1 Journal)

3. Jahan, A., Khan, R., Roshid, M. M., Haider, M. Z., Sultana, S., & Kabir, M. N.(2022). From Crises to Opportunities in Higher Education in Bangladesh. The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics, 14(27-28), 143-166.

4. Sultana, S., Roshid, M. M., Haider, M. Z., Khan, R., Kabir, M. M. N., & Jahan, A. (2022). University students’ and teachers’ wellbeing during COVID-19 in Bangladesh: A qualitative enquiry. The Qualitative Report, 27(6), 1635-1655. (Q1 Journal)

5. Khan, R., Jahan, A., Sultana, S., Kabir, M. M. N., Haider, M. Z., & Roshid, M. M. (2021). Accessing Online Instruction amidst COVID-19 in Bangladesh: Barriers and Coping Strategies. Language Teaching Research Quarterly, 22, 33-48. (Q 2 Journal)

6. McCulloch, S., Indrarathne, B., Jahan, A., Gnawali, L., Hussain, N. Nauman, S., Jayawardena, S., & Abeyawickrama, W. (2020). Investigating EAP provision in South Asian higher education: Current trends and future needs. UK: British Council & the University of Central Lancashire.

7. Jahan, A. (2018). Impact of Textual Enhancement on Bangladeshi Learner’s Noticing and Grammatical Development of Present Perfect and Past Simple Tenses. Malaysian Journal of ELT Research (MaJER), 15(1),1-16, ISSN 1511- 8002.

8. Jahan, A. (2016-2017). Impact of Task Repetition on a Bangladeshi Tertiary Learner’s Oral Performance: A Case Study. HARVEST: Jahangirnagar University Studies in language and Literature, 32, 71- 86.

9. Jahan, A. & Kormos, J. (2015). The impact of textual enhancement on EFL learners' grammatical awareness of future plans and intentions. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 25(1), 46–66. doi: 10.1111/ijal.12049 (Web of science)

10. Jahan, A. (2012). Residual Cultural Imperialism in Primary Textbooks in Bangladesh: A Critique of the English for Today Textbooks, East West Journal of Humanities, 3, 73- 96. ISSN 2024-6628.

11. Jahan, A., & Nusrat J. (2011). Working with Vocabulary at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh, Journal of Education and Practice, 2(5), 45-57, ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) & ISSN 2222-288X (Online)

12. Jahan, A. (2008). Promoting Collaboration in Mixed Ability EFL Classrooms at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh, Journal of NELTA, 13(1-2), 49-56.

13. Jahan, A., & Nusrat J. (2008) Teaching Presentation Skills to Tertiary Students in Bangladesh, Stamford Journal of English, 4, 38-57.

14. Jahan, A. (2008). Teaching Speaking Skills at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh: An Empirical Investigation, Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Economics, 3(1), 155-171.

15. Rahman, M. R., & Jahan, A. (2007). Strengths and Weaknesses of Teaching Fluent Reading: A Study at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh, Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Economics, 2(2), 155-167.

Published Book Chapters

1. Saha, M., & Jahan, A. (2023). Translanguaging as trans-identity: Insights from ethnic minority students in Bangladesh. In: Sultana, S., Kabir, M.M.N., Haider, M.Z., Roshid, M.M., & Hamid, M.O. (Eds.). Language in Society in Bangladesh and Beyond: Voices of the Unheard in the Global South. Routledge, New York.

  • 2. Jahan, A., & Govindasamy, S. (2022). Impact of Textual Enhancement on EFL Learners’ Noticing and Acquisition of Noun and Verb Phrases. In: Khan, R., Bashir, A., Basu, B.L., Uddin, M.E. (eds) Local Research and Glocal Perspectives in English Language Teaching. Springer, Singapore.
  • 3. Jahan, A. & Govindasamy, S. (2021). Are tertiary EFL learners ready for input enhancement technique in Bangladesh? In S. Sultana, M. M. Roshid, M. Z. Haider, M. M. N. Kabir, & M. H. Khan (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of English Language Education in Bangladesh (pp. 82-95). UK: Routledge. 

Publications in Conference Proceedings

1. Kabir, T., Jahan, A. & Trainin, G. (2023). I'm going to do my Duolingo, got to keep my owl happy: Using Duolingo in Bangladesh. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 2091-2097). New Orleans, LA, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

2. The Hornby Scholar’s Panel Presentation: ELT in action: what works and what makes it work in different contexts. (2012). In T.  Pattison (Ed.) IATEFL 2012 Glasgow Conference Selections (pp. 158- 161). Kent: Pilgrims.

3. Rahman, F. M., & Akhter J. (2011). Training English Teachers from Difficult and Rural Contexts in Bangladesh. In P. Gunashekhar, A. Padwad & D. Pawelec (Eds.) Starting, Stimulating and Sustaining English Language Teacher education and development: A selection of papers presented at the International Conference in Hyderabad in January 2011, pp. 86-92.

Training and Workshop

Participated Professional Training 

  1. A 3-day funded training on Raising Teacher Awareness of Dyslexia and Inclusive Practices, from 3 Jan to 5 Jan 2023 in Male, Maldives invited by the University of York, UK.
  2. A 3-day Leadership Trainer Validation event, Connecting Classroom Project, British Council, Dhaka from  March 1 to 3, 2019 at Hotel Grand Platinum, Dhaka.
  3. A 4-day Core Skills Trainer Validation event, Connecting Classrooms Project of the British Council Dhaka from  November 11 to 14, 2018 at The Days Hotel, 69 Suhrawardy Avenue, Baridhara Diplomatic Zone, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
  4. Certified as an ELT Teacher Trainer by the British Council Bangladesh, English Team in September 2013.
  5. A 5-day Course on Research Design and Methods, March 31- April 9, 2011, CRT, East West University.
  6. A Ten-week Online Teacher Training Course on Critical Thinking For English Language Teaching (EFL) Curriculum conducted by American English Institute, University of Oregon, USA from April 4, 2011 to June 10, 2011.
  7. Training of Trainers (TOT) arranged by the British Council, Dhaka in August 2009.


Conducted Training 

  1. Conducted a two-day long teacher training for secondary level EFL teachers funded by the U.S. Embassy, Dhaka from June 7 to June 8, 2024, at Secondary Teacher Training Institute (STTI), Mymensingh as a team member of BELTA.
  2. Teaching Basic Concepts of Linguistics, Teaching Reading Skills, Teaching Writing Skills, CEDP-10th Batch Teacher Training Program, National University Gazipur, Dhaka, January 24, 2020.
  3. Teaching Introduction to Linguistics, CEDP-6th Batch Teacher Training Program, National University Gazipur, Dhaka 8 September 8 & 12, 2019.
  4. Trained BCS Cadre Teachers for mapping the primary and secondary levels English language curriculum of Bangladesh against the three websites of the British Council- Learn English Kids, Learn English Teens and Teaching English in 2013.
  5. Trained teachers, bankers and trainers at English for Teaching: Teaching for English (ETTE) Project of the British Council, Bangladesh Bank, National University’s 80th Teacher’s Training Program, Access to Information (A2I) Program and Reaching out of School Children (ROSC) Project of the Government of Bangladesh from 2009-2013.

Conducted Workshop

  1. Raising Teacher Awareness of Dyslexia and Inclusive Practices at EMK Center, Dhanmondi, Dhaka funded by the University of York in March 2023.
  2. Managing Learner Centered Activities & Giving Feedback to YLs, Workshop for the Student Teachers, Hornby Project of BELTA, Department of English, Daffodil International University, February 8, 2020.
  3. Providing Feedback on Writing, TA Workshop, Department of English, East West University, Dhaka, January 16, 2020.
  4. Managing Learner- Centered activities in Large Classes at the BELTA National ELT Conference organized by BELTA & the English Department, Rajshahi University and sponsored by the American Centre, US Embassy, Dhaka, January 7-8, 2011, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
  5. Managing Learner-Centered Activities at the English Language Teaching Seminar and BELTA Comilla Chapter Opening, June 4, 2010, Ispahani Cantonment Public School and College, Comilla, Bangladesh.
  6. The SMS Approach at the 6th GELTA Seminar, July 8, 2010, Ghatail Project of Good Neighbors Bangladesh, Ghatail, Tangail, Bangladesh.

Participated Workshop

  1. A 3-day residential meeting and workshop for the project Engaging teachers in South Asia with research evidence: Improving English language learning in areas with poor access to resources, 2020 funded by the University of York, UK   from March 9 to 11, 2020 at Hotel Taj Samudra, Gale Road, Colombo, Sril Lanka.
  2. Workshop on Creating and Using Rubrics, conducted by Dr. Sharmin Khan, San Jose State University, USA, January 16, 2019 at Canadian International University, Banani, Dhaka.
  3. A 3-day Planning workshop conducted by Connecting Classroom Project, British Council, Dhaka from December 11 to 13,  2018 at Nazimgarh Wilderness Resort, Lalakhal, Sylhet.
  4. Regional Curriculum Mapping Workshop, Phase -2, organized by the British Council, Sri Lanka, May 6- 11, 2013.
  5. Regional Curriculum Mapping Workshop organized by the British Council, Sri Lanka, January 28- February 1, 2013.
  6. Exploring Recent Practices in Teacher Development for ELT arranged by British Council-BELTA, December 2010.
  7. Leadership skills in ELT arranged by BELTA and TESOL Arabia Leadership & Management SIG,BRAC Centre Inn, December 2- 3, 2010.
Received Training and Research Grants
  1. For the US Embassy-BELTA-LPC Teacher Training project from the U.S. Embassy, Dhaka as a member of BELTA team to conducted ten two-day long teacher training programs across Bangladesh for secondary level EFL teachers.
  2. For the project, Raising Teacher Awareness of Dyslexia and Inclusive Practices, December 2022 to March 2023 from the University of York, UK
  3. For the teacher training project, Partnered Remote Language Improvement (PRELIM), 2021 from the  British  Council,  IATEFL,  and  English UK on behalf of Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA).
  4. For the research project, Online Education in Private Universities during Covid-19: Access, Equity and Quality, 2020 from the Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA).
  5. For the research and teacher training project, Engaging teachers in South Asia with research evidence: Improving English language learning in areas with poor access to resources, 2020 from the Priming for ODA-Compliant Research (Global Challenges Research Fund) internal grant scheme of the University of York, UK. For more information,
  6. For the research projectInvestigating EAP Provision in South Asian Higher Education: Current Trends and Future Needs, 2019 from the British Council’s ELTRA. For more information, for more information
  7. For the research and teacher training project, Connecting Underprivileged Children and Tertiary Students through Cross-Age Teaching: A Hand-in-hand ELT Approach, 2019-20 from A.S.Hornby Educational Trust Teacher Association Project Scheme managed by the British Council on behalf of Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA).
Scholarship and Sponsorship
  1. A 3-day sponsored visit to China Education Collaboration and Exchange Conference and 2024 Global English Education China Assembly, held in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, China, on July 26-27, 2024.
  2. A 3-day funded training on Raising Teacher Awareness of Dyslexia and Inclusive Practices, from 3 Jan to 5 Jan 2023 in Male, Maldives invited by the University of York, UK.
  3. Sponsored invitation from the University of York, UK to participate in a 3-day residential meeting and workshop for a teacher training project in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2020.
  4. Hornby Scholarship 2011-2012 for studying MA in Language Teaching: TESOL at the University of Lancaster, UK.
  5. Sponsored invitations to attend conferences and workshops from the British Council, UK (2010, 2012), India (2011), and Sri Lanka (2013).
  6. E-Teacher Scholarship for participating in an online teacher training course from the American Centre, Dhaka in 2010.
  7. General scholarship from Dhaka University for bot BA (hons.) and MA results.
  8. Talent-pool scholarship from the Dhaka Education Board for the H. S. C results.
  • Reviewer, East West Journal of Business, East West University, 2023.
  • Reviewer, East West Journal of Humanities (EWJH), East West University, 2013, 2018, 2023.
  • Reviewer, System, International Academic Forum, 2021.
  • Reviewer, Spectrum, Journal of the Department of English, University of Dhaka, 2021. 
    • Reviewer, Journal of the Centre for English Teaching and Research (CETR) Dhaka University, 2021
  • Reviewer, BELTA Journal, Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur, 2019, 2020.