Publications: Department of Information Studies

Journal Articles and Book Chapters
  1. Islam, M. M., Roy, P. B., Hossain, M. A., Md. Roknuzzaman, Begum, D., Hasan, M. N., Akanda, A. E., & Haque, M. A. (2024). Exploring the factors affecting employees’ adoption of digital libraries in Bangladesh. International Journal of Information and Knowledge Studies, 4(1).
  2. Lau, J., Tammaro, A. M., Miltenoff, P., Begum, D., Zanichelli, F., Orru, D., & Sanabria, D. (2024). Artificial Intelligence/ChatGPT-Like: Perceptions and Use Among Library and Information Professionals from Italy, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, and Mexico. The International Information & Library Review, 56(4), 404–418.
  3. Tabassum, R., Elahi, M. H., & Begum, D. (2024). Media and information literacy self-efficacy of LIS students in Bangladesh. The International Information & Library Review, 56(2), 118-134 
  4. Begum, D., & Elahi, M. H. (2022). Digital library services to support online learning amid COVID-19: A study of a private university library in Bangladesh. Digital Library Perspectives, 38(3), 332-345. DOI: 
  5. Elahi, M. H., Begum, D., & Munshi, M. N. (2021). Open access repositories in Bangladesh and India: A comparative analysis. Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science, 2(3), 1-16.
  6. Begum, D., Roknuzzaman, M., & Shobhanee, M. E. (2021). Public libraries’ responses to a global pandemic: Bangladesh perspectives. IFLA Journal, 48(1), 174-188. DOI:
  7. Parvin, S., Begum, D., Shobhanee, M. E., & Hasan, M. N. (2021). Evolving Roles of East West University Library During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In B. Holland (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Knowledge and Organization Systems in Library and Information Science (pp. 213-230). IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7258-0.ch012 
  8. Begum, D, Roknuzzaman, M., & Elahi, M. H. (2020). Online information literacy training for users during covid-19 pandemic: A case study of East West University Library, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, 10(2), 81-98. DOI: 10.5958/2277-7946.2020.00008.X
  9. Tabassum, M., Roknuzzaman, M., & Begum, D. (2020). Employability skills of new generation lis professionals in Bangladesh. Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, 10(2), 121-144. DOI: 10.5958/2277-7946.2020.00008.X 
  10. Begum, D., Hoq, K. M. G., Hasan, M. N., & Akanda, A. K. M. E. A. (2020). Knowledge management in libraries and information centers: A model-based analysis. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum (Eds.), Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (pp. 3-16). UK: Routledge; an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. [ISBN: 9780367546281]
  11.  Elahi, M. H., & Begum, D. (2020). Information literacy and digital literacy for public sector employees of Bangladesh: A competence-based integrated framework for providing quality services. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum (Eds.), Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (pp. 179-196). UK: Routledge; an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group. [ISBN: 9780367546281]
  12. Abdullah- Al- Mahmud, Akanda, A. K. M. E. A., Hasan, M. N., Haque, M. A., & Begum, D. (2020). Awareness and use of open access resources in higher education and scholarly research: Faculties versus students perspectives. Library Philosophy and Practice, 4516, [ISSN: 1522-0222]
  13. Begum, D. & Parvin, S. (2019). Incorporating social media into library services: Present scenario at East West University Library. Library Philosophy and Practice, 2746, [ISSN: 1522-0222]
  14. Begum, D. (2019). Building sustainable digital libraries in Bangladesh: Look in the role of East West University Library. In S. Chakraborty (Ed.), Digital Humanities & Digital Societies in the Contemporary World(pp. 31-36). India: Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calcutta. [ISBN: 978-81-937429-4-5]
  15. Begum, D., Hossain, T., Elahi, M. H., & Parvin, S. (2019). Public engagement in nation development through open data platform: Bangladesh government initiatives. . In S. Chakraborty (Ed.), Digital Humanities & Digital Societies in the Contemporary World (pp. 150-159). India: Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calcutta. [ISBN: 978-81-937429-4-5]
  16. Elahi, M. H., Islam, M. S. & Begum, D. (2018). Perception on the use of mobile phones in retrieving information from academic libraries: A developing country perspective. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology, 8(1), 37-50. DOI:
  17. Elahi, M. H. & Begum, D. (2017). Open trends in Bangladesh for providing information services: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Knowledge and Communication Management, 7(2), 97-115. DOI: 10.5958/2277-7946.2017.00009.2
  18. Begum, D. (2016). Dynamics of information literacy initiatives in Bangladesh: A study. ISST Journal of Advances In Librarianship, 7(1), 1-6.
  19. Begum, D. (2016). Digital library network: Usage and users in the South Asia. In V. Malhan, T. Kaur, & N. Kaur (Eds.), Transformation of LIS Education, Libraries and Information Services for Knowledge Society (pp. 99-114). New Delhi, India: Ess Ess Publications. [ISBN: 978-81-7000-803-3]
  20. Ahmed, M. U., Begum, D., & Haq, N. (2016). Plagiarism: ‘To do or not to do’ is the real question!. In V. Malhan, T. Kaur, & N. Kaur (Eds.), Transformation of LIS Education, Libraries and Information Services for Knowledge Society (pp. 458-465). New Delhi, India: Ess Ess Publications. [ISBN: 978-81-7000-803-3]
  21. Begum, D. (2016). With the scholar on cloud nine. In V. Malhan, T. Kaur, & N. Kaur (Eds.), Transformation of LIS Education, Libraries and Information Services for Knowledge Society (pp. 691-693). New Delhi, India: Ess Ess Publications. [ISBN: 978-81-7000-803-3]
  22. Begum, D., & Yesmin, S. (2015). Marketing trends of library and information services and products in university libraries: A case study of East West University, Bangladesh. Academic Discourse 4(2), 92-102.
  23. Begum, D. (2015). Media and information literacy: A case study of East West university. In Singh, A. Grizzle, S. J. Yee & S. H. Culver (Eds.), Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) Yearbook: Media and Information Literacy for the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 197-206). Gothenburg, Sweden: The International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media, Nordicom, University of Gothenburg. [ISBN: 978-91-87957-13-0]
  24. Begum, D., & Rose, J. (2015). Digital library network of South Asia. Information Technology in Developing Countries: A newsletter of the International Federation for Information Processing Working Group 9.4 and Centre for Electronic Governance, 25(2), 12-18 [India]
  25. Begum, D. (2013). Promoting media and information literacy: A case study of Bangladesh public sector. In Media and Information Literacy for Knowledge Societies (pp. 292-299). Moscow, Interregional Library Cooperation Centre. [ISBN 978-5-91515-047-3]. Available at
  26. Begum, D. (2013). List of selected literacy resources available in the Bangla language. In F. W. Horton (Ed.), Overview of Information Resources Worldwide (pp. 47-49). Paris, UNESCO. [ISBN: 978-92-3-001131-4] (Contributed as Country Coordinator, Bangladesh.)
  27. Singh, J., & Begum, D. (2012). Education information literacy and lifelong learning: three pillars of national building in the emerging knowledge society.  Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science, 2(1), 48-56.
  28. Islam, M.N. & Begum, D. (2010). The internet in context: A substitute or a support to traditional library resources. In S. Kataria, J. P. Anbu K & S. Ram (Eds.), Emerging Technologies and changing dimensions of libraries and information services (pp. 757-761).  New Delhi, India: KBD Publication. [ISBN: 978-81-907999-1-1]
Conferences and Seminars
  1. Begum, D. (2024, Novermber 29-December 01). Academic integrity and digital literacy: The librarian's role in the era of AI. [Paper presentation]. 12th International Library Information Professional Summit (I-LIPS) on Innovative Technologies in Librarianship: Challenges and Opportunities", Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India.
  2. Begum, D. (2024, December 02-04). AI in libraries and information institutions: Accept or reject? [Paper presentation]. International Conference on "Digital Landscape in Library 4.0 (DLL 4.0), Department of Library and Information Science and Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Central Library, Bangalore University, Bangalore.
  3. Begum, D. (2024, September 30-Ocotber 03). Visible progress-open access and open research [Paper presentation]. IFLA Information Futures Summit, Brisbane, Australia.
  4. Begum, D. (2024, September 30-Ocotber 03). Readiness to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) in libraries information professionals' perspective from a developing country [Paper presentation]. IFLA Information Futures Summit, Brisbane, Australia.
  5. Begum, D. (2024). The practice of coexistence in library & information science (LIS). In The 3rd International Symposium on the Practice of Co-existence in Islamic Culture. Yogyakarta, Indonesia: UIN Sunan Kalijaga University.
  6. Begum, D. (2024, June 24-27). Strategic planning for sustainable LIS profession in the world of AI [Paper presentation]. 2024 forum on Future of World Academic Libraries (WAL), Beijing, China.
  7. Begum, D.  (2024, February 22 - 24). Enhancing institutional rankings: The pivotal role of libraries and librarians [Paper presentation]. International Online Conference 2024 on Libraries beyond Libraries: Innovation, Inclusion and Integration, C. H. Mohammed Koya Library, University of Calicut, Kerala, India.
  8. Begum, D., Elahi, M. H., Sumon, A. R., & Rahman, R. (2023). Gen Z, metrics, and academic libraries: The use of metrics in shaping academic library for Gen Z. In 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) (pp.70-71). Dhaka: Dr. S. R. Lasker Library, East West University.
  9. Begum, D., & Mim, S. A. (2023). Students’ perception regarding the enrollment in the LIS program. In 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) (p. 121). Dhaka: Dr. S. R. Lasker Library, East West University.
  10. Latif, M. A., Mim, J. A. & Begum, D. (2023). Adapting to change: How Dr. S. R. Lasker Library meets evolving user needs through technological innovations. In 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) (pp. 125-126). Dhaka: Dr. S. R. Lasker Library, East West University.
  11. Begum, D. & Hoq, K. M. G. (2023). The role of library and information science professionals in promoting digital fluency: Emerging challenges and opportunities. In 3rd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (pp. 14-15). Dhaka: East West University.
  12. Begum, D. & Elahi, M. H. (2023). Interreligious dialogue to unite youth against religious extremism in Bangladesh: Role of academic libraries. In 88th IFLA World Library and Information Congress. The Netherlands: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).
  13. Begum, D. & Hoq, K. M. G. (2022). Change management in 21st century libraries: Bangladesh context. In International Conference on the Role of LIS Professionals in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Dhaka: Library Association of Bangladesh. 
  14. Begum, D. & Hoq, K. M. G. (2021). Practicing 21st century skills by LIS professionals during and after Covid-19 crisis. In 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (p. 100). Dhaka: East West University.
  15. Georgiadou, E., Lampropoulos, G., Siakas, E., Siakas, K. V., Edwards, J. A., Valtanen, J., Berki, E., Paltalidis, N., Rahanu, H., Knezevic, R., Čolic, A., Tomic, B., Savva, A., Stylianou, V., Meiramova, S., Abd Elghany, M., Khalifa, N., Gevorgyan, R., Popa, D.,... Knezevic, S. (2021). Rapid migration from traditional or hybrid to fully virtual education in the age of the coronavirus pandemic: challenges, experiences and views of college and university students. In: e-Learning - INSPIRE XXVI Conference, Southampton, UK. Available at:
  16. Begum, D. (2020).  Media and information literacy movements in Bangladesh. In International Scientific Conference Western Balkan Information and Media Literacy WBIMLC 2020: Information literacy: know it, teach it, live it & 9th Internation Summit of the Book 2020 (pp. 29-32). Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Limerick Institute of Technology [ISBN: 9780954158293].
  17. Roknuzzaman, M. & Begum, D. (2020). Green libraries for sustainable environment: Issues and challenges. In Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences (p. 9). Dhaka: East West University. 
  18. Begum, D. (2019). Evolving Roles of Libraries and Librarians to meet the 21st Century Challenges. In International Conference on Digital Landscape, Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment (p. 13). New Delhi, India: The Energy and Resources Institute. 
  19. Hossain, T, Begum, D, Elahi, M. H, Sumon, A.R. (2019). Research Data Management (RDM): Demystifying the Notion about Data Librarians. In International Conference on Digital Landscape, Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment (p. 528). New Delhi, India: The Energy and Resources Institute.
  20. Begum, D. & Elahi, M. H. (2019). Road to Meet 21st Century Challenges: A scenario on LIS education in Bangladesh. In IFLA World Library and Information Congress. Athens: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). Available at: 
  21. Begum, D. and Elahi, M. H. (2019). A proposed framework for meeting sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Bangladesh: Library and information center (LIC) perspectives. In F. Alam (Ed.), 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management: Next Generation Information and Knowledge Dissemination to realize the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (p. 30). Savar: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC) and Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University.
  22. Haque, M. F., Islam, T. M. F., Islam, M. N., Parvin, S. & Begum, D. (2019). Fake news and its consequences: Challenges towards achieving SDGs. In F. Alam (Ed.), 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management: Next Generation Information and Knowledge Dissemination to realize the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (p. 138). Savar: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC) and Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University. 
  23. Begum, D. (2019). OER in higher education: An effective tool for achieving SDGs. In P. Babbar, D. C. Kar, P. K. Jain & G. Paliwal (Eds.), Rethinking Libraries and Librarianship, Sixth International Conference of Asian Special Libraries (ICoASL) (p. 470). New Delhi, India: Bookwell [ISBN: 9789386578372].
  24. Begum, D. (2019). Menstrual literacy: Raising awareness from girlhood to womanhood. In International Scientific Conference Western Balkan Information and Media Literacy: Freedom, Accuracy and Truth (pp. 25-33). Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Limerick Institute of Technology [ISBN: 9780954158286].

  25. Hasan, M. N., Akanda, A.K.M.E. A., Islam, M. H. Haque M. A. Sarker, M. R. & Begum, D. (2018). Assessing the present status of school library professionals in Bangladesh: A study. In: The 47th Annual Conference of the International Association of School Librarianship, 6-11 May 2018, Istanbul, Turkey.
  26. Ashikuzzaman, A. Hasan, M.N., Hossain, U., Ali, E. & Begum, D. (2018, July 2-4). Avoid plagiarism, promote higher education: Does the situation demand for the social marketing approach at Rajshahi University? [Abstract]. In the 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (p. 5773). Palma Convention Centre, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. DOI:10.21125/edulearn.2018.1392.

  27. Begum, D. (2018, March 25-28). Girlhood to womanhood: Awareness of menstrual literacy. In the third World Literacy Summit. Sheldonian, Oxford University, United Kingdom.

  28. Begum, D. (2017, November 28-30). Incorporating Social Media into Library Services: Present Scenario at East West University Library. In 20th National Convention on Knowledge, Library and Information Networking (NACLIN 2017) under the theme “A Digital Universe of Infinite Possibilities for Libraries". New Delhi, India.
  29. Begum,D., Parvin, S. & Hasan, M. N. (2017, June, 06-09). Assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of information literacy program: A study on the newly registered students at East West University (EWU). In D. Halilagić& R. Knežević (Eds.), In International Scientific Conference “Western Balkan Information Literacy”; Generation Z: Fake News and Information Literacy, the New Horizon (pp. 103-115). Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina: Limerick Institute of Technology.
  30. Hasan, M. N., Begum, D., Islam, M. A. & Akter, S. (2017, February 15-16). Access to information as a tool for empowering adolescent girls in Bangladesh: A rural perspective. In S. Husain & P. M. N. Ali (Eds.), In Libraries and Institutional Repositories: Recent Trends. International Conference on Knowledge Generation, Discovery and Networking, Aligarh Muslim University (pp. 218-219). New Delhi: Shree Publishers & Distributors.
  31. Begum, D., Hasan, M. N. & Mamun-Or-Rashid, M. (2016, December 13-16). Digital library network of South Asia: A special focus on Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement. In S. Ganguli, P K Bhattacharya, P. Roy, P. Shukla & N. Deepa (Eds.), International Conference on Digital Libraries Smart Future; Knowledge Trends that will Change the World; Vol.1n(pp. 161-169), New Delhi, India: TERI.
  32. Begum, D., Hoq, K.M.G., Hasan, M.N. & Mamun-Or-Rashid, M. (2015, August 11-12). Library sponsored knowledge sharing programs in private universities of Bangladesh: A case study of female student’s perception. In Women, Information and Libraries SIG satellite meeting of IFLA. University of South Africa (UNISA) Library, Pretoria, South Africa.
  33. Begum, D. (2015, October 1-13). Digital libraries in South Asian countries-The role of DLNetSA [Online presentation through Skype]. In South Asian Libraries Conference (SALC 2015), Lahore University of Management Sciences, DHA, Lahore, Pakistan.
  34. Begum, D. (2013, November 27-29). Digital library network in South Asia – A model for regional cooperation. In: Proceedings International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL). New Delhi, India, [ISBN: 978-81-7993-554-5]
  35. Begum, D. (2013). Information literacy initiative at East West University library. In European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) Abstracts, Ankara: Hacettepe University Department of Information Management. [ISBN: 978-975-491-359-0]
  36. Hoq, K. M. G., Hasan, N., Akanda, A K M E. A. and Begum, D. (2013, January 23-25). Use of departmental seminar libraries as institutional repositories: A survey on selected public universities in Bangladesh. In 21st International BOBCATSS Conference, Ankara, Turkey. [ISBN: 978-975-491-361-3]
  37. Begum, D. (2012, March 13-14). Developing digital libraries with open source software in Bangladesh. In Seminar on Emerging frontiers in digital libraries: perspectives, empowerment and advocacy. University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.
  38. Begum, D. & Hasan, N. (2011, August 16-17). Information management in the digital era: A study of selected websites and digital librarians. In 7th International Conference of the University Librarians Associations: Contribution of the Academic Librarians towards a knowledge society. Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  39. Begum, D., Rashid, M. O. & Rahman, M. M. (2011, February 15-17). Developing digital library with greenstone digital library software: A case study of East West University. In International Conference on the Convergence of Libraries, Archives and Museums (ICLAM). National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT). New Delhi, India.
  40. Singh, J. & Begum, D. (2010, August 10-15). Student awareness of health information initiatives of the Governments of India and Bangladesh: A study of Punjabi University, Patiala and East West University, Dhaka. In World Library and Information Congress: 6th IFLA General Conference and Assembly. Gothenburg, Sweden.
  41. Begum, D. (2010, January 28-29). Education, information literacy and lifelong learning: Critical success factors. In National Seminar on E-Literati: Information Literacy and the Role of College Libraries in Sustaining Lifelong Learning Skills. Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad, India.
  42. Begum, D. & Kaur, N. (2010, November 17-19). Teaching Information literacy for lifelong learning  [Abstract]. In Envisioning Employable LIS Courses in Developing Countries for the Emerging Knowledge Society; Papers of the XXVI National Conference, Indian Association of Teacher of Library and Information Science (IATLIS). Punjabi University, Patiala, India.
  43. Begum, D. (2010). East West University library: A model of automated information services. In: Globalizing academic libraries: Vision 2020. In International conference on Academic Libraries, 05-08 October, Mittal Publications, New Delhi, India. [ISBN: 81-8324-339-8] Available at
  44. Salhuddin, G. & Begum, D. (2010, August 02-05). Ensuring accountability through information literacy of public sector administration: The case of Bangladesh public sector. In 5th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 02- 05 August, Cambridge University, UK. (Available at
  45. Singh, J & Begum, D. (2009, 25-27 November). Balancing the relics and harbingers of LIS courses for the emerging job market. In Envisioning Employable LIS Courses in Developing Countries for the Emerging Knowledge Society; Papers of the XXVI National Conference, Indian Association of Teacher of Library and Information Science (IATLIS). Punjabi University, Patiala, India.
  1. Begum, D. (2024, May 17). Improving your focus for Success [paper presentation]. 4th Personal and Professional Development Conference (PPDC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. Begum, D. (2020, February 10). Role of LIS professionals in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In International symposium on “Empowering the Library and Information Professionals for Achieving the SDGs”. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Department of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka and the Association of Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) South Asia Chapter.
  3. Begum, D., Hasan, M. N. & Aziz, M. T. (2017, November 05-06). Possibilities and potential areas of joint collaboration between CHWs and HIPs for promoting health information literacy (HIL) in communities of Bangladesh: A study [Abstract]. In International Conference on Managing Changes for Better Public Service Delivery: South and South East Asian Experience (pp. 23-25). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC).
  4. Elahi, M. H.& Begum, D. (2017, November 05-06). Information literacy and digital literacy skills and competencies: A special reference to public-sector employees of Bangladesh [Abstract]. In International Conference on Managing Changes for Better Public Service Delivery: South and South East Asian Experience (pp. 53-54). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC).
  5. Begum, D., Rashid, M. O. & Mahamud, R. (2012). Greenstone Digital Library Software: A Case Study of Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of International Seminar on Digital Libraries for Digital Nation (pp. 125-138). Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Other Publications
  1. Begum, D., & Parvin, S. (2024, December 03). Libraries as catalysts for literacy: A perspective from Bangladesh. IFLA Asia and Oceania Regional Newsletter, Issue 4,
  2. Begum, D. (2009). Abstract and Abstracting (in Bangla). Training manual on National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  3. Ahmed, M. U. and Begum, D. (2002). Ranganathan: a wonder of the library and information world (In Bangla). Joti, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  4. Ahmed, M. U. and Begum, D. (1998). Reading: the other side of the equation (In Bangla). Joti, Institute for Library and Information Management (ILIM), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Research Report
  1. Begum, D. (2012). Preliminary results from the international media and information literacy survey (IMILS) of the habits and practices of the university students when undertaking research assignments. UNESCO. (available at (Contributed as a Country Coordinator).
Poster Publication
  1. Begum, D., Hasan, M.N., Rahman, S. & Islam, A. (2015). Information needs and seeking behavior of the nurses at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh: An exploratory study from a different theoretical lens. In: Proceedings of The Third European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL), October 19-22, 2015, Abstracts, Estonia: Tallinn University, Information Sciences. [ISBN: 978-9949-29-241-7]
Newspaper Articles

Research Collaboration (National/International)

International Research Collaboration

Dr. Dilara Begum has been invited to participate in an international research project titled “Librarians´ AI Perceptions”. Other Notable members of the research projects are Dr. Anna Maria Tammaro, University of Parma; Dr. Jesús Lau Noriega, Veracruz University (Universidad Veracruzana); Francesco Zanichelli, University of Parma; Alessandro Corradini, The University of Perugia (Università degli Studi di Perugia); Dr. Plamen Miltenoff, University of Economics – varna.

Invited To Join A Funded Research Project By BIILSD As Deputy Lead Researcher

Dr. Dilara Begum has been invited to join a fully funded research project titled “Public Servants’ Capacity Development for Realization of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): A study on the training curriculum of government training institutions in Bangladesh” as Deputy Lead Researcher. The research project was funded by the Bangladesh Civil Service Administration Academy.



Library 2.0 in the Universities of Bangladesh. The Dhaka University Studies, Vol-68, No. 1, 2013


Digital Library Initiatives in Bangladesh: Current Status and Future Challenges. The Eastern Librarian. Vol22, no. 1&2, 2011


Digitization and Developing Digital Library and Information Support in Bangladesh: Professional Challenges. Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science vol.2 no. 1, 2011


Access and Usage of Electronic Journals of Dhaka University Library (DUL): an Empirical Study. Journal of the Bangladesh Association of young Researchers (JABYR), vol. 1, No. 2, 2011.


Designing Integrated Information System for Health, Nutrition and Population Sector programs in Bangladesh: a Model Plan. The Arts Faculty Journal. Vol-4, No.6, 2011.


Education for Digital Library Systems: Bangladesh Perspective.  Teacher’s World: the Journal of Education and Research. vol- 35-36, 2010


Design a Digital Institutional Repository for the Faculty of Arts: A Study. The Dhaka University Studies vol-67, no.1, 2010


Situation Analysis of the Health and Population Sector Information Systems and Services in Bangladesh. The Arts Faculty Journal. Vol- 3, No.4&5, 2010


Software Requirement Specification for University Library: a Case Study.  Dhaka University Studies vol-66, no. 2, 2009.


Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Toward ICT Among the Information Professionals in the Health and Population Sector in Bangladesh. The CDR Journal vol-2, issue- 3, 2008.


“Current Awareness Services: concepts, importance and techniques”. In National Academy for Educational Management, Library Management Training Manual, Dhaka: NAEM, 2007


Information Globalisation and Its Impact on Higher Education.  Teachers' World January vol. 21-23, 2000


Automation Trends in Special Libraries of Bangladesh: Some Observations and Future Trends.  Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science vol.1 no. 1, 1998


Action Research in Education: Context-based Solution of Educational Problem, Nibandhamala, Centre for Advanced Research in the Humanities, University of Dhaka, 1998


Alternative to Books and Librarianship in the Twenty-first Century: Existing Situation, Problem and Prospect., Darshan o Pragoti, Vol. 15, No. 1-2. 1998


Library Provision for Primary School Children in Bangladesh: Development Issues. Teacher’s World, Vol. 17-20, 1997


Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviour in Population Information Systems: an Overview. The Dhaka University Studies, Vol. 53-54; No. 1, 1997

Journal Publication
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles: 
  1. Tabassum, R., Elahi, M. H., & Begum, D. (2024). Media and information literacy self-efficacy of LIS students in Bangladesh. The International Information & Library Review, 56(2), 118-134

    SCImago Journal & Country Rank 

  2. Elahi, M. H. & Ahmed, S.M.Z. (2023). Assessing information quality of Bangladesh e-government websites. Performance Measurement and Metrics, 24(2), 69-84. 

    SCImago Journal & Country Rank 

  3. Begum, D. & Elahi, M.H. (2022). Digital library services to support online learning amid COVID-19: a study of a private university library in Bangladesh. Digital Library Perspectives, 38(3), 332-345. DOI:

    SCImago Journal & Country Rank

  4. Elahi, M. H., Begum, D. & Munshi, M. N. (2021). Open Access Repositories in Bangladesh and India: A comparative analysis. Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science, 2(3), 1-16.

  5. Begum, D., Roknuzzaman, M. & Elahi, M. H. (2020). Online information literacy training for users during Covid-19 pandemic: A case study of East West University Library, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journal of Knowledge & Communication Management, 10(2), 81-98. DOI: 10.5958/2277-7946.2020.00008.X

  6. Elahi, M. H. & Mezbah-ul-Islam, M. (2018). Open access repositories of Bangladesh: An analysis of the present status. IFLA Journal, 44(2), 132-142.

  7. Elahi, M. H., Islam, M. S. & Begum, D. (2018). Perception on the use of mobile phones in retrieving information from academic libraries: A developing country perspective. International Journal of Knowledge Content Development and Technology, 8(1), 37-50. DOI:

  8. Elahi, M. H. & Begum, D. (2017). Open trends in Bangladesh for providing information services: Opportunities and challenges. Journal of Knowledge and Communication Management, 7(2), 97-115. DOI: 10.5958/2277-7946.2017.00009.2

  9. Elahi, M. H. & Islam, M. S. (2017). Implementation of web 2.0 tools in Dhaka University Library website: The attitude of users and information professionals. East West Journal of Humanities, 6&7, 32-41. 

  10. Elahi, M. H. (2016). Designing a mobile based library information and service delivery system: A model plan for libraries of Bangladesh. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice, 4(3), 57-70. DOI : 10.1633/JISTaP.2016.4.3.4

  11. Elahi, M. H. & Islam, M. S. (2014). Go fast, go with mobile: Students' perception and implementing mobile based library services at DUL. Library Philosophy and Practice (E-Journal). Available at:

Conference & Seminars
  1. Elahi, M. H. (2024). Adoption of ChatGPT in academic activities: Perceptions from university students. In The 3rd International Symposium on the Practice of Co-existence in Islamic Culture (pp. 776-784). Yogyakarta, Indonesia: UIN Sunan Kalijaga University. [ISSN: 2715-0550]

  2. Elahi, M. H. & Sumon, A. R. (2022). Keyword-based automated selective dissemination of information and resources system for special libraries in Bangladesh. In P. Babbar, P. K. Jain, B. Markscheffel, D. C. Kar & R. Sangchantr (Eds.), 16th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) (pp. 471-477). Bangkok: COLLNET, Society for Library Professionals and Special Libraries Association, Asia Community. 

  3. Elahi, M. H. & Hossain, T. (2020). Engaging mass community with public library: A framework. In Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences (p. ). Dhaka: East West University.

  4. Hossain, T., Begum, D., Elahi, M. H. & Sumon, A.R. (2019). Research data management (RDM): Demystifying the notion about data librarians. In International Conference on Digital Landscape, Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment (p. 528). New Delhi: The Energy and Resources Institute.

  5. Elahi, M. H. & Joyee, R. E. (2019). Open access repositories in Asia: Present status and involvement in sustainable quality education. In F. Alam (Ed.), 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management: Next Generation Information and Knowledge Dissemination to realize the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development (p. 88). Savar: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center (BPATC) and Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University.

  6. Begum, D., & Elahi, M. H. (2019). Road to meet 21st century challenges: A scenario on LIS education in Bangladesh. In IFLA World Library and Information Congress. Athens: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (pp. 1-13). Available at: 

  7. Elahi, M. H. & Begum, D. (2017). Information literacy and digital literacy skills and competencies for providing quality services: A special reference to public sector employees of Bangladesh. In International Conference on Managing Change for better public service delivery: South and South-East Asian experience (p.53)Savar: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre.

Chapter in an Edited Book

1. Elahi, M. H. & Begum, D. (2020). Information Literacy and Digital Literacy for Public Sector Employees of Bangladesh: A Competence-based Integrated Framework for Providing Quality Services. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 179-197). New York: Routledge.

2. Elahi, M. H. (2020). Literacy and Awareness of Sustainable Development Goals among Undergraduate Students: A Study of a Private University in Bangladesh. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 389-402). New York: Routledge.

3. Begum, D., Hossain, T., Elahi, M. H. & Parvin, S. (2019). Public engagement in nation development through open data platform: Bangladesh government initiatives. In S. Chakraborty, Digital Humanities and Digital Societies in the Contemporary World (pp. 150-159). Calcutta: Department of Library and Information Science.

Newspaper Article

1. Elahi, M. H. (2020). Combating infodemic of misinformation. The New Age, p. 8. Retrieved from

Conference and Seminars

Begum, D., Elahi, M. H., Sumon, A. R., & Rahman, R. (2023). Gen Z, metrics, and academic libraries: The use of metrics in shaping academic library for Gen Z. In 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) (pp.70-71). Dhaka: Dr. S. R. Lasker Library, East West University.

Elahi, M. H. and Sumon, A. R. (2022). Keyword-based Automated Selective Dissemination of Information and Resources System for special libraries in Bangladesh. In P. Babbar, P. K. Jain, B. Markscheffel, D. C. Kar & R. Sangchantr (Eds.), 16th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS) (pp. 471-477). Bangkok: COLLNET, Society for Library Professionals and Special Libraries Association, Asia Community.

Sumon, A.R. & Hossain T. (2022). Media and Information Literacy Awareness among Undergraduate Students of a Private University in Bangladesh. In International Conference on the Role of LIS Professionals in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Dhaka: Library Association of Bangladesh.

Sumon, A.R. (2020). Managing Citation Through Popular Citation Management tools: An Analysis. In, Proceedings of the 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences. Paper presented at ICSL 2020, 27-29 February (p. 51-52). Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Hossain, T., Begum, D., Elahi, M. H., Sumon, A.R. (2019). Research Data Management (RDM): Demystifying the Notion about Data Librarians. In, Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Landscape, Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment. Paper presented at ICDL 2019, 6-8 November (p. 528). New Delhi, India: The Energy and Resources Institute.

 Hossain, T., Sumon, A. R., and Rahman, R. (2019). Measuring the progress towards attaining the SDGs: Bangladesh Government’s Initiative of SDG Tracker. In: International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management; “Next Generation Information and Knowledge Dissemination to realize the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development”, Dhaka: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center, p. 128.

Hossain, T, Sumon, A. R. (2019). The Impact of Information Seeking Behavior of Library Users in Service Innovation: A Study of East West University Library. In: International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management; “Next Generation Information and Knowledge Dissemination to realize the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development”, Dhaka: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Center, p. 170.

Journal Articles

Sumon, A. R. & Islam, M.A. (2020). “Information-Seeking Behavior of the Graduate Students: A Developing Country Perspective”. The Dhaka University Studies, 72-73 (1-2), pp. 1-17.

Book Chapters

1. Hossain, T., Sumon, A. R., and Rahman, R. (2020). Bangladesh's Progress toward Attainment of the SDGs: An Analysis of SDG Tracker. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 413-430). New York: Routledge. 

Ongoing Projects

Perceptions of Academic Librarians of Bangladesh Regarding Preservation of Indigenous Knowledge 


Rahman, R & Reza, R. B. (2023). Information seeking behavior of university students during 2023 dengue outbreak. Record and Library Journal, 9(2), 232-242. [Scopus Indexed]

Kumar, R, Das, S & Rahman, R (2019). Mapping of Agriculture Research in Bangladesh: A Scientometric Analysis. Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science, 6(2), 7-15. [BASE, JSTOR, OAJI indexed]


Rahman, R. & Begum, B. (2020). Transformational Leadership Behavior Styles of Professionals in Private University Libraries of Bangladesh. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 53-64). New York: Routledge. Publication of Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9780367546281.

Hossain, T, Sumon, A. R. & Rahman, R (2020). Bangladesh’s Progress toward Attainment of the SDGs: An Analysis of  SDG Tracker. In M. A. Alam, F. Alam & D. Begum, Knowledge Management, Governance, and Sustainable Development: Lessons and Insights from Developing Countries (1st ed., pp. 413-430). New York: Routledge. Publication of Taylor & Francis Group. ISBN: 9780367546281.


D. Begum, M. H. Elahi, A. R. Sumon, A. R. and R. Rahman (2023). “Gen Z, metrics, and academic libraries: The use of metrics in shaping academic libraries for Gen Z. Conference Paper on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS). Paper presented at 17th International Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and Scientometrics (WIS). Dhaka: Dr. S. R. Lasker Library, East West University, (2023), P. 70-71.

Rahman, R. (2021). Information Culture in the Private University Libraries of Bangladesh. [Abstract]. In 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 24-26 June, 2021. Virtually.

Rahman, R, Rahman, A, Kohinoor, S.K.B (2020). Prospects and Challenges of MOOCs in Bangladesh: A Study of Students and Academicians [Abstract]. In 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences. Paper presented at Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences, 27-29 February (p.51). Dhaka: East West University.

Rahman, R (2020). Use of E-Resources in English Medium School Libraries of Bangladesh: A Study on Information Professionals [Abstract]. In 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences. Paper presented at Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences, 27-29 February (pp.27-28). Dhaka: East West University.

Kumar, R and Rahman, R (2019). Faculty Perception, Adoption and Usage of Open Access Scholarly Publishing: Bibliometric Analysis from Last 10 years in Academia. Conference paper on Digital Landscape Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment. Paper presented at ICDL 2019: International Conference on Digital Landscape Digital Transformation for an Agile Environment, 6-8 November (pp. 472-480). New Delhi: TERI.

Rahman, R. & Islam, S. (2017). Users Perception of E-resources in the Private University libraries of Bangladesh. Proceedings of Libraries Beyond Borders: Innovative Trends, Issues and Challenges in Knowledge Dissemination (ICLBB-2017). Paper presented at International Conference on Libraries Beyond Borders: Innovative Trends, Issues and Challenges in Knowledge Dissemination (ICLBB-2017), 18-19 August (pp.455-460).

Rahman, R. & Islam, S. (2017). E-Resource Management in the Private University Libraries of Bangladesh: Perception of LIS Professionals. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Transforming Library 2017. Paper presented at 1st International Conference on Transforming Library, Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar, 8-10 July 2017 (pp. 265-285).

Research Papers
  1. Mahmud, M. R., Bin Reza, R., & Ahmed, S. Z. (2023). The effects of misinformation on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in Bangladesh. Global Knowledge, Memory and Communication, 72(1/2), 82-97.
  2. Raiyan Bin Reza, & Rumana Rahman. (2023). Information seeking behavior of university students during 2023 dengue outbreak: A developing country perspective. Record and Library Journal, 9(2), 232–242.
  3. Reza, R., & Sunvy, A. S. (2023). The Role of fact-checking sites during the Israel-Palestine conflict. The Indonesian Journal of Communication Studies, 16(2), 122-134.
  4. Sunvy, A. S., & Reza, R. B. Students’ Perception of Wikipedia as an Academic Information Source.
  5. Sunvy, A. S., Reza, R. B., & Al Imran, A. (2023). Media coverage of DeepFake disinformation: An analysis of three South-Asian countries. Informasi, 53(2).
  6. Mahmud, M. R., & Reza, R. B. (2020). APPLICATION OF WEB ARCHIVING TECHNOLOGIES IN BNL AND NAB: A PROPOSED MODEL. Eastern Librarian, 25, 2.
  7. Mahmud, M. R., & Reza, R. B. (2024). Anti-Women Misinformation on YouTube. COMMUSTY Journal of Communication Studies and Society , 3(1), 1-8.
  8. Reza, R. B., Mahmud, M. R., & Ahmed, S. M. Z. (2024). Evaluating AI excellence: A comparative analysis of generative models in library and information science. Science & Technology Libraries, 1–14.

Conference Papers
  1. Reza, R. B. (2023). Exploring the fancy world: CNN’s Coverage of AI generated Content.In 3rd International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. Dhaka: EastWest University.
  2. Imran, A.& Reza,R.B. (2023). Effectiveness of fact checking websites: A webometrics analysis,Dilara Begum(Ed.).Measuring knowledge in the digital age Webometrics, Informetrics,and scientometrics: 17th international Conference on Webometrics, Informetrics, and scientometrics (WIS) (pp.122).COLLNET
  3. Ali ,Liton,Mahmud, M. R., & Reza,R.B. (2023). Impact of Religious Information on Political Beliefs and Personal Morality among Bangladeshi People.In International Conference on Library & Information Science( ICLIS 2023 )(p.45).
  4. Reza, R. B., Mahmud, M. R., Mostofa, S. M., & Othman, R. (2021, November). Role of Medical Libraries for Implementing Knowledge Management During Covid-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study. In International Conference on Business and Technology (pp. 219-236). Cham: Springer International Publishing
Conference/workshop paper- referred
  1. Munshi, M. N. 2008. Marketing of Information Products and Services for Special Libraries in Bangladesh. In: PLANNER- 2008 Conference Proceedings on Open Access, Open Source, Opern Library, 6-7 November, Nagaland University, Dimapur, Nagaland, India.
  2. Munshi, M. N. 2005. Marketing of Information Products and Services in Bangladesh: Findings, Data Analysis and Discussions. In: PLANNER- 2005 Conference Proceedings on Digital Collection Development and E-Journal Management in Libraries, 10-11 November, University of Assam, Silchar, India.
  3. Munshi, M. N. 2005. Knowledge Management in Bangladeshi Libraries: A Long Way to Go. In: Third International CALIBER-2005: Multilingual Computing and Information Management in Networked Digital Environment, 02–04 February, Cochin, India, 214-220
  4. Munshi, M. N. 2004. Designing Information Systems and Services: A Case Study on the DISC of the ICDDR,B. In: The National Convention on Library and Information Networking – NACLIN 2004, 23-26 November, Pune, India, 258-272
  5. Munshi, M. N. 2004. Status of School Library Development in Bangladesh. In: NILIS- IFLA/ALP International Workshop Proceedings on Information Skills for Learning, 01-05 November, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 45-51
  6. Munshi, M. N. 2003. Library Automation in Bangladesh: The Dhaka University Library Experiences. In: International CALIBER-2003: Mapping Technology on Libraries and People, 13–15 February, Ahmedabad, India, 153-165
Journal articles
  1. M. Nasiruddin Munshi and Muhammad Jaber Hossin. (July 2013) Users’ Perception of Service Performance: A Study of Some Public University Libraries in Bangladesh. The Dhaka University Studies, Vol.70, no.1 (published in 2015).
  2. Siddike, M. A. K. and Munshi, M. N. (2012) Perceptions of information professionals about knowledge management in the information institutions of Bangladesh: an exploratory study. Library Philosophy and Practice. August 2012.
  3. Munshi, M. N., Siddike, M. A. K. and Sayeed, M. A. (2011) The adoption of information and communication technology (ICT) in the university libraries of Bangladesh: an exploratory study. The Eastern Librarian. Vol. 22 (1&2). Pp. 07-13.
  4. Munshi, M. N. (2009) Public Library Management in Bangladesh: Problems and Suggestions. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. Vol. 27, June. Bangladesh (Bengali)
  5. Munshi, M. N. (2009) Marketing of Information Products and Services in Bangladesh: Theories and Practices. Social Science Review, 26(1), June, Bangladesh.
  6. Munshi, M. N. (2007) Existent Picture of LIS Education and Training in Bangladesh. The Eastern Librarian. Vol. 21, no. 1 & 2: 12-19 (Bangladesh)
  7. Munshi, M. N. (2007) Information Supports for Socio-Economic Development of Bangladesh. Library Herald, 45(4), December, (India)
  8. Munshi, M. N. (2006) Marketing Plan for Special Libraries: Theoretical Considerations. The Dhaka University Studies. 63(1), June, (Bangladesh)
  9. Munshi, M. N. (2006) Organization of Library Materials: An Overview. Library Management Training Manual. NAEM, Ministry of Education, Dhaka, May 2006,  90-96 (Bangladesh)
  10. Munshi, M. N. (2006) Historical Growth and Development of Special Libraries in Bangladesh: A Brief Account. The Arts Faculty Journal. University of Dhaka, July 2005-June 2006, 1(1), 139-154 (Bangladesh)
  11. Munshi, M. N. (2004) Granthagar o Tathya Kendrey Marketing Koushal Proyog: Ekty   Parjalachona. Dhaka Biswabidyalaya Patrika. Vol. 80, 65 – 73 [Bengali] (Bangladesh)
  12. Munshi, M. N. (2004) Marketing of Information Products and Services in Bangladesh: Theories and Practices. Library Herald, 42(4), December, (India)
  13. Munshi, M. N. (2003) Automation in Some Special Libraries of Dhaka: A Survey. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), 48(1), 189-206 (Bangladesh)
  14. Munshi, M. N. (2003) Application of Micro CDS/ISIS in Designing Bibliographic Databases. Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part – D, 48(1), 81-90 (Bangladesh)
  15. Munshi, M. N. (2002) Library and Information services: Marketing Strategies and Techniques. Journal of Marketing, University of Dhaka: Vol. 5, 155-162 (Bangladesh)
  16. Munshi, M. N. (2001) Marketing of Information Services: A Conceptual Framework. The Dhaka University Studies, 58(2), December, 127-138 (Bangladesh)
  17. Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (2000) Status of library automation in Bangladesh: existing problems and solutions. Library Herald, 38(2), July – September, 81-89 (India)
  18. Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (2000) Status of library automation in Bangladesh: an overview of some existing problems and solutions. Social Science Review, 17(2), 227-236 [Bangladesh]
  19. Munshi, M. N. (1998) Assessing the use of information technology and its impact on special libraries and information centres in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science, University of Dhaka, 1(1), 77-88 (Bangladesh)
  20. Munshi, M. N. (1998) Application of computers in the library and information centres in Bangladesh: a review [Bangla]. Asiatic Society Patrika, 16(2), 78-90 (Bangladesh)
  21. Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (1998) Library and information science literature in Bangladesh-a bibliometric study. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 3(2), 11-34 (Malaysia)
  22. Munshi, M. N. (1997) Adequacy of reading resources and the satisfaction of the information needs of the faculty members: a case study of the Dhaka University Library. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), 42(2), 303-311 (Bangladesh)
  23. Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (1997) Computerization of libraries in Bangladesh. Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 2(2), .37-43 (Malaysia)
  24. Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, M.U. (1996-1997) Library and information services to the rural community in Bangladesh: CDL’s experience. The Dhaka University Studies, 54(1), 129-138 (Bangladesh)
  25. Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (1995-1997) Choosing microcomputer hardware: guidelines for the librarians of Bangladesh. The Eastern Librarian, Vol. 20-22: 75-87 (Bangladesh)
  26. Munshi, M. N. and Ahmed, S.M.Z. (1995-1996) Using IBM PC in libraries: some buying tips. Library Herald, l.33(3-4), 90 - 98 (India)
PhD Thesis

Munshi, M. N. 2003. Marketing of Information Products and Services: A Study on Some Selected Special Libraries in Bangladesh. Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis, Dept. of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.

Book Chapters-Referred

Munshi, M. N. 2004. Marketing for non-profit organizations: strategies and techniques. In: Information, Communication, Library and Community Development. New Delhi: B.R. Publishing, chapter-II.

  • Ekush Shataker Prekhyapote Reference O Tathysheba (Reference and Information Services in the perspective of the 21st century), a textbook written jointly with Md. Nazmul Hasan and published in 2016.
  • Bibortoner Dharay Samaj, Tathya O Gronthagar (Society, Information and Libraries in the Stream of Evolution), a textbook written in Bangla published by Community Development Library (CDL), in November 2008.
  • Tatthya Pratishthaner Shayangkriyakaran (Automation of Information Institutions), a textbook written in Bangla published by Knowledge Rain, Dhaka. 1st Edition: September 2007, 2nd Edition: June, 2011.
  • Gyan Bebosthapana (Knowledge Management), a textbook written in Bangla publish by Muktabhash in April 2017.
  • All four books are taught at the Honours and Masters levels in the Departments of Information Science and Library Management, University of Dhaka and University of Rajshahi. It is also a textbook for the Diploma level students at various Library and Information Science Institutes under the National University.
  • Have also written eight novels, one historical narrative, one story book for children and one book on ICT, all in Bengali, which have been published by reputed publishing houses. In addition, translated ‘The Bell Jar’ by Sylvia Plath into Bengali, which has been published by Batighar, a leading publishing house in 2018.
  • “Research and documentation: a look at the NGO sector”, written jointly with Harun-ur-Rashid, published in the compilation “The Other Option: NGO’s and People’s Praxis”, Edited by Mohiuddin Ahmad, Published by Community Development Library, September 2000, Dhaka.
  • Development of an Integrated Rural Information System in Bangladesh: Some Observations. Written jointly with Dr. S. M. Mannan. Accepted for publication in “Information Control and Management in Digital Environment: Essays in Honor of Professor K. C. Panda”, to be published by Atlantic Books, New Delhi.

1. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, Md. Nazmul Hasan and A K M Eamin Ali Akanda "6. The Role of Library Professionals as Knowledge Managers: A Study in the Context of Bangladesh." 1st International Conference on Industrial Development in the North Eastern Region- Challenges and Opportunities Tripura, India.: Department of Business Management, Tripura University, India., 2020 .

2. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, Md. Nazmul Hasan and A. K. M. Eamin Ali Akanda "Access to Public Information: The Dilemma of Library and Information Professionals of Bangladesh." Information in e-Motion (BOBCATSSS 2012) BOBCATSSS, 2012 .

3. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq "Challenges and Opportunities of Libraries for Preparing a Nation in the Digital Era.." Silver Jubilee seminar of Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID) Dhaka: Bangladesh Association of Librarians, Information Scientists and Documentalists (BALID), 2011 .

4. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, Dr. M. Nasiruddin Munshi and Ed. by T. A. V. Murthi, S M Salgar, S K Sharma, K Prakash "Knowledge management in Bangladeshi libraries: a long way to go." ‘Multilingual computing and information management in networked digital environment, Convention on automation of libraries in education and research institutions [Third International CALIBER 2005] Ahmedabad, India.: INFLIBNET Centre, 2005 .

5. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, K. M. Eamin Ali Akanda, Md. Nazmul Hasan and Dilara Begum "Use of Departmental Seminar Libraries as Institutional Repositories: A Case Study of Selected Public Universities in Bangladesh." Proceedings of BOBCATSSS Conference 2013 (From Collections to Connections: Turning Libraries “Inside-Out”) Ankara, Turkey: Department of Information Management, Hacettepe University, Turkey and Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark, January 23-25 2013 .

6. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, Dr. Dilara Begum and Md. Nazmul Hasan "Knowledge management in libraries and information centers: a model-based analysis.." 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management Dhaka: Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC) and the Department of Information Studies and Library Management, East West University, 25 to 27 April 2019 .


1. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Ethics of librarianship: an introspective review, The Eastern Librarian , vol.25 , no.1 , pp.161-170 , 2020 .

2. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Changing relationship between information society and libraries, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh , vol.62 , no.1 , pp.87-99 , 2017 .

3. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and Md. Armanul Haque : Changing Concept of Libraries in the Modern Age: An Assessment, Social Science Journal, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh , vol.21 , pp.135-152 , 2017 .

4. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Rural Library and information services, their success, failure and sustainability: a literature review, Information Development , vol.31 , no.3 , 2014 .

5. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and A. K. M. Eamin Ali Akanda : Public Health Information Service in the Northern Region of Bangladesh: An exploratory Study., Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal) , pp.855 , 2012 .

6. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq, A. K. M. Eamin Ali Akanda and Md. Nazmul Hasan : 13. Reading Habit of Students in Social Sciences and Arts: A Case Study of Rajshahi University. Written jointly with, Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal , vol.35 , 2012 .

7. Kazi Mostak gausul Hoq, Dr. Md. Nasiruddin and Dr. Muhammad Mezbah-ul-Islam : Information Description and Discovery Method using Classification Structures in Web, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science , vol.11 , no.2 , 2006 .

8. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and Dr. Muhammad Mezbah-ul-Islam : Information Needs and Information Seeking Behavior of Teachers in the Faculty of Arts of the University Of Dhaka: A Case Study, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.62 , no.1 , 2005 .

9. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Role of information for Rural Development in Bangladesh: A Sector-wise Review, Information Development , vol.28 , no.1 , February 2012 .

10. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Emerging Trends in Telecentre Sustainability in Bangladesh: Some Observations, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.67 , no.1 , June 2010 (Published in June 2012) .

11. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Rural Development through Information Service in Bangladesh: Current Trends and Future Directions, Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.5 , no.7 , July 2011-June 2012 .

12. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Union information service centres (UISC): a proposal for reorganization, The Dhaka University Studies , June, 2012 (Published in 2013) .

13. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Information ethics and its implications for library and information professionals: A contemporary analysis, Philosophy and Progress , vol.LI-LII , January-June, July-December, 2012. (Published in 2014) .

14. Kazi Mostak Gausul : Right to information: The roles and contributions of information professionals of Bangladesh, Philosophy and Progress , vol.LIII-LIV , January-June, July-December, 2013 .

15. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Information overload: causes, consequences and remedies: A study, Philosophy and Progress , vol.LV-LVI , January-June, July-December, 2014 (Published in 2015) .

16. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : The role of knowledge workers in the 21st century: A theoretical review (Ekush shatake gyan bebosthapona kormeer bhumika: ekti tatwik porjalochona), Kala Anushad Patrika , vol.7 , no.9 , July 2013-June 2014 (Published in 2015) .

17. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and S. M. Mannan : 20. Rural Library and information network: a proposal (Grameen granthagar and information network: ekti prostabona) [In Bengali]., Dhaka Bishwabiddalaya Patrika , pp.91-93 , July 2013-June 2014 .

18. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and Md. Armanul Haque : Student perception of electronic resources use in Rajshahi University Library: A case study, International Journal of Library and Information Science , vol.10 , no.7 , pp.78-84 , August 2018 .

19. Kazi Mostak gausul Hoq : Information for Rural Development: The Case of CDLRural Information Resource Centres, The Dhaka University Studies , vol.60 , no.2 , December 2003 .

20. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Alternative library: Rural Development and Telecentres [Bikalpa Gronthagar: Grameen Unnayan O Telecentres], Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.1 , no.1 , July 2005-June 2006 .

21. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Information Literacy and its Implications for Bangladesh, Dhaka University Studies , vol.63 , no.2 , December 2006 .

22. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Information Dissemination in Rural Bangladesh: Challenges and Opportunities, Arts Faculty Journal, University of Dhaka , vol.2 , no.2&3 , July 2006-June 2008 .

23. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq : Teaching Methodology: A Case of the University of Dhaka, The CDR Journal , vol.3&4 , December 2007-08 .

24. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and Md. Anwarul Islam : Community Internet Access In Rural Areas: A Study on Community Information Centres In Bangladesh, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science , vol.15 , no.2 , August 2010 .

25. Kazi Mostak Gausul Hoq and Rowshan Akhter : Knowledge Management in Universities: Role of knowledge workers, Bangladesh Journal of Library and Information Science, University of Dhaka , vol.2 , no.1 , July 2012 .

Journal Articles

PhD Dissertation

  • Roknuzzaman, M. (2009). When Existing and Emerging Disciplines Meet: Library and Information Science vs Knowledge Management. [Unpublished PhD Thesis], School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST), Japan.

Referred Journal Papers (Peer Reviewed)

Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2017). An interdisciplinary encounter between two knowledge domains: Library and information science vs knowledge management, Information and Knowledge Management, 7(10), 19-26. (USA).

Roknuzzaman, M. (2013/2016, publication year 2017). A review of select online academic and research databasesThe Arts Faculty Journal, 7(9, 10 &11), 37-55. (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh).

Roknuzzaman, M. and Rashid, M.O. (2016). e-Resource management: Challenges for information professionals in changing environments. The Eastern Librarian, 24(1), 6-22. (Bangladesh)

Roknuzzaman, M. (2013, published in June 2015). Access to and use of Internet by women in Dhaka city. The Dhaka University Studies, 70(1), 205-222. (Bangladesh).

Tabassum, M., Roknuzzaman, M. and Islam, M. Maidul (2015). Usage of a digital library system at a private university library in Bangladesh. Annals of Library and Information Studies, 62(2), 94-103. (India).

Roknuzzaman, M. (2012/2013, published in April 2015). The changing context of libraries: How to increase the usage of academic libraries of Bangladesh. The Arts Faculty Journal, 6(8), 169-194. (University of Dhaka, Bangladesh).

Roknuzzaman, M. (2012, published in July 2014). Knowledge sharing patterns among the users of Dhaka University Library. The Dhaka University Studies, 69(1), 39-56. (Bangladesh).

Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2013). Exploring LIS academics’ responses to knowledge management. Library Review, 62(4/5), 293-311. (UK).

Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2013). Incorporating KM education into LIS curriculum: Perspectives from LIS academics. VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 43(1), 111-124. (UK).

Akanda, A.K.M.E.A. and Roknuzzaman, M. (2013). Rural information provision in Bangladesh: A study on Development Research Network. Information and Knowledge Management, 3(10), 64-73. (USA).

Roknuzzaman, M. (2010, published in Dec 2012). Knowledge management: An emerging interdisciplinary field of research, education and professional practice. The Dhaka University Studies, 67(2), 145-166. (Bangladesh).

Roknuzzaman, M. (2012). Changing paradigms in library education: From library science to information science to knowledge science. Eastern Librarian, 23(1), 1-23. (Bangladesh).

Akanda, A.K.M.E.A. and Roknuzzaman, M. (2012). Agricultural information literacy of farmers in the northern region of Bangladesh. Information and Knowledge Management, 2(6), 1-11.  (USA).

Roknuzzaman, M., Hasan, M.N. and Akanda, A.K.M.E.A. (2011). A framework for knowledge management education in digital library learning. World Digital Libraries, 4(2), 125-135. (India).

Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2010). KM education at LIS schools: An analysis of KM master’s programs. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 51(4), 267-280. (USA).

Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2009). How library practitioners view knowledge management in libraries: A qualitative study. Library Management, 30(8/9), 643-656. (UK).

Roknuzzaman, M., Kanai, H. and Umemoto, K. (2009). Integration of knowledge management process into digital library system: A theoretical perspective. Library Review, 58(5), 372-386. (UK).

Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2008). Knowledge management’s relevance to library and information science: An interdisciplinary approach. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 7(4), 279-290. (USA).

Roknuzzaman, M. and Munshi, M. N. (2007). Library and information support services for socio-economic development of Bangladesh. Library Herald, 45(4), 307-324. (India).

Roknuzzaman, M. (2007). Status of human resource management in public university libraries in Bangladesh. International Information and Library Review, 39(1), 52-61. (USA).

Roknuzzaman, M. (2006). A survey of Internet access in a large public university in Bangladesh. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), 2(3), 86-105. (West Indies).

Roknuzzaman, M. (2005). Knowledge management in libraries: A conceptual framework. Social Science Journal, 11(July), 191-204. (Rajshahi University, Bangladesh).

Roknuzzaman, M. (2003). Trends in digital libraries: A theoretical exercise. Social Science Journal, 8(July), 217-234. (Rajshahi University, Bangladesh).

Roknuzzaman, M. and Munshi, M. N. (2003). Automation in some special libraries of Dhaka: A survey. Journal of The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), 8(1), 189-206. (Bangladesh).

Nasiruddin, M. and Roknuzzaman, M. (2002). Technological influences on library environment: Contemporary challenges for the professionals of Bangladesh. Rajshahi University Studies, Part C, 10, 23-39. (Bangladesh).

Conference Proceedings

Roknuzzaman, M. and Rashid, M. O. (2016). e-Resource management: Challenges for information professionals in changing environments. A key note paper presented at International Seminar organized by Library Association of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 18-19 February, 2016.

Roknuzzaman, M. (2014). Changing landscape of libraries: How to increase the usage of academic libraries? A key note paper presented at the Seminar on How to Increase Library Usage, Organized by University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) and Library Association of Bangladesh (LAB), September 13, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Roknuzzaman, M. and Munshi, M. N. (2012). Skills for digital librarianship in the context of knowledge management. In: Proceedings of International Seminar on ‘Digital Libraries for Digital Nation’ (pp. 32-45), October 17-18, Library Association of Bangladesh (LAB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Roknuzzaman, M. (2011). Procurement of books and libraries in higher education and learning. In: A.B.M. Hussain and M.F. Haque (ed.), Seminar/Workshop on The Strategy of Teaching-Learning Quality Development in Islamic History and Culture (pp. 19-22), December 12-13, Department of Islamic History and Culture, Rajshahi University, Bangladesh. 

Roknuzzaman, M., Hasan, M. N. and Akanda, E.A. (2010). A framework for knowledge management education in digital library learning. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL 2010) (pp.685-696), February 23-26, New Delhi, India.

Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2009). Knowledge management education in library and information science schools: An exploratory study. In: Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education and Practice (A-LIEP 2009) (pp. 27-37), March 6-8, Graduate School of Library, Information & Media Studies, University of Tsukuba, Japan.

Roknuzzaman, M. and Umemoto, K. (2007). Interdisciplinary perspectives of knowledge management: Exploration of its relevancy to library and information science. In: B. Martin and D. Remenyi (ed.), Proceedings of ECKM 2007: 8th European Conference on Knowledge Management (pp.820-828), Vol. 2, September 6-7, Barcelona, Spain.