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Kulturelle Perspektiven des Selbstmords in Bangladesch (Cultural perspectives of suicide in Bangladesh) | Dr. Anisur Rahman Khan

Feb 20, 2024

Kulturelle Perspektiven des Selbstmords in Bangladesch (Cultural perspectives of suicide in Bangladesh) | Dr. Anisur Rahman Khan

In a recent publication titled "Kulturelle Perspektiven des Selbstmords in Bangladesch" (Cultural perspectives of suicide in Bangladesh), by Dr. Anisur Rahman Khan, Associate Professor, from the Department of Sociology at East West University, the complex relationship between culture and suicide is examined within the Bangladeshi context. Published online on February 20, 2024, this chapter highlights the significance of socio-cultural perspectives in understanding and addressing the issue of suicide.

The chapter delves into various cultural elements influencing suicide, including religion, gender, legal status, methods, demographic characteristics, intervention strategies, and research practices. It identifies a prevailing lack of help-seeking culture in Bangladesh due to pervasive feelings of collective stigma and shame surrounding suicide.

The author underscores the urgent need for culturally sensitive interventions to address the issue effectively. With suicide posing a significant public health challenge in Bangladesh, there is a call for tailored approaches that respect the cultural context and encourage open dialogue.