Journal Publication
International Journal and Book Chapters/ Research Monograph :
1. Mannan, F. (2022) Veil as Religious Expression: A Sociological Study of University Students in Bangladesh, Journal of Ecumenical Studies. Volume 57, Number 2, Spring 2022, pp. 197-219, University of Pennsylvania Press. DOI:
2. Islam, S., Mannan, F, & et el. (2020) COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of the healthcare, social and economic challenges in Bangladesh, Progress in Disaster Science, December 2020, Volume8,100135. doi:
3. Islam, S. Islam, R., Mannan, F. & et el. (2020) COVID-19 Pandemic: How is Bangladesh coping with the rapid spread of coronavirus infection?, Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 2020, 14(10):1098-1105. doi:10.3855/jidc.13289.
4. Mannan, F., Banu A. (2020) Women in Politics: Gender Quota and Women’s Movements in Bangladesh, Rajasthan Journal of Sociology Volume 12, October 2020, India.
5. Mannan. F. (2019) Breaking the Chain: Dynamics of Intra-Household Relationships & Non-Governmental Organizations in Bangladesh, International Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies, Volume 4 Number 1, DAKAM, Turkey.
6. Mannan, F. (2018) Are Organizations Accountable? Disconnect Between Gender and Sanitation in Bangladesh , Environment and Urbanization ASIA journal, Volume 9 Issue 1, March 2018, Sage Publication.
7. Mannan, F. (2012) Gender-based Violence in Dhaka’s Slums, Book Chapter: The Future of Asian Feminisms: Confronting Fundamentalisms, Conflicts and Neo-Liberalism, Eds., Nursyahbani Katjasungkana and Saskia E. Wieringa, Cambridge Scholars Publishing,12 Back Chapman Street, Newcastle uponTyne, NE6 2XX, UK. p182.
8. Joshi, D., Fawcett, B., and Mannan, F. (2012) Sanitation for the Urban Poor: Gender Matters, book chapter in Diverting the Flow : Gender Equity and Water in South Asia, edited by Margreet Zwarteveen, Sara Ahmed and Suman Rimal Gautam. – Zubaan, New Delhi.
9. Joshi, D., Fawcett B., Mannan F. 2011 Health, hygiene and appropriate sanitation: experiences and perceptions of the urban poor, Environment and Urbanization, April 2011 23: 91-111, doi: 10.1177/0956247811398602, (by) Sage Journal.
10. Holmes, R., Jones N., Mannan F. (2011) Addressing gendered risks and vulnerabilities through social protection: examples of good practice from Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Peru. Gender and Development Journal, Vol 19:2 July 2011, Oxfam, UK. PP 255-270. : Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group.
11. Mannan, F. 2013 ‘The Times of Hope and Despair’: Gender at the Crossroads of Water and Sanitation in Bangladesh. South Asian Water Studies, Volume 3, Issues 3, February, 2013, (www. sawas
12. Holmes, R., Mannan, F, Dhali, H, Parveen,S. (2010) Gendered Risks, Poverty and Vulnerability in Bangladesh, Case Study of the Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction Programme (CFPR), Specially Targeted Ultra Poor II (STUP II), Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, United Kingdom.
13. Mannan, F. (2002) Gender and Development: An Analysis of Selected NGO Interventions in Bangladesh and India – Thesis submitted to the Center for the Study of Social Systems (CSSS), Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi in partial fulfillment of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).
National Journal /Book Chapters/ Working Paper:
1. Mannan,F., and Banu, A (2017). Livelihood Vulnerability and Elderly Women in Urban Slums, Book Chapter: Gendered Lives, Livelihood and Transformation: The Bangladesh Context, Eds., Meghna Guhathakurata and Ayesha Banu, University Press Limited (UPL), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2. Mannan, F. (2016) NGOs and Women's Empowerment in Bangladesh and India, Empowerment, Vol. 23, December 2016, Women For Women , Dhaka. PP41-60.
3. Mannan, F. (2011). Mastanocracy, Violence and Gender in Dhaka Slum, Book Chapter: Gender and Militarization in South Asia, University Press Limited (UPL), Dhaka, Bangladesh.,
4. Mannan, F. (2010) Mainstreaming Gender in Sanitation: An Analytical Study of Selected Organizations in Bangladesh published by the Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of Dhaka. 32p. (Working Paper 10)
5. Mannan, F. (2010) Emergence of Women Studies in Bangladesh: A Journey Through History in Ten Years Celebration Memorial Journal. Published by the Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of Dhaka. P28-36.
6. Mannan, F. (2003) Contributed to a book in Bangla titled “Shikkhakosh” (A Compendium on Education) edited by M. Habibur Rahman. Published by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Conference & Seminars
- Attended and presented a paper "Changing Lives of Women in Rural Bangladesh: A Feminist Perspective”, paper presentation at the International Conference, “Bangladesh Reimagined: The Next Half-Century,” organized by BDI November 8–10, 2024, at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.
- Invited to deliver a plenary address at the ICSSR-sponsored International Conference titled "Gender Issues and Women's Rights: Exploring Women's Voices and Experiences in South Asia", India, December 6 & 7, 2023.
- Attended and presented a paper “Bound By Patriarchy: Women’s Experience of Internal Migration in Bangladesh”, paper presented in XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia June 28, 2023
- Attended and presented a paper “Does Education Really Empower Women? Revisiting The Role of NGOs in Bangladesh” paper presented in XX ISA World Congress of Sociology Melbourne, Australia, June 29, 2023
- Guest Speaker, Speech on Education and Youth Leadership organized by Bangladesh Youth Leadership Centre (BYLC) (online), November 17, 2022, Mohakhali C/A, Dhaka.
- Invited as a Co-the Chair of Technical Session,' Educational Opportunities and Challenges' at the XXVII International Annual Conference 2020 (Online) organized by the Rajasthan Sociological Association (RSA), India, February 7-10, 2021.
- Attended and presented a paper (online) on ‘Veil as Religious Expression: An Ethnographic Study Among Young Female Students in Bangladesh’, at the International Conference (online) organized by the Dialogue Institute, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA, August 18, 2020.
- I was interviewed by the Dialogue Institute, Temple University, USA, as a selected SUSI Scholar (U.S. State Department Academic Scholars Program) for the US State Department podcast in September 2020.
- Attended and presented a paper on ‘Veil As Religious Expression: An Ethnographic Study Among Young Female Students in Bangladesh’, at the International Conference organized by the Dialogue Institute, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA, August 18, 2020 (Online).
- Editorial board member, the First Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences conference proceedings, February 2020, ISBN 978-984-34-8662-2, East West University, Dhaka.
- Convener of the International Conference on Social and Life Sciences (ICSL) organized by East West University, Dhaka Bangladesh, February 2020
- Panel Speaker on Religion and Women at The Temple University, Philadelphia, June 13, 2018, USA.
- Presented a paper in a public symposium 'Hijab, Religion and Women in Bangladesh', at the University of St. Thomas, July 2018, Minnesota, Minneapolis U.S.A.
- Attended and presented a paper on 'Breaking the Chain: Dynamics of Intra-Household Relationships and Non-Governmental Organizations in Bangladesh' at the International Conference on Gender and Women Studies'17 organized by Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Centre, November,10-11, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Invited as a Resource Person in the curriculum development training workshop on “Gender-inclusive Agriculture Education and Research” from 22-30 September 2016 in Kalimpong, India.
- Attended and presented a paper as a Keynote Speaker at the conference organized by the SaciWATERs on ‘Interdisciplinary in Water Education in South Asia: Challenges, Perspectives and Policy Implications’ from October 3-6, 2010 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Presented a paper on ‘Mainstreaming Gender in Sanitation: Perspective from a Dhaka Slum’, at Wageningen University, Netherlands, 19th November 2009.
- Attended a workshop organized by the Centre for Intercultural Studies, Portugal, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, University of Tampere, Finland, 25 November, 2009.
- Attended the I International Congress of Culture and Gender: Culture in the Body, 11-13 November 2009, Elche, Alicante, Spain.
- Attended the conference of East Mediterranean University, ‘Gender Studies at Crossroad’, 22 -24th April 2009 , Cyprus.
- Attended and presented a paper at the Second Conference of the Kartini Asia Network, 2-5 November 2008, Bali, Indonesia.
- Attended and presented a paper at the XII National Conference of the Indian Association for Women’s Studies (IAWS), Feminism, Education and Transformation of Knowledges: Processes and Institutions, 7-10 February 2008, Lucknow, India.
- Attended a workshop on Feminist Methodology, organized by the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and Dhaka University, 2008, Bangladesh.
- Participated in a Gender Workshop at the University of Dhaka, organized by the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and Dhaka University, 2007, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Attended a Workshop on Curriculum Development on Interdisciplinary Water Resources Studies, October 14-17, 2006, Hyderabad, India.
- Attended a Workshop on Gender and Water Reader for South Asia, October 9-13, 2006, Hyderabad, India.
- Attended a workshop on Feminist Methodology, organized by the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and the University of Dhaka, 2008, Bangladesh.
- Attended and presented a paper at a seminar on Exploring the Sociological Perspective of Poverty, organized by Bangladesh Sociological Society, May 2004, University of Dhaka.
- Attended the All India Sociological Conference, December 19-21, 1994, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
- Attended the National Workshop on Rural Poverty, March 12-13, 1992, Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Academic Work
Taught courses at East West University:
- SOC 101 : Introduction to Sociology
- SOC 102: Introduction to Anthropology
- SOC 218: Sociology of Gender
- SOC 207 Early Social Thought
- Soc 303 : Urban Sociology
- SOC 208 : Social Stratification and Inequality
- SOC 320: Social Structure of Bangladesh
- Soc 311 : Feminist Thought
- SOC 408: Sociology of Gender Planning and Development
- SOC 301: Qualitative Research Methodology
- SOC 401: Classical Sociological Theories
- SOC 406: Sociology of Development
- ECO 433: Gender and Development
- POP 602: Population, Gender and Development
- GEN 201: Bangladesh Studies
Taught courses at the University of Dhaka
- WGS 301 : Tools of Gender Analysis
- WGS BSS 401 : Gender and Development : Conceptual Issues
- WGS-308 : Project Management
- WS-401 : Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and Women’s Empowerment
- WS-305 : Women in the Production Processes and the Economy
- WGS MSS-02 : Gender and Development : Strategies and debates
- MSS 06 : Gender, Poverty and Livelihoods
Academic and Policy Research
Academic Research
1. Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands , September 2009.
2. Junior Consultant, “Analysis of Poverty Trends (APT)” project, Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies, Bangladesh (BIDS), Dhaka, June 1993- July 1994. 3. Research Officer, “Analysis of Poverty Trends (APT)” project, Bangladesh Institute for Development Studies (BIDS), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1989-1993 4. Lead Researcher in Bangladesh with the University of Southampton, UK under the "Study on Livelihood-Gender- Sanitation linkages Relating to the Urban Poor", research project conducted in Bangladesh, India Kand kenya, Supported by DFID, UK. 5. Lead Researcher with The Overseas Development Institute (ODI), UK, under the project on 'Gender and Social Protection in Bangladesh', project conducted in Bangladesh, Peru, and Ethiopia ,2009. 6. Research Officer, Nari Uddug Kendra (NUK), a National NGO, Dhaka Bangladesh, 2001-2002. |
Policy Research |
1. Consultant (Gender Strategy Paper), in a project 'integrated management of crop-fish-water resources to enhance agricultural production systems towards sustainable food security in Bangladesh', at Bangladesh 2. Agricultural University (BAU), funded by CDI, Wageningen, the Netherlands, November 2013. |
3. Consultant (Gender Strategy Analysis), in a project titled "Capacity Development of Higher Education on Integrated Water Resources Management at CUET", funded by UNESCO-IHE, Netherlands, June, 2012 |
4. National Consultant (Gender Specialist), Evaluation of the Consolidation of a National Platform for the Women’s Movement, Doorbar Network Project of Nari Pokkho, Dhaka, 2007. 5. Consultant (Gender and Governance), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Dhaka under the “Strengthening Parliamentary Democracy” project, 2006. 6. Consultant (Gender Specialist), Evaluation of the Reaching Out-of-the-School Children (ROSC) project, Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), Dhaka, November 2005- January 2006. 7. Consultant (Gender and Development Specialist) with Action Aid Bangladesh (AAB) to assess Gender concerns/practices in Action Aid Bangladesh as a part to reviewing its Country Strategy Paper CSP II and to help mainstreaming gender issues in the implementation of the Country Strategy 1999-2003, Bangladesh, October to December, 2003.
Journal Editor/ Reviewer/ Membership of National & International Professional Bodies
- 1. Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Congress on Women in a Global World IV: Struggle for Equality (WGW2024), Topkapı University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- 2. Member of the International Sociological Association (ISA) since 2023.
- 3. Life member of the Indian Sociological Society(ISS), India, since 2024.
- 4. Life member of Rajasthan Sociological Association, India, since 2018.
- 5. Reviewed East West Journal of Business and Social Studies, East West University, Bangladesh.
- 6. Reviewer of the Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, East West University, Bangladesh, since 2014 till present.
- 7. Was a member of the Scientific Committee of Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center (DHAKAM), Turkey 2018.
Journal Article
2024 Men’s Suicide in Bangladesh: Impressions from the Socio-Ecological System Theory, OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. [Sage, Impact factor Impact factor 2.2, ISI, Scopus indexed Journa].
2024 FIFA World Cup 2022 and Bangladesh: Shedding light from the sociology of sport. Scientific Journal of Sport and Performance, 3(1), 130–144.
2023 Psychological Perspective of Suicidal Behaviour in South Africa, Journal of Suicide Prevention, 5: 3-16.
2023 Suicide is a mental health issue, not a crime, 360info.
2023 Male suicide cases in Bangladesh: Lensing through Durkheim’s sociological typology, Journal of Human Behaviour in the Social Environment, 33:6, 879-894. [Routledge, Scopus & ISI indexed Journal].
2023 Intimate Relationship and Suicidal Behaviour of Men in Bangladesh. Mortality, 28(1), 106-125 [Routledge & Scopus Indexed Journal].
2022 Pathways to the studies on men and masculinities in Bangladesh, Humanisma-Journal of Gender Studies, 6(2): 18-39.
2022 Thwarted Belongingness, Perceived Burdensomeness, and Acquired Capability for Suicide among University Students of Bangladesh: Scales Validation and Status Assessment, Frontiers in Psychiatry. [Impact factor 5.43, ISI & Scopus indexed Journal].
2022 Masculinity and suicide in Bangladesh. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 86(1), 218-240. [Sage, Impact factor Impact factor 2.858, ISI, Scopus indexed Journal].
2022 Coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis and suicide in Bangladesh: Some explanations through Durkheim's sociology of suicide, Journal of Community Positive Practices, XXII(3), 3-17. [Scopus Journal].
2022 Social Meanings of Attempted Suicide of Men in Bangladesh, Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 15, 553-571. [Springer, Scopus & ISI indexed Journal].
2022 Men and Climate Change: Some Thoughts on South Africa and Bangladesh, Norma: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, 18 (2), 137-153. [Routledge, Scopus & ISI indexed Journal].
2022 Everyday peacebuilding among Ghanaian men: Ambiguities, resistances and possibilities. Journal of the British Academy, 10(s1), 35–53.
2022 Configuring traditional masculinities among young adults in Northwestern Ghana: Surveillance, ambivalences, and vulnerabilities. Cogent Social Sciences, 8:1 [Routledge, Scopus & ISI indexed journal].
2022 Masculinity and men's suicide attempts in Bangladesh. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 27(4), 367-385. [Impact Factor: 4.75, Routledge, Scopus & ISI indexed Journal].
2022 Female perpetrated domestic violence against men and the case for Bangladesh. Journal of Human Behaviour in the Social Environment, 3(4), 519-533. [Routledge, ISI & Scopus indexed Journal].
2021 Hegemonic masculinity in the marginal societal context. Agathos-An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 12, 1 (22), 223-234 [ISI indexed Journal].
2021 Suicidal Behaviour and Coronavirus (COVID-19): Insights from Durkheim’s Sociology of Suicide. International Social Science Journal, 71, 7-21. [Wiley & Scopus Indexed Journal].
2021 Increased risk for mental disorders and suicide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Position statement of the Section on Suicidology and Suicide Prevention of the European Psychiatric Association, Global Psychiatry, 4(1).
2021 Men and COVID-19 pandemic: Explicating the need for masculinity analysis. Journal of Community Positive Practice, XXI (1), 3-7[Scopus Indexed Journal].
2021 Seasonality of suicide in Jhenaidah district, Bangladesh, 2011-2018. Journal of Social Health, 4(1), 64-75.
2021 Demographic risk factors and motives of male suicide in Bangladesh: A retrospective content analysis. Acta Counseling and Humanities, 1(2), 66-68.
2021 Suicide prevention intervention in Bangladesh: The current state and the way forward. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 15(1), 15-23 [Willey, Scopus & ISI Indexed Journal]
2021 Men’s reflections on post-suicide attempt episode in Bangladesh. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 84(2), 582–595 [Impact factor 2.858, Scopus, ISI Indexed & SAGE Journal].
2020 Methodological issues in suicide research in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 28 (2), 93-96.
2020 Suicidal behaviour in South Africa and Bangladesh: A review of empirical literature. African Safety Promotion: A Journal of Injury and Violence Prevention, 18(1), 1-35.
2020 Assessing the policy implementation of the Bangladeshi domestic violence act: Any lessons for protecting South African women in their homes? South African Review of Sociology, 51 (1), 17-36, [Routledge, ISI & Scopus Indexed Journal].
2020 Suicide and COVID-19: Call for critical masculinity analyses and interventions, Postdigital science and education, 2, 651–656, [Springer Nature & Scopus Indexed Journal].
2020 (Re)Animating Sociology of Suicide in Bangladesh. Italian Sociological Review, 10 (1), 55-75. [Scopus Indexed Journal].
2020 Suicide and attempted suicide in Jhenaidah district, Bangladesh, 2010-2018. CRISIS: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 41(4), 304–312 [Impact factor 2.508, IASP Journal, ISI & Scopus Indexed Journal].
2019 Engaging men to support women in science, medicine, and global health. Lancet, 393 (10171), 609-610. [Impact factor 60.10, Elsevier, ISI & Scopus Indexed Journal].
2019 The informal sector in Bangladesh: A case study on rural and urban street vendors. Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 44 (3-4), 271-282. [Scopus Indexed Journal]
2019 Socio-economic situational analysis of tea plantation workers: A case study from Lubachhara tea garden, Sylhet. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 25 (2), 75-83.
2018 Challenges and Coping Strategies of Women Leaders at the Local Level in Bangladesh, Italian Sociological Review, 8 (1), 43-63. [Scopus Indexed Journal].
2017 Analysing Masculinity from the Key Theoretical Lenses and Searching for Linkages with Violence against Women, Masculinities and Social Change, 6 (3), 257-287. [Scopus & ISI indexed Journal].
2017 The Introduction of the National Identity Scheme: An Assessment of the Dilemma between Social Benefits and Challenges. International Journal of Social Science and Development Policy, 3 (2): 114-120.
2017 Factors associated with Domestic Violence against Rural Bangladeshi Women. Multidisciplinary Journal of Gender Studies, 6(1), 1208-1230. [Scopus Indexed Journal].
2017 The Role of Evaluation at the Stages of Policy Formulation, Implementation, and Impact Assessment. Agathos-An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences, 8 (1), 173-186. Agathos-An International Review of the Humanities and Social Sciences [ISI indexed journal]
2016 Politics, Ethics and Professionals in Policy Evaluation. Humanities, Arts and Social Science Studies (formerly Silpakorn University Journal of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts), 16 (2), 41-71. [Scopus Indexed Journal].
2016 Public and Private Organisations: How Different or Similar are They? Journal of Siberian Federal University, Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(9): 2873-2885. [Scopus Indexed Journal]. 10.17516/1997-1370-2016-9-12-2873-2885
2016 A Critical Insight into Policy Implementation and Implementation Performance. Public Policy and Administration, 16(4), 538-548. [Scopus Indexed Journal].
2016 Policy Implementation: Some Aspects and Issues. Journal of Community Positive Practice, XVI (3):,3-12. [Scopus Indexed Journal]
2015 Consequences of Domestic Violence against Women: Some Reflections from Rural Bangladesh Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 9(3): 210-223. [Willey, Scopus & ISI Indexed Journal].
2015 Domestic Violence against Women in Bangladesh: A Review of the Literature and the Gaps to Domestic Violence against Women in Bangladesh. Khazar Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18 (3), 55-81. [ISI indexed Journal]
2015 Women’s Coping Strategies and Help-seeking Practices: Some Observations on Domestic Violence in Rural Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Women’s Studies, 21(3), 252-272. [Routledge, Scopus & ISI Indexed Journal] [Impact factor 0.291].
2015 A Chronicle of the Global Movement to Combat Violence against Women: The Role of the Second-Wave Feminist Movement and the United Nations: The Perspective of Bangladesh. Journal of International Women's Studies, 16(2), 213-244. [Scopus Journal]
2015 Who is Old and When is a Woman Old? Cultural, Social and Economic Meanings. Thai Journal of Public Administration, 13(2), 131-146.
2015 Gender and Diaspora: The Bihari Community in Bangladesh. NIDA Case Research Journal, 7 (2), 83-94.
2014 Rural Bangladesh Women’s Experiences of Domestic Violence: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Social Research and Policy, 5 (2), 1-24. [Scopus Journal]
2014 Community Perceptions and Activisms Regarding Domestic Violence against Women: Perceptions from Rural Bangladesh. Journal of Community Positive Practice, XIV (3), 79-98. [Scopus Journal]
2013 Constructions of Masculinity and Domestic Violence against Women: Perspectives from Ghana and Nepal. Thai Journal of Public Administration, 11 (2), 101-135.
2012 A Review of Studies on Violence against Women in Bangladesh. Empowerment, 19, 29-42.
2009 Quality of Implementation of 100 Days Employment Generation Programme. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, XVIII (2), 89-116.
2007 Are Women Treated Fairly in the Labour Market: A Study on the British Labour Market. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, XVII (2), 27-41.
2005 Problems, Factors and Consequences Associated with South-Asian Women in Realising their Rights to Sexual and Reproductive Well-being. Public Administration Quarterly, 37, 33-48.
2004 Max Weber: on Structures of Authority in Society, Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management, 10, 57-65.
2003 Minority Groups in Society- Some Aspects and Issues: A Sociological Insight with a Reference to Bangladesh. Bangladesh Public Administration Quarterly, 26, 51-75.
2003 A Sociological Search for Uncovering Different Dimensions of Crime and the Context of Bangladesh Society. Bangladesh Public Administration Quarterly, 29, 61-84.
2003 The Elderly and Their Problems in Society-A Sociological Interpretation with Special Focus on Bangladesh Perspective. Bangladesh Journal of Administration and Management, 9, 57-84.
2003 Role of Geographical Factors in Shaping Society and Bangladesh Perspective. Bangladesh, Lok Prashashan Patrika, 8,1-24.
2002 Family and Marriage Systems in Bangladesh, Changes and Future therein: A Sociological Discussion. Bangladesh Public Administration Quarterly, 25, 9-62.
2002 Cultural Heritage of Bangladesh: A Discussion. Bangladesh Lok Prashashan Patrika, 7, 41-56
Conference Proceeding & Presentation
Paper Published as Conference Proceeding
2014 Men in feminist research: Debates over exclusion and inclusion, Proceeding of the Social Sciences Research ICSSR (e-ISBN 978-967-11768-7-0).
2023 Intimate Partner Violence against Men in South Asia, Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences 2023 (IC-HUSO 2023), 1, 1-17.
2023 Experiences of Tertiary EEE programmes in Bangladesh to Address the Washington Accord Graduate Attributes in the Affective Learning Domain, Proceedings of AAEE 2023 Griffith University, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia.
Paper Presented in Conferences
2023 Intimate Partner Violence against Men in South Asia, Paper presented at 18th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences, (IC-HUSO 2023), 27 November, Khon Kean University, Thailand
2020 Masculinity and suicide attempt of men, Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, 5-8 February, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2020 Demographic Risk Factors and Motives of Male Suicide in Bangladesh, 2018-2019, Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, 5-8 February, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2020 Pathways of the Studies on Men and Masculinities in Bangladesh, Paper presented at Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences; Gender, Health, Information and the Environment, East West University, February 27-29, 2020
2019 Interface between masculinity and suicide, 26th, South African Sociological Association Congress, 15-17 July 2019, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa
2019 Re-energising sociology of suicide: Case application in Bangladesh, 26th, South African Sociological Association Congress, 15-17 July 2019, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa
2019 Trends of suicidal behaviour in Bangladesh: A Descriptive analysis, 26th, South African Sociological Association Congress, 15-17 July 2019, University of South Africa (UNISA), Pretoria, South Africa
2018 The Informal Sector in Bangladesh: A Case Study on Rural and Urban Street Vendors, First National Conference, Department of Sociology, 12 May 2018, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2015 Who is Old and When a Woman is Old? Cultural, Social and Economic Meanings, Third International Conference on Social Sciences Research, 8-9 June 2015, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia
2015 Implementation Assessment of the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2010: Reflections from Two Bangladeshi Districts, 4th International Conference on Advancement of Development Administration, 28-30 June 2015, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Bangkok, Thailand
2015 Community Perceptions and Activisms Concerning Domestic Violence against Women: Evidence from Rural Bangladesh, 4th International Conference on Advancement of Development Administration, 28-30 June 2015, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Bangkok, Thailand
2015 Gender and Diaspora: The Bihari Community in Bangladesh, NIDA International Conference for Case Studies on Development Administration, 6-7 August 2015 Bangkok, Thailand
2015 Who is Old and When a Woman is Old? Cultural, Social and Economic Meanings, paper presented at the Third International Conference on Social Sciences Research, 8-9 June 2015, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia
Professional Development (Seminar, Workshop, Training etc.)
2020 A Strategic planning approach to suicide prevention (online training), Suicide Prevention Resource Centre, USA (04 April)
2019 How Does It Feel To Be a Problem? Decolonising Mental Health at Academic Institutions, 07 May, South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa [colloquium]
2019 The shame is not ours: Reflections on, resistances to and reattributions of shame, 19 March, South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa [colloquium]
2019 Discourse Analysis workshop, South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa (12-13 August)
2018 Training on Research Ethics, South African Medical Research Council, Cape Town, South Africa ( 06 September)
2017 University-Industry Linkage Training Programme, Peking University, China (14-17 November)
2010 Public Administration Reform, Performance Management and Service Delivery, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (9 -20 August)
2010 Human Resource Management and Economic Development, Beijing Administrative College, China (10-18 June)
2010 Administration and Development, ACN Institute for Higher Education, New Delhi, India (1 -10 June)
2010 Managing Change in the Public Service, Civil Service College, Singapore (15-25, March)
2006 Public Administration Capacity Building, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2-11 May)
2002 Diploma in Management, Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
1996 Diploma in Human Rights and Legal Aid, Humanist and Ethical Association of Bangladesh in Collaboration with Dhaka International University
Book Chapter
2016 Implementation Assessment of the Domestic Violence (Prevention and Protection) Act 2010: Evidences from Two Bangladeshi districts. In M. Ortiz (Ed.) Domestic Violence: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Perspectives (pp. 189-224) New York: Nova Science Publishers.
2021 Men, masculinities, peace and violence: A multi-level overview on justice and conflict. In T. Väyrynen, É. Féron, P. Medie, S. Parashar, & C. C. Confortini (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Feminist Peace Research (pp. 313-323), London: Routledge.
2023 Cultural perspectives of suicide in Bangladesh. In S.M. Yasir Arafat and Murad M.Khan (Eds.) Suicide in Bangladesh - Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention (pp. 43-64). Singapore: Springer.
2023 Bangladeshe Attahattar Sanskitik Pariprekith (Cultural perspectives of suicide in Bangladesh). In S.M. Yasir Arafat and Murad M.Khan (eds.) Attahatta: Bangladesh Prekhapat (Suicide in Bangladesh - Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Prevention (pp. 63-85). Dhaka: Bangla Gabeshana. [In Bangla, translation]
2024 Kulturelle Perspektiven des Selbstmords in Bangladesch (Cultural perspectives of suicide in Bangladesh). In S.M. Yasir Arafat and Murad M.Khan (Eds.) Selbstmord in Bangladesch (pp. 51-75). Singapore: Springer [Published February 2024] [In German, translation]
2024 Suicidal behaviour in Bangladesh. In S.M. Yasir Arafat, M. Rezaeian and M. M.Khan (eds.) Suicidal behaviour in Muslim majority countries (pp 45-58). Singapore: Springer.
[Forthcoming] Suicide and mental illness. In W. Cockerham (ed.), The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society. Wiley-Blackwell.
Selected Research Projects
2004 Challenges of Institutionalising Gender within Public Organisations: A Study on Some Selected Government Organisatons in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Savar, Dhaka [Funded Research]
2007 A Wife’s Heaven is Under the Feet of Her Husband: Violence against Women in Bangladesh with a Particular Emphasis on Domestic Violence, University of York, UK [MA Thesis]
2009 Untold Realities: Violence Experienced by Women Public Officials in their Marital Life, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre, Savar, Dhaka [Funded Research]
2015 Domestic violence against women and the implementation of the domestic violence (prevention and protection) Act 2010 : Reflections from rural Bangladesh, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), Bangkok, Thailand. DOI: 10.14457/NIDA.the.2015.62 [Ph.D. research]
2019 Men's suicidal behaviour and masculinity in Bangladesh, Institute for Social and Health Sciences, University of South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa [Postdoctoral Research]
2023 Men, Masculinity and Suicide in Jhenaidah District, Bangladesh, Centre for Research and Training, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh [Funded Research]
2023 Motivation for Civil Service Jobs in Bangladesh: Explanation from Weber's Social Stratification Theory, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre [completed]
2024 Fatherhood experiences of some selected young adults in Bangladesh [completed]
2024 Abuse Towards Elderly Parents: A Study on Selected Cases in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Open University [proposal submitted]
2024 Domestic Violence against women and suicidal behavior: Case Studies on two Upazillas of Jhenaidah district, Bangladesh Social Welfare Council [proposal submitted]
Public Sociology
Delivered an invited speech on social and cultural context of male suicide in Bangladesh on 28 April 2022 at the School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh, UK
Delivered an invited speech on Covid-19 and suicide on 12 August 2020 for Young People Mental Health Trust, Zimbabwe organised by Faculty of Medicine, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
Delivered an invited speech on Suicidal behaviour of the students in Bangladesh at Mind Shaper, a psycho-social counselling centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 10, September 2022
Delivered a media talk on violence against men and rights of men at Radio City FM, Dhaka on 03 January, 2021
Delivered an invited talk on Suicidal behaviour and masculinity at Monobikash, a psycho-social counselling centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh on October 29, 2019
Delivered talk on Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in South Africa, organisaed CRT, East West University on 22 September, 2019
Delivered the keynote speech on Hegemonic masculinity and suicide in the seminar titled “Suicide: Context and Prevention” orgnised by Department of Sociology, East West University on October 10, 2019
Public writing
Wrote an editorial on Suicide: Problems & Interventions on 10 October 2024 in the Daily Kalbela, Available at
Wrote a feature article titled, “Suicide is a mental health issue, not a crime”, published on by 360info open-access global wire agency, based at Monash University Australia. Available at
Wrote an editorial on Covid-19, Suicide, and Social Anomie on 10 October 2020 in the Daily Samakal. Available at
2021-2022- Understanding Coping Strategies of University Students of Dhaka City during COVID19: through a Social Capital Lens. Funded by the Centre of Training and Research (CRT), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2012-2015- PhD Research titled “Untold Stories: Women’s Resiliency and Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh”, Centre of Governance and Public Policy, School of Government and International Relations, Griffith University, Australia.
2007-2008- “NGOs and Women’s Participation in Local Government Bodies in Bangladesh” was conducted for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Gender and Development Studies, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
2009–2010 - “Women Participation in Local Government: Changes and Achievements”. Promotional Researcher; Sponsor: Social Research Council, Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
2006 - 2007 “International Female Labour Migration: A Case Study of Bangladesh”. Promotional Researcher, Sponsor: Social Research Council, Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.
2004 “Identify the linkage between the Agricultural Marketing Value chain and the Poor, women and ethnic groups` worked as a gender specialist in that study conducted by Dr. Mahbub Ahmed, Professor, Dept. of Sociology, University of Dhaka, supported by Agricultural Marketing Dept. and Asian Development Bank in June 2004.
Journal Article
- Tanjeela, M. (2023). Gendered Vulnerability and Role of Women in Landslide Preparedness: A Case Study of Urban Periphery of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. Sinha. B.R(Eds), Urban Dynamics, Environment and Health: An International Perspective. Springer Nature, Singapore, ISBN-13:9789819957439, 1st ed. 2023.
- Billah M, Rutherford S, Akhter S and Tanjeela M. (2023) Exploring mental health challenges and coping strategies in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Front. Public Health 11:1152366. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1152366
- Tanjeela, M. (2022): Understanding the struggles of Bangladeshi women in coping with climate change through a gender analysis. Gender, Technology and Development, Routledge, Taylor & Francis group. DOI: 10.1080/09718524.2022.2144101
- Khanom, S. Tanjeela, M. & Rutherford, S. (2022) Climate-induced migrant’s hopeful journey toward security: Pushing the boundaries of gendered vulnerability and adaptability in Bangladesh. Front. Clim. 4:922504. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2022.922504
- Tanjeela, M. & Billah, M. (2022). Climate Migration and Challenges of Urban Poor in Bangladesh. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. Volume 15, Issue 1, 2022, (Article)
- Tanjeela, M. (2021). Female Leadership in the Local Governments: Reconstruction of Traditional Gender Identity of Women in Rural Bangladesh. Pakistan Journal of Women’s Studies: Alam-E-Niswan, 28(1), 21-39.
- Tanjeela, M. & Rahman, A. (2020). The Need for Understanding Disaster Risk for Resilient City Development. AUC 2019, Proceedings of the 15th International Asian Urbanization Conference, Vietnam, Springer Singapore.
- Tanjeela, M. & Rutherford, S. (2020). How women develop resiliency in climate vulnerable situations: Experiences of women across four regions of Bangladesh. (Eds), Climate Adaptation for a Sustainable Economy: Lessons from Bangladesh, an Emerging Tiger of Asia. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY 11788 USA.
- Tanjeela, M. & Rutherford, S. (2018). The Influence of Gender Relations on Women’s Involvement and Experience in Climate Change Adaptation Programs in Bangladesh. SAGE Open October-December 2018: 1–9. DOI: 10.1177/2158244018812620
- Tanjeela, M. (2019). Are Migrant Women More Vulnerable in Urban Context? A Case Study on Four Slums of Dhaka City. Proceedings on International Conference on Disaster Risk Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 12-14, 2019
- Tanjeela, M. (2015). Women and Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh: Do Women Matter? International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, Volume 7, Issue 4, pp.61-74. Published online: December 3, 2015.
- Tanjeela, M. (2015). Coping With Disasters: The Potentiality of Indigenous Knowledge and Community Based Responses to Climate Change Adaptation. Conference proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Building Resilience, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia ISBN - 978-0-9943652-1-7 Published by NCP 2015.
- Tanjeela, M. (2011) Women Voices in Local Government Bodies in Bangladesh. Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011, ISBN: 9783845416281
Presented Papers in Conference
- " Bridging the Gap:Socio-economic Challenges and Psychological Insecurities among Aging Population of Bangladesh" In the Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability (NERPS) Conference -2024 on 6 March 2024, Hiroshima University, Japan.
- "Gendered Struggle of Bangladeshi Women in Coping with Climate Change: Need for Gender Transformative Approaches" in the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology on 29 June 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
- "How Students Developed Coping Strategies during COVID-19? a Sociological Study Among University Level Students in Dhaka City, Bangladesh" in the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology on 30 June 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
- “The Need for Understanding Disaster Risk for Resilient City Development “in the 15th International Asian Urbanization Conference (AUC 2019), on November 27-29, 2019, Hochimin, Vietnam.
- “Are Migrant Women More Vulnerable in Urban Context? A Case Study on Four Slums of Dhaka City” in the International Conference on Disaster Risk Management (ICDRM), Dhaka, Bangladesh on January 12-14, 2019.
- “What Makes Women Resilient in a Climate Vulnerable situation? Untold Stories of Bangladeshi Women in the Era of Climate Change”. International Conference on Pathways to a Sustainable Economy: Vision 2041 Agenda for Bangladesh. Organized by: Dhaka School of Economics, Dhaka University (DU) Bangladesh, Jagannath University (JU), Dhaka, Griffith University (GU) Australia, University of Bath (UB) UK, and Bremen University, Germany, October 30-31, 2018
- ‘Untold Stories: Women’s Resiliency in DRR and CCA in Bangladesh’ in the International Conference on ‘South Asian Sociology & Beyond’ presented research paper titled Organized by Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh held on 19-20th January 2018.
- ‘Women’s participation in local government bodies: Transformation of gender relations in rural Bangladesh’ was presented in the ‘Contemporary Changes in Bangladesh Society, organized by Department of Sociology, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh going to be held on 12th May 2018.
- “Gender Discourses in Climate Change Adaptation – The Case of Bangladesh” was presented in the Australian Political Studies Association Annual Conference (APSA) , held from 28-30th September, 2015 at University of Canberra , Australia.“Women and Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh: Do Women Matter?” was presented in 6th International conference on climate change: Impacts and Responses, held in University of Reykjavik, Iceland from 27th to 29th June, 2014.
- Session Chair:‘ Climatic Impacts on Security and Vulnerability’ in Network for Education and Research on Peace & Sustainability (NERPS) Conference-2024 held in Hiroshima University, Japan, on 7 March 2024.
- Panelist: A session on Health Effects on Climate Change Issues" in the observance of International Volunteer Day organized by Institute of Disaster Management and Vulnerability Studies, DU; VSO Bangladesh; and National Youth Platform on 5 December 202
- Gender Expert: Capacity building workshop on ‘Strengthening Civil Society Organisation (CSO) and Trade Union (TU) Advocacy Engagement to Advance the Rights of Women Migrant Workers from South Asia’ organized by Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) & Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA).
- Keynote Speaker: Workshop on ‘Gender responsive and resilient cities for all: Community-based adaptation in informal settlements of Bangladesh’ organized by Cities Alliance: Cities without Slums and hosted by UNOPS on 8 December 2021.
- Panelist: Climate Talk to mark the International Women's Day 2021 organized by Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC), Bangkok and 'Climate Adaptation and Resilience for South Asia ' project, WB .
- Keynote Speaker: International conference ‘Gobeshona 5’ Session 17 -Gender hosted by International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) on January 10, 2019.
Best presenter award in the 'Network for Education and Research on Peace & Sustainability (NERPS) Conference-2024' held in Hiroshima University, Japan from 5 March to 8 March 2024.
Hussain, R., Shova, T.Y. (2024). Increasing Rate of Suicide among the University Students of Bangladesh: A Sociological Investigation. ASR: CMU Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (2023) Vol.11 No.1. ISSN: 2465-4329 (online).
Hussain, R., Shova, T.Y.(2023). “Effects of Covid-19 on Bangladesh's School Dropout and Child Marriage Rates: A Threat to Achieving Sustainable Development Goals and Promotion of Intergenerational Poverty”. East West Journal of Business and Social Studies. Special issue (volume 9-11).
Hussain, R. & Shimul, S. M. A. K. (2023). Women Migrant Workers and Their Transition across State Boundaries : Labour Exporting Policies of Bangladesh and the Reality. (IPS Working Paper Series No.3). Hong Kong: Institute of Policy Studies, Lingnan University. DOI: 10.14793/ipswp_03
Khan, A. R., Hussain, R., & Rahman, M., Md (2022). Pathways to the studies on men and masculinities in Bangladesh. HUMANISMA: Journal of Gender Studies, 06(July- December 2022), 18-39.
Hussain, R. (2022). Cultural globalization and its stimulus on urban youth: A sociological study among university students in Bangladesh. Journal of Indian Research (ISSN: 2321-4155). Vol. 9, No. 3 & 4, July- December- 2021, Pp 12-24. Published on April 2022.
- Hussain, R., Saha, A.K. (2022). Street-based Female Sex Workers and Their Vulnerabilities: A Study in the Municipalities of Bangladesh. Journal of Social Health (February, 2022), Volume 5, Issue 1. ISSN 2651-6837. University of Santo Tomas, Philippine.
- Hussain R. (2021). Information Economy, Employment Vulnerability, and the Emergence of New Urban Marginality in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. In: Huong L.T.T., Pomeroy G.M. (eds) AUC 2019. Advances in 21st Century Human Settlements. Springer, Singapore.
- Hussain, R. (2019). City, Informality and Poverty: The Polarization of the Street Vendors in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Italian Sociological Review,9 (3), PP.413-430. [DOI: 10.13136/isr.yi3.249]
- Hussain, R., & Shova, T. Y, (2018), Unusual and unnecessary C-Section practices in Bangladesh: Violation of respect for autonomy principle and absence of social equity in health care system. Social Science Review, The Dhaka University Studies, Part-D, Volume 35, Number-2, December 2018, PP 247-260, ISSN 1562-269X.
- Pervin, I., Hussain, R. (2018), Web Technology and the Changing Pattern of Relationship: A Study on Urban Youth in Dhaka City, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume II, Issue XII, December 2018|ISSN 2454-6186
- Shova, T.Y, Hussain, R. (2018). Child Murder Issues in Bangladesh: Reasoning from Socio-Ethical Observation. ‘Society and Change’ a Social Science Journal Vol. XII, No.2, April-June 2018, ISSN :1997-1052 (Print), 227-202X (Online): pp37-48.
- Hussain, R., (2015); The Emerging Digital Culture of Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects; Journal of Philosophy, Culture and Religion; ISSN 2422-8443; An International Peer-reviewed Journal; Vol.6, 2015, P: 18-24.
- Hussain, R., Saha, A. K., Rabbani, G., Pervin, I., Shamma, W.T., & Khan, S.H., (2015); State and the Low Cost Housing for the Poor: Fall of BashentekRehabilitation Project (BRP) in Dhaka City: Bangladesh; Journal of Education and Practice; ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper), ISSN 2222-288X (Online); Vol.6, No.13, 2015
- Saha, A. K., Hussain, R., Rabbani, G., Pervin, I., Shamma, W. T., & Khan, S.H., (2015); Anti-pornography Act (2012) and the Current Behavior, Knowledge Status and Opinion poll: A study on the Students of University of Dhaka; Journal of Law, Policy and Globalization, ISSN 2224-3240 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3259 (Online)Vol.36, 2015
- Hussain, R., (2014); The Hidden Misery of the Marginal group of People: The Case of Street Vendors in Dhaka City;
Book Publications
- Hussain, Rasel (2015); State, Informality and Urban Marginality: The miseries of street vendors; LAP (Lambert Academia Publishing); ISBN:978-3-659-67628-4.66121, Saarbrucken, Deutschland/Germany.
Conference and Seminar
- Hussain, R. (2024). Behavioral intention and attitudes towards the adoption of technology by the informal sector workers; their employment and livelihood vulnerabilities in the era of information economy: A case of Bangladesh.“Hong Kong Sociological Association (HKSA)” 25th annual conference. Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong, 7th December 2024.
- Hussain, R. (2024). Economic Restructuration and the digital transportation platforms in Dhaka, Bangladesh: Question of Employment opportunities or Employment Vulnerability? Future of Work in the Global South and Global North Symposium. School of Social and Political Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Australia, 2-3 May 2024
- Hussain, R. (2024). Information economy, employment vulnerability and the development of new urban marginality: The case of Bangladesh. Brownbag Seminar Series. Department of Sociology. East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 28th March , 2024.
- Hussain, R., (2023). Possession of capital by informal sector workers and their role in the placement of jobs in the era of the information economic system: A case of Dhaka, Bangladesh.” The Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)-2023. The Australian Sociological Association- TASA at University of Sydney, Australia. 28th November 2023.
- Hussain, R. (2023). Rumours (Gujob) and Misinformation in the Era of Information Society: A Case of Bangladesh Society. XX ISA World Congress of Sociology. Melbourne, Australia. 25th June- 1st July 2023.
- Hussain, R., Hasan M.H., (2023). Children's ingratitude, negligence, and abuse towards elderly parents: A sociological insight from Bangladesh Society. Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning: Intersections of Research, Society and Postgraduate Education. Lingnan University, Hong Kong. 31st March-1April 2023.
- Hussain, R. (2022). Marginalization of the Informal sector workers in the era of information economic system from the lens of recruiters: A case of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Hong Kong Sociological Association 23rd Annual Conference, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. 3rd December, 2022.
- Hussain, R. (2022). Educational institutes dealing with Covid-19 pandemic: Experiences from Bangladesh. 22nd Annual Conference: Global Crises, Alternative Futures. Hong Kong Sociological Association, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. January 8, 2022.
- Hussain, R. (2021). Child marriage and school dropout in Bangladesh during Covid-19: Challenges for youth education sustainability. China and Higher education conference (ChinaHE21 Hong Kong Session). Education and SDGs: Promoting Quality Education for All. Organized by Manchester University in collaboration with Lingnan University. Hong Kong, 6th December.
- Shova, T.Y, Hussain, R. (2021). Integration and recognition of Asian Immigrants: A critical Exposition on Will Kymlicka's Polyethnic Rights. The 12th International Convention of Asia Scholars: Creating a Global Future. Kyoto, Japan, 24-28 Aug 2021.
- Hussain, R. (2021). Information Economy, Employment Vulnerability and the Development of New Urban Marginality: A Case of Bangladesh. Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning: Re-Imagining Postgraduate Studies in the 21st Century and Beyond. 26-27 March 2021. Organized by Lingnan University, School of Graduate Studies & University Grants Committee. Tuen Mun, Hong Kong.
- Hussain, R., Shimul, S.M.A.K (2021). Women and the Transition across State Boundaries: The Warps and Woofs of National Labor Exporting Policies of Bangladesh and the Reality. ESA RN 35 “Sociology of Migration” – Midterm Conference. Towards Reflexivity in Migration Studies. Knowledge Production in Times of Contested Politics and Post-Colonial Dynamics. 21-22 January 2021. In collaboration with the IMISCOE Standing Committee “Reflexivities in Migration Studies”.
- Hussain, R. (2020). Challenges, Opportunities, and Responses to and by Higher Education institute amid the COVID-19 Pandemic, Higher Education Research(CHER,2020), “Innovations of Higher Education Amid that Pandemic: Institutional Management, Teaching, and Research Perspectives” Organized by Lingnan University and Co-Organized by University of Bath & Durham University. Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong, 13-14 November 2020.
- Hussain, R. (2020), Online Intolerance: Netizens Responsibility, Organized by East West University Telecommunications Club in collaboration with 'Move Foundation', 02 March 2020, CCC Lobby (EWU), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Khan, A.R, Hussain, R. (2020). ‘’Pathways of the Studies on Men and Masculinities in Bangladesh’’, Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences; Gender, Health, Information and the EnvironmentThe Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (FLASS) in collaboration with Life Sciences, East West University, February 27-29, 2020
- Hussain, R.(2019).''Information Economy, Employment vulnerability and the Emergence of New Urban Marginality in Dhaka City, Bangladesh''.15th International Asian Urbanization Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 27-30th November 2019.
- Hussain, R. (2019), Women Health Issue: Reproductive Health (ARH) and Rights, Organized by East West University Sociology Club, 01 August 2019, CCC Lobby (EWU), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Hussain, R., Shova, T.Y (2019). ‘’Inclination of Suicide among the University Students of Bangladesh: A Socio-Moral Investigation’’ The 1st International Conference on Social Sciences and Law, Faculty of Social Sciences and Faculty of Law, University of Barishal on15-16 March 2019.
- Hussain, R. (2018). ‘’ The Alienation of Bachelor in the Metropolitan Areas: A Case of Dhaka City, Bangladesh’ ’The 1st National Conference on ‘’ Contemporary Changes in Bangladesh Society’’, Department of Sociology, East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh held on May 12, 2018
- Hussain, R. (2018), ‘’ Information Economy and the New Urban Marginality in Dhaka City, Bangladesh’’. International Conference on ‘South Asian Sociology & Beyond’, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, held on 19-20th January 2018.
- Hussain, R. , Shova, T.Y (2017) “Child Murder Issue in Bangladesh: Reasoning from Socio-Ethical Observation”. Insearch 2017: 4th International Integrative Research Conference at Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla, Bangladesh held on 18-19 December 2017.
Award, Fellowship, Membership
1.Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), Lingnan University, Department of Sociology and Social Policy. Tuen Mun, Hong Kong.
2. Hong Kong Sociological Association (2021-2022)
Public Sociology/Media
Public Sociology/ Media:
- 0. Shesheir, Mahmodul Hasan, Hussain, Rasel; Shawon, Mehadi; and Ahmed, Faiaz 2025, Suicide- a Silent Parasite in Society: Breaking the Silence and Addressing the Alarming Rise in Madrasa Student Suicides in Bangladesh. Policy Watcher. 31st January 2025.
- 0. Shesheir, Mahmodul Hasan, Hussain, Rasel; Shawon, Mehadi; and Ahmed, Faiaz 2025, It’s in the air. Dhaka Tribune, 13 Jan 2025
- 0. Hussain, Rasel, and Shesheir, Mahmodul Hasan 2024, ‘Community-Based Flood Management Strategies: Lessons from Recent Flood in Bangladesh – OpEd’. The Eurasia Review, 9th September 2024
- 0. Hussain, Rasel, 2024, ‘Alarming rise in suicide rates among university students in Bangladesh’. The Daily Messenger, 24th August 2024
0. Hussain, Rasel, 2024, ‘Crisis and sufferings of elderly people is alarmingly in rise in Bangladeshi society’. The Daily Messenger, 17th July 2024,
- 0. Hussain, Rasel, 2024, ‘Study with Scholarship: From Bangladesh to India’. The Daily Messenger, 9th July 2024,
- 0. Howlader, Hasan and Hussain, Rasel, 2022, ‘The Researchers and the Research Must be Judged in Due Process!’. The Daily Messenger, 10th November 2022,
International Research Publications
2023 Masum Billah, Rutherford, S., Akhter, S., & Tanjeela, M. Exploring mental health challenges and coping strategies in university students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1152366.
2022 Hossin, M.Z., Islam A., Masum Billah, Haque, M., & Uddin, J. Is there a gradient in the association between internet addiction and health? PLOS ONE 17(3): e0264716.
2022 Tanjeela, M & Masum Billah. Climate Migration and Challenges of Urban Poor in Bangladesh. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, Vol. 15, Issue 1. pp 15-31.
2022 Khan, A. R., Uddin, H. Shimul, S. M. A. K. & Masum Billah. Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and Suicide in Bangladesh: Some Explanations through Durkheim’s Sociology of Suicide. Journal of Community Positive Practices, XXII (3), pp 3-17 [Scopus Journal]
2021 Huda, M.N., Masum Billah, Sharmin, S., Amanullah, A.S.M., & Hossin, M.Z. Associations between family social circumstances and psychological distress among the university students of Bangladesh: To what extent do the lifestyle factors mediate? BMC Psychology 9, 80.
2021 Masum Billah & Trisha, N.J. COVID-19 and Mental Health Impacts in Bangladesh: A Review of Empirical Evidence, Journal of Social Health, Vol. 4, Issue 2. pp 30-42.
2021 Arendse, N., Khan, A.R., Masum Billah, Ratele, K., & Islam, M.Z. Seasonality of Suicide in Jhenaidah District, Bangladesh, 2011-2018, Journal of Social Health, Vol. 4, Issue 1. pp 64-75.
2020 Masum Billah, Sultana, S.E., & Kabir, M.H.M.I. Exploring Challenges of Maternal Healthcare Utilization in Bangladesh: A Cross-sectional Survey in Saturia, Manikganj District, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Vol 11, No 4. pp 185-190.
2019 Masum Billah, Gonzalez, P.A., & Delgado, R.C. Patterns of mortality caused by natural disasters and human development level: A South Asian Analysis, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp- 312-316.
2019 Masum Billah & Amanullah, ASM. Returnee Migrants and HIV Infection in Bangladesh, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, Issue 8, pp- 56-61.
2018 Masum Billah, Gonzalez, P.A., & Delgado, R.C. Analyzing disaster risk factors of cyclone survivors in Bangladesh, Journal of Indian Research, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp- 52-58.
2018 Masum Billah & Hossain, M.A. Media and Consumption Behavior of Urban Youth in Dhaka City, Journal of Indian Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp- 57-69.
2015 Masum Billah Healthcare seeking practices of People Living with HIV and AIDS (PLHIV) in Bangladesh, HIV/AIDS Review, Elsevier, Vol.14, pp-114-118.
International Conference
2024, Health promotion interventions for refugees in high-income countries: A systematic review and narrative synthesis, Research Paper Presented at the PRAXIS 2024: SCPA's 11th Annual Postgraduate Research and Practice Conference, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, on June 27-28.
2024, Tobacco smoking of refugees and health promotion in high-income countries: A systematic review and narrative synthesis, Research Paper Presented at the 2024 SRNT-Oceania Conference and Tobacco Endgame CRE Annual Symposium at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia on May 30-31.
2023, Exploring Mental Health Challenges and Coping Strategies in University Students during COVID-19: A Case Study in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Research Paper Presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Melbourne, Australia, on June 25 - July 1.
2023, In Conversation with Senior Sociologists: Making Connections, Bridging Generations, Moderated in a Roundtable Session as a Discussant at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Melbourne, Australia, on June 25 - July 1.
2023, How Students Developed Coping Strategies during COVID-19? A Sociological Study in University Level Students in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Research Paper Presented at the XX ISA World Congress of Sociology in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC), Melbourne, Australia, on June 25 - July 1.
2023, Investigating Health Professionals' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices about Refugees’ Health Risk Behaviours and Healthcare Utilization in Australia, Research Paper Presented at the PRAXIS 2023: SCPA's 10th Annual Postgraduate Research and Practice Conference, Southern Cross University, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, on June 22-23.
2021, Family Resilience and Connection Protect Child Flourishing and School Engagement against Adverse Childhood Experiences. Virtual presentation, American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, USA, on August 6-10.
2019, Migration and Health Challenges: A Qualitative Study among Bangladeshi Migrant Workers in Malaysia, WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia, on May 7-10.
2019, Analyzing During or Post-disaster Risk Factors related to Cyclone Survivors in Bangladesh, WADEM Congress on Disaster and Emergency Medicine, Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia, on May 7-10.
2016, Returnee Migrants and HIV Infection in Bangladesh, 12th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and The Pacific, Dhaka, Bangladesh, on March 12-14.
2015, Social Business Model, Health and Environment: An Impact Analysis on the Functions of BASF Grameen and Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh.7th Global Social Business Summit 2105, Tempelhof Airport, Berlin, Germany, on November 4-6.
International Training/Seminars/Workshops
Research Integrity Course, Southern Cross University, New South Wales, Australia, 2022
Needs Assessment Course, KI and ACAPS, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2016
Journal Article
Peer-Review Journal Articles
1. Hasan, M. K., Uddin, H., Younos, T. B., & Mukta, N. A. H. (2024). Prevalence and associated factors of loneliness among in-school adolescents in three South Asian countries. Journal of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, Nov (2024) [Scopus Indexed & Q1 Taylor & Francis Journal]
2. Uddin, H., Islam, A., Lata, L. N., Nahar, S., Hossin, M. Z., & Uddin, J. (2024). Associations of threat and deprivation-related childhood exposures with children’s mental health and flourishing: The moderating role of family resilience. Children and Youth Services Review, 166: 107912.
3. Uddin, H., M. K. Hasan, T. Cuartas-Alvarez, and R. Castro-Delgado. 2024. “Effects of Mass Casualty Incidents on Anxiety, Depression, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Doctors and Nurses: A Systematic Review.” Public Health 234:132–42.
4. Gan, R. K., Uddin, H., Gan, A. Z., Yew, Y. Y., & González, P. A. (2023). ChatGPT's performance before and after teaching in mass casualty incident triage. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 20350.
5. Uddin, H., Hasan, M. K., & Castro-Delgado, R. (2023). Effects of mass casualty incidents on anxiety, depression and PTSD among doctors and nurses: a systematic review protocol. BMJ open, 13(9), e075478.
6. Uddin, J., Uddin, H., Rahman, M., Saha, P., Hossin, M. Z., Hajizadeh, M., & Kirkland, S. (2023). Socioeconomic disparities in diabetes-concordant comorbidity: national health interview survey, 1997–2018. Public Health, 222, 160-165.
7. Hasan, M. K., Uddin, H., Younos, T. B., Mukta, N. A. H., & Zahid, D. (2023). Prevalence of truancy among school-going adolescents in three South Asian countries: association with potential risk and protective factors. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 28(1), 2242480.
8. Uddin, H., & Hasan, M. K. (2023). Family resilience and neighborhood factors affect the association between digital media use and mental health among children: does sleep mediate the association?. European Journal of Pediatrics, 182(6):2521-2534.
9. Hasan, M. K., Uddin, H., & Younos, T. B. (2022). Bangladeshi nursing students' perceived preparedness and readiness for disaster management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 81(2022):103303.
10. Khan, A. R., Uddin, H., Shimul, A. K., & Billah, M. (2022). Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and suicide in Bangladesh: Some explanations through Durkheim’s Sociology of Suicide. Journal of Community Positive Practices, XXII (3):3-17.
11. Huda, M. N., Uddin, H., Hasan, M. K., Malo, J. S., Duong, M., & Rahman, M. A. (2021). Examining Bangladesh’s responses to COVID-19 in light of Vietnam: Lessons learned. Global Biosecurity, 3 (1):1-14.
12. Rahman, M., Uddin, H., Lata, L. N., & Uddin, J. (2022). Associations of forms of intimate partner violence with low birth weight in India: findings from a population-based Survey. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine, 35(25), 7972-7979.
13. Khan, A. R., Shimul, S. A. K., & Uddin, H. (2021). Demographic risk factors and motives of male suicide in Bangladesh: A retrospective content analysis. Acta counseling and humanities, 1(2), 66-80.
14. Uddin, J., Ahmmad, Z., Uddin, H., & Tatch, A. (2021). Family resilience and protective factors promote flourishing and school engagement among US children amid developmental disorder and adverse psychosocial exposure. Sociological Spectrum, 41(2), 177-195.
15. Uddin, J., Alharbi, N., Uddin, H., Hossain, M. B., Hatipoğlu, S. S., Long, D. L., & Carson, A. P. (2020). Parenting stress and family resilience affect the association of adverse childhood experiences with children's mental health and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 272, 104-109.
16. Uddin, J., Uddin, H., & Rahman, M. (2021). Association of women’s occupation with actual and ideal number of children in Bangladesh: a case of role incompatibility. Demography and Social Economy, 46(4):139-154.
Conference Paper
Rana, J., Islam, R., Uddin, H., Siraj, Z., Sultana, T., & Nazif Munoz, J. I. (2024, August). Associations between long-term exposure to air pollution and blood pressure and glucose levels in Bangladeshi adults: a nationally representative study. In ISEE Conference Abstracts (Vol. 2024, No. 1).
Manuscript Under Review
Castro-Delgado, R., Mukta, N. A. H., Vinuales, E. M., Parvin, R., Hasan, M. K., & Uddin, H. 2024. Emergency medical services response to wildfires from a public health perspective: a systematic review, Burn
Cuartas-Alvarez, T., Santano, D. G., Martinex, P. F., Garcia, V .C., Uddin, H., & Castro-Delgado, R. 2024. Self-injury patients treated by the advanced life support units of an emergency medical service in the period 2012/2021. Prehospital and Disaster medicine
Working Paper
Uddin, H., Ahmmad, Z., Nicholson, N. H., & Uddin, J. The association between cumulative social risk and adolescent obesity: differences by race/ethnicity and income.
Uddin, J., Uddin, H., Lata, L. N., Malla, G., Baker, E., Long, D. L., Comeau, J., Andrew, M. K., & Kirkland, S. Adverse childhood experience and children’s mental health: cumulative, separate, and simultaneous risk approaches.
Castro-Delgado, R., & Uddin, H. 50 years of chemical incidents in the Global Terrorism Database: a time for reflection
Public Sociology
Public Sociology
... (2022, March 9). Digital proximity tools for contact tracing and quarantine. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp.15. Digital proximity tools for contact tracing and quarantine - Op-Ed -
..... (2019, February 1). Socioeconomic determinants and elderly mental health in Bangladesh. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 7
…… (2018, October 11). State of young mental health in Bangladesh. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 7.
…… (2018, October 7). World teacher’s day and thinking of teaching. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 6.
…… (2018, September 6). Endangered Reserved Forest and Our Liability. The Daily Observer, Dhaka Bangladesh, pp. 6.
……. (2017, March 21). The principle of Sustainable Development: Ensured Natural Purified Source of Water. (In Bengali), AbashanNews24.Com. Retrieved from
Book Review
Book Review
..... (2019, April 27). Buddhist Nationalism Rohingya Crisis and Contemporary Politics, (edi) Asif Bin Ali and Sabbir Ahmed. The Daily Observer, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 14.
Translation Work: English to Bangla
Translation Work: English to Bangla
Khondker, H., et al. (2016-Present). Global Dialogue (In Bengali). International Sociological Association (ISA), Vol. 6.3, 6.4, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 11.1. 11.2, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 14.1, 14.2, 14.3
Conferences and Seminars
Facilitators in the Workshop
Instructor, Workshop on Developing Research Projects & Crafting Scientific Publications: Secondary Datasets in Social Sciences & Public Health, arranged by South Asian Institute for Social Transformation (SAIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 22 & 29 November 2024
Conferences / Seminars
Panelist, Session: Gender Equality and Women Empowerment of Bangladesh at National Women’s Health and Gender Equality Conference 2024 arranged by Bangladesh Community Health Foundation held at Brac Center In, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 8 June 2024
Paper Presenter, “Associations of Adverse Childhood Experiences with Developmental and Psychological Well-being among Children and Adolescents: Differential Role of Positive Childhood Experiences.” In: Annual Canadian Sociological Association (CSA) Conference 2023, Toronto, May 29-June 2, 2023
Paper Presenter, "Risk Assessment of South Asian Floods (2000-2020) using the INFORM and Yew Disaster Severity Index", In: 22nd World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM) Congress 2023, Killarney, Ireland, 9-12 May, 2023
Paper Presenter, “Racial-ethnic Disparities in Adolescent Obesity in the United States: The Effect of Cumulative Social Risk Varies by Race-ethnicity”, In: 2021 American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting (Virtual), (6-10 August 2021)
Paper Presenter, “Family resilience and connection protects child flourishing and school engagement against adverse childhood experiences”, In: 2021 American Sociological Association (ASA) Annaul Meeting (Virtual), (6-10 August 2021)
Paper Presenter, “Adverse Childhood Experience and Children’s Mental Health: Separate versus Cumulative Risk Models and Potential Mediating Mechanisms”, In: 2021 American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting (Virtual), (6-10 August 2021)
Paper Presenter “Association of women’s occupation with actual and ideal number of children in Bangladesh: a case of role incompatibility”, In: ASA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, CA. (8 July, 2020)
Paper Presenter, “Parenting stress and family resilience affect the association of adverse childhood experiences with children’s mental health and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder”, In: First Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences (ICSL 2020), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (27-29th February, 2020)
Paper Presenter, “Demographic Risk Factors and Motives of Male Suicide in Bangladesh, 2018-2019”, In: 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (5-6th February 2020)
Paper Presenter, “Coastal Tourism, a Blue Economy for Alternative Livelihoods: Problems and Challenges in Bangladesh”, In: 6th International Conference on Poverty and Sustainable Development 2019, Colombo, Sri Lanka, (5-6th December, 2019)
Poster Presenter, “Investment in Workers’ Health and Sustainable Growth of Garments Industry: A Study on Garments Industry in Dhaka City, Bangladesh”, In: 2nd Conference on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights at Workplace 2019, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, (17th September, 2019)
Paper Presenter, “Deforestation and Degradation of Sangu Reserved Forest in Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh”, In: 8th Annual Conference of the Sociology of Development, at The University of Notre Dame, USA, (17-19th October, 2019)
Paper Presenter, “China’s Position on Rohingya Crisis from Neo-realism Perspective”, In: International Conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Comparative Perspective, at University College London (UCL), UK, (4-5th July, 2019)
Paper Presenter, “Pre-lacteal Feeding Practice among the mothers having children below 5 years of age at selected slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh”, In: 6th International Conference on Natural Science and Technology (ICNST' 19), at Asian University for Women (AUW), Chittagong, Bangladesh, (29-30th March 2019)
Paper Presenter, "Socioeconomic Determinants and Mental Health: A Cross-sectional Study among Urban Elderly Women in Bangladesh", In: 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development, at United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (19-20th February 2019)
Paper Presenter, “Assessing Choice in Buying T-shirt among the Students of Dhaka University”, In: International Conference on Envisioning Our Common Future (ICEOCF 2016), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (22-23rd December 2016)
Research Skill Training & Workshop
Research Skill Training
- International Summer School on Global Health 2024, the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGLOBAL), & Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish State Research Agency (Virtual). (16–20 September 2024)
- Qualitative Research for Data Analysis Using NVivo Software, Center for Research and Training (CRT), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (18 April – 16 May 2024)
- Basic HAZMAT CBRNE Safety Awareness & Response of the EMPHID Disaster Metrics module, University of Oviedo, Spain. (19th - 20th December 2022)
- SPSS & Statistical Data Analysis for Social Sciences, Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (24th October - 8th November 2017)
- Research Paradigms and Advanced Methodology in Arts and Social Sciences, Center for Advanced Research in Arts and Social Sciences (CARASS), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (28th March-6th April 2017)
- Stata and Applied Statistics, Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (1st- 30th March 2017)
- Workshop Series: Multi-Omics Data Integration in Human Exposome Studies, Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the Spanish State Research Agency (Virtual). (4 September–20 November 2024)
- Mastering Statistical Modeling in R/Stata for Scientific Publications in the Age of ChatGPT: Uses, Abuses, and Real-World Applications, South Asian Institute for Social Transformation (SAIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (24 May 2024)
- Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, South Asian Institute for Social Transformation (SAIST), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (31 March 2018)
- Techniques of Quantitative Data Analysis, Youth Club of Bangladesh (YCB) and South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (10 March 2017)
- Technique of Qualitative Data Analysis, Youth Club of Bangladesh (YCB) and South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (3 March 2017)
- Writing Research Proposal, South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (18 February 2017)
- Research Methodology, Development Studies Department and South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID) at Muzaffar Ahmed Chowdhury Auditorium, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (26 August 2016)
- Social Scientific Writing, South Asian Journal of Social Sciences (SAJSS) & South Asian Youth Research Institute for Development (SAYRID) at University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (2 January 2016)
Conference and Seminar
Shimul, S.M.A.K. (2023, June 25-July 1). How the Ready-Made Garment Workers of Bangladesh Mobilise Protest Movements at the Verge of Union Extinction? XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, Australia.
Hussain, R. & Shimul, S. M. A. K. (2021, January 21-22) Women and the Transition across State Boundaries: The Warps and Woofs of National Labor Exporting Policies of Bangladesh and the Reality.Towards Reflexivity in Migration Studies: Knowledge Production in Times of Contested Politics and Post-Colonial Dynamics, Midterm Conference of ESA's Research Network 35 Sociology of Migration., Germany.
Shimul, S.M.A.K. (2020, December 25-26) Mobilization Awareness of the Female Garment Workers in Bangladesh for Establishing their Rights: Issues of Enthusiasm, Fear and Indignation. 2nd International Congress on Women and Politics in a Global World, İstanbul Ayvansaray University (İstanbul Ayvansaray Üniversitesi), Istanbul, Turkey.
Shimul, S. M. A. K., (2020, February 27-29) The Industrial Relation and Its Challenges in the Emerging Capitalist Society: A Case of the RMG sector in Bangladesh. 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Sciences, East West University, Bangladesh.
Khan A. R., Shimul, S. M. A. K. & Uddin, H. (2020, February 5-8) Demographic Risk Factors and Motives of Male Suicide in Bangladesh, 2018-2019. 7th International Conference on Public Administration and Development, Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre (BPATC), Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Shimul, S. M. A. K. (2019, December 18-19) Unique Strategies of Unionization of the Garment Workers in Bangladesh: Legal or Extralegal. INSEARCH-2019: 6th International Integrative Research Conference on Governance in Society, Business and Environment, Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Bangladesh.
Journal Publication
Rahman Khan, A., & Shimul, S. A. K. (2024). Men’s Suicide in Bangladesh: Impressions From the Socio-Ecological System Theory. OMEGA-Journal of death and dying, 00302228241257135.
Khan A. R., Shimul, S. M. A. K., Ratele K. (2023). Psychological Perspective of Suicidal Behaviour in South Africa. Journal of Suicide Prevention, 5 (1), 3-16.
Hussain, R. & Shimul, S. M. A. K. (2023). Women migrant workers and their transition across state boundaries: Labour exporting policies of Bangladesh and the reality. (IPS Working Paper Series No.3). Hong Kong: Institute of Policy Studies, Lingnan University. doi: 10.14793/ipswp_03
Khan, A. R., Uddin, H., Shimul, S. M. A. K. and Billah, M. (2022). Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and suicide in Bangladesh: Some explanations through Durkheim’s Sociology of Suicide. Journal of Community Positive Practices, (3), pp. 3-17. doi:10.35782/JCPP.2022.3.01.
Khan, A. R., Shimul, S. M. A. K., & Arendse, N. (2021). Suicidal behaviour and the coronavirus (COVID‐19) pandemic: Insights from Durkheim’s sociology of suicide. International social science journal, 71(S1), 7-21.
Khan, A. R., Shimul, S. M. A. K., & Uddin, H. (2021). Demographic Risk Factors and Motives of Male Suicide in Bangladesh. Acta Counseling and Humanities, 2(1), 66–80.
Khan, A. R., & Shimul, S. M. A. K. (2020). Methodological Issues in Suicide Research in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 93–96.
Policy Brief
Khan, M. I., Shimul, S.M.A.K., (2020), Policy Brief on Industrial Dispute Settlement in the RMG and Inland Water Transport (IWT) Sectors of Bangladesh: Present Situation and Recommendations for Comprehensive Approach
Selected Publications
(1) Barkat, A., Islam, M. W., Ahsan, M., & Osman, A. (2019). Land Grabbing: A Quest for the Loopholes in Land Laws. In Barkat, A., (Ed.), Bangladesh Land Status Report 2017: Land Grabbing in a Rent Seeking Society (pp. 41–72). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Muktobuddhi Publishers.
(2) Barkat, A., & Ahsan, M. (2017). International Migration, Social Protection and Rights. In Thematic Research on Migration and Development. (pp. 121–194). Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Organization for Migration (IOM). Available at:
(3) Barkat, A., Suhrawardy, G.M., Ahamed, F.M., & Ahsan, M. (2017). In depth Monitoring Study Report: ‘Ekti Bari Ekti Khamar’ (One House One Farm) Project. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Local Government and Rural Development Sector, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED), Ministry of Planning, Government of Bangladesh.
(4) Barkat, A., & Ahsan, M. (2014). Gender and Migration from Bangladesh: Mainstreaming Migration into the National Development Plans from a Gender Perspective. Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Labour Organization (ILO). Available at:
(5) Barkat, A., Poddar, A., Ahsan, M., & Ahamed, F. M. (2013). Social and Income Security of Older People at Household Level: A Background Study. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) and HelpAge International.
(6) Barkat, A., Osman, A., Sen Gupta, S.K., Ara, R., & Ahsan, M. (2013). Situational Analysis on Sexual Harassment at Tertiary Level Education Institutes in and around Dhaka. Dhaka, Bangladesh: UN Women.
(7) Barkat, A., Halim, S., Osman, A., Hossain, M.I., & Ahsan, M. (2010). Status and Dynamics of Land Rights, Land Use and Population in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Human Development Research Centre (HDRC) and DANIDA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark).
Research Reports/Working Papers/Policy Papers (as co-author)
(1) Barkat, A., Ahamed, F.M., Osman, A., & Ahsan, M. (2018). Baseline Survey of SWAPNO (Strengthening Women’s Ability for Productive New Opportunities) 2nd Cycle of SWAPNO project, UNDP. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Local Government Division, MoLGRD&C, Government of Bangladesh and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Bangladesh.
(2) Barkat, A., Ahsan, M., Osman, A., & Ahmed, Sk. A. (2018). Skills Demand Survey in Information and Communication Technology Sector. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(3) Barkat, A. et al. (2017). Baseline Survey of Nuton Jibon Livelihood Improvement Project (NJLIP). Dhaka, Bangladesh: Social Development Foundation (SDF) and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(4) Barkat, A. et al. (2016). Baseline study of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health Rights in Disaster Prone Areas of Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Marie Stopes, Bangladesh and Plan International, Bangladesh.
(5) Barkat, A. et al. (2016). Women's Dairy Entrepreneurship in Rural Bangladesh, conducted under "Developing and Executing an Influencing Strategy/Advocacy Strategy for Gendered Enterprise Markets (GEM) and Enterprise Development Program (EDP) Components of Oxfam GB. Dhaka, Bangladesh: UKAid and Oxfam GB, Bangladesh.
(6) Barkat, A. et al. (2015). Baseline Survey of the Generation Breakthrough Project. Dhaka, Bangladesh: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(7) Barkat, A. et al. (2014). Baseline Study for Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Linkages (SaFaL) Programme. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Solidaridad Network Asia and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(8) Barkat, A. et al. (2014). Assessing Inheritance Laws and their Impact on Rural Women in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Land Coalition (ILC) and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(9) Barkat, A. et al. (2013). Study on Knowledge Attitude Practice (KAP) of University Students on Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR). Dhaka, Bangladesh: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(10) Barkat, A. et al. (2013). Impact of Social and Income Security for Older People at Household Level. Dhaka, Bangladesh: HelpAge International, Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(11) Barkat, A. et al. (2012). Situational Analysis of the Street Children involved in Begging in Dhaka City. Dhaka, Bangladesh: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(12) Barkat, A. et al. (2012). Women in Parliament: Process and Extent of Participation and Scope for Strengthening Their Role. Dhaka, Bangladesh: The Asia Foundation Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(13) Barkat, A. et al. (2012). Baseline Survey on Joint Programme to Address Violence against Women (JP-VAW) in Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(14) Barkat, A. et al. (2011). Baseline Survey to Know the Extent and Severity of Violence Against Women in Selected Sectors. Dhaka, Bangladesh: International Labour Organization (ILO) Country Office for Bangladesh and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
(15) Barkat, A. et al. (2011). Socio-economic Impact Study of the Rural Electrification Development Project (REDP). Dhaka, Bangladesh: National Rural Electrification Cooperative Association (NRECA) International Ltd. and Human Development Research Centre (HDRC).
Conference Papers
(1) Ahsan, M. (2020). Sexual Harassment in Education Institutions: A Sociological Analysis. Paper presented at the 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on the Social and Life Science: Gender, Health, Information, and Environment (ICSL 2020). Organized by East West University; Dhaka, Bangladesh; 27-29 February 2020.
(2) Ahsan, M. (forthcoming). Women and Migration: A Sociological Review on the Current Trends and Future of Women Migration in Bangladesh. Paper accepted in the 2nd International Congress on Women and Politics in a Global World. Organized by Altınbaş University; Istanbul, Turkey; 17-18 April 2020.
Unpublished Masters Thesis and Monographs
(1) Ahsan, M. (2009). The Cultural Construction of Women: A Comparative Sociological Study on the Urban and the Rural Societies of Bangladesh. Unpublished Masters Thesis under the Supervision of Dr. A.I. Mahbub Uddin Ahmed, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
(2) Ahsan, M. (2008). Sexual Relationship and Media Image: Men’s Desires over Women’s Performances – An Application on Jean Baudrillard’s Concept of ‘Simulacra and Simulations’. Unpublished monograph under the Supervision of Dr. A.I. Mahbub Uddin Ahmed, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
(3) Ahsan, M. (2007). Consensual Poverty and Social Exclusion in Urban Bangladesh under ‘Poverty and the Social Exclusion in Dhaka City in 2007’. Unpublished monograph under the Supervision of Dr. A.I. Mahbub Uddin Ahmed, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
(4) Ahsan, M. (2007). The Impact of the ‘Internet’ on the Teenage Users: A Sociological Study in Dhaka City. Unpublished monograph under the Supervision of Dr. Shah Ehsan Habib, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
(5) Ahsan, M. (2005). The Dynamics of Changes in the Agrarian Structure – How did it happen historically? Unpublished monograph under the Supervision of Dr. Monirul I Khan, Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Dhaka.
Journal Article
Parvin, R. (2021) The Role of Education in Women Empowerment among Santal Community: A Study in Joypurhat District, Bangladesh, Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka. Vol. 12, Issue 1, January-June 2021, Dhaka. P93-110.
Parvin, R., Uddin, J., Akhter, S. (2020) Consumption Pattern and Nutritional Status of Residential Students of University of Dhaka before Covid-19 Pandemic: A Sociological Study, Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim Study Center, University of Dhaka. Vol. 11, Issue 2, July-December 2020, Dhaka. P131-155.
Translation Work: English to Bangla
Khondker, R., et al. (2021-Present). Global Dialogue (In Bengali). International Sociological Association (ISA), Vol. 11.1. 11.2, 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3
Conferences and Seminars
Paper Presenter, "Child Marriage during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Perspective Bangladesh", In: the 2nd International conference on “Innovation and Transformation for Development ITD-2022, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (29th October 2022)
Paper Presenter, “Elderly Situation and Measures in Bangladesh: A Study on Women in Old Age home in Dhaka City”, In: the 5th International conference on “Co-building a New Eco Social World: Leave no one Behind” (Achieving Community Resilience & SDGs), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (25th April 2022)
Paper Presenter, ““Social and Emotional Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic on Elderly in Bangladesh: A Sociological Study”, In: the International Virtual Conference on Protection of Rights & Dignity of Elderly Organized by Hindustan College of Arts and Science-Chennai, India & College of Arts & Sciences, Western Philippines University, (28-29th October 2021)
Paper Presenter, ““Occupational Health and Safety of RMG Workers in Bangladesh during Covid-19 Pandemic: A study in Dhaka city”, In: the Virtual International conference on “Innovation and Transformation for Development ITD-2021, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (24th October 2021)
Paper Presenter, ““Cyberbullying and its Influence on Social and Academic Development of University Students during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Sociological Study” In: the Virtual International conference on “Innovation and Transformation for Development ITD-2021, Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh, (23rd October 2021)
Paper Presenter, ““The Shadow Pandemic in Bangladesh: New-normal condition of women in Rajshahi Division”, In: the Virtual 4thinternational conference on “social Solidarity, community resilience and global connectedness, Community Social Work Practice and Development Foundation (CSWPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, (6th April 2021)
Research Skill Training & Workshop
- SPSS Software & Statistical Data Analysis for Social Sciences, East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT), East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (28th November - 18th December 2023)
- Advanced Research Methodology in Arts and Social Sciences, Center for Advanced Research in Arts and Social Sciences (CARASS), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (28th March-6th April 2017)