Freshers of the Department of Sociology Visited Liberation War Museum
The newly enrolled Students of the Department of Sociology visited the Liberation War Museum as a part of Study trip and to be introduced with the glorious and significant liberation war of Bangladesh under the supervision of the course teachers (SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology) Dr. Fouzia Mannan,Dean Faculty of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences along with the chairperson Dr. Mumita Tanjeela on 14th February 2019. A documentary on the liberation war were shown and based on the documentary a quiz session was also held where all the students actively participated. Bir Protik Dr. Captain (Rtd.) Sitara Begum distributed the prize among the winners of the quiz and exchanges her experiences of participation in the liberation war with students. Students came to know about the galleries of the Museum which display the protracted struggle of the people of Bangladesh for establishing their identity as a nation under the British regime as well as their struggle for democracy, political and economic emancipation from 1947 and finally their armed struggle during the 9-month long War of Liberation in 1971. On the Day of Valentine Students showed their Love and Respect for the national heroes who sacrificed their life for the establishment of the independent Bangladesh.