5th Workshop on the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
The 5th Workshop on the Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition titled “May It Please the Court: Unlocking the Essentials of Mooting and Advocacy” was held on November 1-2 at Brac University, with participation from 35 universities across Bangladesh. The Workshop was organized in collaboration with Brac University, School of Law, Department of Justice’s Office of Overseas and Prosecutorial Development and Training (DOJ/OPDAT), Hearth Bangladesh, and International Law Students Association (ILSA).
Five students from the Department of Law of East West University, Radia Nowshin, Samia Raihan, Faisal Ahmed Fahim, Md. Muktasin Fuad, and Syeda Nabila Haque attended the workshop alongside their coach Mr. Shah Maruf Uddin Ahmad, Lecturer, Department of Law, EWU. Mr. Riad Mahmud, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, EWU also delivered a speech on the final day as an Advisor for Jessup Bangladesh.
Adilur Rahman Khan, Adviser for Housing and Public Works of Bangladesh inaugurated the workshop as the Chief Guest, and Md. Asaduzzaman, the Attorney General of Bangladesh, was present at the closing ceremony. The two-day workshop included 13 sessions which were conducted by the experienced Jessup alumni who participated in the national and international rounds of the competition before. The sessions focused on the ins and outs of the competition, including the rules, guidelines on how to write a good memorial, the art of oral submission along with other nitty-gritty of mooting.