Message from the Chairperson
Department Chairperson:
Dr. Fouzia Mannan
Telephone: 09666775577
Ext – 480/467
On behalf of all members of our community, I welcome you to the Department of Sociology at East West University (EWU).
We are a full-fledged and inclusive Department that blends excellence in teaching, field research and creative practice with a commitment to foster healthy communities to treat all people with dignity and respect, and to address pressing needs of society. With this in mind, our program provides its students with necessary analytical, interpretative, and quantitative skills to meet the challenges in the contemporary global society. This Department also provides a critical understanding of society and expertise in researching social processes, and build the basis for future career of our graduates. Notably, students in our program will benefit from national and international exposure, and the interdisciplinary courses taught by the Department. Moreover, EWU’s central location extends an access to cultural activities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, research institutes, and library resources.
Students admitted to the program will acquire classroom training combined with theoretical and practical exposure through an approach of reflective pedagogy. Most importantly, we place our students in various international, national, local and regional development agencies, banks, and organizations as interns and trainees. We are committed to providing students with an educational experience that will serve them for a lifetime. Our teaching and research expertise covers a diverse range of topics that are central to understanding and explaining the state of society, culture, social and organizational change, non-governmental organization, community health, social ecology, environment, gender development, participatory research, indigenous knowledge, and economic development.
All prospective and potential students and parents are cordially invited to explore our Department and learn more. Our faculty, staff and students will help you understand what we are about and what we are doing in our distinctive ways to make our Department the unique and wonderful place for academic excellence in the country. The Department believes in equal treatment based on merit and encourages a learning environment that promotes mutual respect, interactive dialogue and practice.
Chairperson, Department of Sociology