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Jun 10, 2024


On May 18th, 2024, the Department of Sociology organized a day-long field visit to the

Liberation War Museum, Agargaon, Dhaka. Students enrolled in SOC 101 (Introduction to

Sociology), and SOC 106 (Historical Sociology) were in attendance for the visit. The field visit

was supervised by faculty members Dr. Mumita Tanjeela, Dr. Rasel Hussain, Md. Helal Uddin,

and Ruma Parvin, respectively. 

The Liberation War Museum serves a vital purpose in educating the public about the national

struggle for independence of Bangladesh. For the youth to understand the complete meaning of

the Bangladeshi cultural identity, the importance of visiting this museum cannot be overstated.

Hence, through the visit to the Liberation War Museum, the students got the opportunity to have

knowledge on the valiant struggle of the Bengali people for democratic and national rights.

Additionally, they got to know how following the genocide unleashed by the military rulers of

Pakistan, the struggle turned into an armed conflict, culminating in the emergence of Bangladesh

as a secular, democratic state in December 1971. 

The group embarked in the morning, and after arrival students watched a screening of a historical

documentary about the 1971 Bangladeshi War of Independence. The documentary shed light on

the discrimination and ill treatment that led to the independence movement, the atrocities

suffered by the Bangladeshis during the war, the role of India and the world at large, and the

conclusion of the war, resulting in the formation of Bangladesh as an independent country.

After the screening the students toured the four galleries of the Liberation War Museum. Each

gallery had a distinct theme. Starting from the time of antiquity to the Buddhist past of Bengal, to

the introduction of Islam, British and subsequently Pakistani rule over Bengal, culminating in the

last gallery, the liberation war itself. During the gallery visit, students were instructed to apply

their observations and insights to understand the history and emergence of a newly independent

country Bangladesh. 

Having finished touring the museum the students sat down to take a quiz based on the galleries.

Students who did well on the quiz were awarded books on the liberation war and various

souvenirs courtesy of the museum administration.

Hence, visiting the Liberation War Museum is a great opportunity for students to not only learn

patriotic consciousness but also get the enthusiasm for being a good citizen.