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Field trip at National Archives of Bangladesh

Jun 13, 2024

Field trip at National Archives of Bangladesh

Students enrolled in ISL301 and INF7204 courses, as part of their coursework, took part in a field trip at National Archives of Bangladesh, Agargaon, Dhaka organized by the Department of Information Studies on May 7, 2024.

Students witnessed practical aspects of managing records and archives during the visit. Mr. Anisur Rahman, an experienced employee of the archives since 1994, facilitated an instructive tour. He guided the students through the National Archives, providing thorough descriptions and historical background for each resource preserved at the national archives. The students were exposed to a wide range of materials, from ancient texts to recent administrative records, that the archives carefully conserve.

Following the comprehensive tour, the students engaged in a dynamic question-and-answer session with Md. Elias Miah, Research Officer, National Archives. His knowledge in archival research and preservation boosted the students' intellectual capacity as he discussed almost everything from digitization initiatives to archival conservation practices.

Overall, the field trip to Bangladesh National Archives was an eye-opening experience for the students. It gave them a hands-on understanding of archive methods while emphasizing the importance of maintaining the rich cultural heritage contained within the nation's historical documents. Such experiential learning opportunities are essential to the academic journey of aspiring archivists and record managers, molding them into responsible stewards of collective memory.

A total of 56 students participated at the field trip guided by Rumana Rahman, Lecturer, Department of Information Studies, East West University.