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Prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Achievement by Mr. Md. Helal Uddin

Sep 11, 2021

Prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Achievement by Mr. Md. Helal Uddin

Our faculty member Md. Helal Uddin, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Sociology, East West University, has been awarded the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Scholarship by the European Union for pursuing a “Joint Master Degree in Public Health in Disasters (EMJMDPHID)’’ for the academic year 2021-2023.

The master’s program is organized by a consortium of three European universities (Universidad de Oviedo, Spain; Karolinska Institutet, Sweden; and the University of Nicosia, Cyprus) with the collaboration of other associated centres and institutions outside the European Union.

The Department of Sociology is highly honored by the achievement of its faculty member in such a prestigious venture.