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Knowledge Sharing Session on Capacity Building

Jul 09, 2024

Knowledge Sharing Session on Capacity Building

The Department of Information Studies organized a knowledge sharing session on capacity building of the students. The event took place on 07 July 2024, 3:00 PM at Shelley A. Mubdi Lecture Gallery (Room no. 550). The knowledge sharing session is designed under the Alumni Lecture Series. The primary objective for arranging the alumni lecture series is to let students know about the journey of the alumni. The first event under alumni lecture series was participated by Mahbub E Shobhanee, Editorial Office Assistant, International Journal of Information and Knowledge Studies (IJIKS), Tanzilur Rahman, Officer, Canadian University of Bangladesh and Saffat Ahmed Bhuiyan, Executive Counselor at Wisdom Education. Mahbub E Shobhanee talked about the scope and importance of research in information studies and how the students can integrate them in that. Tanzilur Rahman talked about his journey from getting admitted to East West University to present job experience. Saffat Ahmed Bhuiyan shared his experience at the prestigious Community College Initiative Program (CCI) in the USA. Everyone talked about the immense support that they got from the department and expressed gratitude for that. In the end of the session, the program chair Dr. Dilara Begum, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of Information Studies delivered the vote of thanks.