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suicide is a complex social and psychological issue, rather than simply a criminal act | Article Published by Dr. Anisur Rahman Khan

May 03, 2023

suicide is a complex social and psychological issue, rather than simply a criminal act | Article Published by Dr. Anisur Rahman Khan

In a recent article titled "Suicide is a Mental Health Issue, Not a Crime," published on, Associate Professor Dr. Anisur Rahman Khan, from the Department of Sociology at East West University highlighted the importance of understanding suicide as a complex social and psychological issue, rather than simply a criminal act.

He mentioned that, in Bangladesh, about 10,000 people commit suicide annually, and this number is growing. Bangladesh has laws against committing suicide and attempting to commit suicide, a holdover from the colonial era. People are afraid to seek help or admit to prior suicide attempts in order to avoid social or legal consequences, and patients frequently leave hospitals without completing treatment in order to avoid legal action. There is an ongoing debate in Bangladesh regarding decriminalizing suicide and suicide attempts. While some argue that decriminalisation will increase access to healthcare services, reduce stigma and guilt, and empower legal authorities to care for the at-risk population, others argue that it may not produce the desired results unless fundamental issues such as a national suicide database, surveillance systems, appropriate prevention strategies, and implementation and research are addressed.

He also suggested that implementation of suicide prevention strategy requires the careful analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of decriminalising suicide and suicide attempts to ensure that it does not jeopardixe the intended policy goal and other related issues.

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