- Sociology of Gender
- Sociology of Religion
- Livelihood Vulnerabilities
- Women and Migration,
- Gender and Water,
- Culture, and Social Empowerment.
- Qualitative Research
- Social Policy Analysis
- Sociology of Suicide
- Men and Masculinities
DRR and Climate Change; Gender Analysis and Planning; Gender Budgeting; Gender- CCA and DRR; Women and Local Government; Gender based Violence.
Academic and Research Interest:
- Urban Sociology (Information Economy, Informal Economy, Urban Poverty, and Marginality)
Gender Studies, Gerontology, Demography, Society and Social Changes
Health behavior, HIV/AIDS,
Medical Sociology, Health and Wellbeing, Health and environment,
Sociology of Environment, Disaster Management
Health risk behaviours (SNAP)
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
Psychiatric epidemiology
Digital health
Climate, migration and health
Maternal and child health
- Social determinants of health
- Childhood adversities and child/adult health
- Climate change/disaster and health &
- Health inequality
Health Inequality, Environment, Political Sociology, Globalization, and Social Policy
Gender, Migration, Women empowerment & rights, Women & femininity, Men & masculinity;
Poverty, Urban issues, Population, Indigenous peoples, Health & Environment, Culture & Mass Communication, Social change;
Human rights with special focus on Gender Based Violence & Violence against Women, Sexual Harassment.
Gender stratification, Women empowerment, Ethnic minority women’s empowerment and social acceptance, Women and child harassment, Violence against Women, Women Rights and social policy, Gender inequality, Women movement both mainstream and ethnic, Environment and climate change.
Economic Sociology
Political Sociology
Sociology of Globalization
Political Economy
Economic Sociology
Ready-Made Garment (RMG) Industry
Labor Studies
Developing Economy
Social Theories
Social Movements