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Feb 24, 2020


The Department of Information Studies and Library Management has arranged a "Pitha Utshob" on 20th February 2020 at Faculty Lounge, EWU. The students of the department brought various delicious Pithas made by themselves from thirteen different batches. The Chairperson and the Faculty Members also made various mouthwatering Pithas. Honorable Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin, Chief Advisor; Dr. Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun, Pro-Vice-Chancellor; A. Z. M. Shafiqul Alam, Treasurer; Dr. Rafiqul Huda Chowdhury, Member, BOT; Dr. Saidur Rahman Lasker, Member, BOT; Dr. Mohamed Ruhul Amin, Dean, faculty of Science and Engineering; Mohammad Eklas Uddin, Director of Finance and many other departmental Chairpersons, Faculty Members, Library professionals of EWU graced the occasion with their kind presence. Around 100 participants including the guests, students, and faculty members made the Pitha Utshob successful and enjoyable.