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Awarded Research Grant from NILG | Dr. Rasel Hussain

Dr. Rasel Hussain, Assistant Professor of the Department of Sociology and Assistant Proctor of East West University, along with an external researcher, has been awarded a prestigious Research Grant from the National Institute of Local Government (NILG), Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives, Government of Bangladesh.

The grant has been awarded for their research titled "The Role of Village Court in Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Study on Selected Union Parishads in Bangladesh." The study aims to examine the effectiveness of village courts in resolving local disputes, identify challenges faced by different stakeholders, and provide policy recommendations to make the village court system more accessible, efficient, and people-friendly.

This achievement highlights Dr. Hussain’s commitment to impactful research that contributes to strengthening local governance and justice systems in Bangladesh. The Department of Sociology congratulates Dr. Rasel Hussain on this significant accomplishment and looks forward to the valuable insights his research will bring.