Constitutional Law, Comparative Constitutional Law, International law and Human Rights.
International Environmental Law and International Water Law.
International Law
International Trade Law
International law and Development
WTO and Developing Countries
Law of Treaties
Law of Corporate Finance
Business and Human Rights, Women`s Rights, Minority Rights
Criminology and Victimology, Cybercrime, Terrorism, Gender-Based Violence, International Criminal Law.
Undergraduate (LLB Hon's) Supervision of Students
Linkon Ahmed Ruman, Escalation of Rumor in Social Media Platform in the Context of Bangladesh: Theories, Challenges and Prevention. Spring 2022, Completed.
Ariful Amir, Problem & Prospects of DNA ACT 2014 in Crime Investigation: Bangladesh Perspective. Spring 2022, Completed.
Md. Saiful Islam Palash, Drug Trafficking in Bangladesh: An Investigation of the Reasons and Challenges of the Problem. Spring 2022, Completed.
Marufa Sabrin, Analyzing Impacts and Changing Patterns of Traditional and Cyberbullying Threats in Educational Institutions in Bangladesh. Spring 2022, Completed.
Nadia Hossain, Child trafficking and legal protection of children: An analysis in Bangladesh perspective. Spring 2022, Completed
Md. Nazmul Hasan, Applicability of Routine Activity Theory: An analysis based on cybercrime in Bangladesh. Fall 2021, Completed.
Tahsina Tabassum Tori, The Child Marriage Restraint Act 2017 In Bangladesh: Is It Preventing or Promoting Child Marriage? Fall 2021, Completed.
Mokammel Haq Shiblu, A Critical Analysis on the Torture and Custodial Death (Prevention) Act, 2013: Comparison and Proposals. Fall 2021, Completed.
Mehedi Hasan, Migration and Terrorism: Determining Connections in Aspect of Rohingya and Terrorism. Summer 2021, Completed.
Iffat Mustarin, A Legal Analysis on the Laws Relating to E-commerce Transaction in Bangladesh via the lens of Consumer Rights. Summer 2021, Completed.
Fariha Akter, The Inadequacy of Bangladesh's Cyber Laws relating to Harmful Online Games and Apps: A Comparison to India's Legislations. Summer 2021, Completed.
Tufayel Ahmed Tuhin, Cyber-Bullying Laws in Bangladesh and India: A Comparative Analysis. Spring 2021, Completed.
Halima Akter, Juvenile Delinquency in Bangladesh: An Analysis of the Required Policies in the Criminal Justice System. Fall 2020, Completed.
Aitindrila Sarker, Male Rape in Bangladesh: Legislative Imperfection and Social Renderings of Masculinity. Fall 2020, Completed.
Afifa Islam, Marital Rape: An Unheard Grievance of Married Women In Bangladesh. Fall 2020, Completed.
Md. Abdullah Al Faruque, An Overview on Female Terrorism and Punishment. Fall 2020, Completed
Afsana Hoque Chaity, Homicide Law Regarding Provocation: A path Towards Less Punishment. Spring 2020, Completed.
Ibnul Rifat Uddin, Cyber Defamation on Social Networking Sites: Challenges and Solution. Spring 2020, Completed.
Sazia Afrin, Witness Protection: A Dire Need for A New Law In Bangladesh. Fall 2019, Completed.
Sabrina Mahisha Mahboob, Analyzing the Concept of Beyond Reasonable Doubt Relating to Circumstantial Evidence in the Context of Bangladesh. Fall 2019, Completed.
Anjum Nishat, Cyber Child Pornography and Loopholes in Legislative Frameworks in South Asia. Summer 2019, Completed.
Jaya Goswami, Child Rape in Bangladesh: A Study based on the criminological and victimological theory. Spring 2019, Completed.
International Arbitration, Comparative Law, Constitutional Law, Private Law and Civil Justice system
1) Public International Law.
2) International Human Rights Law.
3) International Intellectual Property Law.
4) World Trade Law.
5) International Contract Law.
6) Comparative Law.
7) Law of War.
8) International Banking Law.
9) Thesis Supervision
Research Interests
Mohammad Pizuar Hossain's research interests lie at the crossroads of: (a) public international law - international human rights law, international criminal law, international humanitarian law, and international environmental law; (b) criminology and criminal justice - transitional justice, restorative justice, community justice, and gender justice; (c) transnational crimes and genocide studies - cybercrimes, terrorism, human trafficking, and genocide; and (d) constitutional law and public policy - freedom of speech, right to privacy, freedom of religion and right to health.
He has published articles in refereed national and international journals on 'trial by media and human rights violations', 'plea-bargaining and the criminal justice system of Bangladesh', 'rape as a weapon in Bangladesh’s War of Liberation', 'amnesty for war crimes and genocide', 'justice for Bangladesh genocide', 'killing of the Bengali intellectuals in 1971 genocide', 'the stages of Rohingya genocide', 'Geo-politics and the Rohingya repatriation', and 'water-management agreements between Bangladesh and India' from 2016 to 2022.
His journal articles, book chapters and working papers on role of transitional justice to prevent recidivism, restorative justice in Scotland, criminology of transitional justice, genocide memory words, role of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in addressing genocide, criminology of aetiology of atrocity crimes, and online hate speech and Bangla content moderation are awaiting publication by 2023-24.
Participation in Research/Training Courses/Programs
1. Summer School on International Criminal Court - 2021, organized by the Irish Centre for Human Rights, Galway, Ireland (8-11 June).
2. Economic Social and Development Residential School - 2021 - Diploma Course, organized by Kathmandu School of Law, Nepal (24-31 May).
3. Training of Human Rights Trainers - 2020 (Case Study Rohingya Youth), organized by Asia Justice and Rights, Indonesia (1 Oct-1 Dec).
4. 100 Bangladeshi Youth Delegates Visit to India - 2018, co-organized by the High Commission of India and the Indian Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (23 Mar-1 Apr).
5. Model International Criminal Court (MICC) Training Course - 2017, organized by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany (18-21 Mar).
6. Human Rights Summer School on Human Rights and Terrorism - 2015, organized by the Empowerment through Law of the Common People (ELCOP), Dhaka, Bangladesh (20-31 Oct).
7. Winter School on Genocide, Justice, and the New Generation - 2015, organized by the Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice, Liberation War Museum, Dhaka, Bangladesh (17-24 Dec).
8. AsianSIL Youth Forum 2015, organized by the Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL), Bangkok, Thailand (26-27 Nov).
Public International Law, Laws Relating to Transboundary Crimes and Constitutional Law.
Labour and Employment Laws
Constitutional Law
Disaster Law
Health Laws
Air and Space Law
Gender Justice
Labour Laws, Disaster Laws, Gender, Family and Personal Laws, Criminology and Criminal Laws, Space Laws, International Laws, International Humanitarian Law
Supervision of Undergrad (LLB) Students:
- Fatema Tul Jannat Shila, The Perspective and Legal Implications of Paternity Leave: A Comparative Analysis Between Bangladesh And Japan, Fall 2024
- Assadeka Tabassum Zaman, A Legal Analysis of Bangladesh with International Human Rights Obligations in Addressing Workplace Harassment Under Labour Law, Fall 2024
- Fateha Noor Tasnim, Intersection between Alternative Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice in Criminal Justice System of Bangladesh, Fall 2024
- Ashrafee Adibatul Islam, Occupational Health and Safety Rights of Garbage Cleaners in Bangladesh: A Critical Legal Analysis, Spring 2024
- Arshiana Rashid, Rape and Forced Pregnancy as Genocide: Liberation War of Bangladesh in Context, Spring 2024
- Sadia Tasnim, Analyzing the Efficiency of Traffic Law Mechanism in Bangladesh, Spring 2024
- Sangida Akter Sreete, Investigating the Legal Frameworks of Bangladesh in Safeguarding the Rights to Education of Ethnic Minorities of Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT), Spring 2024
- Md. Riaz Ahmed, The Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programs against Recidivism: Why Bangladesh should follow Norway’s Prison Rehabilitation Program, Fall 2023
- Anisa Manzur Kannoka, Step-Father’s Responsibility to Maintain A Child: A Critical Analysis, Fall 2023
- Most. Fahmida Al-Jannati, Surrogacy Debate in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis with India & UK, Fall 2023
- Md. Tanvir Anjum, Drone Usage and Policies in Bangladesh and Beyond: A Comparative Analysis, Fall 2023
- Anika Bushra Srithe, The Effect of Covid-19 on Human Rights: Rise of Unemployment, Summer 2023
- Maliha Hoque Shoha, Environmental Crime: Wildlife Poaching and Trading in Bangladesh, Summer 2023
- Bushrat Jahan, The Effectiveness of Domestic Violence Laws in Protecting Women: A Legal Study on Female Intimate Partners, Spring 2023
- Dina Akhter, Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Family Disputes in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis, Spring 2023
- Md. Readul Islam, An Analysis on Bangladesh Judicial Service (Srinkhola) Bidhimala, 2017: From the Perspective of Masdar Hossain Case, Fall 2022
- Sadia Tabassum Sristy, The Rights and Welfare Scheme of the Senior Citizen in Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis with International Standard, Fall 2022
- Tahrima Mourin, Legal Protection Relating to Sexual Offences of Third Gender Community in Bangladesh: ACritical Analysis, Fall 2022
- Mirja Tahmina Akter, Child Marriage: Disagreements among Sharia Law, National Laws and International Framework, Spring 2022
- Rifat Al Haque, Doctrine of Representation: A Critical Analysis from the Perspective of Shariah, Spring 2022
- Faisal Ahmad Chowdhury, Preventive Detention: A Comparative Study with India, Spring 2022
- Efat Farzana, Legal Presumption on Legitimacy of Child under Modern Science, Fall 2021
- Jahanara Islam Bhuiyan, A Critical Study of Legal Rights of Women with Disabilities in Bangladesh: Applicability, Inefficacy, Reality, Fall 2021
- Maheni Fayaza, Standards of Migrant Labors and Emergence of their Labor Rights, Fall 2021
- Masheat Islam, The Possibilities, Applicability and Necessity of Uniform Family Code: Bangladesh Perspective, Fall 2021
- Munira Sharmin Trisha, Divorce Procedure: Conflicts between the Personal Laws and Secular Laws, Summer 2021
- Zannatul Bushra Mishel, Blaming the Victim: A Comprehensive Analysis on Violations of the Right to Privacy of Rape Victims and Relevance of Character Evidence, Summer 2021
- Chowdhury Sadia Nishat, Implementation of Dower Rights in Bangladesh: Legal Analysis, Spring 2021
- Fatema-tuz-Zohora Rupa, Analysis on Faskh and Delegated Divorce Right of Muslim Women: Legal Complexity and Way Forward, Fall 2020
- Md. Imdadul Hossain Nayeem, Juvenile Delinquency in Bangladesh: A Contextual Analysis, Fall 2020
- Sheikh Tasnia Tahsin, Right to Life: Existing Laws and Practice in Bangladesh, Fall 2020
- Sanjina Momtaz Rosha, Past Maintenance: Justification of the Amount and Limitation Period by the Courts of Bangladesh, Summer 2020
- Prosenjit Rakshit Chayon, Jeopardizing Hindu Women's Right to Divorce and Property in Bangladesh: A Comparative Overview, Spring 2020
- Mahmudul Hassan Khan, Guardianship of Property: A Critical Analysis under Personal Laws and Statutory Laws, Fall 2019
- Avijhit Shikder, Universal Human Rights Violation from Geopolitical Perspectives, Summer 2019
- Saraf Anjum, Legal Presumption on Legitimacy of Child in the Era of Medical Science, Spring 2019
Public International Law, International Commercial Arbitration, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law
Areas of Interest
Human Rights, Constitutional Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Sports Law
Funded Research Projects/Activities
- Research Assistant to the Bangladesh Regional Consultant in the 'Research on Crimes against Future Generations (CAFG)' by the Centre for Environmental Law and Policy (CELP), Faculty of Law, University of Colombo in collaboration with The European Union funded Support to Justice Sector Project (JURE), jointly implemented by UNDP and UNICEF Sri Lanka, and facilitated by the Ministry of Justice, Sri Lanka in 2023–2025 [ongoing];
- Research Assistant in the United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP) Study on ‘Leave No One Behind (LNOB): Reviewing the laws enacted by the Bangladesh National Parliament from 2016 to 2020 in the light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ conducted by the Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka in 2020;
- Researcher in the study titled ‘Living Under Sentence of Death: A study on the profiles, experiences and perspectives of death row prisoners in Bangladesh’ conducted by the Department of Law, University of Dhaka in collaboration with the Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and The Death Penalty Project in 2019–20
Media Appearances
- Moderated the virtual discussion titled 'Separation of Powers & Judicial Independence, Part III: Rethinking the Power, Responsibilities, & Appointment of Judges of Subordinate Judiciary of Bangladesh' organized by Map of Justice with guests Mr. Millat Hossain (Judge, Bangladesh Judicial Service), Mr. Jubaer Ahmed (Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh) and Mr. Md. Johir Uddin Shohag (Director, Bangladesh Institute of Research and Education) on 12 October 2024;
- Moderated the virtual discussion titled ‘Separation of Powers & Judicial Independence, Part II: Rethinking the Power, Responsibilities & Appointment of Judges of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh’ organized by Map of Justice with guests Mr. Emraan Azad (Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Bangladesh University of Professionals) and Mr. Md Lokman Hussain (Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, North South University) on 14 September 2024;
- Moderated the virtual discussion titled ‘Separation of Powers & Judicial Independence, Part I: 16th Amendment of the Constitution of Bangladesh’ organized by Map of Justice with guests Dr. Abdullah Al Faruque (Professor, Department of Law, University of Chittagong) and Mr. Nafiz Ahmed, (Lecturer, Department of Law, North South University) on 24 August 2024;
- Moderated the webinar titled 'A Tale of Endless Formalities in Civil Proceedings: How to Ensure Justice in Property Disputes' organized by Map of Justice with guests Mr. Nuran Choudhury (National Coordinator, ILSA Chapter Bangladesh) and Mr. Md. Abdur Rahim (Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of Asia Pacific) on 21 October 2023;
- Spoke on 'Crafting innovative remedies under the Constitution for violation of fundamental 'rights': Current practices and future trajectories' at Youth's thoughts on the Constitution of Bangladesh organized by Map of Justice on 4 November 2022;
- Moderated the webinar ‘Role of Arbitrator & Tribunal during Arbitration proceedings’ with guest Mr. Duarte G. Henriques (Founding Member, Victoria Associates) organized by Centre for International Alternative Dispute Resolution on 1 May 2020
Human rights, international humanitarian law, criminology, criminal justice and corporate laws.
- Constitutional Law
- International Human Rights Law
- Gender & Minority Rights
- International Humanitarian Law
- Refugee Law