Students of East West University’s Department of Law Participated in the 4th Jessup Workshop ‘May It Please the Court: Unveiling the Art of Jessup Mooting’, organized by Jessup Bangladesh
Five students of the Department of Law, East West University, namely Pospita Akter Onty, K.M. Radhit Ahmed Snigdho, Aysha Rahmat, Mahmudul Hasan and Afrin Sultana Anika along with their coach, Farzana Rifat Siddique, Lecturer in Law participated in the 4th Jessup Workshop ‘May It Please the Court: Unveiling the Art of Jessup Mooting’ held on September 28-29, 2023 at the Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban, University of Dhaka organized by Jessup Bangladesh, in collaboration with Hearth Bangladesh, International Law Students Association (ILSA) and University of Dhaka.
The workshop commenced with multiple informative sessions designed to enhance participants' understanding of the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition. Garth Backe, Resident Legal Advisor, US Embassy discussed the dos and don'ts of oral submissions. In the next session Nusrat Jahan, Executive Member of Jessup Bangladesh and Rifat Zabeen Khan, Champion of the 3rd and 4th Bangladesh qualifying rounds talked about solving Jessup Moot problem and fact marshalling. Md. Moniruz Zaman, Jessup Global best new team winner and Mahmuda Amir Eva, Jessup Facilitator then delved into the jurisdiction and admissibility of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which followed by the session of Chris Howard, Resident Legal Advisor, US Embassy Dhaka who explored the art of answering Judges’ questions. With an interactive session on the techniques of drafting memorials conducted by Jessup Facilitators Abdullah Al Jahid and Mosabbir Hossain, the first day of the workshop came to an end.
The following day the workshop began with a session taken by the national administrators of Bangladesh Qualifying Rounds, Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition highlighting the reasons for memorial and moot penalties. Jessup Facilitators Plabani Nag and Mohammad Minhazur Rahman Sabit provided helpful guidelines on fine tuning of memorials. Afterwards, Jessup Facilitators Adnaan Uddin Ahmed and Rakibul Islam shared their valuable insights on using opponents' research during Q&A session and rebuttal.
The workshop concluded with inspiring remarks from honorable dignitaries of the legal field, who emphasized the value of moot court competitions in legal education and they motivated the participants to pursue excellence in the field of law.