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Bangladesh Scholar Shines at NERPS Conference in Hiroshima | Dr. Mumita Tanjeela

Mar 24, 2024

Bangladesh Scholar Shines at NERPS Conference in Hiroshima | Dr. Mumita Tanjeela

Dr. Mumita Tanjeela, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology, East West University, made significant strides at the Network for Education and Research on Peace & Sustainability (NERPS) Conference-2024 held at Hiroshima University, Japan, from March 5th to 8th, 2024.

Presenting a paper titled ‘Bridging the Gap: Socio-economic Challenges and Psychological Insecurities among Aging Population of Bangladesh’ on March 6th, Dr. Tanjeela  delved into pressing issues facing the aging population in Bangladesh, garnering attention and accolades for their insightful research.

Adding to their achievements, Dr. Tanjeela chaired a session titled ‘Climatic Impacts on Security and Vulnerability’ on March 7th, showcasing expertise in the field and contributing to discussions on crucial topics related to climate change and security.

In recognition of their outstanding presentation, Dr. Tanjeela was awarded the prestigious Best Presenter Award in the presentation category, further solidifying their reputation as a leading figure in academia.

This accomplishment not only highlights Dr. Tanjeela's dedication to advancing knowledge and addressing pressing societal issues but also underscores Bangladesh's presence on the global stage in research and academia.